957 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Study of Total and Pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus (tdh+ and/or trh+) in Two Natural Extraction Areas of Mytilus chilensis in Southern Chile

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is the leading cause of seafood-associated bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide. Although different studies have focused on its pattern of variation over time, knowledge about the environmental factors driving the dynamics of this pathogen, within the Chilean territory, is still lacking. This study determined the prevalence of total and pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus strains (tdh and/or trh genes) in mussels (Mytilus chilensis) collected from two natural growing areas between 2017 and 2018, using selective agar and PCR analysis. V. parahaemolyticus was detected in 45.6% (93/204) of pooled samples from the Valdivia River Estuary. The pathogenic strains carrying the tdh and/or trh gene were detected in 11.8% (24/204): tdh in 9.8% (20/204), trh in 0.5% (1/204), and 1.5% (3/204) presented both genes. In Reloncaví Fjord, V. parahaemolyticus was detected in 14.4% (30/209) of the samples, pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus carrying the trh gene was detected in 0.5% (1/209) of the samples, while the tdh gene was not detected in the samples from this area. The total count of mauve-purple colonies typical of V. parahaemolyticus on CHROMagar was positively associated by multivariate analysis with area, water temperature, and salinity. Similarly, V. parahaemolyticus detection rates by PCR had a positive correlation with the area and water temperature. The chances of detecting total V. parahaemolyticus in the Valdivia River Estuary are significantly higher than in the Reloncaví Fjord, but inversely, during spring-summer months, the interaction factor between the area and temperature indicated that the chances of detecting V. parahaemolyticus are higher in the Reloncaví Fjord. Interestingly, this period coincides with the season when commercial and natural-growing shellfish are harvested. On the other hand, pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus tdh+ was significantly correlated with an increase of water temperature. These environmental parameters could be used to trigger a warning on potential hazard, which would influence human health and economic losses in aquaculture systems.

    A comparison of the prediction of apparent metabolisable energy content of starchy grains and cereal by-products for poultry from its chemical components, in vitro analysis or near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy

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    Regression models including chemical composition, in vitro digestibility and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) were compared in order to predict the energy value of several feed ingredients for poultry. The nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolisable energy content (AMEn) in cockerels and its proportion on total gross energy (AMEn/GE) were determined in 94 batches from six starchy grains and six cereal byproducts. Two preliminary trials were also designed to adapt in vitro methods for prediction of in vivo energy values for poultry. Mean concentrations of AMEn of the ingredient studied ranged from 2,464 to 3,595 kcal kg -1 DM, and those of AMEn/GE from 53.7 to 80.0%. The most precise model of prediction of AMEn and AMEn/GE values was that based on NIRS equations (R2 cv = 0.823 and 0.861, respectively). The best single chemical predictor of these energy values was the neutral detergent fibre concentration (R2 = 0.616 and 0.736, respectively). Further inclusion of ether extract and ash contents in the AMEn model and those of starch and ether extract in the AMEn/GE model allowed increasing coefficients of determination up to 0.791 and 0.839, respectively. A model including linear and quadratic effects of in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMd) provided a similar prediction of AMEn/GE values (R2 = 0.833). However the prediction of AMEn from IVOMd was worse (R2 = 0.62), as variations among batches of GE concentration (from 4,225 to 5,896 kcal kg –1 DM) were little related to in vitro digestibility values

    Efecto de una restricción alimenticia después del destete sobre la mortalidad y los rendimientos productivos de conejos en cebo

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    En este trabajo se ha estudiado el efecto de una restricción alimenticia moderada 15 y gradual después del destete (alrededor de 35 d de edad) sobre los rendimientos 16 productivos y la eficiencia alimenticia global del cebo. La restricción consistió en 17 suministrar una cantidad limitada de alimento (80, 100 y 120 g/d) en las tres semanas 18 siguientes al destete. Se han realizado seis ensayos, con 480 animales cada uno, 19 utilizando seis piensos comerciales que diferían en el tipo de medicación. En estos 20 ensayos se controlaron los parámetros de crecimiento, eficacia alimenticia global y 21 mortalidad durante el periodo de restricción y en el conjunto del cebo (destete a 63-67 d 22 de edad). El número de ooquistes y de Clostridium perfringens en heces duras fue 23 también evaluado en cada tratamiento. En ninguno de los ensayos se detectaron 24 problemas de elevada mortalidad causada por ERE. En estas condiciones, la mortalidad 25 de los gazapos restringidos se redujo un 33% (P=0,02) en el periodo de restricción y 26 tendió a disminuir en el conjunto del periodo de cebo. Los resultados obtenidos 27 muestran además que una restricción alimenticia moderada mejora en un 4% (Pmenor que0,001) 28 la eficiencia alimenticia global del cebo, sin afectar al peso total de animales enviado a 29 matadero. Además, la adopción de medidas que disminuyan la proliferación de 30 coccidios y C. perfringens en el contenido digestivo pueden resultar útiles para reducir 31 la mortalidad de conejos durante el ceb

    Descriptive study of production factors affecting performance traits in growing-finishing pgis in Spain.

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    The objective of this study was to build up a data set including productive performance and production factors data of growing-finishing (GF) pigs in Spain in order to perform a representative and reliable description of the traits of Spanish growing-finishing pig industry. Data from 764 batches from 452 farms belonging to nine companies (1,157,212 pigs) were collected between 2008 and 2010 through a survey including five parts: general, facilities, feeding, health status and performance. Most studied farms had only GF pigs on their facilities (94.7%), produced ‘industrial’ pigs (86.7%), had entire male and female (59.5%) and Pietrain-sired pigs (70.0%), housed between 13-20 pigs per pen (87.2%), had 50% of slatted floor (70%), single-space dry feeder (54.0%), nipple drinker (88.7%) and automatic ventilation systems (71.2%). A 75.0% of the farms used three feeding phases using mainly pelleted diets (91.0%), 61.3% performed three or more antibiotic treatments and 36.5% obtained water from the public supply. Continuous variables studied had the following average values: number of pigs placed per batch, 1,515 pigs; initial and final body weight, 19.0 and 108 kg; length of GF period, 136 days; culling rate, 1.4%; barn occupation, 99.7%; feed intake per pig and fattening cycle, 244 kg; daily gain, 0.657 kg; feed conversion ratio, 2.77 kg kg-1 and mortality rate, 4.3%. Data reflecting the practical situation of the Spanish growing and finishing pig production and it may contribute to develop new strategies in order to improve the productive and economic efficiency of GF pig units

    Aplicación de la técnica DEA en la medición de la eficiencia de las bibliotecas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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    This work presents the use of the DEA technique in order to measurethe efficiency of the 26 libraries of the Complutense University,Madrid. To evaluate the efficiency, the following variable inputs correspondingto 2004 have been selected: library staff, number of practicioners,library holdings and number of titles of open serials as an indicator of theresources of each library uses. As variable outputs of library services wehave selected: number of loans, number of interlibrary loans served andborrowed. Fifteen of the 26 libraries analysed, have been evaluated as efficient.The result of the evaluation proves that the inefficiency of somelibraries is basically due to an excess of library resources in relation withthe services they provideEn este trabajo presentamos una aplicación de la técnica DEA paramedir la eficiencia de las 26 bibliotecas pertenecientes a los centros de laUniversidad Complutense de Madrid. Para el cálculo de los valores de eficienciahemos seleccionado los siguientes datos correspondientes al año2004: el número de personas adscritas a la biblioteca, el número de becarios,el número de volúmenes de libros de que dispone, y el número derevistas vivas como variables representativas de los recursos que utilizanlas bibliotecas. Como variables representativas de los servicios que prestanlas bibliotecas a sus usuarios hemos seleccionado: el número de préstamosa domicilio, el volumen de libros y artículos suministrados a otrasbibliotecas, y el volumen de artículos y libros solicitados a otras bibliotecas.De las 26 bibliotecas analizadas, 15 son valoradas como eficientes.A partir del análisis de sensibilidad realizado sobre las bibliotecas ineficientes,se infiere que la fuente más importante de ineficiencia en el conjuntode bibliotecas estudiadas reside en la aplicación de los recursos queutilizan las mismas para prestar sus servicios

    New derivation of soliton solutions to the AKNS2_2 system via dressing transformation methods

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    We consider certain boundary conditions supporting soliton solutions in the generalized non-linear Schr\"{o}dinger equation (AKNSr_r)\,(r=1,2r=1,2). Using the dressing transformation (DT) method and the related tau functions we study the AKNSr_{r} system for the vanishing, (constant) non-vanishing and the mixed boundary conditions, and their associated bright, dark, and bright-dark N-soliton solutions, respectively. Moreover, we introduce a modified DT related to the dressing group in order to consider the free field boundary condition and derive generalized N-dark-dark solitons. As a reduced submodel of the AKNSr_r system we study the properties of the focusing, defocusing and mixed focusing-defocusing versions of the so-called coupled non-linear Schr\"{o}dinger equation (rr-CNLS), which has recently been considered in many physical applications. We have shown that two-dark-dark-soliton bound states exist in the AKNS2_2 system, and three- and higher-dark-dark-soliton bound states can not exist. The AKNSr_r\,(r3r\geq 3) extension is briefly discussed in this approach. The properties and calculations of some matrix elements using level one vertex operators are outlined.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures. Extended version of arXiv:1110.3108[nlin.SI], to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Holographic approach to a minimal Higgsless model

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    In this work, following an holographic approach, we carry out a low energy effective study of a minimal Higgsless model based on SU(2) bulk symmetry broken by boundary conditions, both in flat and warped metric. The holographic procedure turns out to be an useful computation technique to achieve an effective four dimensional formulation of the model taking into account the corrections coming from the extra dimensional sector. This technique is used to compute both oblique and direct contributions to the electroweak parameters in presence of fermions delocalized along the fifth dimension.Comment: Latex file, 23 page

    Relationships of the wild peanut species, section Arachis: a resource for botanical classification, crop improvement, and germplasm management.

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    Premise Wild species are strategic sources of valuable traits to be introduced into crops through hybridization. For peanut, the 33 currently described wild species in the section Arachis are particularly important because of their sexual compatibility with the domesticated species, Arachis hypogaea. Although numerous wild accessions are carefully preserved in seed banks, their morphological similarities pose challenges to routine classification. Methods Using a high-density array, we genotyped 272 accessions encompassing all diploid species in section Arachis. Detailed relationships between accessions and species were revealed through phylogenetic analyses and interpreted using the expertise of germplasm collectors and curators. Results Two main groups were identified: one with A genome species and the other with B, D, F, G, and K genomes. Species groupings generally showed clear boundaries. Structure within groups was informative, for instance, revealing the history of the proto-domesticate A. stenosperma. However, some groupings suggested multiple sibling species. Others were polyphyletic, indicating the need for taxonomic revision. Annual species were better defined than perennial ones, revealing limitations in applying classical and phylogenetic species concepts to the genus. We suggest new species assignments for several accessions. Conclusions Curated by germplasm collectors and curators, this analysis of species relationships lays the foundation for future species descriptions, classification of unknown accessions, and germplasm use for peanut improvement. It supports the conservation and curation of current germplasm, both critical tasks considering the threats to the genus posed by habitat loss and the current restrictions on new collections and germplasm transfer

    Nutritive value of palm kernel meal in diets for growing rabbits

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    ABSTRACT Keywords: Palm kernel meal Energy value Nutrient digestibility Fattening performance Growing rabbits The aim of this work was to determine the nutritive value of palm kernel meal (PKM) in diets for growing rabbits. In Experiment 1, 20 New Zealand x Californian growing rabbits 50 d-old were used to determine energy, crude protein, fibre and fat digestibility of PKM. The nutritive value was estimated by the difference method using a basal diet and another diet made by substituting 200g/kg of basal diet with PKM. Energy, crude protein, ether extract and neutral detergent fibre of PKM digestibilities were, respectively, 0.549 (±0.056, SE), 0.541 (±0.069), 0.850 (±0.048) and 0.430 (±0.101), and the digestible energy concentration was 10.9MJ/kg (±1.03) DM. In Experiment 2, 412 rabbits were allocated at random to the two experimental diets to measure growing performance. Inclusion of 200 g PKM/kg in the diet did not affect feed or digestible energy intake but decreased slightly (by around 5%) average daily gain (P = 0.003) and feed efficiency (P < 0.001). Neither mortality nor Clostridium perfringens counts in soft faeces were affected by type of diet. Palm kernel meal can be considered a palatable source of fibre, protein and fat for rabbits and can substitute significant amounts of other fibrous ingredients in the diet without adverse effects on growth performance

    Higgs Boson studies at future particle colliders

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    This document aims to provide an assessment of the potential of future colliding beam facilities to perform Higgs boson studies. The analysis builds on the submissions made by the proponents of future colliders to the European Strategy Update process, and takes as its point of departure the results expected at the completion of the HL-LHC program. This report presents quantitative results on many aspects of Higgs physics for future collider projects of sufficient maturity using uniform methodologies