470 research outputs found

    Nova Bahiafarma: uma análise das perspectivas para a entrada na produção farmacêutica

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    Considerada a proposta do atual Governo do Estado da Bahia – de implantação da Fundação Bahiafarma e de uma planta produtora de anticoncecionais orais genéricos –, o presente artigo, em caráter exploratório, tem por objetivo indicar, com base na tipologia de Porter, quais são as forças competitivas que podem atuar sobre um laboratório público entrante, fornecedor de contraceptivos para o SUS. Para tanto, e dada a existência de lacunas em parte das informações demandadas, o estudo foi realizado a partir do estabelecimento de um cenário de análise. Os resultados sugerem condições de entrada não favoráveis à planta da Bahiafarma, devido, especialmente, às implicações da Lei 8.666/93 e a certos aspectos do Projeto de Lei n° 17.709/08, que limita à atuação da futura fundação de abastecimento do SUS

    Rapid diagnosis of experimental meningitis by bacterial heat production in cerebrospinal fluid

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    BACKGROUND: Calorimetry is a nonspecific technique which allows direct measurement of heat generated by biological processes in the living cell. We evaluated the potential of calorimetry for rapid detection of bacterial growth in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in a rat model of bacterial meningitis. METHODS: Infant rats were infected on postnatal day 11 by direct intracisternal injection with either Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis or Listeria monocytogenes. Control animals were injected with sterile saline or heat-inactivated S. pneumoniae. CSF was obtained at 18 hours after infection for quantitative cultures and heat flow measurement. For calorimetry, 10 microl and 1 microl CSF were inoculated in calorimetry ampoules containing 3 ml trypticase soy broth (TSB). RESULTS: The mean bacterial titer (+/- SD) in CSF was 1.5 +/- 0.6 x 108 for S. pneumoniae, 1.3 +/- 0.3 x 106 for N. meningitidis and 3.5 +/- 2.2 x 104 for L. monocytogenes. Calorimetric detection time was defined as the time until heat flow signal exceeded 10 microW. Heat signal was detected in 10-microl CSF samples from all infected animals with a mean (+/- SD) detection time of 1.5 +/- 0.2 hours for S. pneumoniae, 3.9 +/- 0.7 hours for N. meningitidis and 9.1 +/- 0.5 hours for L. monocytogenes. CSF samples from non-infected animals generated no increasing heat flow (<10 microW). The total heat was the highest in S. pneumoniae ranging from 6.7 to 7.5 Joules, followed by L. monocytogenes (5.6 to 6.1 Joules) and N. meningitidis (3.5 to 4.4 Joules). The lowest detectable bacterial titer by calorimetry was 2 cfu for S. pneumoniae, 4 cfu for N. meningitidis and 7 cfu for L. monocytogenes. CONCLUSION: By means of calorimetry, detection times of <4 hours for S. pneumoniae and N. meningitidis and <10 hours for Listeria monocytogenes using as little as 10 microl CSF were achieved. Calorimetry is a new diagnostic method allowing rapid and accurate diagnosis of bacterial meningitis from a small volume of CSF

    Accurate rapid averaging of multihue ensembles is due to a limited capacity subsampling mechanism

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    It is claimed that the extraction of average features from rapidly presented ensembles is holistic, with attention distributed across the whole set. We investigated whether observers’ extraction of mean hue is holistic or could reflect subsampling. Analysis of selections for the mean hue revealed a distribution that peaked at the expected mean hue. However, an ideal observer simulation suggested that a subsampling mechanism incorporating just two items from each ensemble would suffice to reproduce the precision of most observers. The results imply that hue may not be averaged as holistically and efficiently as other attributes

    Corneal Replication Is an Interferon Response-Independent Bottleneck for Virulence of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 in the Absence of Virion Host Shutoff

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    Herpes simplex viruses lacking the virion host shutoff function (Δvhs) are avirulent and hypersensitive to type I and type II interferon (IFN). In this study, we demonstrate that even in the absence of IFN responses in AG129 (IFN-αβγR−/−) mice, Δvhs remains highly attenuated via corneal infection but is fully virulent via intracranial infection. The data demonstrate that the interferon-independent inherent replication defect of Δvhs has a significant impact upon peripheral replication and neuroinvasion

    Co-Design quantum simulation of nanoscale NMR

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    Quantum computers have the potential to efficiently simulate the dynamics of nanoscale NMR systems. In this work, we demonstrate that a noisy intermediate-scale quantum computer can be used to simulate and predict nanoscale NMR resonances. In order to minimize the required gate fidelities, we propose a superconducting application-specific Co-Design quantum processor that reduces the number of SWAP gates by over 90% for chips with more than 20 qubits. The processor consists of transmon qubits capacitively coupled via tunable couplers to a central co-planar waveguide resonator with a quantum circuit refrigerator (QCR) for fast resonator reset. The QCR implements the nonunitary quantum operations required to simulate nuclear hyperpolarization scenarios.The authors would like to thank Caspar Ockeloen-Korppi, Alessandro Landra, and Johannes Heinsoo for their help in de- veloping the idea of the star-architecture chip, Jani Tuorila for his support in developing the gate theory, Amin Hosseinkhani and Tianhan Liu for reviewing the manuscript, and Hen- rikki Mäkynen and Hoang-Mai Nguyen for graphic design. J.C. additionally acknowledges the Ramón y Cajal program (RYC2018-025197-I). We further acknowledge support from Atos with the Quantum Learning Machine (QLM). Finally, the authors acknowledge financial support to BMBF through the Q-Exa Project No. FZK: 13N16062

    Pneumococcal meningitis: Clinical-pathological correlations (meningene-path)

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    Pneumococcal meningitis is associated with substantial mortality and morbidity. We systematically assessed brain histopathology of 31 patients who died of pneumococcal meningitis from a nationwide study (median age 67 years; 21 (67 %) were male) using a pathology score including inflammation and vascular damage. Of the 27 patients with known time from the admission to death, 14 patients died within 7 days of admission and 13 after 7 days of admission. Eleven of 25 (44 %) patients had been treated with adjunctive dexamethasone therapy. Observed pathological processes were inflammation of medium-large arteries in 30 brains (97 %), cerebral haemorrhage in 24 (77 %), cerebritis in 24 (77 %), thrombosis in 21 (68 %), infarction in 19 (61 %) and ventriculitis in 19 (of 28 cases, 68 %). Inflammation of medium-large arteries led to obstruction of the vascular lumen in 14 (of 31 cases, 45 %). Vascular inflammation was associated with infarction and thrombosis of brain parenchymal vessels. Hippocampal dentate gyrus apoptosis between patients treated with and without dexamethasone was similar (p = 0.66); however, dexamethasone treated patients had higher total pathology score than non-dexamethasone treated patients (p = 0.003). Our study shows that vascular damage is key in the process of brain damage in pneumococcal meningitis. Data and material of this study will be made open-access for translational research in pneumococcal meningitis (MeninGene-Path)

    Field Performance of Nine Soil Water Content Sensors on a Sandy Loam Soil in New Brunswick, Maritime Region, Canada

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    An in situ field test on nine commonly-used soil water sensors was carried out in a sandy loam soil located in the Potato Research Center, Fredericton, NB (Canada) using the gravimetric method as a reference. The results showed that among the tested sensors, regardless of installation depths and soil water regimes, CS615, Trase, and Troxler performed the best with the factory calibrations, with a relative root mean square error (RRMSE) of 15.78, 16.93, and 17.65%, and a r2 of 0.75, 0.77, and 0.65, respectively. TRIME, Moisture Point (MP917), and Gopher performed slightly worse with the factory calibrations, with a RRMSE of 45.76, 26.57, and 20.41%, and a r2 of 0.65, 0.72, and 0.78, respectively, while the Gypsum, WaterMark, and Netafim showed a frequent need for calibration in the application in this region

    Calibration of FRAX ® 3.1 to the Dutch population with data on the epidemiology of hip fractures

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    SummaryThe FRAX tool has been calibrated to the entire Dutch population, using nationwide (hip) fracture incidence rates and mortality statistics from the Netherlands. Data used for the Dutch model are described in this paper.IntroductionRisk communication and decision making about whether or not to treat with anti-osteoporotic drugs with the use of T-scores are often unclear for patients. The recently developed FRAX models use easily obtainable clinical risk factors to estimate an individual's 10-year probability of a major osteoporotic fracture and hip fracture that is useful for risk communication and subsequent decision making in clinical practice. As of July 1, 2010, the tool has been calibrated to the total Dutch population. This paper describes the data used to develop the current Dutch FRAX model and illustrates its features compared to other countries.MethodsAge- and sex-stratified hip fracture incidence rates (LMR database) and mortality rates (Dutch national mortality statistics) for 2004 and 2005 were extracted from Dutch nationwide databases (patients aged 50+ years). For other major fractures, Dutch incidence rates were imputed, using Swedish ratios for hip to osteoporotic fracture (upper arm, wrist, hip, and clinically symptomatic vertebral) probabilities (age- and gender-stratified). The FRAX tool takes into account age, sex, body mass index (BMI), presence of clinical risk factors, and bone mineral density (BMD).ResultsFracture incidence rates increased with increasing age: for hip fracture, incidence rates were lowest among Dutch patients aged 50–54 years (per 10,000 inhabitants: 2.3 for men, 2.1 for women) and highest among the oldest subjects (95–99 years; 169 of 10,000 for men, 267 of 10,000 for women). Ten-year probability of hip or major osteoporotic fracture was increased in patients with a clinical risk factor, lower BMI, female gender, a higher age, and a decreased BMD T-score. Parental hip fracture accounted for the greatest increase in 10-year fracture probability.ConclusionThe Dutch FRAX tool is the first fracture prediction model that has been calibrated to the total Dutch population, using nationwide incidence rates for hip fracture and mortality rates. It is based on the original FRAX methodology, which has been externally validated in several independent cohorts. Despite some limitations, the strengths make the Dutch FRAX tool a good candidate for implementation into clinical practice

    Adjunctive Dexamethasone Affects the Expression of Genes Related to Inflammation, Neurogenesis and Apoptosis in Infant Rat Pneumococcal Meningitis

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common pathogen causing non-epidemic bacterial meningitis worldwide. The immune response and inflammatory processes contribute to the pathophysiology. Hence, the anti-inflammatory dexamethasone is advocated as adjuvant treatment although its clinical efficacy remains a question at issue. In experimental models of pneumococcal meningitis, dexamethasone increased neuronal damage in the dentate gyrus. Here, we investigated expressional changes in the hippocampus and cortex at 72 h after infection when dexamethasone was given to infant rats with pneumococcal meningitis. Nursing Wistar rats were intracisternally infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae to induce experimental meningitis or were sham-infected with pyrogen-free saline. Besides antibiotics, animals were either treated with dexamethasone or saline. Expressional changes were assessed by the use of GeneChip® Rat Exon 1.0 ST Arrays and quantitative real-time PCR. Protein levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, cytokines and chemokines were evaluated in immunoassays using Luminex xMAP® technology. In infected animals, 213 and 264 genes were significantly regulated by dexamethasone in the hippocampus and cortex respectively. Separately for the cortex and the hippocampus, Gene Ontology analysis identified clusters of biological processes which were assigned to the predefined categories “inflammation”, “growth”, “apoptosis” and others. Dexamethasone affected the expression of genes and protein levels of chemokines reflecting diminished activation of microglia. Dexamethasone-induced changes of genes related to apoptosis suggest the downregulation of the Akt-survival pathway and the induction of caspase-independent apoptosis. Signalling of pro-neurogenic pathways such as transforming growth factor pathway was reduced by dexamethasone resulting in a lack of pro-survival triggers. The anti-inflammatory properties of dexamethasone were observed on gene and protein level in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. Further dexamethasone-induced expressional changes reflect an increase of pro-apoptotic signals and a decrease of pro-neurogenic processes. The findings may help to identify potential mechanisms leading to apoptosis by dexamethasone in experimental pneumococcal meningitis

    Characterization of a pneumococcal meningitis mouse model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>S. pneumoniae </it>is the most common causative agent of meningitis, and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. We aimed to develop an integrated and representative pneumococcal meningitis mouse model resembling the human situation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adult mice (C57BL/6) were inoculated in the cisterna magna with increasing doses of <it>S. pneumoniae </it>serotype 3 colony forming units (CFU; n = 24, 10<sup>4</sup>, 10<sup>5</sup>, 10<sup>6 </sup>and 10<sup>7 </sup>CFU) and survival studies were performed. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), brain, blood, spleen, and lungs were collected. Subsequently, mice were inoculated with 10<sup>4 </sup>CFU <it>S. pneumoniae </it>serotype 3 and sacrificed at 6 (n = 6) and 30 hours (n = 6). Outcome parameters were bacterial outgrowth, clinical score, and cytokine and chemokine levels (using Luminex<sup>®</sup>) in CSF, blood and brain. Meningeal inflammation, neutrophil infiltration, parenchymal and subarachnoidal hemorrhages, microglial activation and hippocampal apoptosis were assessed in histopathological studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Lower doses of bacteria delayed onset of illness and time of death (median survival CFU 10<sup>4</sup>, 56 hrs; 10<sup>5</sup>, 38 hrs, 10<sup>6</sup>, 28 hrs. 10<sup>7</sup>, 24 hrs). Bacterial titers in brain and CSF were similar in all mice at the end-stage of disease independent of inoculation dose, though bacterial outgrowth in the systemic compartment was less at lower inoculation doses. At 30 hours after inoculation with 10<sup>4 </sup>CFU of <it>S. pneumoniae</it>, blood levels of KC, IL6, MIP-2 and IFN- γ were elevated, as were brain homogenate levels of KC, MIP-2, IL-6, IL-1β and RANTES. Brain histology uniformly showed meningeal inflammation at 6 hours, and, neutrophil infiltration, microglial activation, and hippocampal apoptosis at 30 hours. Parenchymal and subarachnoidal and cortical hemorrhages were seen in 5 of 6 and 3 of 6 mice at 6 and 30 hours, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have developed and validated a murine model of pneumococcal meningitis.</p