997 research outputs found

    The challenges of planning in the unequal cities. "Urban poverty workshop" for innovating urban planners education path

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    The recent shift from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals scored a point of no return in the international debate on development, stating that the separation between the rich part and the poor part of the population is no longer with the North and the South of the world, but between nearby areas in always more highly polarized contexts. In this framework, a deeper knowledge of the spatial dimension of poverty and of its spatial implications is required; especially in the Italian Faculty of Architecture where urban design and plan-making are frequently still considered "the real core" of the discipline with the general under-evaluation of the wicked problems. On the contrary, in the United States, thanks to the passionate work of Ananya Roy, this knowledge found its place, first in the university program at the Institute of Urban and Regional Development of UC Berkeley, and then in Los Angeles, being highly appreciated both by students, scholars and NGOs. According to this awareness, the first workshop "Urban Poverty. The praxis of planning in unequal cities" organized in September 2016 at the Sapienza’s Faculty of Architecture in Rome, gave the opportunity for discussing and testing theory and practices of urban research and city planning with issues of poverty, in particular regards of western cities and the city of Rome. This first experiment offered the opportunity to think about the interdisciplinary and/or international teaching aimed at preparing students for today’s and tomorrow’s planning challenges in the unequal cities

    Challenges and tricky words. A stronger role for planners

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    In the last 20 years, a deliberate strategy of impoverishment of local governments argued the imperative need of: a) involving at all (public) costs, the private sector through the “trojan horse” of governance (Miraftab 2004); b) designing big and shortsighted urban projects (frequently destroying public resources and ignoring public needs) through the mantra of the urban and territorial competition. As it has been already noted, “by elevating Governance above Government, and Economics above Politics, the globalpolicy undermined nation- and state-building capacities in many Countries” (Demmers, Jilberto, Hogenboom, 2004). Moreover, through the rhetoric on pluralism, the neo-liberal governance has contributed to shrink and destroy the relevanceof public interest. In fact, behind the 'screen' of governance and the representation of an amorphous citizenship and a notqualified of diffuse interests, the deployment of capitalism has prevailed. This legitimized the partial and strongest interests into shaping the public agenda within the polarized inequalities. In thisframework, the paper will give some suggestions and advices for rethinking current problems, and trying to deal with them,by starting by the critical evaluation of some words we use. Moreover, by focusing on the ethic of responsibility andaccountability of planners (and for most of us as planning scholars), the paper argues that a stronger role for planners andplanning scholars has to do with our own field of responsibility (such as professionals/practitioners/scholars), andmoreover with our commitment in building and using new theories and research approaches at least to: a) incorporate the ‘others’/minorities by considering furthermore the interaction between capitalism accumulation in space and the minorities (Yiftachel 2013); b) improve critical urban theories mixing with place-based planning and research practices (Campbell 2012; 2014), by applying different approaches; c) co-produce (Watson 2014) a public model of development, being aware of the oligopolistic elites and extractive institutions (Acemouglou, Robinson, 2012)

    Describing and treating marginality in the Italian peripheries. Some advice from a UK case study

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    Even though they have been considered out of fashion for years in the mainstream public debate, research practices and urban policies, the peripheries of the big cities are still a problem in Italy. Due to the economic crises and its effects at the urban scale, especially in terms of urban poverty and social exclusion, the problems of these areas are clearly increased without appropriate tools. Moreover, the spatial effects of the spread of urban marginality have not been sufficiently included in urban planning practices, neither in the deprived areas of the inner city nor in the outskirts. Nonetheless, the claim for “policies for the peripheries” does not indicate the intention to develop a sector of specific policies, but the need to identify and integrate more effective actions and strategies for these fragile urban environments. In this framework, the paper presents and discusses, first, the deficiencies of the Italian debate and the consequent inadequacy of public urban policies, and second, some relevant approaches coming from the British context that could be useful for better intervene on our territories

    Comprendere e far comprendere

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    En este documento, la cuestión básica es cómo aquello que parte de la comprensión contribuye a construir el aprendizaje de una forma diferente a la que se inicia a partir de una actividad sencilla, tiene una medida de comprensión que desea desarrollarse y vivir en el mismo espacio dentro de un proceso de interacción lingüística, de la constante negociación de significados, para poder realizar un aprendizaje significativo.In this paper the basic question is how who stars from the comprehension contributes to build the learning in a different way than who starts from an easy activity, have a light measurement of comprehension that you want to develop and live the same space inside of linguistic interaction process, constant negotiation of meanings, to realize a significant learning.In questo saggio la questione principale è come chi parte dalla comprensione concorra a costruire apprendimento in modo diverso da chi parte da una semplice attività, avere chiara la dimensione di comprensione che si vuole sviluppare e abitare la stessa dimensione all’interno dell’interazione linguistica, costante negoziazione di significati, aiuta ad attivare il processo di progettazione per la realizzazione di un apprendimento significativo.peerReviewe

    The Structures of Imagination in the Manuscripts of Husserl and Merleau-Ponty

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    In this paper, the structure of fantasy will be analysed through a phenomenological analysis, by comparing the imagining self with the scenario of the fantasy, within the oppositional dialectic between representation and perception. The aim: to define the coordinates of the field of the imaginary as an opening to possible worlds. Specifically, we will refer to Husserlian and Merleau-Pontyan manuscripts on the imaginary

    Roma: le agende deboli di una capitale subalterna

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    Il saggio analizza i processi urbani, economici o sociali che sono stati, da un lato, oggetto di attenzione e azione delle istituzioni di vari livelli (locali, regionali, nazionali) producendo politiche urbane (agenda istituzionale), e, dall’altro, oggetto del dibattito e dell’iniziativa di abitanti, portatori di interessi economici e di altri pubblici non istituzionali (agenda pubblica) entro un quadro sintetico dell’evoluzione delle due agende e dei rapporti fra queste, concentrandoci sugli ultimi dieci anni, evidenziando continuità e discontinuità di un recente passato nel quale si sono sedimentate molte premesse di quanto sta accadendo oggi.The essay is a portrait of the recent urban policies in Rom

    Children's literature in Latin America: gender identity in the education

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    This essay explores the notion of gender identity as a dynamic process modelled by socio-cultural relationships, in the context of education in Latin America. The historical construction of schooling in recent decades is discussed through some documents of UNESCO. As an example of gender inequality within educational proposals, some texts from children’s literature will be analysed to highlight the gender stereotypes that still exist in the editorial industry today

    Giuseppe l'Esicasta, Poesie, trad. a cura di F. G. Giannachi, testo a fronte, Atene 2023, 89 pp.

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    Le competenze di-in filosofia

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    Scopo del presente lavoro è quello di individuare, analizzare e fondare le competenze disciplinare, nello specifico in Didattica della filosofia. Riprendendo a dialogare con la logica delle competenze nell’ambito di una sintesi della tradizione italiana tra metodo storico e metodo zeetetico

    La filosofia da fare

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