220 research outputs found

    Normative remarks on jurisdiction clauses inserted in bills of lading in the light of the provincial high courts case law

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    Las cláusulas de jurisdicción insertas en conocimientos de embarque plantean cuestiones problemáticas tanto de Derecho procesal como de Derecho sustantivo. Aquellas se concentran en sede de recurso de apelación contra la declinatoria de jurisdicción internacional que el porteador propone en base al conocimiento de embarque. En este sentido, el apelante se sirve tanto de fundamentos procesales como sustantivos para intentar anular la cláusula de jurisdicción. En primer lugar, el trabajo se centra en la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, cuya regulación sobre competencia territorial es alegada con cierta frecuencia. Seguidamente, se habla de la Ley de Condiciones Generales de la Contratación y de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios, cuya normativa tuitiva del consumidor también es alegada para dejar sin eficacia la cláusula de jurisdicción contenida en el conocimiento. Se cierra el trabajo con una reflexión sobre el idioma de redacción de las cláusulas y sus consecuenciasJurisdiction clauses in Bills of Lading pose troubling questions of both Procedural and Substantive Law. Those problems converge within the appellate procedure against the plea of international jurisdiction that the carrier brings based on the Bill of Lading. Accordingly, the appellant uses both procedural and substantive law grounds in order to try to override the jurisdiction clause. Firstly, the paper focuses on the Civil Procedural Act, whose territorial jurisdiction provisions are invoked with a certain frequency. Subsequently, the paper tackles the General Contracting Terms Act and the Consumers and End-Users Act, whose protective end-user’s provisions are also used to override the jurisdiction clause in the Bill of Lading. The paper ends with a refl ection on the clauses drafting language and its consequence

    A vueltas con los conocimientos de embarque y la competencia judicial internacional. Algunas observaciones sobre la cuestión en torno al auto de la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid núm. 93/2019, de 5 de julio (secc. 28a)

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    The jurisdiction clause inserted in the Bill of Lading constitutes one of the biggest current issues of Maritime Law and International Civil Procedural Law. The Provincial High Court of Madrid, pursuant to the prevalence of Regulation (EU) 1215/2012, grants validity to the clause in question, but resorts to the literal quotation of an already old ruling. The present paper seeks to carry out the necessary update of the case to understand the issue from the normative, jurisprudential and argu- mentative point of view. Likewise, it is analyzed if the clause of jurisdiction and the plea of jurisdiction constitute abuse in law, abuse in rights, or similar issues. Finally, considerations on the imperativeness or availability of art. 468 of the Spanish Maritime Act are made. Beyond the mere comment on a judicial decision, the paper also aims to reflect on other relevant issues.La cláusula de jurisdicción inserta en el conocimiento de embarque constituye uno de los mayores problemas actuales del Derecho Marítimo y del Derecho Procesal Civil Internacional. La Audiencia Provincial de Madrid, partiendo de la prevalencia del Reglamento (UE) 1215/2012 otorga validez a la cláusula en cuestión, pero acude a la cita literal de una resolución ya antigua. El presente trabajo busca realizar la necesaria actualización del caso para comprender la cuestión desde el punto de vista normativo, jurisprudencial y argumental. Asimismo, se analiza si la cláusula y la proposición de declinatoria constituyen fraude de ley, abuso de derecho o circunstancias similares. Por último, se reflexiona sobre la imperatividad o disponibilidad del art. 468 de la Ley de Navegación Marítima. Más allá del mero comentario a una resolución judicial, el trabajo reflexiona sobre otras cuestiones relevantes

    Estudio jurisprudencial sobre el régimen jurídico-procesal de las cláusulas de jurisdicción insertas en conocimientos de embarque: situación actual y futuro proyectado = Jurisprudencial examination on the legal and procedural regime of jurisdiction clauses inserted in bills of lading: current situation and foreseeable future

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    Resumen: El presente trabajo se propone realizar un análisis jurisprudencial de la normativa pro­cesal en la Unión Europea aplicable a las cláusulas de jurisdicción insertas en conocimientos de em­barque. En este sentido, se estudian el art. 25 del Reglamento 1215/2012 y el art. 468 de la LENMAR, tratando los problemas procesales que ambos plantean. Por otro lado, se realiza un análisis a la luz de la jurisprudencia y doctrina anterior a la LENMAR para proyectar en el futuro la aplicabilidad real del mencionado art. 468. Este análisis se completa con una breve explicación inicial sobre el transporte de mercancías en régimen de conocimiento de embarque con el objeto de contextualizar la materia de estudio del presente trabajo.Palabras clave: cláusulas de jurisdicción, conocimiento de embarque, Reglamento 1215/2012, Ley de Navegación Marítima, art. 468 LNM.Abstract: The aim of this paper is to carry out a jurisprudential examination on the procedural Regulations applicable within the European Union to jurisdiction clauses inserted in Bills of Lading. Accordingly, art. 25 Regulation 1215/2012 and art. 468 LENMAR are studied, tackling the procedural problems that both articles raise. On another note, a scrutiny of the jurisprudence and doctrine previous to the LENMAR is carried out, so that the real enforceability of the above-mentioned art. 468 is pro­jected into the future. This inquiry is completed by an introductory explanation about the international carriage of goods by sea, so as to contextualize the subject of this paper.Keywords: jurisdiction clauses, bill of lading, UE Regulation 1215/2012, Spanish Maritime Act, art. 468 LNM

    La Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad de 13 de diciembre de 2006. Una aproximación crítica a su adaptación al Derecho español y su reflejo en la jurisprudencia

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    The present paper tackles the support measures system for people with disabilities established after Spanish Act 8/2021, June 2nd, questioning people´s with disabilities or extreme disorders protection through the study of the case law issued in three cases: Diogenes syndrome, bipolar disorder type I, and paranoid schizophrenia. Said system arises from the reception in our Legal System of the Convention of New York, dated December 13th, 2006, and the consequent amendment of the Civil Code. Likewise, two self-guardianship cases are also raised in which the will of the person with disability, as stated in the public deed, was respected. Lastly, non-voluntary confinement for reasons of mental disorder is analyzed. In essence, some of the practical effects and immediate challenges that a uniform law such as the mentioned Convention raises have been analyzed.El presente trabajo aborda el sistema de apoyos a la discapacidad establecido tras la Ley 8/2021, de 2 de junio, cuestionando la protección de las personas con discapacidad o trastornos extremos mediante el estudio de resoluciones judiciales recaídas en tres casos: síndrome de Diógenes, trastorno bipolar tipo I y esquizofrenia paranoide. Dicho régimen de apoyos trae causa de la recepción en nuestro Derecho de la Convención de Nueva York de 13 de diciembre de 2006 y de la consiguiente modificación del Código Civil. También se plantean dos supuestos de autotutela en los que se respetó la voluntad de la persona con discapacidad expresada en escritura pública. Por último, se analiza el internamiento no voluntario por razón de trastorno psíquico. En definitiva, se han analizado algunos de los efectos prácticos y retos inmediatos que suscita una norma de Derecho uniforme como es la Convención mencionada


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    Background: Delirium is a common condition in hospitalized patients, associated with adverse outcomes such as longer hospital stay, functional decline and higher mortality, as well as higher rates of nursing home placement. Nurses often fail to recognize delirium in hospitalized patients, which might be due to a lack of knowledge of delirium diagnosis and treatment. The objective of the study was to test the effectiveness of an e-learning course on nurses' delirium knowledge, describe nursing staff's baseline knowledge about delirium, and describe demographic factors associated with baseline delirium knowledge and the effectiveness of the e-learning course. Methods: A before-and-after study design, using an e-learning course on delirium. The course was introduced to all nursing staff of internal medicine and surgical wards of 17 Dutch hospitals. Results: 1,196 invitations for the e-learning course were sent to nursing staff, which included nurses, nursing students and healthcare assistants. Test scores on the final knowledge test (mean 87.4, 95% CI 86.7 to 88.2) were significantly higher than those on baseline (mean 79.3, 95% CI 78.5 to 80.1). At baseline, nursing staff had the most difficulty with questions related to the definition of delirium: what are its symptoms, course, consequences and which patients are at risk. The mean score for this category was 74.3 (95% CI 73.1 to 75.5). Conclusions: The e-learning course significantly improved nursing staff's knowledge of delirium in all subgroups of participants and for all question categories. Contrary to other studies, the baseline knowledge assessment showed that, overall, nursing staff was relatively knowledgeable regarding delirium. Trial registration: The Netherlands National Trial Register (NTR). Trial number: NTR 2885, 19 April 2011

    Evolution of the Red Sequence Giant to Dwarf Ratio in Galaxy Clusters out to z ~ 0.5

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    We analyze deep g' and r' band data of 97 galaxy clusters imaged with MegaCam on the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope. We compute the number of luminous (giant) and faint (dwarf) galaxies using criteria based on the definitions of de Lucia et al. (2007). Due to excellent image quality and uniformity of the data and analysis, we probe the giant-to-dwarf ratio (GDR) out to z ~ 0.55. With X-ray temperature (Tx) information for the majority of our clusters, we constrain, for the first time, the Tx-corrected giant and dwarf evolution separately. Our measurements support an evolving GDR over the redshift range 0.05 < z < 0.55. We show that modifying the (g'-r'), m_r' and K-correction used to define dwarf and giant selection do not alter the conclusion regarding the presence of evolution. We parameterize the GDR evolution using a linear function of redshift (GDR = alpha * z + beta) with a best fit slope of alpha = 0.88 +/- 0.15 and normalization beta = 0.44 +/- 0.03. Contrary to claims of a large intrinsic scatter, we find that the GDR data can be fully accounted for using observational errors alone. Consistently, we find no evidence for a correlation between GDR and cluster mass (via Tx or weak lensing). Lastly, the data suggest that the evolution of the GDR at z < 0.2 is driven primarily by dry merging of the massive giant galaxies, which when considered with previous results at higher redshift, suggests a change in the dominant mechanism that mediates the GDR.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures. Accepted to MNRA

    Referral for rehabilitation in case of permanent visual handicap:guideline of the Dutch Society of Ophthalmology

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    The Dutch Society of Ophthalmology (NOG) has developed an evidence-based guideline for the referral of visually impaired people for rehabilitation and support. Referral for rehabilitation and support must be preceded by diagnosis and treatment. Consultation of an ophthalmologist is essential. Information about the disease should be given to the patient orally as well as in writing. The ophthalmologist brings up the possibility of rehabilitation in the presence of a visual acuity &lt; 0.5 and/or visual field of &lt; 30 degrees in the better eye and a well-defined request for help. Visually impaired patients with a relatively simple request for help are referred to a specialised optometrist whenever possible. Visually impaired patients with more complex requests for help are referred to a multidisciplinary (regional or national) rehabilitation centre for people with a visual handicap. Visually impaired and blind patients are informed about the existence of patient organisations. Referral for rehabilitation is done by means of a structured letter with all relevant information. A copy of this letter should be sent to the family physician and all other attending physicians.</p