200 research outputs found

    Renormalization of the one-pion-exchange interaction

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    A renormalization scheme for the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction based on a subtracted T-matrix equation is proposed and applied to the one-pion-exchange potential supplemented by contact interactions. The singlet and triplet scattering lengths are given to fix the renormalized strengths of the contact interactions. With only one scaling parameter (μ\mu), the results show an overall very good agreement with neutron-proton data, particularly for the observables related to the triplet channel. The agreement is qualitative in the 1S0^1S_0 channel. Between the low-energy NN observables we have examined, the mixing parameter of the 3S13D1^3S_1-^3D_1 states is the most sensible to the scale. The scheme is renormalization group invariant for μ\mu\to\infty.Comment: 16 pages, 4 eps figures, to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Pertinent Dirac structure for QCD sum rules of meson-baryon coupling constants

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    Using general baryon interpolating fields JBJ_B for B=N,Ξ,Σ,B= N, \Xi, \Sigma, without derivative, we study QCD sum rules for meson-baryon couplings and their dependence on Dirac structures for the two-point correlation function with a meson i\int d^4x e^{iqx} \bra 0|{\rm T}[J_B(x)\bar{J}_B(0)] |{\cal M}(p)\ket. Three distinct Dirac structures are compared: iγ5i\gamma_5, i\gamma_5\fslash{p}, and γ5σμνqμpν\gamma_5\sigma_{\mu\nu}q^\mu p^\nu structures. From the dependence of the OPE on general baryon interpolating fields, we propose criteria for choosing an appropriate Dirac structure for the coupling sum rules. The γ5σμνqμpν\gamma_5\sigma_{\mu\nu}q^\mu p^\nu sum rules satisfy the criteria while the iγ5i\gamma_5 sum rules beyond the chiral limit do not. For the i\gamma_5\fslash{p} sum rules, the large continuum contributions prohibit reliable prediction for the couplings. Thus, the γ5σμνqμpν\gamma_5\sigma_{\mu\nu}q^\mu p^\nu structure seems pertinent for realistic predictions. In the SU(3) limit, we identify the OPE terms responsible for the F/DF/D ratio. We then study the dependence of the ratio on the baryon interpolating fields. We conclude the ratio F/D0.60.8F/D \sim 0.6-0.8 for appropriate choice of the interpolating fields.Comment: To be published in Phys.Rev.C ; 21 pages,8 figures, revtex ; references are adde

    Electroweak Matrix Elements in the Two-Nucleon Sector from Lattice QCD

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    We demonstrate how to make rigorous predictions for electroweak matrix elements in nuclear systems directly from QCD. More precisely, we show how to determine the short-distance contributions to low-momentum transfer electroweak matrix elements in the two-nucleon sector from lattice QCD. In potential model descriptions of multi-nucleon systems, this is equivalent to uniquely determining the meson-exchange currents, while in the context of nuclear effective field theory, this translates into determining the coefficients of local, gauge-invariant, multi-nucleon-electroweak current operators. The energies of the lowest-lying states of two nucleons on a finite volume lattice with periodic boundary conditions in the presence of a background magnetic field are sufficient to determine the local four-nucleon operators that contribute to the deuteron magnetic moment and to the threshold cross-section of n + p -> d + gamma. Similarly, the energy-levels of two nucleons immersed in a background isovector axial weak field can be used to determine the coefficient of the leading local four-nucleon operator contributing to the neutral- and charged-current break-up of the deuteron. This is required for the extraction of solar neutrino fluxes at SNO and future neutrino experiments.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Scheming in Dimensional Regularization

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    We consider the most general loop integral that appears in non-relativistic effective field theories with no light particles. The divergences of this integral are in correspondence with simple poles in the space of complex space-time dimensions. Integrals related to the original integral by subtraction of one or more poles in dimensions other than D=4 lead to nonminimal subtraction schemes. Subtraction of all poles in correspondence with ultraviolet divergences of the loop integral leads naturally to a regularization scheme which is precisely equivalent to cutoff regularization. We therefore recover cutoff regularization from dimensional regularization with a nonminimal subtraction scheme. We then discuss the power-counting for non-relativistic effective field theories which arises in these alternative schemes.Comment: 12 pages, additional text in opening section, version to be published in J. Phys.

    Calculation of Ground State Energy for Confined Fermion Fields

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    A method for renormalization of the Casimir energy of confined fermion fields in (1+1)D is proposed. It is based on the extraction of singularities which appear as poles at the point of physical value of the regularization parameter, and subsequent compensation of them by means of redefinition of the "bare" constants. A finite ground state energy of the two-phase hybrid model of fermion bag with chiral boson-fermion interaction is calculated as the function of the bag's size.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX; no figures. Version to appear in Phys. Lett. B (2001

    Collective modes and current-algebraic sum rules in nuclear medium

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    In-medium sum rules following from the chiral charge algebra of QCD are reviewed, and new sum rules are derived. The new sum rules relate the I^G(J^{PC})=1^-(0^{++}) excitations (quantum numbers of a_0(980)) to the scalar and isovector densities, and are nontrivial for the isospin-asymmetric medium. We present an extensive illustration of the sum rules with help of quark matter in the Nambu-Jona--Lasinio model. Collective excitations different from the usual meson branches (spin-isospin sound modes) are shown to contribute significantly to the sum rules and to play a crucial role in the limit of vanishing current quark masses.Comment: latex, elsart.sty, 32 pages, 11 figure

    g_{\pi \Lambda \Sigma} and g_{K \Sigma \Xi} from QCD sum rules

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    The coupling constants g_{\pi \Lambda \Sigma} and g_{K \Sigma \Xi} are calculated in the QCD sum rule approach using the three-point function method and taking into account the SU(3) symmetry breaking effects. The pattern of SU(3) breaking appears to be different from that based on SU(3) relations.Comment: revtex, 9 page

    The F/DF/D ratio and meson-baryon couplings from QCD sum rules-II

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    Using QCD sum rules, we compute the diagonal meson-baryon couplings, πNN\pi NN, ηNN\eta NN, πΞΞ\pi \Xi\Xi, ηΞΞ\eta \Xi\Xi, πΣΣ\pi \Sigma \Sigma and ηΣΣ\eta \Sigma \Sigma, from the baryon-baryon correlation function with a meson, id4xeiqxi\int d^4x e^{iq\cdot x} . The calculations are performed to leading order in pμp_\mu by considering the two separate Dirac structures, iγ5γμpμi \gamma_5 \gamma_\mu p^\mu and γ5σμνqμpν\gamma_5 \sigma_{\mu \nu} {q^\mu p^\nu} separately. We first improve the previous sum rule calculations on these Dirac structures for the πNN\pi NN coupling by including three-particle pion wave functions of twist 4 and then extend the formalism to calculate the other couplings, ηNN\eta NN, πΞΞ\pi \Xi\Xi, ηΞΞ\eta \Xi\Xi, πΣΣ\pi \Sigma \Sigma and ηΣΣ\eta \Sigma \Sigma. In the SU(3) symmetric limit, we identify the terms responsible for the F/DF/D ratio in the OPE by matching the obtained couplings with their SU(3) relations. Depending on the Dirac structure considered, we find different identifications for the F/DF/D ratio. The couplings including the SU(3) breaking effects are also discussed within our approach.Comment: 28 pages including 4 figures. slightly revised. accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Chiral quark-soliton model in the Wigner-Seitz approximation

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    In this paper we study the modification of the properties of the nucleon in the nucleus within the quark-soliton model. This is a covariant, dynamical model, which provides a non-linear representation of the spontaneously broken SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R symmetry of QCD. The effects of the nuclear medium are accounted for by using the Wigner-Seitz approximation and therefore reducing the complex many-body problem to a simpler single-particle problem. We find a minimum in the binding energy at finite density, a change in the isoscalar nucleon radius and a reduction of the in-medium pion decay constant. The latter is consistent with a partial restoration of chiral symmetry at finite density, which is predicted by other models.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figures; uses REVTeX and epsfi

    Two-Pion Exchange Nucleon-Nucleon Potential: Model Independent Features

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    A chiral pion-nucleon amplitude supplemented by the HJS subthreshold coefficients is used to calculate the the long range part of the two-pion exchange nucleon-nucleon potential. In our expressions the HJS coefficients factor out, allowing a clear identification of the origin of the various contributions. A discussion of the configuration space behaviour of the loop integrals that determine the potential is presented, with emphasis on cancellations associated with chiral symmetry. The profile function for the scalar-isoscalar component of the potential is produced and shown to disagree with those of several semi-phenomenological potentials.Comment: 16 pages, 9 embedded figures, Latex 2.09, Revtex.sty, epsf.st