553 research outputs found

    O Banco Mundial e o Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro no início do século XXI

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    This essay has the aim of updating discussions on the political perspective and the role played by the World Bank in the development of public health policies in Brazil, seeking to identify continuities and changes in the way this institution acts and suggest hypotheses about action strategies in this new century. To do this, we analyzed a 2007 and a 2013 document published by that institution, and gather data on projects funded by the World Bank from 2000 to 2015 in Brazil, with emphasis on the healthcare industry. We concluded that the traditional mechanisms of action have not changed from those used in the 1980s and 1990s, as well as the guiding principles; what we observed is that the World Bank's actions have shifted from the national level to the state and municipal level. We indicate the need for specific studies of the agreements between the Bank and subnational governments, since the Brazilian federative model and the national health system itself allow implementing decentralized management mechanisms that can alter the setting of the Unified Health System252263276Este ensaio tem o objetivo de atualizar as discussões sobre a perspectiva política e o papel desempenhado pelo Banco Mundial na elaboração de políticas públicas de saúde no Brasil, procurando identificar continuidades e mudanças no modo de agir dessa instituição e sugerir hipóteses sobre as estratégias de ação neste início de século. Para isso, analisam-se dois documentos, um de 2007 e outro de 2013, publicados por essa instituição, e levantam-se dados sobre projetos financiados pelo Banco no período de 2000 a 2015 no Brasil, com destaque para o setor de saúde. Conclui-se que os mecanismos tradicionais de intervenção não se alteraram em relação aos utilizados nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, tampouco mudaram os princípios orientadores: o que se observa é um deslocamento das ações do Banco da esfera nacional para as esferas estadual e municipal. Aponta-se a necessidade de estudos específicos dos contratos firmados entre o Banco e os governos subnacionais, uma vez que o modelo federativo brasileiro e o próprio sistema nacional de saúde permitem implementar mecanismos de gestão descentralizados que podem alterar a configuração do Sistema Único de Saúd


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    Este trabalho analisa se o ajuste Person-Environment Fit tem efeito mediador na relação entre as Práticas de Gestão das Relações Interpessoais e Índices de Turnover dos funcionários nas “Melhores Empresas para trabalhar” no Brasil em 2017. O presente estudo tem abordagem quantitativa de caráter descritivo com corte transversal. Os dados, de ordem secundária, foram fornecidos pela Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA). Utilizou-se dados de 456 empresas para análise das Práticas de Gestão das Relações Interpessoais e índices de Turnover e das percepções de 250.273 funcionários para os Índices de Qualidade no Ambiente de Trabalho (IQTA). Para efeito de teste do modelo procedeu-se regressão linear, seguido dos testes de Sobel, Aroian e Goodman para efeito de mediação. Organizadas a variável dependente, independente e mediadoras, avaliou-se se o conjunto das Práticas das Relações Interpessoais afetam os índices de Turnover das organizações pesquisadas e tal relação foi confirmada (H1), sendo que quanto maior a incidência destas práticas, menores os índices de Turnover. Constatou-se em seguida que a existência de Práticas de Gestão das Relações Interpessoais impactam no Person-Environment Fit em suas quatro dimensões (H2a, H2b, H2c e H2d). No entanto, com relação ao efeito de mediação das dimensões da variável Person-Environment Fit entre o conjunto das Práticas das Relações Interpessoais e os indicadores de Turnover identificou-se que somente Person-Organization Fit (H3a) pode ser considerada mediadora, rejeitando mediação das variáveis Person-Job FIT (H3b); Person-Group FIT (H3c) e Person-Supervisor Fit (H3d). Limitações e sugestões para futuros trabalhos são apresentados no encerramento deste artigo.

    The World Bank and the Brazilian National Health System in the beginning of the 21st century

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    This essay has the aim of updating discussions on the political perspective and the role played by the World Bank in the development of public health policies in Brazil, seeking to identify continuities and changes in the way this institution acts and suggest hypotheses about action strategies in this new century. To do this, we analyzed a 2007 and a 2013 document published by that institution, and gather data on projects funded by the World Bank from 2000 to 2015 in Brazil, with emphasis on the healthcare industry. We concluded that the traditional mechanisms of action have not changed from those used in the 1980s and 1990s, as well as the guiding principles; what we observed is that the World Bank's actions have shifted from the national level to the state and municipal level. We indicate the need for specific studies of the agreements between the Bank and subnational governments, since the Brazilian federative model and the national health system itself allow implementing decentralized management mechanisms that can alter the setting of the Unified Health System.Este ensaio tem o objetivo de atualizar as discussões sobre a perspectiva política e o papel desempenhado pelo Banco Mundial na elaboração de políticas públicas de saúde no Brasil, procurando identificar continuidades e mudanças no modo de agir dessa instituição e sugerir hipóteses sobre as estratégias de ação neste início de século. Para isso, analisam-se dois documentos, um de 2007 e outro de 2013, publicados por essa instituição, e levantam-se dados sobre projetos financiados pelo Banco no período de 2000 a 2015 no Brasil, com destaque para o setor de saúde. Conclui-se que os mecanismos tradicionais de intervenção não se alteraram em relação aos utilizados nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, tampouco mudaram os princípios orientadores: o que se observa é um deslocamento das ações do Banco da esfera nacional para as esferas estadual e municipal. Aponta-se a necessidade de estudos específicos dos contratos firmados entre o Banco e os governos subnacionais, uma vez que o modelo federativo brasileiro e o próprio sistema nacional de saúde permitem implementar mecanismos de gestão descentralizados que podem alterar a configuração do Sistema Único de Saúde.25226327

    Extensional vs contractional Cenozoic deformation in Ibiza (Balearic Promontory, Spain): Integration in the West Mediterranean back-arc setting

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    Based on field work and seismic reflection data, we investigate the Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution offshore and onshore Ibiza allowing the proposal of a new tectonic agenda for the region and its integration in the geodynamic history of the West Mediterranean. The late Oligocene-early Miocene rifting event, which characterizes the Valencia Trough and the Algerian Basin, located north and south of the study area respectively, is also present in Ibiza and particularly well-expressed in the northern part of the island. Among these two rifted basins initiated in the frame of the European Cenozoic Rift System, the Valencia Trough failed rapidly while the Algerian Basin evolved after as a back-arc basin related to the subduction of the Alpine-Maghrebian Tethys. The subsequent middle Miocene compressional deformation was localized by the previous extensional faults, which were either inverted or passively translated depending on their initial orientation. Despite the lateral continuity between the External Betics and the Balearic Promontory, it appears from restored maps that this tectonic event cannot be directly related to the Betic orogen, but results from compressive stresses transmitted through the Algerian Basin. A still active back-arc asthenospheric rise likely explains the stiff behavior of this basin, which has remained poorly deformed up to recent time. During the late Miocene a new extensional episode reworked the southern part of the Balearic Promontory. It is suggested that this extensional deformation developed in a trans-tensional context related to the westward translation of the Alboran Domain and the coeval right-lateral strike-slip movement along the Emile Baudot Escarpment bounding the Algerian Basin to the north. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A new look at old debates about the Corbières (NE-Pyrenees) geology: salt tectonics and gravity gliding

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    In the Corbières area, a large-scale nappe has been identified at the beginning of the 20th century: the “Nappe des Corbières Orientales” (NCO) resting over a thick Triassic sole. This geological object is located at the NE of the Pyrenees, close to the Gulf of Lions. At this place, the chain changes in orientation from E-W to NE-SW and presents in detail, a great complexity. The existence of the nappe itself has never been contested. However, due to its overall complexity, several controversies exist regarding the style and chronology of deformation of its substratum in the so-called the “Pinède de Durban” in particular. We show that the new concepts of salt tectonics can clarify these old debates. Indeed, the rise of the Triassic salt during Mesozoic rifting episodes results in the development of characteristic sedimentary sequences (halokinetic sequences) on top of salt walls. It is along one of these, coinciding with the prolongation of the Cévenole Fault System, that the NCO has been individualized. During its Cenozoic emplacement, a gravity-gliding component, explaining the importance of the observed translation, could result from an uplift preceding the rifting at the origin of the Gulf of Lions

    Genetic stability in synthetic wheat accessions: cytogenetic evaluation as a support in breeding programs.

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    ABSTRACT: Synthetic wheat is developed by crossing tetraploid species ( Triticum turgidum , AABB) with a diploid species ( Aegilops tauschii , DD), followed by chromosome duplication through the use of colchicine to restore the resultant sterile hybrid to a fertile hexaploid plant. The main importance of producing synthetically improved wheat is to increase their genetic variability and to incorporate genes that code for resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of micronuclei (MN) and the meiotic index (MI) in the tetrad phase in synthetic wheat accessions and cultivars ( Triticum aestivum ) stored at the Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Trigo (Brazil), in order to identify and select genetically stable accessions for plant improvement. Five plants were collected by genotype, prior to anthesis, and the tissues were fixed in Carnoy solution. Cytological slides were prepared by the smash method, and the cells were dyed with 1% acetocarmine and observed under an optical microscope. Presence of MN was observed in all genotypes analyzed, and variability of genetic stability was reported in the two years of analysis. In 2014, the highest MI of synthetic wheat accessions was 96.86% and the lowest was 46.32%. In 2015, the highest MI was 96.60% and the lowest was 47.96%. Based on the results, some genotypes were considered meiotically stable and suitable for use in wheat breeding programs

    The World Bank And The Brazilian National Health System In The Beginning Of The 21st Century

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    Este ensaio tem o objetivo de atualizar as discussões sobre a perspectiva política e o papel desempenhado pelo Banco Mundial na elaboração de políticas públicas de saúde no Brasil, procurando identificar continuidades e mudanças no modo de agir dessa instituição e sugerir hipóteses sobre as estratégias de ação neste início de século. Para isso, analisam-se dois documentos, um de 2007 e outro de 2013, publicados por essa instituição, e levantam-se dados sobre projetos financiados pelo Banco no período de 2000 a 2015 no Brasil, com destaque para o setor de saúde. Conclui-se que os mecanismos tradicionais de intervenção não se alteraram em relação aos utilizados nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, tampouco mudaram os princípios orientadores: o que se observa é um deslocamento das ações do Banco da esfera nacional para as esferas estadual e municipal. Aponta-se a necessidade de estudos específicos dos contratos firmados entre o Banco e os governos subnacionais, uma vez que o modelo federativo brasileiro e o próprio sistema nacional de saúde permitem implementar mecanismos de gestão descentralizados que podem alterar a configuração do Sistema Único de Saúde.25226327

    Extreme Mesozoic crustal thinning in the Eastern Iberia margin: The example of the Columbrets Basin (Valencia Trough)

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    Eastern Iberia preserves a complex succession of Mesozoic rifts partly or completely inverted during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic in relation with Africa-Eurasia convergence. Notably, the Valencia Trough, classically viewed as part of the Cenozoic West Mediterranean basins, preserves in its southwestern part a thick Mesozoic succession (locally ≈10 km thick) over a highly thinned continental basement (locally only ≈3.5 km thick). This subbasin, referred to as the Columbrets Basin, represents a Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous hyperextended rift basin weakly overprinted by subsequent events. Its initial configuration is well preserved allowing us to unravel its 3-D architecture and tectonostratigraphic evolution in the frame of the Mesozoic evolution of eastern Iberia. The Columbrets Basin benefits from an extensive data set combining high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, drill holes, seismic refraction data, and expanding spread profiles. The interactions between halokinesis, involving the Upper Triassic salt, and extensional deformation controlled the architecture of the Mesozoic basin. The thick uppermost Triassic to Cretaceous succession displays a large-scale 'syncline' shape, progressively stretched and dismembered toward the basin borders. We propose that the SE border of the basin is characterized by a large extensional detachment fault acting at crustal scale and interacting locally with the Upper Triassic décollement. This extensional structure accommodates the exhumation of the continental basement and part of the crustal thinning. Eventually, our results highlight the complex interaction between extreme crustal thinning and occurrence of a prerift salt level for the deformation style and tectonostratigraphic evolution of hyperextended rift basins