4,440 research outputs found

    Education for Rural People: A Neglected Key To Food Security

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    In the world there are approximately 800 million people who live in condition of food insecurity and illiteracy. This paper shows that education is a key to food security for rural populations in developing countries. Attention is drawn to rural areas because they are traditionally more disadvantaged by national educational policies. The theoretical foundation of this research is that being educated improves rural people’s capacity to diversify assets and activities, increase productivity and income, foster resilience and competitiveness, access information on health and sanitation, strengthen social cohesion and participation: these are all essential elements to ensure food security in the long run. The main findings of this research are the following: first, the association between food insecurity and primary education is very high, while it decreases progressively with basic, secondary, and tertiary education. Such a two-way relationship is expressed through graphical tools and correlation coefficients. Second, the econometric model shows that primary education is a crucial element to reduce food insecurity in rural areas, even when compared to other factors such as access to water, health, and sanitation. Concluding from this model, an increase of access to primary education by 100% causes a decrease of food insecurity by approximately 20% or 24% depending on the definition of food insecurity and its measurement. Finally, since in most of developing countries the majority of people live in rural areas, and since it is in these areas that the largest proportion of world poverty and hunger exists, we can conclude that education for rural people is a relevant tool for promoting overall national food security.Education, Food Security, Human Development, Cross-

    Analysis of Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Breast Images

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    Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a non-invasive technique that provides an image sequence based on dynamic information for locating lesions and investigating their structures. In this thesis we develop new methodology for analysing dynamic Magnetic Resonance image sequences of the breast. This methodology comprises an image restoration step that reduces random distortions affecting the data and an image classification step that identifies normal, benign or malignant tumoral tissues. In the first part of this thesis we present a non-parametric and a parametric approach for image restoration and classification. Both methods are developed within the Bayesian framework. A prior distribution modelling both spatial homogeneity and temporal continuity between neighbouring image pixels is employed. Statistical inference is performed by means of a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with a specially chosen proposal distribution that out-performs other algorithms of the same family. We also provide novel procedures for estimating the hyper-parameters of the prior models and the normalizing constant so making the Bayesian methodology automatic. In the second part of this thesis we present new methodology for image classification based on deformable templates of a prototype shape. Our approach uses higher level knowledge about the tumour structure than the spatio-temporal prior distribution of our Bayesian methodology. The prototype shape is deformed to identify the structure of the malignant tumoral tissue by minimizing a novel objective function over the parameters of a set of non-affine transformations. Since these transformations can destroy the connectivity of the shape, we develop a new filter that restores connectivity without smoothing the shape. The restoration and classification results obtained from a small sample of image sequences are very encouraging. In order to validate these results on a larger sample, in the last part of the thesis we present a user friendly software package that implements our methodology

    The impact of the Geometric Correction Scheme on MEG functional topology at rest

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    Spontaneous activity is correlated across brain regions in large scale networks (RSN) closely resembling those recruited during several behavioral tasks and characterized by functional specialization and dynamic integration. Specifically, MEG studies revealed a set of central regions (dynamic core) possibly facilitating communication among differently specialized brain systems. However, source projected MEG signals, due to the fundamentally ill-posed inverse problem, are affected by spatial leakage, leading to the estimation of spurious, blurred connections that may affect the topological properties of brain networks and their integration. To reduce leakage effects, several correction schemes have been proposed including the Geometric Correction Scheme (GCS) whose theory, simulations and empirical results on topography of a few RSNs were already presented. However, its impact on the estimation of fundamental graph measures used to describe the architecture of interactions among brain regions has not been investigated yet. Here, we estimated dense, MEG band-limited power connectomes in theta, alpha, beta, and gamma bands from 13 healthy subjects (all young adults). We compared the connectivity and topology of MEG uncorrected and GCS-corrected connectomes. The use of GCS considerably reorganized the topology of connectivity, reducing the local, within-hemisphere interactions mainly in the beta and gamma bands and increasing across-hemisphere interactions mainly in the alpha and beta bands. Moreover, the number of hubs decreased in the alpha and beta bands, but the centrality of some fundamental regions such as the Posterior Cingulate Cortex (PCC), Supplementary Motor Area (SMA) and Middle Prefrontal Cortex (MPFC) remained strong in all bands, associated to an increase of the Global Efficiency and a decrease of Modularity. As a comparison, we applied orthogonalization on connectomes and ran the same topological analyses. The correlation values were considerably reduced, and orthogonalization mainly decreased local within-hemisphere interactions in all bands, similarly to GCS. Notably, the centrality of the PCC, SMA and MPFC was preserved in all bands, as for GCS, together with other hubs in the posterior parietal regions. Overall, leakage correction removes spurious local connections, but confirms the role of dynamic hub regions, specifically the anterior and posterior cingulate, in integrating information in the brain at rest

    Firm-oriented policies, tax cheating and perverse outcomes

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    This paper examines the implications of firm-oriented fiscal policies, namely investment subsidies and tax allowances, in an economy where producers may potentially avoid taxes. Among our results we stress the following. First, although investment subsidies induce increased capital accumulation (a level effect), they promote tax evasion; these subsidies induce firms to increase actual capital accumulation (a level effect), but also produce a reduction in the share of aggregate capital stock deployed in taxed, "official" production (a composition effect). Second, parameters characterizing the tax enforcement system play a major role in explaining tax evasion and firm size. Third, the technology structure matters for determining how to allocate resources between official and unofficial production.State aid, tax exemptions, investment subsidies, tax evasion, unofficial underground production, investment

    State Aid Policies and Underground Activities

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    The main goal of this paper is to examine the implications of firm-oriented fiscal policies, such as capital subsidies and tax allowances, in an economy with an underground sector. In addition, we investigate whether the technology structure of “hidden” production may facilitate or counteract the effects of fiscal policies on firm behavior. Among our results we stress the following: first, capital subsidies promote tax evasion; these subsidies induce firms to increase actual capital accumulation (a level effect), but also produce a reduction in the regular share of aggregate capital stock (a composition effect). Second, tax relief reduces underground activities and fosters capital accumulation, as well as aggregate production. Third, the technology structure matters for determining how to allocate resources between formal and informal production, hence the amount of reported revenues.State aid, tax exemptions, capital subsidies, tax evasion, underground production, physical capital accumulation.

    Capital Subsidies and Underground Production

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    In this paper we investigate the effects of different fiscal policies on the firm choice to produce underground. We consider a tax evading firm operating simultaneously both in the regular and in the underground economy. We suggest that such a kind of firm, referred to as moonlighting firm, is able to offset the specific costs usually stressed by literature on underground production, such as those suggested by Loayza (1994) and Anderberg et alii (2003). Investigating the effects of different fiscal policy interventions, we find that taxation is a critical parameter to define the size of capital allocation in the underground production. In fact, a strong and inverse relationship is found, and tax reduction is the best policy to reduce the convenience to produce underground. We also confirm the depressing effect on investment of taxation (see, for instance, Summers, 1981), so that tax reduction has no cost in terms of investment. By contrast, the model states that while enforcement is an effective tool to reduce capital allocation in the underground production, it also reduce the total capital stock. Moreover, we also suggest that the allowance of incentives to capital accumulation may generate, in this specific typology of firm, some unexpected effects, causing, together with a positive investment process, also an increase in the share of irregularity. This finding could explain, in a microeconomic framework, the evidence of Italian southern regions, where high incentives are combined with high irregularity ratios.tax evasion, moonlighting, capital subsidies, underground production

    From food availability to nutritional capabilities: Advancing food security analysis

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    AbstractThis paper has a threefold objective. First, it provides a comprehensive review of different approaches to analysing food security. Second, it highlights the added value provided by the capability approach and the human development paradigm. Third, it proposes a methodology to assess food security through this approach. Our proposal entails three basic steps: (1) analysis of food entitlements; (2) analysis of nutritional capabilities and (3) analysis of the capability to be food secure. In this way, we can move beyond income, entitlement or livelihood related frameworks, and identify the root causes of food insecurity. Food insecurity can be the result of a lack of education, health or other basic capabilities that constitute people's wellbeing. This, therefore, allows situating the study within the broader area of wellbeing and development

    Upper Limb Structural Anatomic Mechanisms of Protection (SAMPs)

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    Introduction Nature has provided living bodies with extraordinarily effective reparative mechanisms. Furthermore, the biological processes involved in anatomical structures are built-up to protect life against external injuries. A series of these protective systems in the upper limb are herein described. Material and Methods From 2009 to 2017, 864 fresh frozen cadaveric upper limbs were dissected from the axilla to the fingers during the Italian Hand Society surgical anatomy dissection course. Results Arrangement of anatomical structures in the upper limb is able to protect major life supporting organs. Conclusions External injuries affecting the upper limb may cause damage to many important structures resulting in severe functional impairments. The layout of the structures and the relationship between them are organized to preserve arteries integrity first, more than muscles and nerves. This means, in our opinion, that these structures are organized to preserve life even if this has functional cost

    Interception of virtual throws reveals predictive skills based on the visual processing of throwing kinematics

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    Predicting the outcome of observed actions is fundamental for efficient interpersonal interactions. This is evident in interceptive sports, where predicting the future ball trajectory could make apart success and fail. We quantitatively assessed the predictive abilities of non-trained adults intercepting thrown balls in immersive virtual reality. Participants performed better when they could see the complete throwing action in addition to the ball flight, and they were able to move toward the correct direction when the ball flight was occluded. In both cases, performance varies with the individual motor style of the thrower. These results prove that humans can effectively predict the unfolding of complex full-body actions, with no need to extensively practice them, and that such predictions are exploited online to optimize interactive motor performance. This suggests that humans hold a functional knowledge of how actions recurrent in the human motor repertoire map into the changes brought to the environment

    Biochar Amended Soils and Water Systems: Investigation of Physical and Structural Properties

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    There are significant regional differences in the perception of the problems posed by global warming, water/food availability and waste treatment recycling procedures. The study illustrates the effect of application of a biochar (BC) from forest biomass waste, at a selected application rate, on water retention, plant available water (PAW), and structural properties of differently standard textured soils, classified as loamy sand, loam and clay. The results showed that soil water retention, PAW, and aggregate stability were significantly improved by BC application in the loamy sand, confirming that application of BC to this soil was certainly beneficial and increased the amount of macropores, storage pores and residual pores. In the loam, BC partially improved water retention, increasing macroporosity, but decreased the amount of micropores and improved aggregate stability and did not significantly increase the amount of PAW. In the clay, the amount of PAW was increased by BC, but water retention and aggregate stability were not improved by BC amendment. Results of the BET analysis indicated that the specific surface area (BET-SSA) increased in the three soils after BC application, showing a tendency of the BET-SSA to increase at increasing PAW. The results obtained indicated that the effects of BC application on the physical and structural properties of the three considered soils were different depending on the different soil textures with a BET-SSA increase of 950%, 489%, 156% for loamy sand, loam and clay soil respectively. The importance of analysing the effects of BC on soil water retention and PAW in terms of volumetric water contents, and not only in terms of gravimetric values, was also evidenced