286 research outputs found

    Association of multiple myeloma and gastric adenocarcinoma

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    A Critical Approach to Geothermal Energy in Turkey Terms of Sustainability and Health Tourism

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    The world is changing; it is slowly running out of resources. The change and the depletion of energy resources are being discussed all the time. The rapid development of sustainable tourism is constantly changing and shaping the concept of sustainability. Every country has its own way for this reshaping and some countries have chosen sustainable renewable and environmentally-friendly energy resources in this movement.Due to its geographical position Turkey has advantage in using a wide range of renewable energy resources. This study is related to one of this green energy – geothermal energy (GE). Turkey has a great potential regarding geothermal energy. Turkey is Europe’s number one and the world’s number seven country concerning its geothermal resources. The most significant geothermal systems are located in the western, central and eastern parts of Turkey. The first search for geothermal energy was launched in Turkey in the Aegean region. Geothermal energy is an important sustainable source and this energy is also important for health tourism. Health tourism is developing in the world and Turkey wants to be a part of this movement. Izmir has an important role in health tourism and has a significant advantage in terms of thermal energy. Moreover, health tourism is in Izmir’s program for the EXPO 2020. The aim of study is to provide the information on the sources of thermal energy in the region and to the evaluate the investments in this regard. Firstly the importance of geothermal energy potential is discussed and geothermal energy in Izmir is analyzed. After information of thermal energy sources in the region is collected and investments are examined, the connection of geothermal power with health tourism is evaluated


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    Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue for many countries. Tourism sector is also increasingly important for the Turkish economy. There is always tendency to have more and more tourists in their own countries but now these ideas are changing and nowadays the trend is to have not more tourists but more income from each of them. Some countries expanded considerably in recent years after being declared a top tourism economic priority and these countries have prepared plans for attracting luxury customers to offer them high-priced products and to give a high quality service. This concepts is called luxury tourism as a tourism type. This paper describes the term “luxury tourism” and gives the variety of its examples in the world and in Turkey

    Occupational Health and Safety in Turkey: Problems And Solutions

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    Since the 1980's, the rate of foreign investments by multi-national companies have been increasing very fast, the structure and percentage of sectors have been changing dramatically causing more occupational health and safety problems than ever before in Turkey. Industrialized nations transfer their old and more risky factory equipments, materials and more risky jobs such as mining to new industrializing countries; thus, industrializing countries such as Turkey have been facing serious occupational health and safety problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze occupational health and safety problems in Turkey by using current statistics and give suggestions to minimize the severe effects of occupational accidents

    Trade Openness, Financial Openness and Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence for MIST Countries/ Ticari Açıklık, Finansal Açıklık ve Gelir Eşitsizliği İlişkisi: MIST Ülkeleri için Ampirik Bulgular

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    Since the 1980s, income inequality has increased significantly in developed and developing countries. The literature has also seen studies that attempt to explain this rising trend in income inequality. Some studies explaining the increase in income inequality in various ways have focused on economic globalization. Questions on how the steps taken towards liberalization in international trade and finance and increasing market integration affect income inequality have been at the center of the discussions in these studies. Uncertainty about the direction and extent of the link between globalization and inequality persists primarily because of the conflicting empirical findings in the literature. This study aims to contribute to the literature by conducting an empirical analysis of MIST countries with data covering 1987-2019. The study's findings, which used panel data analysis to assess the data, showed that while trade and financial openness reduce income inequality for MIST countries over the analyzed period, foreign direct investments do the opposite. The results also showed that the effect of financial openness on income inequality is greater than the effect of trade openness. It is also discovered that the rate of per capita income increase has no statistically significant impact on income inequality

    The Effects of UV Exposure on the Antioxidant Enzyme Systems of Anemones

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    Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) which are housekeeping enzymes protect cells from harmful side effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Anemonia sulcata var. smaragdina andAnemonia rustica are widely distributed along the Turkish coastlines of Aegean Sea. Recent studies showed that the environmental stresses such as elevated temperature, ultraviolet light, pathogen infection and decreased salinity might cause well known bleaching effects in Anemonia species. The effect of UV-light on antioxidant enzyme activities such as SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, protein levels and secondary pigments were determined in A. sulcata var. smaragdina and A. rustica. SOD, CAT, GSH-Px activities, protein levels and secondary pigments of these morphotypes were observed in both tentacles and columns separately. According to studies on bleaching, the elevated UV radiation may cause this bleaching event as a stress factor. However, in the present study no bleaching event was observed in anemone samples even they are exposed to 5 hours UV-exposure. Moreover, UV exposure did not change antioxidant systems remarkably. However, many investigations are still needed for obtaining the complete picture of the effects of UV-light on cellular pathways of cnidarian–algal symbiosis

    The role of GSTM1 gene polymorphisms in lung cancer development in Turkish population

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    The Effect of Organizational Culture On Organizational Commitment and A Research

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    Örgüt kültürü, örgütün tamamı tarafından paylaÄ¢ılan tüm değerlerdir. Örgütsel bağlılık ise iÄ¢görenlerin bulundukları örgütle olan bağın gücünü ifade etmektedir. Bağlılıktan bahsetmek için paylaÄ¢ılan değerler olması gerekmektedir. Bu değerler ne kadar güçlü ve büyük bir kitle tarafından benimsenirse bağlılığın o düzeyde artacağı düÄ¢ünülebilinir. Bu çalıÄ¢manın temel amacı, örgüt kültürünün örgüt bağlılığı üzerindeki etkisini ve iliÄ¢kisini belirlemektir. ÇalıÄ¢ma iki ana bölümden oluÄ¢maktadır. Birinci bölümde; örgüt kültürü ve örgütsel bağlılık kavramları arasındaki iliÄ¢ki ele alınmıÄ¢tır. Ä kinci bölüm ise araÄ¢tırma kapsamında yapılan anket çalıÄ¢ması olup, Ä zmir ili içindeki toplam 189 çalıÄ¢ana uygulanmıÄ¢tır.Organizational culture is the all values that shared by the whole of the organization. Organizational commitment is employees‟ strength of bond for the organization which they work for. There should be shared values for mentioned about commitment. If those values are adopted by a large number of people and if they are strong, the level of commitment will increase. The main purpose of this study is to determine the impact of organizational culture on commitment and the relationship. This study composed of two main parts. The first part consists of theoretical framework which explains organizational culture and commitment‟s relationship. The second part is devoted to empirical analysis. Survey study was made in this part which held on 189 employees in the province of Ä zmir

    Strategic Planning Process And It's Importance For Organizations

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    Küreselleşme ve sonucunda rekabetin olduğu tüm alanlarda stratejik planlama kavramı önem kazanmıştır. Ne yazık ki birçok ülkede stratejik planlama büyük işletmelerin bir parçasıdır ve küçük işletmelerin çoğunun stratejik bir planı yoktur. Stratejik planlama geleceğin belirsizliklerini minimize etmek ve sürdürülebilir rekabet üstünlüğü sağlamak açısından oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, stratejik planlama süreci ve bunun örgütler açısından önemi tartışılmaktadır.AbstractAs a result of globalization and competition has gained in importance in all areas of strategic planning concepts. Unfortunately, strategic planning is a part of large enterprises in many countries; most of small enterprises do not have any strategic plan. Strategic planning is very important to minimize the uncertainty of future and to provide sustainable competitive advantages. In this study, strategic planning process and its importance fort he organizations are discussed