161 research outputs found

    Salud y enfermedad desde la perspectiva de los jóvenes. Un estudio en jóvenes escolarizados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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    Se presentan los datos recogidos a través de la realización de una encuesta a jóvenes escolarizados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, acerca de sus conocimientos, actitudes y conductas en relación con la salud. El trabajo forma parte de un estudio más amplio que se enmarca en el Modelo de Escuelas Promotoras de Salud pro-puesto por la Organización Mundial de la Salud

    Los jóvenes, los usos del tiempo y el consumo de drogas en espacios recreativos nocturnos

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    Consideramos que la vida recreativa nocturna, ámbito que se aborda en este proyecto, es uno de los espacios donde los jóvenes construyen sus identidades de maneras heterogéneas, al igual que lo hacen en su transitar por la familia, la escuela y el trabajo. Se intenta visibilizar la diversidad y pluralidad de los jóvenes que participan en el espacio recreativo nocturno, a través de sus formas de gestionar el tiempo y sus vínculos con el consumo de drogas. Además nos planteamos que existen especificidades en la gestión que realizan los jóvenes de su tiempo libre, particularmente, cuando concurren a espacios de diversión nocturna en ciudades de distinto tamaño. Otros interrogantes que guían el desarrollo de la investigación tienen que ver con las actitudes y prácticas diferenciales que encontremos en la gestión del tiempo libre nocturno por parte de las y los jóvenes, pertenecientes a distintos sectores socioeconómicos.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Los jóvenes, los usos del tiempo y el consumo de drogas en espacios recreativos nocturnos

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    Consideramos que la vida recreativa nocturna, ámbito que se aborda en este proyecto, es uno de los espacios donde los jóvenes construyen sus identidades de maneras heterogéneas, al igual que lo hacen en su transitar por la familia, la escuela y el trabajo. Se intenta visibilizar la diversidad y pluralidad de los jóvenes que participan en el espacio recreativo nocturno, a través de sus formas de gestionar el tiempo y sus vínculos con el consumo de drogas. Además nos planteamos que existen especificidades en la gestión que realizan los jóvenes de su tiempo libre, particularmente, cuando concurren a espacios de diversión nocturna en ciudades de distinto tamaño. Otros interrogantes que guían el desarrollo de la investigación tienen que ver con las actitudes y prácticas diferenciales que encontremos en la gestión del tiempo libre nocturno por parte de las y los jóvenes, pertenecientes a distintos sectores socioeconómicos.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Los jóvenes, los usos del tiempo y el consumo de drogas en espacios recreativos nocturnos

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    Consideramos que la vida recreativa nocturna, ámbito que se aborda en este proyecto, es uno de los espacios donde los jóvenes construyen sus identidades de maneras heterogéneas, al igual que lo hacen en su transitar por la familia, la escuela y el trabajo. Se intenta visibilizar la diversidad y pluralidad de los jóvenes que participan en el espacio recreativo nocturno, a través de sus formas de gestionar el tiempo y sus vínculos con el consumo de drogas. Además nos planteamos que existen especificidades en la gestión que realizan los jóvenes de su tiempo libre, particularmente, cuando concurren a espacios de diversión nocturna en ciudades de distinto tamaño. Otros interrogantes que guían el desarrollo de la investigación tienen que ver con las actitudes y prácticas diferenciales que encontremos en la gestión del tiempo libre nocturno por parte de las y los jóvenes, pertenecientes a distintos sectores socioeconómicos.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Fanconi anemia and vaginal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Fanconi Anemia (FA) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by chromosome instability, cellular hypersensitivity to DNA cross-linking agents, and increased predisposition to malignancies. We describe here a 28 year-old female with FA and vaginal squamous cell carcinoma treated by radiation therapy alone. The patient developed arm phlebitis, pulmonary fungal infection, and severe rectal bleeding, followed by hypocalcaemia, hypokalemia, vaginal bacterial and fungal infection, with subsequent leg and arm phlebitis, perineal abscess, and sepsis. The patient died 12 weeks later

    Clinical behavior and outcomes of breast cancer in young women with germline BRCA pathogenic variants

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    Young breast cancer (BC) patients carrying a germline BRCA pathogenic variant (mBRCA) have similar outcomes as non-carriers. However, the impact of the type of gene (BRCA1 vs. BRCA2) and hormone receptor status (positive [HR+] vs. negative [HR 12]) on clinical behavior and outcomes of mBRCA BC remains largely unknown. This is an international, multicenter, hospital-based, retrospective cohort study that included mBRCA patients diagnosed, between January 2000 and December 2012, with stage I\u2013III invasive early BC at age 6440 years. From 30 centers worldwide, 1236 young mBRCA BC patients were included. Among 808 and 428 patients with mBRCA1 or mBRCA2, 191 (23.6%) and 356 (83.2%) had HR+tumors, respectively (P < 0.001). Median follow-up was 7.9 years. Second primary BC (P = 0.009) and non-BC malignancies (P = 0.02) were more frequent among mBRCA1 patients while distant recurrences were less frequent (P = 0.02). Irrespective of hormone receptor status, mBRCA1 patients had worse disease-free survival (DFS; adjusted HR = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.60\u20130.96), with no difference in distant recurrence-free interval (DRFI) and overall survival (OS). Patients with HR+ disease had more frequent distant recurrences (P < 0.001) and less frequent second primary malignancies (BC: P = 0.005; non-BC: P = 0.18). No differences in DFS and OS were observed according to hormone receptor status, with a tendency for worse DRFI (adjusted HR = 1.39, 95% CI = 0.94\u20132.05) in patients with HR+ BC. Type of mBRCA gene and hormone receptor status strongly impact BC clinical behavior and outcomes in mBRCA young patients. These results provide important information for patients\u2019 counseling on treatment, prevention, and surveillance strategies

    Emerging themes to support ambitious UK marine biodiversity conservation

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    Healthy marine ecosystems provide a wide range of resources and services that support life on Earth and contribute to human wellbeing. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are accepted as an important tool for the restoration and maintenance of marine ecosystem structure, function, health and ecosystem integrity through the conservation of significant species, habitats, or entire ecosystems. In recent years there has been a rapid expansion in the area of ocean designated as an MPA. Despite this progress in spatial protection targets and the progressive knowledge of the essential interdependence between the human and the ocean system, marine biodiversity continues to decline, placing in jeopardy the range of ecosystem services benefits humans rely on. There is a need to address this shortcoming. Ambitious marine conservation:• Requires a shift from managing individual marine features within MPAs to whole-sites to enable repair and renewal of marine systems;• Reflects an ambition for sustainable livelihoods by fully integrating fisheries management with conservation (Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management) as the two are critically interdependent;• Establishes a world class and cost effective ecological and socio-economic monitoring and evaluation framework that includes the use of controls and sentinel sites to improve sustainability in marine management; and• Challenges policy makers and practitioners to be progressive by integrating MPAs into the wider seascape as critical functional components rather than a competing interest and move beyond MPAs as the only tool to underpin the benefits derived from marine ecosystems by identifying other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) to establish synergies with wider governance frameworks

    Modeling geographic vaccination strategies for COVID-19 in Norway.

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    Vaccination was a key intervention in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic globally. In early 2021, Norway faced significant regional variations in COVID-19 incidence and prevalence, with large differences in population density, necessitating efficient vaccine allocation to reduce infections and severe outcomes. This study explored alternative vaccination strategies to minimize health outcomes (infections, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, deaths) by varying regions prioritized, extra doses prioritized, and implementation start time. Using two models (individual-based and meta-population), we simulated COVID-19 transmission during the primary vaccination period in Norway, covering the first 7 months of 2021. We investigated alternative strategies to allocate more vaccine doses to regions with a higher force of infection. We also examined the robustness of our results and highlighted potential structural differences between the two models. Our findings suggest that early vaccine prioritization could reduce COVID-19 related health outcomes by 8% to 20% compared to a baseline strategy without geographic prioritization. For minimizing infections, hospitalizations, or ICU admissions, the best strategy was to initially allocate all available vaccine doses to fewer high-risk municipalities, comprising approximately one-fourth of the population. For minimizing deaths, a moderate level of geographic prioritization, with approximately one-third of the population receiving doubled doses, gave the best outcomes by balancing the trade-off between vaccinating younger people in high-risk areas and older people in low-risk areas. The actual strategy implemented in Norway was a two-step moderate level aimed at maintaining the balance and ensuring ethical considerations and public trust. However, it did not offer significant advantages over the baseline strategy without geographic prioritization. Earlier implementation of geographic prioritization could have more effectively addressed the main wave of infections, substantially reducing the national burden of the pandemic