74 research outputs found

    Dynamic heat of adsorption of water vapour on zeolitic tuff and zeolite 4A by flow microcalorimetry

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    In this study a practical method for measurement of heat of adsorption of water vapour on adsorbents was developed to evaluate the feasibility of substitution of a zeolitic tuff with zeolite 4A in air drying and heat pumps. The change of heat of adsorption with inlet humidity of the air passing through the calorimeter was investigated. Samples were characterised by X-ray diffraction and thermal gravimetric analysis techniques. Specific heats of the zeolitic tuff and zeolite 4A were measured as 1.01 and 1.42 J/g K, respectively. Adsorption isotherms fitted to the Langmuir model with regression coefficient 0.93 and 0.94 with monolayer capacities, Xm 9.68% and 26.35% H 2O for the zeolitic tuff and zeolite 4A, respectively. The energy storage intensity was measured in the range 48-97 J/g and 464-201 J/g for the tuff and zeolite 4A, respectively. Heat of adsorption of zeolite decreased with surface coverage and it was in the range 1750-2835 and 1104-2640 J/g H 2O for the zeolitic tuff and zeolite 4A, respectively

    Water vapour adsorption on DNA

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    DNA adsorbed very low amount of water at low relative humidities, amount of adsorption increased to 140% at 98% relative humidity at 25°C. Heat of adsorption was 109 kJ mol-1 H2O for the increase of moisture content from 0 to 1.96%. At higher moisture contents the heat released approached heat of condensation of water vapour on free liquid surface, 40 kJ mol-1 H2O

    The Importance of Strategic Stakeholder Management in Tourism Sector: Research on Probable Applications

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    The main object of this study is to explain the importance of strategic stakeholder management in tourism sector. In today’s turbulent and chaotic business environment all businesses have to operate under the pressure of different interests and influences which management has to assess and evaluate to adjust them with corporate objectives. Therefore strategic stakeholder management practices could be considered as useful tools in dealing with the stakeholder interests in order to achieve corporate objectives. In making important corporate decisions, it is necessary to know about expectations and impacts of different stakeholders. In this study by examining former studies, the importance of the concept of stakeholder for organizations, the reasons why organizations should respond to their stakeholders and the need for managing stakeholders strategically, its importance and practices in tourism sector are demonstrated. In addition, the tourism sector managers’ opinions and attitudes towards strategic stakeholder management are examined by interviews with managers of some tourism enterprises in Izmir


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    Objective: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that may cause serious infections, ranging from localized skin infections to life-threatening systemic diseases. It is one of the resistant bacteria which lead to failure in the treatment. New treatment strategies are urgently needed for the treatment of infections caused by resistant bacteria. Researchers are interested in Lactobacillus species because of their antimicrobial effective metabolites. The aim of this study was comparing the antibacterial activity of lactobacilli metabolites loaded chitosan and Pluronic F127 hydrogel formulations.Methods: Metabolites loaded hydrogel formulations were prepared by adding 20 µl of supernatant into the polymer solutions. The antimicrobial activities of two hydrogel formulations were investigated against P. aeruginosa using Agar Spot Method. Metabolites loaded chitosan hydrogel formulations were found to be effective against P. aeruginosa.Results: No antibacterial activity was observed for metabolites loaded Pluronic F127 hydrogel formulations. When we compare these two hydrogel formulations, we observed that hydrogel formulation prepared by using chitosan released effective metabolites but Pluronic F127 hydrogel formulation couldn’t release antibacterial effective metabolites.Conclusion: The antibacterial effect of metabolites loaded chitosan hydrogel formulation suggests that this formulation could be used as an alternative treatment option in P. aeruginosa skin infections. However, further investigations are needed to develop a pharmaceutical product.               Peer Review History: Received 25 July 2019;   Revised 8 August; Accepted 2 September, Available online 15 September 2019 Academic Editor: Rola Jadallah, Arab American University, Palestine, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9.4/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Prof. Dr. Gorkem Dulger, Duzce University, Turkey, [email protected] Prof. Dr. Hassan A.H. Al-Shamahy, Sana'a University, Yemen, [email protected]  Similar Articles: INVESTIGATION OF PRONIOSOMES GEL AS A PROMISING CARRIER FOR TRANSDERMAL DELIVERY OF GLIMEPIRID

    Popülizm tartışmalarına eleştirel bir yorum : ithal ikameci kalkınma stratejilerine özgü bir siyasal biçim mi, bir hegemonya projesi mi?

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    The impact of the World Depression of 1929 and the 2nd World War on many developing countries has been significant in terms of economic and political changes. Among the important transformations, changes in accumulation models, political discourses, balance of class forces and/or political regimes can be mentioned. The main objective of this thesis is to undertake a critical review of the debates centring on the concept of populism in Latin America as well as in Turkey so as to account for these changes. The predominant tendency in these debates has been to establish a correlation between populist policies and/or import substitution industrialisation strategy. In this study it is argued that, the line of thought which tried to analyse the developments in Argentina and Brazil as well as in Turkey from 1929 until the 1980s on the basis of such a correlation does not provide an adequate explanation. Instead, it is proposed that the concept of populism can enhance our understanding to the extent that it is conceived as a hegemonic project.1929 Ekonomik Bunalımı ve onu izleyen 2. Dünya Savaşı gelişmekte olan birçok ülkenin ekonomik ve siyasi alanlarında önemli dönüşümlere sebep olmuştur. Değişen birikim modelleri, siyasi söylemler, sınıfsal dengeler ve siyasi rejimler bu gelişmeler içerisinde özellikle öne çıkanlardır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı da gerek Latin Amerika gerekse Türkiye bağlamında bu değişimleri anlamaya ve açıklamaya çalışan ve popülizm kavramını temel alan çalışmaların eleştirel bir yorumunu yapmaktadır. Bu tartışmalarda öne çıkan eğilim popülizm ve ithal ikameci kalkınma stratejileri arasında bir bağ kurmak yönünde olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, Arjantin ve Brezilya örneklerinin yanısıra Türkiye'de de 1929 Bunalımından 1980'lere kadaryaşanan gelişmeleri popülist politikalar ve ithal ikameci sanayileşme stratejileri arasında bir bağ kurarak analiz etmeye çalışan yaklaşımların yeterli bir açıklama sunmadığı, diğer taraftan, popülist politikaların hegemonya projeleri olarak algılandığı ölçüde gelişmeleri anlamamıza yardımcı olabileceği savunulmaktadır.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Adâlet îcâbı hoşgörü: onaltıncı yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda horgören hoşgörü ve cezalandırıcı hoşgörüsüzlük

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    This dissertation investigates the historical knowledge of the idea/practice of Ottoman toleration/intolerance, in terms of a conceptual-theoretical framework and methodology derived from philosophical theories of toleration, theories of religious toleration of Western historiography and critical theories of toleration, which are in turn revised and reformulated according to “way of reasoning” of the Ottomans. The objective of deriving a conceptual-theoretical framework is related with the attempt to clarify different linguistic uses of the toleration, the semantics of the concept and presenting circumstances, requirements, levels, degrees and forms of the category. Methodologically, the objective is to abolish the hierarchy between kâfir (infidel) and zındîk/ilhâd (heretic) in terms of identification of subjects of toleration/intolerance in the Ottoman Empire. In order to apply this conceptual-theoretical framework and methodology concerning the idea/practice of toleration, this study focuses on the sixteenth-century Ottoman Empire, particularly its laws (firmans, fetvâ, Ottoman criminal law) and its conception of justice, which is conceptualized as the most important requirement of toleration. The objective is to argue how justice primarily regulated society in order to sustain public order and to v prevent political and economic instability. The idea/practice of toleration/intolerance, in this sense, is discussed as the policy that was incorporated into the discourse of the Ottoman Empire to the extent that it contributed to the regulation objective of justice as the art of government, which was pragmatic and prudent in essence. In accordance with this framework, the idea/practice of tolerance in the sixteenth-century Ottoman Empire is conceptualized as contemptuous tolerance, followed by the analysis of its laws. Intolerance, on the other hand, is named as punitive intolerance which aims for either the reform or the incapacitation of the heretics and infidels in the Ottoman lands.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Bazı tarihi binaların sıvalarının arkeometrik yöntemlerle incelenmesi.

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    The present study aims to investigate the composition of historical plasters to get information about their material characteristics and their technology. Plaster samples were obtained from four Ankara Citadel houses built in late Ottoman period. In order to determine the raw material characteristics and mineralogical properties of plasters; chemical analyses, optical observation of cross sections, petrographic analyses of thin sections, elemental analyses by ICP-OES, X-ray powder diffraction analyses for the determination of mineral phases, thermogravimetric analyses and FTIR analyses were carried out. Interpretation of all the analytical examination was used to understand the composition and unique character of plaster samples studied. Observation of thin sections revealed more plaster layers than those observed in cross sections. Up to twelve layers could be observed with different colours, such as blue, red, yellow, green, white and brown. Generally, thicknesses of white plaster layers were found to be thicker than the others. In two samples, two black boundaries between plaster layers were identified which could be an indication of the use of asphalt for isolation purposes, like dampness proofing or heat insulation. Soluble salt contents of the plaster samples were in the range 3.04%-9.22%, with an average being 6.62%. The anions identified were Cl-, SO42-. In few samples, PO43-, NO2- and NO3- were found. Binder was found to be lime and gypsum. The amount of binder in terms of total calcium oxide, CaO, was found to be in the range of 33.5-43.6%, with an average being 37.9%. Amount of aggregate was about 62.1% as average. The main minerals identified in plaster samples were calcite and gypsum. Gypsum might be added to increase the strength of the plaster. Beside calcite and gypsum, quartz and pozzolanic activity related mineral, Opal-A, were found in some of the samples. In red plaster layers hematite mineral was also identified. Other colour effective elements were found to be Fe, Sb, Mn, Cu, Cr and Ni. Presence of organic additives was observed but clear identification was not established.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Isolation of Chitinase Producing Bacillus Strains and Increasing of the Enzyme Production by In vitro Mutagenesis

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    In the present study, three chitinolytic Bacillus strains were isolated from the soil samples containing shells of crustaceans collected from the coast sediments of Erzin district of Hatay province. The isolates were entitled as Bacillus sp. DBK1, DBK2, and DBK3, respectively. The optimum enzyme activities were observed at 40 °C for all chitinases. On the other hand, optimum pH value for DBK1 chitinase was 7.0, whereas 6.0 for DBK2 and DBK3 chitinases. The specific activities of DBK1, DBK2, and DBK3 chitinases were 6.61, 13.17 and 8.65 U/mg at 40 °C, respectively. Maximum enzyme productions of isolates were observed after 48, 36, and 60 hours later from inoculation for DBK1, DBK2, and DBK3 isolates, respectively. Mutant varieties DBK1-M3 and DBK1-M4 from DBK1, DBK2-M3, DBK2-M4 and DBK2-M5 from DBK2, and DBK3-M3 and DBK3-M4 from DBK3 were obtained after ethidium bromide (EtBr) treatment. DBK1-M3, DBK1-M4, DBK2-M3, DBK2-M4, DBK2-M5, DBK3-M3 and DBK3-M4 have produced 146, 193, 192, 121, 136, 178 and 116% more chitinase according to their own wild type strains, respectively. The activators for DBK1 chitinase were MnCl2, MgCl2, CaCl2, ZnCl2, and CuSO4, for DBK2 chitinase were MnCl2, ZnCl2 and KCl, and for DBK3 chitinase were MnCl2, CaCl2 and ZnCl2. HgCl2 strongly inhibited all wild type chitinases. These properties of the enzymes indicated that they could be used as an enzyme supplement for aerobic stability of silage