4,144 research outputs found

    The contribution of land tenure diversity to the spatial resilience of protected area networks

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    The relationship between diversity and resilience is relatively well‐established for ecological systems, but remains much less explored for socio‐economic systems. Institutional diversity can have particular relevance for protected areas, whose managerial responses to environmental change depend on their legal basis, ability to make and enforce rules and socio‐political acceptance and endorsement. 2. Protected area expansion strategies are increasingly turning to private land con‐ servation to increase the configuration and connectivity of national protected area networks. Yet, we know little about the relative role of privately owned pro‐ tected areas in protecting threatened and poorly protected (under‐represented) habitats, and in the overall connectivity of the national protected area network. 3. We present an empirical assessment of protected area tenure diversity across South Africa

    The mounting of a skeleton of the fossil species Candiaceruus sp. II from Liko Cave, Crete, Greece

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    S'ha muntat un esquelet del cérvol pleistocènic endèmic de Creta per a la nova exhibició del Museu de Geologia de la Universitat d'Atenes. Aquest cérvol difereix de tots els cérvols continentals vivents i extingits, principalment en les seves proporcions. Les mesures i comparacions confirmen aquesta observació, però això no és prou com per a que el públic general se n'adoni del seu impacte. Per contra, un esquelet muntat deixa clar que aquest cérvol tertia uns membres considerablement escurçats, especialment els metàpodes, mentre que la llargària del cos, a la llargària de la columna vertebral, eren més aviat normals. La impressió global és més propera a la d'un bòvid nan insular, com ara Myotragus, que a la d'un cérvol petit, tal com Axis axis. El primer problema a resoldre fou la selecció de material. Ja que mai s'ha trobat un esquelet articulat complet, se n'ha de fer un de compost. Amb aquest motiu, només es varen seleccionar ossos de la classe de talla II (de Vos, 1979 ; Dermitzakis & de Vos, 1987) provinents d'un nivell d'una cova (cova de Liko, estrat B). D'aquesta manera es garanteix un interval geològic estret. Tot seguit, es varen mesurar tots els espècimens disponibles, i es va calcular el promig per a tots els elements. D'acord amb això, es va triar l'exemplar de cada element que més s'apropava a la mitjana calculada. Les peces dretes i esquerres havien de ser de la mateixa mida i robustesa, i els elements contigus havien de casar anatòmicament. Només en alguns casos s'ha hagut de recórrer a triar algun element que faltava a partir d'un llivell diferent, però mai a partir d'una cova diferent i mai a partir d'una classe de talla diferent. S'ha prioritzat la mida, la robustesa i l'ajustament anatòmic, i després que els ossos fossin complets i el color. Hi havia alguns peus articulats disponibles, encara que de mida i robustesa diferents, que s'han emprat per determinar les proporcions correctes i la posició correcta entre les falanges individuals, i els ossos carpians i tarsians. La mateixa cosa fou vàlida per a la columna vertebral. Per a l'establiment de la postura es van fer servir cérvols vivents com a comparació; per a l'extrapolació dels teixits tous (discos intervertebrals, cartílags de les articulacions) també es va recórrer al model dels cérvols vivents. De cara a amagar els bastiments de suport, es va inserir dins els ossos una armadura metàl-lica interna fent forats i fitxant-la amb goma de poliuretà. S'ha fabricat l'esquelet complet en parts modulars bones d'ajuntar pel seu transport fàcil a la mostra. Parts absents petites (principalment processos vertebrals, parts costals i les ales pèlviques) s'han reconstruït amb apoxy, en base a altres elements disponibles de Candiacervus de la cova de Liko a per interpolació del millor ajustament entre dues parts absents. Les traces de la matriu original han estat estretes, per a una impressió millor del material fòssil. Per completar l'esquelet s'ha fet una rèplica del crani de l'espècimen tipus de la classe de talla II de de Vos (1979) i una rèplica de l'espècimen tipus del banyam tipus I de de Vos (1984).For the new exhibition in the Museum of Palaeontology and Geology of the University of Athens a skeleton of the endemic Pleistocene Cretan deer was mounted. This deer differs from all known recent and extinct mainland deer, mainly in its proportions. Measurements and comparisons confirm this observation, but are not enough to make the public realize its impact. A mounted skeleton on the contrary makes it at once clear that this deer had considerably shortened limbs, especially the metapodals, whereas the body length and the vertebral column length are rather normal. The overall impression is closer to that of an insular dwarf bovid like Myotragus than to that of a small deer such as the spotted deer (Axis axis). The first problem to be tackled was the selection of the material. Since a complete articulated skeleton has never been found, a composite had to be made. For this purpose, only bones of size class II (de Vas, 1979; Dermitzakis & de Vas, 1987) coming from one layer of one cave (Liko Cave, layer El were selected. In this way a narrow geological range was assured. Subsequently, tile available specimens were measured, and of all elements the average size was calculated. Accordingly, of each element tile specimen that came tile most close to tile calculated average was selected. Left and right had to be of exactly the same size and robustness, and adjoining elements had to fit anatornically. Only in some cases a missing element had to be chosen from a different layer (layers C and Dl. but never from a different cave, and never from a different size class. Priority was first given to size, robustness and anatomical fitting, and next to completeness and colour. Several articulated feet were available, although of tile wrong size or robustness, which were used in determining the right proportions and right stance between individual phalanges, tarsal and carpal bones. The same was valid for tile vertebral column. For postural aspects, living deer were used as comparison; for extrapolation of soft tissue (intervertebral disks, articulation cartilage) also living deer stood model. In order to keep the supporting fabrication as hidden as possible, an internal metal armature was inserted in tile bones through drilled holes and fixed with polyurethane glue. The complete skeleton is fabricated in ready-to-assemble modular parts for easy transportation and reassembly on the spot. Minor missing parts (mainly vertebral processes, costal parts and tile pelvic wings) have been reconst: ructed in epoxy putty, based on other Candiaceruus elements from Liko or by interpolating the best fit between two existing parts. For a better impression of the fossil material, traces of tile original matrix were left on the bones. A cast of the skull of the type specimen of size II of de Vas (1979) and a cast of tile type specimen of antler type 1 of de Vas (1984) were made to complete the skeleton

    A dwarf elephant and a rock mouse on Naxos (Cyclades, Greece) with a revision of the palaeozoogeography of the Cycladic Islands (Greece)during the Pleistocene

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    During the Late Pleistocene, Naxos and adjacent areas, including Delos and Paros, constituted a mega-island, here referred to as palaeo-Cyclades. The extensive low-lying plainswith lakes and rivers provided a suitable habitat for elephants. Due to long-term isolation from the mainland and mainland populations, these elephants evolved miniature size. The species found on Naxos had a body size of about ten percent of that of the mainland ancestor, Palaeoloxodon antiquus. During the glacial periods of the Late Pleistocene, P. antiquus may have migrated eastwards and southwards in search of better conditions and reached the islands. The dwarf species of the various Southern Aegean islands (e.g. Crete, Tilos, Rhodos, palaeo-Cyclades) are each the result of independent colonisation events. The very small size of the Naxos species respective to the dwarf elephants from Crete is explained as due to the lack of competitors. The only other elements of the contemporaneous fauna were a rock mouse (Apodemus cf. mystacinus) and a shrew (Crocidura sp.). Submergence of the area, climate change, volcanism, hunting by humans or a combination of these factors during the terminal Pleistocene may have caused the extinction of this endemic fauna

    Helminth and arthropod parasites of springbok, Antidorcas marsupialis, in the Transvaal and western Cape Province

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    The helminth burdens of 17 springbok from 2 localities in the Transvaal and of 4 springbok from the western Cape Province were determined. Eight of the animals from the Transvaal and the 4 from the Cape Province were also examined for arthropod parasites. In all, 26 helminth species, 5 species of ixodid ticks and 4 species of lice were recovered from the springbok. Of the helminths Dictyocaulus magnus, Trichostrongylus axei, T. falculatus and Agriostomum equidentatum were recovered from animals in each of the surveys. The lice Damalinia antidorcus, Linognathus antidorcitis and L. bedfordi were present on animals in the Transvaal and the western Cape Province.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.Sentrachem (Pty) Limited. Hoechst Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Limited

    Akkermansia muciniphila reduces Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced inflammation and periodontal bone destruction

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    Abstract Aim Akkermansia muciniphila is a beneficial gut commensal, whose anti-inflammatory properties have recently been demonstrated. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of A.muciniphila on Porphyromonas gingivalis elicited inflammation. Material and Methods In lean and obese mice, A.muciniphila was administered in P.gingivalis induced calvarial abcess and in experimental periodontitis model (EIP). Bone destruction and inflammation were evaluated by histomorphometric analysis. In vitro, A.muciniphila was co-cultured with P.gingivalis, growth and virulence factors expression were evaluated. Bone-marrow macrophages (BMM?) and gingival epithelial cells (TIGK) were exposed to both bacterial strains and the expression of inflammatory mediators, as well as tight junction markers was analyzed. Results In a model of calvarial infection, A.muciniphila decreased inflammatory cell infiltration and bone destruction. In EIP, treatment with A.muciniphila resulted in a decreased alveolar bone loss. In vitro, the addition of A.muciniphila to P.gingivalis infected BMM? increased anti-inflammatory IL-10 and decreased IL-12. Additionally, A.muciniphila exposure increases the expression of junctional integrity markers such as integrin-?1, E-cadherin and ZO-1 in TIGK cells. A.muciniphila co-culture with P.gingivalis reduced gingipains mRNA expression. Discussion This study demonstrated the protective effects of A.muciniphila administration and may open consideration to its use as an adjunctive therapeutic agent to periodontal treatment.Peer reviewe

    Significant Correlation Between the Infant Gut Microbiome and Rotavirus Vaccine Response in Rural Ghana

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    Background. Rotavirus (RV) is the leading cause of diarrhea-related death in children worldwide and 95% of RV-associated deaths occur in Africa and Asia where RV vaccines (RVVs) have lower efficacy. We hypothesize that differences in intestinal microbiome composition correlate with the decreased RVV efficacy observed in poor settings. Methods. We conducted a nested, case-control study comparing prevaccination, fecal microbiome compositions between 6week old, matched RVV responders and nonresponders in rural Ghana. These infants' microbiomes were then compared with 154 age-matched, healthy Dutch infants' microbiomes, assumed to be RVV responders. Fecal microbiome analysis was performed in all groups using the Human Intestinal Tract Chip. Results. We analyzed findings in 78 Ghanaian infants, including 39 RVV responder and nonresponder pairs. The overall microbiome composition was significantly different between RVV responders and nonresponders (FDR, 0.12), and Ghanaian responders were more similar to Dutch infants than nonresponders (P =.002). RVV response correlated with an increased abundance of Streptococcus bovis and a decreased abundance of the Bacteroidetes phylum in comparisons between both Ghanaian RVV responders and nonresponders (FDR, 0.008 vs 0.003) and Dutch infants and Ghanaian nonresponders (FDR, 0.002 vs 0.009). Conclusions. The intestinal microbiome composition correlates significantly with RVV immunogenicity and may contribute to the diminished RVV immunogenicity observed in developing countries.Peer reviewe

    Genomic encyclopedia of bacterial and archaeal type strains, phase III : the genomes of soil and plant-associated and newly described type strains

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    The Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea (GEBA) project was launched by the JGI in 2007 as a pilot project to sequence about 250 bacterial and archaeal genomes of elevated phylogenetic diversity. Herein, we propose to extend this approach to type strains of prokaryotes associated with soil or plants and their close relatives as well as type strains from newly described species. Understanding the microbiology of soil and plants is critical to many DOE mission areas, such as biofuel production from biomass, biogeochemistry, and carbon cycling. We are also targeting type strains of novel species while they are being described. Since 2006, about 630 new species have been described per year, many of which are closely aligned to DOE areas of interest in soil, agriculture, degradation of pollutants, biofuel production, biogeochemical transformation, and biodiversity

    A very brief description of LOFAR - the Low Frequency Array

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    LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) is an innovative radio telescope optimized for the frequency range 30-240 MHz. The telescope is realized as a phased aperture array without any moving parts. Digital beam forming allows the telescope to point to any part of the sky within a second. Transient buffering makes retrospective imaging of explosive short-term events possible. The scientific focus of LOFAR will initially be on four key science projects (KSPs): 1) detection of the formation of the very first stars and galaxies in the universe during the so-called epoch of reionization by measuring the power spectrum of the neutral hydrogen 21-cm line (Shaver et al. 1999) on the ~5' scale; 2) low-frequency surveys of the sky with of order 10810^8 expected new sources; 3) all-sky monitoring and detection of transient radio sources such as gamma-ray bursts, x-ray binaries, and exo-planets (Farrell et al. 2004); and 4) radio detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos (Falcke & Gorham 2003) allowing for the first time access to particles beyond 10^21 eV (Scholten et al. 2006). Apart from the KSPs open access for smaller projects is also planned. Here we give a brief description of the telescope.Comment: 2 pages, IAU GA 2006, Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 14, K.A. van der Hucht, e

    Hazenella coriacea gen. nov., sp nov., isolated from clinical specimens

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    A Gram-staining-positive, endospore-forming rod was isolated independently from clinical specimens in New York State, USA, once in 2009 and twice in 2011. The three isolates had identical 16S rRNA gene sequences and, based on their 16S rRNA gene sequence, are most closely related to the type strains of Laceyella sediminis and L. sacchari (94.6% similarity). The partial 23S rRNA gene sequences of the three strains were also 100% identical. Maximumlikelihood phylogenetic analysis suggests that the new isolates belong to the family Thermoactinomycetaceae. Additional biochemical and phenotypic characteristics of the strains support the family designation and suggest that the three isolates represent a single species. In each of the strains, the predominant menaquinone is MK-7, the diagnostic diamino acid is mesodiaminopimelic acid and the major cellular fatty acids are iso-C15 : 0, anteiso-C15 : 0 and iso-C13 : 0. The polar lipids are phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, four unknown phospholipids, four unknown aminophospholipids and an unknown lipid. It is proposed that the novel isolates represent a single novel species within a new genus, for which the name Hazenella coriacea gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Hazenella coriacea is strain 23436T (5DSM 45707T5LMG 27204T)