46 research outputs found

    Síndrome do desfiladeiro cérvico torácico: relato de caso

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    A Síndrome do Desfiladeiro Cérvico Torácico (SDCT) é uma entidade clínica com sintomatologia diversa, decorrente de compressão anormal do plexo braquial, na região do desfiladeiro torácico. Esta compressão é exercida, na maioria das vezes, pelo músculo escaleno anterior, mas pode resultar também da existência de bandas musculofibróticas, alteração da morfologia da primeira costela, costelas cervicais e músculos anômalos. A SDCT pode ser classificada nos tipos arterial, venoso e neurogênico.  Neste trabalho, relatamos dois casos de pacientes com sintomatologia e presença de costela cervical que foram operadas e tiveram resultado satisfatório. A SDCT acomete mais mulheres entre 20-50 anos, com vários fatores contribuintes, chegando a limitar as atividades diárias e laborais. O tratamento clínico, frequentemente, é a conduta inicial, com o objetivo de aliviar os sintomas. Em geral, o tratamento cirúrgico tem indicação em alguns casos dependendo da sua apresentação. Apesar da SDCT ser uma condição rara, é importante considerá-la no diagnóstico diferencial de pacientes com queixas de dor e parestesias em membros superiores

    Uma revisão integrativa sobre a Colangite Biliar Primária

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    A colangite biliar primária, um novo nome para a cirrose biliar primária, é uma doença colestática de etiologia autoimune e representa a primeira causa de colestase intra-hepática. Caracteriza-se pela destruição de pequenos dutos biliares ligados à infiltração de linfócitos, com prevalência de 10 a 40 por 100.000 habitantes no mundo. Este estudo teve como objetivo refletir sobre novas informações a respeito da colangite biliar primária. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa de literatura, selecionando artigos publicados nas bases de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online e Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde. A partir da análise qualitativa dos dados, obteve-se como conclusão as seguintes descobertas: A PBC é um problema de saúde raro e mal diagnosticado; não há conhecimento ainda sobre as razões da predominância dessa da CBP em mulheres, resposta à terapêutica, distribuição geográfica e mortalidade entre sexos; os casos dessa doença são assintomáticos; a qualidade de vida dos pacientes é comprometida com o agravamento dos casos, onde apresentam inicialmente sinais de prurido (20 a 70% dos casos) e fadiga (entre 50% a 78% dos pacientes); exames de biópsica hepática podem ser tranquilamente substituídos por testes não-invasivos, em análises de rotina de bioquímica hepática; a possiblidade de diagnosticar a PBC pode ser diagnosticada partindo de fatores biológicos exclusivos que indicam a presença de anticorpos anti-mitocondriais e uma elevação da fosfatase alcalina. No entanto é quase possível que o PBC seja soronegativo; a etiologia da CBP não sendo encontra clara, sendo o tratamento difícil; em caso de tratamento, utiliza-se mais ursodesoxicólico, ácido biliar hidrofílico natural que bloqueia a síntese hepática do colesterol, estimulando a síntese de ácidos biliares e restaurando o equilíbrio entre esses

    Evaluation marginal adaptation of root-end filling materials using scanning electron microscopy

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    Submitted by Luciana Ferreira ([email protected]) on 2018-12-10T12:10:10Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Helder Fernandes Oliveira - 2013.pdf: 728863 bytes, checksum: 0357fa268fd423545599b2555053ed86 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ([email protected]) on 2018-12-10T14:11:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Helder Fernandes Oliveira - 2013.pdf: 728863 bytes, checksum: 0357fa268fd423545599b2555053ed86 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-10T14:11:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Helder Fernandes Oliveira - 2013.pdf: 728863 bytes, checksum: 0357fa268fd423545599b2555053ed86 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013Introduction: The importance of perfect apical seal in endodontics, more specifically in periradicular surgery, is the motivation/reason for development of root-end filling materials with favorable physical, chemical and biological characteristics. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the marginal adaptation of root-end filling materials using scanning electron microscopy. Materials and Methods: Twenty five human maxillary anterior teeth were prepared using a K-File #50 to 1 mm short of the apical foramen and filled with gutta-percha and Sealapex using the lateral compaction technique. The apical 3 mm of the roots were sectioned perpendicularly to the long axis of the teeth. A 3-mm-deep root-end cavity was prepared using ultrasonic tips powered by an Enac ultrasonic unit. The teeth were randomly assigned to five groups according to the materials tested including IRM, amalgam, ProRoot MTA, Super-EBA and Epiphany/Resilon. Root-end cavities were filled with the materials prepared according to the manufacturers’ instructions. The root apices were carefully prepared for sputter coating and later evaluation using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The images of root-end fillings were divided into four quadrants and distributed into five categories according to the level of marginal adaptation between the root-end material and the root canal walls. The Fisher exact test with Bonferroni correction was used for statistical analysis. The level of significance was set at P=0.005. Results: SEM images showed the presence of gaps in the root-end filling materials. No significant difference was observed between the tested materials (P>0.005). Conclusion: ProRoot MTA, IRM, amalgam, Super- EBA and Epiphany/Resilon showed similar marginal adaptation as root-end filling materials

    Uma implementação computacional de construções verbais perifrásticas em francês

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    This paper describes the treatment of passive and compound past tense in FrGramm, a computational grammar of French, implemented within Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) using the XLE software. Due to the dual auxiliary system and past participle agreement, the latter periphrasis manifests greater structural complexity and therefore presents a greater challenge to computational implementation in French than in languages such as English and Portuguese. An additional difficulty is modeling the morphological and syntactico- semantic regularities of the passive construction. In FrGramm, this problem is solved by means of a productive lexical rule. FrGramm also implements the constraints governing the building of both verbal periphrases, excepting participle object agreement. The implementation was evaluated by applying a parser to a set of 157 grammatical sentences and a set of 279 ungrammatical sentences. All sentences from the former set were correctly parsed. Only two constructions from the latter set that violate the linear precedence of the compound past auxiliary over the passive auxiliary were analyzed as grammatical. FrGramm is the only LFG grammar of French with similar coverage that is freely available on-line. A future version will handle participle object agreement and also avoid the mentioned overgeneration.Este artigo descreve o tratamento da passiva e do passado composto na FrGramm, uma gramática computacional do francês implementada na Gramática Léxico-Funcional (LFG) usando o software XLE. Devido à dualidade de auxiliares e concordância do particípio passado (PTPST), a segunda perífrase exibe uma maior complexidade estrutural em francês do que em línguas como inglês e português, representando, consequentemente, um maior desafio à implementação computacional. Uma dificuldade adicional é a modelação das regularidades morfológicas e sintático-semânticas da passiva. A FrGramm resolve esse problema por meio de uma regra lexical produtiva. Também implementa as restrições que governam a formação das duas perífrases verbais, exceto a concordância do PTPST com o objeto direto. A implementação foi avaliada pela aplicação de um analisador sintático automático (parser) a 157 sentenças gramaticais e 279 construções agramaticais. Todas as sentenças do primeiro conjunto foram analisadas corretamente. Apenas duas construções do segundo que violam a precedência do auxiliar do passado composto sobre o da passiva foram analisadas como gramaticais. A FrGramm é a única gramática LFG do francês com essa cobertura atualmente disponibilizada livremente. Uma versão futura dará conta da concordância do PTPST com o objeto direto e evitará a hipergeração referida


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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Objective: Infection after the internal fixation of fractures is a major complication. Early infection is particularly challenging, because it occurs when the fracture is not yet united. The objective of this study is to identify possible factors related to the development of early infection in patients treated with internal fixation for fractures. Method: This retrospective observational study analyzed 24 patients with long bone fractures who underwent internal fixation and developed infections in the post-operatory period. The infections were classified as early (diagnosis in the first two weeks after surgery) or late (diagnosis after 2 weeks). Results: Of the 24 patients studied, 11 (46%) developed early infections and 13 (54%) were diagnosed with late infections. The early infection group was significantly younger (37.8 versus 53.1 [p = 0.05]) and underwent more surgeries prior to internal fixation (1.2 versus 0.2 [p < 0.00]). Conclusion: Risk factors for the development of early infection in the postoperative period should be considered when treating patients with internal fracture fixation in order to diagnose this condition as early as possible. Level of Evidence IV; Case series.</p></div

    Ecological restoration as a strategy for mitigating and adapting to climate change : lessons and challenges from Brazil

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    Climate change is a global phenomenon that affects biophysical systems and human well-being. The Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change entered into force in 2016 with the objective of strengthening the global response to climate change by keeping global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees C. The agreement requires all Parties to submit their "nationally determined contributions" (NDCs) and to strengthen these efforts in the years ahead. Reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation is an important strategy for mitigating climate change, particularly in developing countries with large forests. Extensive tropical forest loss and degradation have increased awareness at the international level of the need to undertake large-scale ecological restoration, highlighting the need to identify cases in which restoration strategies can contribute to mitigation and adaptation. Here we consider Brazil as a case study to evaluate the benefits and challenges of implementing large-scale restoration programs in developing countries. The Brazilian NDC included the target of restoring and reforesting 12 million hectares of forests for multiple uses by 2030. Restoration of native vegetation is one of the foundations of sustainable rural development in Brazil and should consider multiple purposes, from biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation to social and economic development. However, ecological restoration still presents substantial challenges for tropical and mega-diverse countries, including the need to develop plans that are technically and financially feasible, as well as public policies and monitoring instruments that can assess effectiveness. The planning, execution, and monitoring of restoration efforts strongly depend on the context and the diagnosis of the area with respect to reference ecosystems (e.g., forests, savannas, grasslands, wetlands). In addition, poor integration of climate change policies at the national and subnational levels and with other sectorial policies constrains the large-scale implementation of restoration programs. The case of Brazil shows that slowing deforestation is possible; however, this analysis highlights the need for increased national commitment and international support for actions that require large-scale transformations of the forest sector regarding ecosystem restoration efforts. Scaling up the ambitions and actions of the Paris Agreement implies the need for a global framework that recognizes landscape restoration as a cost-effective nature-based solution and that supports countries in addressing their remaining needs, challenges, and barriers24712491270CNPQ - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico381528/2016-2não temMCTIC - Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicaçõe