392 research outputs found

    Extracellular vesicle features are associated with COVID-19 severity

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    COVID-19 is heterogeneous; therefore, it is crucial to identify early biomarkers for adverse outcomes. Extracellular vesicles (EV) are involved in the pathophysiology of COVID-19 and have both negative and positive effects. The objective of this study was to identify the potential role of EV in the prognostic stratification of COVID-19 patients. A total of 146 patients with severe or critical COVID-19 were enrolled. Demographic and comorbidity characteristics were collected, together with routine haematology, blood chemistry and lymphocyte subpopulation data. Flow cytometric characterization of the dimensional and antigenic properties of COVID-19 patients' plasma EVs was conducted. Elastic net logistic regression with cross-validation was employed to identify the best model for classifying critically ill patients. Features of smaller EVs (i.e. the fraction of EVs smaller than 200 nm expressing either cluster of differentiation [CD] 31, CD 140b or CD 42b), albuminemia and the percentage of monocytes expressing human leukocyte antigen DR (HLA-DR) were associated with a better outcome. Conversely, the proportion of larger EVs expressing N-cadherin, CD 34, CD 56, CD31 or CD 45, interleukin 6, red cell width distribution (RDW), N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), age, procalcitonin, Charlson Comorbidity Index and pro-adrenomedullin were associated with disease severity. Therefore, the simultaneous assessment of EV dimensions and their antigenic properties complements laboratory workup and helps in patient stratification

    A Critical Site in the Core of the CCR5 Chemokine Receptor Required for Binding and Infectivity of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1

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    Like the CCR5 chemokine receptors of humans and rhesus macaques, the very homologous (∼98–99% identical) CCR5 of African green monkeys (AGMs) avidly binds β-chemokines and functions as a coreceptor for simian immunodeficiency viruses. However, AGM CCR5 is a weak coreceptor for tested macrophage-tropic (R5) isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Correspondingly, gp120 envelope glycoproteins derived from R5 isolates of HIV-1 bind poorly to AGM CCR5. We focused on a unique extracellular amino acid substitution at the juncture of transmembrane helix 4 (TM4) and extracellular loop 2 (ECL2) (Arg for Gly at amino acid 163 (G163R)) as the likely source of the weak R5 gp120 binding and HIV-1 coreceptor properties of AGM CCR5. Accordingly, a G163R mutant of human CCR5 was severely attenuated in its ability to bind R5 gp120s and to mediate infection by R5 HIV-1 isolates. Conversely, the R163G mutant of AGM CCR5 was substantially strengthened as a coreceptor for HIV-1 and had improved R5 gp120 binding affinity relative to the wild-type AGM CCR5. These substitutions at amino acid position 163 had no effect on chemokine binding or signal transduction, suggesting the absence of structural alterations. The 2D7 monoclonal antibody has been reported to bind to ECL2 and to block HIV-1 binding and infection. Whereas 2D7 antibody binding to CCR5 was unaffected by the G163R mutation, it was prevented by a conservative ECL2 substitution (K171R), shared between rhesus and AGM CCR5s. Thus, it appears that the 2D7 antibody binds to an epitope that includes Lys-171 and may block HIV-1 infection mediated by CCR5 by occluding an HIV-1-binding site in the vicinity of Gly-163. In summary, our results identify a site for gp120 interaction that is critical for R5 isolates of HIV-1 in the central core of human CCR5, and we propose that this site collaborates with a previously identified region in the CCR5 amino terminus to enable gp120 binding and HIV-1 infections

    Dual targeting of CCR2 and CX3CR1 in an arterial injury model of vascular inflammation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>The chemokine receptors CCR2 and CX3CR1 are important in the development of coronary artery disease. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of a novel CCR2 inhibitor in conjunction with CX3CR1 deletion on vascular inflammation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The novel CCR2 antagonist MRL-677 was characterized using an in vivo model of monocyte migration. To determine the relative roles of CCR2 and CX3CR1 in vascular remodeling, normal or CX3CR1 deficient mice were treated with MRL-677. After 14 days, the level of intimal hyperplasia in the artery was visualized by paraffin sectioning and histology of the hind limbs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MRL-677 is a CCR2 antagonist that is effective in blocking macrophage trafficking in a peritoneal thioglycollate model. Intimal hyperplasia resulting from vascular injury was also assessed in mice. Based on the whole-blood potency of MRL-677, sufficient drug levels were maintained for the entire 14 day experimental period to afford good coverage of mCCR2 with MRL-677. Blocking CCR2 with MRL-677 resulted in a 56% decrease in the vascular injury response (n = 9, p < 0.05) in normal animals. Mice in which both CCR2 and CX3CR1 pathways were targeted (CX3CR1 KO mice given MRL-677) had an 88% decrease in the injury response (n = 6, p = 0.009).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study we have shown that blocking CCR2 with a low molecular weight antagonist ameliorates the inflammatory response to vascular injury. The protective effect of CCR2 blockade is increased in the presence of CX3CR1 deficiency suggesting that CX3CR1 and CCR2 have non-redundant functions in the progression of vascular inflammation.</p

    Peri-Operative Management of Patients Undergoing Fenestrated-Branched Endovascular Repair for Juxtarenal, Pararenal and Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Preventing, Recognizing and Treating Complications to Improve Clinical Outcomes

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    The advent and refinement of complex endovascular techniques in the last two decades has revolutionized the field of vascular surgery. This has allowed an effective minimally invasive treatment of extensive disease involving the pararenal and the thoracoabdominal aorta. Fenestrated-branched EVAR (F/BEVAR) now represents a feasible technical solution to address these complex diseases, moving the proximal sealing zone above the renal-visceral vessels take-off and preserving their patency. The aim of this paper was to provide a narrative review on the peri-operative management of patients undergoing F/BEVAR procedures for juxtarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (JAAA), pararenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (PRAA) or thoracoabdominal aortic aneurism (TAAA). It will focus on how to prevent, diagnose, and manage the complications ensuing from these complex interventions, in order to improve clinical outcomes. Indeed, F/BEVAR remains a technically, physiologically, and mentally demanding procedure. Intraoperative adverse events often require prolonged or additional procedures and complications may significantly impact a patient’s quality of life, health status, and overall cost of care. The presence of standardized preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative pathways of care, together with surgeons and teams with significant experience in aortic surgery, should be considered as crucial points to improve clinical outcomes. Aggressive prevention, prompt diagnosis and timely rescue of any major adverse events following the procedure remain paramount clinical needs

    Bright Metal-Poor Stars from the Hamburg/ESO Survey. I. Selection and Follow-up Observations from 329 Fields

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    We present a sample of 1777 bright (9<B<14) metal-poor candidates selected from the Hamburg/ESO Survey (HES). Despite saturation effects present in the red portion of the HES objective-prism spectra, the data were recoverable and quantitative selection criteria could be applied to select the sample. Analyses of medium-resolution (~2 A) follow-up spectroscopy of the entire sample, obtained with several 2 to 4 m class telescopes, yielded 145 new metal-poor stars with metallicity [Fe/H]<-2.0, of which 79 have [Fe/H]<-2.5, and 17 have [Fe/H]<-3.0. We also obtained C/Fe estimates for all these stars. From this, we find a frequency of C-enhanced ([C/Fe]>1.0) metal-poor ([Fe/H]<-2.0) giants of 9% +- 2%, which is lower than previously reported. However, the frequency raises to similar (>20%) and higher values with increasing distance from the Galactic plane. Although the numbers of stars at low metallicity are falling rapidly at the lowest metallicities, there is evidence that the fraction of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars is increasing rapidly as a function of declining metallicity. For ~60 objects, high-resolution data have already been obtained; one of these, HE 1327-2326, is the new record holder for the most iron-deficient star known.Comment: 29 pages (emulateapj), accepted for publication in Ap

    Proteasome Activator Enhances Survival of Huntington's Disease Neuronal Model Cells

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    In patients with Huntington's disease (HD), the proteolytic activity of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) is reduced in the brain and other tissues. The pathological hallmark of HD is the intraneuronal nuclear protein aggregates of mutant huntingtin. We determined how to enhance UPS function and influence catalytic protein degradation and cell survival in HD. Proteasome activators involved in either the ubiquitinated or the non-ubiquitinated proteolysis were overexpressed in HD patients' skin fibroblasts or mutant huntingtin-expressing striatal neurons. Following compromise of the UPS, overexpression of the proteasome activator subunit PA28γ, but not subunit S5a, recovered proteasome function in the HD cells. PA28γ also improved cell viability in mutant huntingtin-expressing striatal neurons exposed to pathological stressors, such as the excitotoxin quinolinic acid and the reversible proteasome inhibitor MG132. These results demonstrate the specific functional enhancements of the UPS that can provide neuroprotection in HD cells

    No evidence of hemoglobin damage by SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19) has affected over 22 million patients worldwide as of August 2020. As the medical community seeks better understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of COVID-19, several theories have been proposed. One widely shared theory suggests that SARS-CoV-2 proteins directly interact with human hemoglobin (Hb) and facilitate removal of iron from the heme prosthetic group, leading to the loss of functional hemoglobin and accumulation of iron. Herein, we refute this theory. We compared clinical data from 21 critically ill COVID-19 patients to 21 non-COVID-19 ARDS patient controls, generating hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curves from venous blood gases. This curve generated from the COVID-19 cohort matched the idealized oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve well (Pearson correlation, R2 = 0.97, P<0.0001; CV(RMSD) = 7.3%). We further analyzed hemoglobin, total bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase, iron, ferritin, and haptoglobin levels. For all analyzed parameters, patients with COVID-19 had similar levels compared to patients with ARDS without COVID-19. These results indicate that patients with COVID-19 do not exhibit any hemolytic anemia or a shift in the normal hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve. We therefore conclude that COVID-19 does not impact oxygen delivery through a mechanism involving red cell hemolysis and subsequent removal of iron from the heme prosthetic group in hemoglobin

    Barriers to women entrepreneurship. Different methods, different results?

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    Building on research by Akehurst et al. (Serv Ind J 32:2489-2505, 2012), this study analysed internal and external factors in women entrepreneurship and linked these factors to the barriers that women face when starting businesses. To do so, two contrasting statistical techniques were used: PLS and QCA. After analysing results from each of these techniques, we observed that family duties and difficulties in obtaining financing (both internal and external) were the main factors related to barriers faced by women entrepreneurs
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