6,310 research outputs found

    Electron-beam dynamics in a strong laser field including quantum radiation reaction

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    The evolution of an electron beam colliding head-on with a strong plane-wave field is investigated in the framework of strong-field QED including radiation-reaction effects due to photon emission. Employing a kinetic approach to describe the electron and the photon distribution it is shown that at a given total laser fluence the final electron distribution depends on the shape of the laser envelope and on the pulse duration, in contrast to the classical predictions of radiation reaction based on the Landau-Lifshitz equation. Finally, it is investigated how the pair-creation process leads to a nonlinear coupled evolution of the electrons in the beam, of the produced charged particles, and of the emitted photons.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Orbital currents, anapoles, and magnetic quadrupoles in CuO

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    We show that orbital currents in a CuO2 plane, if present, should be described by two independent parity and time-reversal odd order parameters, a toroidal dipole (anapole) and a magnetic quadrupole. Based on this, we derive the resonant X-ray diffraction cross-section for monoclinic CuO at the antiferromagnetic wavevector and show that the two order parameters can be disentangled. From our analysis, we examine a recent claim of detecting anapoles in CuO.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    The magnetic ground state of Sr2IrO4 and implications for second-harmonic generation

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    The currently accepted magnetic ground state of Sr2IrO4 (the -++- state) preserves inversion symmetry. This is at odds, though, with recent experiments that indicate a magnetoelectric ground state, leading to the speculation that orbital currents or more exotic magnetic multipoles might exist in this material. Here, we analyze various magnetic configurations and demonstrate that two of them, the magnetoelectric -+-+ state and the non-magnetoelectric ++++ state, can explain these recent second-harmonic generation (SHG) experiments, obviating the need to invoke orbital currents. The SHG-probed magnetic order parameter has the symmetry of a parity-breaking multipole in the -+-+ state and of a parity-preserving multipole in the ++++ state. We speculate that either might have been created by the laser pump used in the experiments. An alternative is that the observed magnetic SHG signal is a surface effect. We suggest experiments that could be performed to test these various possibilities, and also address the important issue of the suppression of the RXS intensity at the L2 edge.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, v3 - an expanded discussion of the origin of the SHG signa

    The nature of the tensor order in Cd2Re2O7

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    The pyrochlore metal Cd2Re2O7 has been recently investigated by second-harmonic generation (SHG) reflectivity. In this paper, we develop a general formalism that allows for the identification of the relevant tensor components of the SHG from azimuthal scans. We demonstrate that the secondary order parameter identified by SHG at the structural phase transition is the x2-y2 component of the axial toroidal quadrupole. This differs from the 3z2-r2 symmetry of the atomic displacements associated with the I-4m2 crystal structure that was previously thought to be its origin. Within the same formalism, we suggest that the primary order parameter detected in the SHG experiment is the 3z2-r2 component of the magnetic quadrupole. We discuss the general mechanism driving the phase transition in our proposed framework, and suggest experiments, particularly resonant X-ray scattering ones, that could clarify this issue.Comment: some additions and clarifications adde

    A new tool for the performance analysis of massively parallel computer systems

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    We present a new tool, GPA, that can generate key performance measures for very large systems. Based on solving systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), this method of performance analysis is far more scalable than stochastic simulation. The GPA tool is the first to produce higher moment analysis from differential equation approximation, which is essential, in many cases, to obtain an accurate performance prediction. We identify so-called switch points as the source of error in the ODE approximation. We investigate the switch point behaviour in several large models and observe that as the scale of the model is increased, in general the ODE performance prediction improves in accuracy. In the case of the variance measure, we are able to justify theoretically that in the limit of model scale, the ODE approximation can be expected to tend to the actual variance of the model

    X-ray Dichroism and the Pseudogap Phase of Cuprates

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    A recent polarized x-ray absorption experiment on the high temperature cuprate superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 indicates the presence of broken parity symmetry below the temperature, T*, where a pseudogap appears in photoemission. We critically analyze the x-ray data, and conclude that a parity-breaking signal of the kind suggested is unlikely based on the crystal structures reported in the literature. Possible other origins of the observed dichroism signal are discussed. We propose x-ray scattering experiments that can be done in order to determine whether such alternative interpretations are valid or not.Comment: final version to be published in Phys Rev B: some calculational details added, clarification of XNLD contamination and biaxiality, more discussion on possible space groups and previous optics result

    On the Effectiveness of Retrieval, Alignment, and Replay in Manipulation

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    Imitation learning with visual observations is notoriously inefficient when addressed with end-to-end behavioural cloning methods. In this paper, we explore an alternative paradigm which decomposes reasoning into three phases. First, a retrieval phase, which informs the robot what it can do with an object. Second, an alignment phase, which informs the robot where to interact with the object. And third, a replay phase, which informs the robot how to interact with the object. Through a series of real-world experiments on everyday tasks, such as grasping, pouring, and inserting objects, we show that this decomposition brings unprecedented learning efficiency, and effective inter- and intra-class generalisation. Videos are available at https://www.robot-learning.uk/retrieval-alignment-replay.Comment: Published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). (Accepted December 2023

    DINOBot: Robot Manipulation via Retrieval and Alignment with Vision Foundation Models

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    We propose DINOBot, a novel imitation learning framework for robot manipulation, which leverages the image-level and pixel-level capabilities of features extracted from Vision Transformers trained with DINO. When interacting with a novel object, DINOBot first uses these features to retrieve the most visually similar object experienced during human demonstrations, and then uses this object to align its end-effector with the novel object to enable effective interaction. Through a series of real-world experiments on everyday tasks, we show that exploiting both the image-level and pixel-level properties of vision foundation models enables unprecedented learning efficiency and generalisation. Videos and code are available at https://www.robot-learning.uk/dinobot.Comment: To appear at 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Stochastic Calculus of Wrapped Compartments

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    The Calculus of Wrapped Compartments (CWC) is a variant of the Calculus of Looping Sequences (CLS). While keeping the same expressiveness, CWC strongly simplifies the development of automatic tools for the analysis of biological systems. The main simplification consists in the removal of the sequencing operator, thus lightening the formal treatment of the patterns to be matched in a term (whose complexity in CLS is strongly affected by the variables matching in the sequences). We define a stochastic semantics for this new calculus. As an application we model the interaction between macrophages and apoptotic neutrophils and a mechanism of gene regulation in E.Coli

    Novel aspects of radiation reaction in the classical and the quantum regime

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    This work is dedicated to the study of radiation reaction signatures in the framework of classical and quantum electrodynamics. Since there has been no distinct experimental validation of radiation reaction and its underlying equations so far and its impact is expected to be substantial for the construction of new experimental devices, e.g., quantum x-free electron lasers, a profound understanding of radiation reaction effects is of special interest. Here, we describe how the inclusion of quantum radiation reaction effects changes the dynamics of ultra-relativistic electron beams colliding with intense laser pulses significantly. Thereafter, the angular distribution of emitted radiation is demonstrated to be strongly altered in the quantum framework, if in addition to single photon emission also higher order photon emissions are considered. Furthermore, stimulated Raman scattering of an ultra-intense laser pulse in plasmas is examined and forward Raman scattering is found to be significantly increased by the inclusion of radiation reaction effects in the classical regime. The numerical simulations in this work show the feasibility of an experimental verification of the predicted effects with presently available lasers and electron accelerators.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the LPHYS'13 Worksho