4,409 research outputs found

    Gamificación en sistemas de microanotaciones

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    La educación es el pilar fundamental de los sistemas de aprendizaje en la sociedad moderna. Numerosos estudios alrededor del mundo se centran en buscar nuevas alternativas para complementar los sistemas educativos con experiencias cada vez más amenas e interactivas para los alumnos, con el objetivo de mantener su interés y a la vez facilitar el trabajo de los docentes. Para ello se utilizan y desarrollan técnicas cada vez más innovadoras que han demostrado resultados positivos en la formación académica de las nuevas generaciones. Las Microanotaciones son una herramienta que, orientada a entornos educativos, ofrecen la oportunidad de expresar en pocos caracteres una idea. La Gamificación busca convertir el aprendizaje en un juego, basándose en el reconocimiento del progreso usando premios (trofeo y medallas) por la realización de acciones concretas que demuestren los conocimientos y formación adquiridos. Ambas técnicas han demostrado su fiabilidad y alto potencial para la formación académica como herramientas de aprendizaje pero trabajándose por separado en diferentes plataformas e investigaciones. Se considera que Microblogging y Gamificación podrían ser herramientas fusionables para ofrecer servicios de formación e interacción académica, asegurando que se dará el servicio dentro de parámetros aceptables de desempeño

    The release of phosphorus from heavily fertilized soils to dilute electrolytes: effect of soil properties

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    Soils heavily fertilized with P can contribute to the enrichment of P in surface runoff and can accelerate the eutrophication of streams and lakes. To describe this enrichment, information is needed on the capacity and rate of P release was characterized from soils. in Thus, 12 we carried out laboratory studies in which the release of P to a dilute electrolyte (0.002 M CaCl 2) widely different, heavily fertilized European soils. We studied: a) long-term P release under ’static’ conditions (in soil suspensions allowed to settle and left undisturbed for long periods); and b) short-term P release under ’turbulent’ conditions (rapidly stirred suspensions). The relationships between the amount of P released under static conditions and the solution/soil ratio (W) and time differed widely among soils. These differences were the probable result of differences in the content of the relatively soluble metal phosphates (capable of buffering P solution in the 10-6105M concentration range) and in the P adsorption capacity of the soils. The ratio between P released at 340 d for W = 10 000 and P exchanged isotopically at 1 d was generally > 2 in soils rich in soluble phosphates and with a high degree of surface saturation with P, while it was < 1 in soils with low surface saturation with P (acid soils with high P adsorption capacity). In soils rich in organic matter, the amounts of dissolved organic P and molybdate-reactive P released were comparable. Under turbulent conditions, the amount of P released after 2 h of soil-electrolyte contact ranged between 7 and 27 % of the P released at 340 d under static conditions. This stresses the importance that surface runoff and initial stream transport have in loading surface waters with P. The release of P under turbulent conditions was slower in acid sandy soils, where poorly crystalline Fe and Al oxides were the most important P adsorbents.Sols surfertilisés : libération de phosphore dans des électrolytes dilués. Les eaux de ruissellement prove- nant de sols surfertilisés peuvent conduire à l’eutrophisation des rivières et des lacs. Il est alors nécessaire de disposer de méthodes permettant de prévoir les vitesses de libération des phosphates à partir des particules de terre. Des études ont été entreprises au laboratoire avec douze sols européens surfertilisés mais de caractéristiques physico-chimiques très différentiées. La mise en solution du phosphore a été étudiée dans des solutions de CaCl 20,002 M en faisant varier le rapport solution-sol, W, de 10 à 10 000. Ces études ont été conduites dans deux directions: a) libération sur le long terme (340 j) et en conditions statiques; b) libération sur le court terme (2 h) et en conditions turbulentes. La quantité de P passée en solution en conditions statiques croît avec W et le temps de contact entre le sol et les solutions. La libération de P est fonction du contenu de phosphates solubles et de la capacité de rétention du P par les sols. Les quantités de P passées en solution pour W = 10 000 et durant 340 j sont élevées pour les sols pour lesquels la quantité de phosphore soluble et le degré de saturation sont élevés; elles sont faibles lorsque le degré de saturation du sol par les phosphates est peu élevé. Cette dernière situation est celle des sols acides à teneur élevée en matière organique; de plus, dans ces sols une fraction significative du phosphore passant en solution est sous forme organique. Dans les conditions turbulentes, les quantités de phosphore transférées dans la phase liquide en 2 h varient de 7 % à 27 % des quantités transférées à 340 j en conditions statiques. En conséquence la participation du phosphore durant la phase de transfert en surface vers les cours d’eau peut contribuer significativement à l’augmentation de la concentration du phosphore dans les eaux. La mise en solution du phosphore dans les conditions turbulentes semble plus lente dans les sols dont la rétention des phosphates serait contrôlée par des oxydes métalliques mal cristallisés

    La economía de la España democrática: un ejercicio de interpretación

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    Inside the long term perspective offered by the whole process of industrialisation in Spain and particularly over the 20C, the last 25 years of democracy, show an outstanding positive net balance in terms of economic modernisation, above all if this is measured not just in growth rate of per capita income (an area where the advance has doubtless been appreciable), but also due to attainment of the long-awaited aims of convergence with Europe in production structure and the overcoming of traditional obstacles and restrictions which have hampered the free spreading of Spain’s economic potential. This has all occurred, in an evolutionary manner, through three cycles, in which economic and political decisions are superimposed: The transition itself, a difficult but creative period; Spain’s integration in Europe, coinciding with the first three socialist dominated governments, a period of substantial achievement but with a disappointing finale; and the change of century cycle, when the long path towards economic stability was successfully concluded with early introduction of the Euro, though the last cycle is still open, and growing difficulties accumulate in its path as the days pass. We may say in short that in Spain over the last 25 years, a sort of positive interaction has occurred between democracy and economic modernisation. Freedom has boosted economic creativity and the proven ability of the Spanish economy to confront successive competitive aims has contributed to the establishment of democracy.Economic modernisation, opening to foreign trade, welfare structures, negotiation, stability, education, corporate culture.

    Imaginarios sociales sobre migración : evolución de la autoimagen del inmigrante

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    Este artículo trata de abordar el tema de las migraciones internacionales desde perspectivas que nos previenen de analizar el fenómeno simplemente como un hecho económico o demográfico, y nos animan a enriquecer la teoría mediante la incorporación indispensable del punto de vista del migrante. ¿Qué significa la migración? y ¿cómo se experimenta en la persona que la protagoniza? Éstas son preguntas que sólo pueden ser consideradas adoptando el enfoque interpretativo. El artículo, a su vez, estudia el papel que desempeña la interacción simbólica entre culturas en este proceso y la posibilidad de acceder, a través del lenguaje, a la naturaleza de las relaciones interculturales.This article intends to tackle the subject of international migrations from perspectives which prevent us from analysing the phenomenon simply as an economic or demogra phic matter, and encourage us to enrich the theories with the indispensable incorporation of the migrant's point of view. What does migration mean? and how is it felt by the persons who play the main role in it? These are questions that can only be answered by adopting an interpretative approach. At the same time, this work examines the role that the symbolic interaction between cultures plays in this process, and the possibility of access, by means of language, to the nature of intercultural relationships

    Insights on the acting role of Martian atmosphere in the fragmentation pathways of organic and C-containing inorganic compounds using LIBS

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    In the present work, a preliminary fundamental study about the influence of background gas in Martian surface conditions (CO2, P=7 mbar) on the formation of emitting species in laser-induced plasmas of ablated C-containing compounds was performed. Results were compared with those obtained using ambient air as surrounding gas of irradiated samples. Energy thresholds were evaluated for excited atomic and molecular species of interest resulting in the plasma using a home-made LIBS system coupled to a pressure chamber for simulating Martian environment during the analysis of samples. Inorganic salts as calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate besides pyrene as organic reference compound were analyzed in order to discern the origin of C-containing species coexisting in the plasma plume (C, C2 and CN, mainly). Results from acquired emission spectra shed light on the different carbon sources of emitting species as a function of energetic and pressure conditions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech