2,189 research outputs found

    A comparison, by sweep sampling, of the arthropod fauna of secondary vegetation in Michigan, England and Costa Rica

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    1.  Six 800-sweep samples of English and Michigan (“old field”) secondary vegetation arthropods are compared with Costa Rican samples taken in the same way. 2.  Parasitic Hymenoptera and spiders accounted for a larger proportion of the arthropod fauna in the mid-latitude than the tropical samples. 3.  In one English field, the seasonal change in insect numbers was 88% of that recorded over all the seasonal and elevational changes examined in Costa Rica. Furthermore, the difference in the total dry weights of the arthropod fauna between December and July was similar to the difference found between the wet and dry seasons in tropical secondary vegetation (also similar to the difference between day and night values during the dry season). 4.  Aphids and Psyllidae were far more abundant in the English site than in the Costa Rican mainland sites. 5.  In mid-summer, the English field had far more arthropods in it than did any of the tropical sites sampled.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73688/1/j.1365-2311.1975.tb00551.x.pd

    Varkenshouderij in niet-concentratiegebieden : op weg naar duurzaamheid

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    In opdracht van de vakgroepen varkenshouderij van de N LTO en WLTO is onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de voorwaarden om een duurzame varkenshouderij in de niet-concentratiegebieden mogelijk te maken. Met behulp van gegevens uit de CBS-Landbouwtelling, een analyse van de inhoud van Streek- en Bestemmingsplannen en de resultaten van een enquĂŞte onder varkenshouders is nagegaan op welke wijze gekomen kan worden tot: 1) een verantwoorde en duurzame afzet van de geproduceerde mest; 2) een optimale afstemming tussen opfokzeugen, zeugen en vleesvarkens in het gebied; 3) ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden voor individuele bedrijven. Hiervoor zijn oplossingsrichtingen aangegeven en worden beleidsaanbevelingen gedaa

    The phase diagram of L\'evy spin glasses

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    We study the L\'evy spin-glass model with the replica and the cavity method. In this model each spin interacts through a finite number of strong bonds and an infinite number of weak bonds. This hybrid behaviour of L\'evy spin glasses becomes transparent in our solution: the local field contains a part propagating along a backbone of strong bonds and a Gaussian noise term due to weak bonds. Our method allows to determine the complete replica symmetric phase diagram, the replica symmetry breaking line and the entropy. The results are compared with simulations and previous calculations using a Gaussian ansatz for the distribution of fields.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Stability of the replica-symmetric saddle-point in general mean-field spin-glass models

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    Within the replica approach to mean-field spin-glasses the transition from ergodic high-temperature behaviour to the glassy low-temperature phase is marked by the instability of the replica-symmetric saddle-point. For general spin-glass models with non-Gaussian field distributions the corresponding Hessian is a 2n×2n2^n\times 2^n matrix with the number nn of replicas tending to zero eventually. We block-diagonalize this Hessian matrix using representation theory of the permutation group and identify the blocks related to the spin-glass susceptibility. Performing the limit n→0n\to 0 within these blocks we derive expressions for the de~Almeida-Thouless line of general spin-glass models. Specifying these expressions to the cases of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick, Viana-Bray, and the L\'evy spin glass respectively we obtain results in agreement with previous findings using the cavity approach

    Effects of vegetation density on flow, mass exchange and sediment transport in lateral cavities

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    Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) were used to investigate the hydrodynamics and mass transfer between the flow in the main channel and a vegetated lateral cavity. Fourteen vegetation densities (0 to 10.65 %) were tested, revealing two distinct hydrodynamic patterns. For cavities with low vegetation density (a 3.99 %), two gyres in contact with the interface with low velocity were formed, the thickness of the mixing layer did not grow, and the vorticity and turbulence kinetic energy were low inside the cavity. The mass transport presented the same threshold value as the hydrodynamics (a = 3.99 %). For cavities with low vegetation density, a fast mass transfer occurred through the interface between the main channel and cavity and inside the cavity, while the opposite was observed for cavities with high vegetation density. Finally, the modelled hydrodynamics was used to infer possible sediment deposition patterns and flow resistance

    Navigating and querying code without getting lost

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    A development task related to a crosscutting concern is chal-lenging because a developer can easily get lost when explor-ing scattered elements of code and the complex tangle of re-lationships between them. In this paper we present a source browsing tool that improves the developer’s ability to work with crosscutting concerns by providing better support for exploring code. Our tool helps the developer to remain ori-ented while exploring and navigating across a code base. The cognitive burden placed on a developer is reduced by avoiding disorienting view switches and by providing an ex-plicit representation of the exploration process in terms of exploration paths. 1

    Ketenonderzoek streekproducten

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    História, cultura, gênero e poder: representações sociais em movimento no seriado de TV Homeland (2001-2013)

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    In contrast to Muslins traditions and costumes, the US government and society seems to invest in the media to forge discourses on Western way of life. In addition, it creates idealized images of the woman, the hero, the father, the family, and an everyday speech invoking repeated and widespread moral values, including “justice” and “freedom”, in opposition to the “terror”. In this research we analysed the TV series Homeland, using as theoretical support the Cultural Studies, particularly the concept of Social Representation by Denise Jodelet, the analytics tools created by Michel Foucault on power devices, and feminist studies by Teresa of Lauretis. I’ve tried to see how forces in correlations operate, and how representations of womanhood, sexuality and nationality are built and reiterated in speeches, creating patterns of behaviour for men and women. Spreading images of the “good” man, the “good” wife, and the “hero”, the audio-visual product creates and produces the family, the society and the nation considered exemplar.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorDissertação (Mestrado)Em contraste com os costumes de povos de tradição mulçumana, o governo estadunidense parece investir em articulações na mídia para forjar o modelo idealizado de vida Ocidental e, nesse esforço, cria também as imagens da “mulher”, do herói, do pai, da família, e todo um discurso cotidiano que invoca valores morais reiterados e disseminados, inclusive de “justiça” e “liberdade”, em contraposição a uma imagem do “terror”. Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo a análise da série de TV Homeland, utilizando como suporte teórico os estudos culturais, particularmente o conceito de Representações Sociais de Denise Jodelet, de poder e seus dispositivos, de Michel Foucault, e os estudos de feministas e de gênero, e as reflexões de Teresa de Lauretis. Observo como as correlações de forças operam e como as representações do feminino, da sexualidade e imagens do herói, - o “bom” homem, a “boa” esposa etc. - e da nação são construídas e reiteradas nos discursos, modelando homens e mulheres, pautando condutas e insinuando o comportamento socialmente desejável ou “correto” de sujeitos e/ou assujeitados, na produção da família, da sociedade ou da nação considerada exemplar
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