65 research outputs found


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    Dari data SUSENAS tahun 2006, angka partisipasi sekolah anak usia 16-18 tahun yang merupakan usia pendidikan SLTA di Sumatera Barat sangat jauh dibawah angka partisipasi usia wajib belajar 9 tahun yaitu hanya mencapai rata-rata 64,3 persen. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa banyak diantara anak-anak yang telah menamatkan pendidikan tingkat SLTP yang tidak lagi melanjutkan pendidikan tingkat SLTA. Pemilihan sekolah SLTA antara SMA dan SMK oleh rumah tangga merupakan masalah yang menentukan dalam menentukan profesi anak setelah menamatkan pendidikan menengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kondisi demografi, ekonomi, dan sosial rumah tangga terhadap pendidikan anak di Sumatera Barat. Kondisi tersebut adalah pendidikan kepala rumah tangga, pendidikan ibu, pengeluaran rumah tangga, Jumlah anggota rumah tangga, dan jenis kelamin kepala rumah tangga. Penelitian yang menggunakan data tape atau raw data Susenas Sumatera Barat tahun 2006 ini melakukan dua metode analisis, yaitu analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi logistik. Metode analisis deskriptif untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara partisipasi sekolah anak masuk SMA atau SMK usia 16-18 tahun dengan kondisi demografi, ekonomi dan sosial rumah tangga. Sedangkan metode analisis regresi logistik untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel terikat (partisipasi sekolah) dan variabel bebas (faktor sosial, ekonomi dan demografi rumah tangga) dimana variabel terikat berskala biner (dikotomi). Variabel terikat ini dibagi menurut jenis sekolah antara SMA dan SMK. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan model regresi logistik memperlihatkan bahwa partisipasi sekolah anak masuk SMA (usia 16-18 tahun) lebih tinggi dibandingkan masuk SMK. Secara khusus partisipasi sekolah anak masuk SMA dipengaruhi oleh variabel pendidikan ayah tamat sarjana, pendidikan ibu tamat SMA, pengeluaran konsumsi rumah tangga, dan jenis kelamin kepala rumah tangga. Sedangkan pada partisipasi sekolah anak masuk SMK dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan ayah tamat saijana yangmana koefisiennya negatif dengan odds ratio 0,434 kali dibanding pendidikan ayah lainnya selain pendidikan ayah tamat sarjana yang memasukkan anaknya ke SMK


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    Kualitas dan morfologi abnormal spermatozoa sapi aceh sangat perlu dilakukan untuk pelestarian plasma nufah sapi di Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengamati kualitas dan morfologi abnormal spermatozoa sapi aceh pada berbagai frekuensi ejakulasi dengan menggunakan 5 ekor pejantan dengan selang waktu perlakuan selama 30 menit. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Prosesing Spermatozoa Beku Sapi Aceh, Saree. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analysis of variance (ANOVA) pola satu arah yang dilanjutkan dengan uji berganda Duncan. Hasil pengamatan kualitas dan morfologi abnormal spermatozoa pada ejakulasi pertama, kedua dan ketiga secara berturut-turut, Konsentrasi spermatozoa adalah 1.247,00 ± 96,67x106/ml; 1.194,00 ± 52,25x106/ml dan 967,60 ± 63,71x106/ml. Persentase spermatozoa hidup sebesar 90,54 ± 2,31%, 90,20 ± 1,91% dan 73,87 ± 2,33%. Persentase spermatozoa abnormal sebesar 8,54±0,71%, 9,18 ± 0,98% dan 13,27 ± 0,62%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Frekuensi ejakulasi berpengaruh secara nyata (

    Konsentrasi Hormon Testosteron Kerbau Simeulue dan Korelasinya dengan Tingkat Umur dan Lingkar Skrotum

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui konsentrasi hormon testosteron kerbau Simeulue dan korelasinya dengan tingkat umur dan lingkar skrotum. Sebanyak 15 ekor kerbau Simeulue jantan dibagi dalam tiga kelompok yaitu umur 2,1-3,0 tahun; 3,1-4,0 tahun, dan 4,1-5,0 tahun. Parameter yang diamati terdiri dari lingkar skrotum dan konsentrasi hormon testosteron. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis varian satu arah dan selanjutnya diuji dengan uji berganda Duncan. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur, lingkar skrotum dengan konsentrasi hormon testosteron digunakan analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil analisis pada lingkar skrotum dan konsentrasi hormon testosteron memperlihatkan perbedaan yang nyata (P0,05). Lingkar skrotum dan kadar testosteron serum umur 2,1- 3,0 tahun berbeda secara nyata (P0,05) dengan umur 3,1- 4,0 tahun dan 4,1 - 5,0 tahun. Terdapat hubungan yang nyata (P0,05) antara konsentrasi hormon testosteron dengan umur dan lingkar skrotum, dengan persamaan regresi Y = -4,925-0,436 X1 + 0,697 X2. dengan nilai koefesien korelasi (r) sebesar 0,675 dan koefisien determinasi (r2) sebesar 0,455. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa lingkar skrotum (X2) berpengaruh sebesar 67,10 % terhadap konsentrasi hormon testosteron, lebih tinggi dibanding umur (X1) yang berpengaruh sebesar 46,60%. Kesimpulan, umur berpengaruh terhadap lingkar skrotum dan konsentrasi hormon testosteron kerbau Simeulue. Kerbau Simeulue berumur 4,1 - 5,0 tahun memiliki korelasi yang lebih kuat dari pada kerbau Simeulue umur 2,1 - 3,0 dan 3,1 - 4,0 tahun terhadap lingkar skrotum dan konsentrasi testosteron.  (Testosterone hormone concentration of Simeulue buffalo and its correlation with age level and the scrotum circumference) ABSTRACT . The objective of this study was to determine the testosterone hormone concentration of Simeulue buffalo and its correlation with age level and the scrotum circumference. Fifteen male Simeulue buffalo were divided into three groups: 2.1 - 3.0 years; 3.1-4.0 and 4.1-5.0 years where each group consists of five buffaloes. The parameter observed consisted of age, scrotal circumference and testosterone hormone concentration. The data obtained were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance. The difference is tested with Duncan multiple tests. Meanwhile, simple regression analysis was used to testing the relationship between age and scrotal circumference with testosterone hormone concentration. The results showed that the scrotal circumferences and testosterone hormone concentration have significant differences (P 0.05). Scrotal circumference and testosterone level of 2.1-3.0 years were significantly different (P 0.05) with age 3.1- 4.0 years and 4.1 - 5.0 years. Additionally, there is a relationship (P0,05) between testosterone hormone concentration with age and scrotal circumference, with correlation coefficient value (r) = 0.675 and determination coefficient(r2) = 0,455, with regression equality Y =- 4,925 - 0,436 X1 + 0,697 X2. In conclusion, age affected the scrotal circumference and testosterone hormone concentration in the Simeulue buffalo. 4.1 - 5.0 years Simeulue buffalo has stronger correlation than 2.1 - 3.0 and 3.1 - 4.0 years of Simeulue Buffalo at scrotal circumference and testosterone concentration

    The Effect of Tomato Extract (Lycopersicon Esculentum) on the Formation of Atherosclerosis in White Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Male

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    The aim of this research was to find out anti-cholesterol activity intomato extract (Lycopersicon esculentum) on blood lipid profile and its potential application in the prevention of atherosclerosis in rats fed with high cholesterol diet. This research employed a complete randomized design with unidirectional pattern by using white rats (Rattus norvegicus) divided into five groups. Negative control group was fed with standard diet, while positive control groups were fed with high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) diet, group K were fedwith tomato extract at a dose of 10, 20, and 40 mg/kg together with high cholesterol diet. The result of this researchshowed that high cholesterol diet fed decreased simultaneously with tomato extract at a dose of 10, 20, and 40 mg /kg of rats after 60 days of treatment. Tomato extract was able prevent the formation of plaque in the coronary arteries of rats fed with hypercholesterolemia diet. Effective dose oftomatoextractused in this study was 20-40mg/kg

    Efektivitas Penambahan Vitamin E (alfa-Tokoferol) dalam Medium Pencucian Sperma dengan Sentrifugasi terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa Sapi Brahman

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    Effect of vitamin E addition (alfa-tokoferol) into sperm washing medium by centrifuge on the quality of Brahman cattle spermatozoa ABSTRACT. The aims of study to determine the effectiveness of the addition of vitamin E in the washing medium by centrifugation on sperm quality Brahman cattle. frozen semen of Brahman cattle, divided into 4 treatment groups addition of vitamin E in the washing medium: 0.0gr/100 ml medium (K0), 0.1gr /100 ml medium (K1); 0.2gr/100 ml medium (K2) and 0.3 g / 100 ml medium (K4), each group was repeated 5 times. Examination of motility, viability and integrity of sperm membrane performed according to WHO standards. The data obtained were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Duncan test. The average percentage of motility, viability and membrane integrity of spermatozoa in the addition of vitamin E were significantly different (P 0.05) compared to the control. Percentage of motility, viability and membrane integrity of spermatozoa in the group K2 significantly higher (P 0.05) compared with the group K3: K1 and K0. Percentage of motility, viability and sperm capacitation and sperm live on group K3 significantly higher (P 0.05) compared with the K1 and K0. While the percentage motility of spermatozoa in the group K1 higher were not significant (P 0.05) compared with the group K0. The addition of vitamin E in the medium on the process of washing spermatozoa Brahman cattle. The addition of vitamin E 0.2gr/100ml better than vitamin E 0.1gr/100ml and 0.3gr/100ml in maintaining the percentage of motility and live spermatozoa Brahman cattle

    Penambahan Tepung Daun Katuk (Saurupus Androgynus L. Merr) dalam Ransum Terhadap Pertambahan Berat Badan dan Lingkar Scrotum Kambing Jantan Peranakan Ettawa

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    The addition of katuk leaf meal (saurupus androgynus l.merr) in feeds on body weight gain and scrotal circumference  male ettawa grade goatsABSTRACT. This research was aimed to study the effect of addition of katuk leaf meal (Sauropus androgynus L. Merr)  in feed on body weight gain and scrotal circumference of male Ettawa grade goat. The research lasted for eight months, starting Agustus 2012 to Maret 2013, with feeding trial for two months. Twenty male Ettawa grade goats of 18 to 24 months old, were divided into 4 treatment groups. Treatment groups were added with 0% Katuk leaf meal (R0);  5% (R1);  10%  (R2) and 15%  (R3), with 5  goats in each replication. Treatment diets were feed in the morning and afternoon for 60 days. Weighing body weight and measuring scrotal circumference was done every week. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and if there was significantly different, the data were further tested using Duncan multiple range test. The result shows that the body weight gain of the treatment were, R0 (2,39 ± 0,43 kg); R1 (2,84 ± 0,36 kg); R2 (2,85 ± 0,20 kg) and R3 (3,42 ± 0,78 kg) respectively. Scrotal circumference were, R0 (0,74 ± 0,10 cm); R1 (1,24 ± 0,26 cm); R2 (1,26 ± 0,40 cm) dan R3 (1,32 ± 0,32 cm) respectively. The result of this research indicated that the addition of katuk leaf meal in feed had significant effects (P0,05) on body weight gain and scrotal circumference of Ettawa grade goat


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pemberian ekstrak kulit buah delima merah (Punica granatum L.) terhadap aktivitas enzim Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) pada jaringan testes tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) strain Wistar DM akibat induksi aloksan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorik jenis Postest Only Control Group Design, dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola satu arah dengan lima perlakuan. Kelompok 1 sebagai kontrol negatif (KN) yaitu tikus yang tidak diberi apapun. Kelompok 2 sebagai kontrol positif (KP) yaitu tikus yang diinduksi aloksan 120 mg/kgBB. Kelompok 3 sebagai perlakuan 1 (P1) yaitu tikus yang diinduksi aloksan 120 mg/kgBB dan diberi 100 mg/kgbb/hari ekstrak kulit buah delima. Kelompok 4 sebagai perlakuan 2 (P2) yaitu tikus yang diinduksi aloksan 120 mg/kgBB dan diberi 200 mg/kgbb/hari ekstrak kulit delima. Masing-masing kelompok diulangi sebanyak 5 kali. Rata-rata aktivitas SOD jaringan testes pada kelompok KN (2,60 ± 0,72a) tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) dengan aktivitas SOD jaringan testes pada kelompok KP2(0,86 ± 0,32b), namun secara nyata lebih tinggi (P<0,05) daripada aktivitas SOD jaringan testes pada kelompok KP (0,86 ± 0,32b) dan KP1 (1,84 ± 0,62c). Aktivitas enzim SOD jaringan testes pada kelompok KP2 lebih tinggi secara nyata (P<0,05) dibandingkan aktivitas enzim SOD jaringan testes dengan KP dan KP1. Hasil ini membuktikan bahwa kondisi DM yang disebabkan induksi aloksan dapat menurunkan aktivitas enzim SOD testes tikus putih, sedangkan pemberian ekstrak kulit buah delima merah dapat meningkatkan kembali aktivitas enzim SOD jaringan testes pada tikus yang diinduksi aloksan tersebut

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatiftipe Two Stay Two Stray ( Tsts ) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas V Sdn 016 Sekeladi Rokan Hilir

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    Abstact: The research aims to find out whether the implementation of two stay two stray (TSTS) method can improve social sciense learning results of class V student in SD Negeri 016 Sekeladi. The type of this research is classroom action research (CAR) with the research subjects are class V students which amounts to 24 students. The data collection techniques used is observation and tests. The research concluded that social sciense learning which using two stay two stray (TSTS) method can improve the teacher's activity, student's activity and social science learning result. At the first meeting of cycle I, the teacher's activity percentage was 56,26% and categorized enouhg, at the second meeting the percentage increased to be 75% and categorized good. For cycle II at the first meeting the percentage was 81,25% and categorized very good, at the second meeting increased to be 91,66% and categorized very good. Then for student's activity cycle I at the first meeting the percentage was 72,91% and categorized good, in the second meeting the percentage was 89,58% and categorized very good. The student's social science learning result from the average grades before action (basic score) was 60,75 increased at cycle I to be 69,79 with the percentage increase by 14,88% and at cycle II the average grades increased to be 73,54 with the percentage increase by 21,05% from the basic score by 60,75

    Efektivitas Penambahan Vitamin E (alfa-Tokoferol) dalam Medium Pencucian Sperma dengan Sentrifugasi terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa Sapi Brahman

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    Effect of vitamin E addition (alfa-tokoferol) into sperm washing medium by centrifuge on the quality of Brahman cattle spermatozoa  ABSTRACT. The aims of study to determine the effectiveness of the addition of vitamin E in the washing medium by centrifugation on sperm quality Brahman cattle. frozen semen of Brahman cattle, divided into 4 treatment groups addition of vitamin E in the washing medium: 0.0gr/100 ml medium (K0), 0.1gr /100 ml medium (K1); 0.2gr/100 ml medium (K2) and 0.3 g / 100 ml medium (K4), each group was repeated 5 times. Examination of motility, viability and integrity of sperm membrane performed according to WHO standards. The data obtained were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Duncan test. The average percentage of motility, viability and membrane integrity of spermatozoa in the addition of vitamin E were significantly different (P 0.05) compared with the group K0. The addition of vitamin E in the medium on the process of washing spermatozoa Brahman cattle. The addition of vitamin E 0.2gr/100ml better than vitamin E 0.1gr/100ml and 0.3gr/100ml in maintaining the percentage of motility and live spermatozoa Brahman cattle


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    ABSTRAKTernak sapi di Pulo Nasi Kabupaten Aceh Besar umumnya dipelihara seadanya, dibiarkan lepas sepanjang hari sehingga dapat menggangu usaha pertanian, jalan umum, dan masalah sosial. Permasalahan utamanya disebabkan keterbatasan tersedianya hijauan pakan ternak (HPT) dan perkandangan yang tidak memadai. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peternak dalam penyediaan HPT berupa rumput unggul (odot dan lampung) dan manajemen pemeliharaan sapi. Metode pelaksanaan berupa: penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara (kuesioner). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Keberhasilan kegiatan pengabdian ini diukur kemampuan anggota kelompok peternak dalam menanam dan merawat HPT dan perbaikan tata laksana pemeliharaan sapi. Sasaran kegiatan adalah Kelompok Peternak Deudap Usaha Mandiri dan Beujaya Gampong di Desa Deudap Pulo Nasi Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Hasil pelaksanaan menunjukkan anggota peternak telah terampil melakukan penanaman dan pemeliharaan rumput odot dan lampung. Nilai ketercapaian materi adalah 86% dari 35 orang anggota kelompok peternak. Pemeliharaan rumput odot lebih mudah dan disukai ternak sapi. Dampak lainnya adalah kelompok peternak sepakat membuat kandang sapi komunal. Kendala yang ditemukan saat awal penanaman rumpot odot dan lampung berupa gangguan kepiting darat yang merusak tunas muda. Simpulan menunjukkan bahwa peternak telah berkomitmen untuk memelihara rumput dan mengandangkan sapinya. Kata kunci: pulo nasi aceh besar; sapi; rumpot odot; rumput lampung. ABSTRACTThe problem of cattle in Pulo Nasi, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, is generally maintained as it is without adequate management. Cows are left loose all day long so they can interfere with agricultural, pollute yard and public roads as well as social problems. This problem can occur due to the limited availability of forages and cow housing. The purpose of this service activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of farmer regarding the provision of forage to introduction (planting) of superior grass (odot and lampung) and cow rearing management. The implementation method was: counseling, training, and mentoring. The method of collecting data by interview (questionnaire). Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The success of this service activity was measured by the ability of the farmer group members to plant and care for HPT and improve the management of cattle raising. The targets of the activity were two groups of farmers Deudap Usaha Mandiri and Beujaya Gampong in Deudap Village. The results showed that the members of the farmer were skilled at planting and maintaining odot and lampung grass. The value of material achievement was 86% of the 35 farmer group members. Maintenance of odot grass is easier and preferred by cattle. Another impact is that farmer groups agree to build a communal cow shed. The obstacle found at the beginning of planting odot and lampung clumps was disturbance of land crabs which damaged the young shoots. The conclusion shows that the farmer has committed to maintain the grass and house his cows. Keywords: pulo aceh; cattle; dwarf elephant grass; lampung grass; cattle farming management