2,782 research outputs found

    Comunicações com câmara e aprendizagem automática para posicionamento por luz visível em espaços interiores

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    In this dissertation, a 3D indoor visible light positioning system based on machine learning and optical camera communications is presented. The system uses LED (light-emitting diode) luminaires as reference points and a rolling shutter complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor as the receiver. The LED luminaires are modulated using On-Off Keying (OOK) with unique frequencies. You Only Look Once version 5 (YOLOv5) is used for classification and estimation of the position of each visible LED luminaire in the image. The pose of the receiver is estimated using a perspective-npoint (PnP) problem algorithm. The system is validated using a real-world sized setup containing eight LED luminaires, and achieved an average positioning error of 3.5 cm. The average time to compute the camera pose is approximately 52 ms, which makes it suitable for real-time positioning. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of the YOLOv5 algorithm in the field of VLP for indoor environments.Nesta dissertação, é apresentado um sistema de posicionamento 3D por luz visível, baseado em aprendizagem automática e comunicações com câmara. O sistema foi desenvolvido para espaços interiores e utiliza luminárias LED (díodo emissor de luz) como pontos de referência e um sensor CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) como recetor. As luminárias LED são moduladas utilizando OOK (On–Off Keying) com frequências únicas. O algoritmo YOLOv5 (You Only Look Once version 5) é utilizado para classificar e estimar a posição de cada luminária LED visível na imagem. A posição e orientação do recetor é estimada utilizando um algoritmo de geometria projetiva. O sistema foi validado utilizando um setup em tamanho real com 8 luminárias LED, e obteve um erro de posicionamento médio de 3.5 cm. O tempo médio para obter a posição e orientação da câmara é de aproximadamente 52ms, o que torna o sistema adequado para posicionamento em tempo real. Tanto quanto sabemos, esta é a primeira aplicação do algoritmo YOLOv5 para localização por luz visível em espaços interiores.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Coherent and incoherent J/ΨJ/\Psi photoproduction in PbPbPbPb collisions at the LHC, HE -- LHC and FCC

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    The coherent and incoherent J/ΨJ/\Psi photoproduction in PbPbPbPb collisions are investigated considering the possible states of nucleon configurations in the nuclear wave function and taking into account of the non - linear corrections to the QCD dynamics. The cross sections and the rapidity and transverse momentum distributions are estimated for the energies of the next run of the LHC, High -- Energy LHC and Future Circular Collider. Our results indicate that a future experimental analysis of these processes will be useful to discriminate between different approaches for the QCD dynamics as well to improve our description of the gluon saturation effects.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Specific sublingual immunotherapy with peach LTP (Pru p 3). One year treatment: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Food allergy is an increasing problem with limited therapeutic approaches apart from to the eviction diet. CASE PRESENTATION: A 40-year-old female patient with food allergy symptoms was polysensitized to almost all vegetable food since the age of 36; the onset of symptoms was during pregnancy. The allergological study demonstrated positive skin prick tests (SPT) to nuts, legumes, cereals, spices, several fresh fruits including peach, and other groups of vegetable foods however, it was negative to common aeroallergens. Serum specific IgE levels were negative (<0.35 kU/L) to profilin and carbohydrate determinants, but positive to Pru p 3 (3.5 kU/L). Positive double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge to peach confirmed the allergic disease. She received specific sublingual immunotherapy with native Pru p 3 at a concentration of 40 mug/ml with 5 administrations per week and a cumulative dose of 200 mug of nPru p 3 per month. After an ultra-rush build-up phase concluded in one day she continued therapy during a year with 5 administrations per week. The clinical evolution and laboratory studies demonstrated an early reduction on SPT reactions with no relevant changes on serum specific IgE, IgG, IgG(1) and IgG(4) to Pru p 3 during the immunotherapy period. The challenge test was negative 4 months after the beginning of the SLIT. Regarding clinical response she markedly improved after the first month of treatment, and by the 3th month she had no major vegetable dietary restrictions, except for nuts and pepper. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the excellent efficacy and safety of sublingual specific protein immunotherapy developed according to the patient specific sensitivity profile to Pru p3

    Insights of probabilistic risk analysis on the development of severe accident management guidance: a case study for a plant similar to Angra I

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    Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) surges as a way to evaluate the risk of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) and to quantify it. Its objective was to track sequences of accidents and define mitigate actions to prevent core damage. But when the core is damaged the question is how to avoid releases of radionuclides to the environment. PRA evaluates this scenario too and is input to the Severe Accident Management Guidance (SAMG). This paper aims in the interaction between PRA and SAMG, both under development for the Brazilian NPPs, focusing in one specific Plant Damage State (PDS). The objective is to develop an Accident Progression Event Tree (APET) proposing the mitigate actions for the event, helping to understand the phenomena

    Emprego, renda e meio ambiente: uma análise para Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

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    The state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) has been one of the states that has registered rates of growth, both GDP and population since 2002. This economic and population growth, in turn, generates constant concerns about the environment, since increasing the income and employment, the pressure on the environment also tends to grow generating, for example, higher emissions of greenhouse gases. In this sense, the objective of this research was to measure the employment and income multipliers for MS state and to associate the results to the sectors of CO2 emissions. The method consisted of using the input-output matrix (MIP) of MS of the year 2010 and, from this matrix, find the income and employment multipliers of the State. The MIP used was of 32 × 32-dimension (sectors) and was aggregated based on the MS energy balance sectors thus creating a new 14 x 14 (sectors) matrix. The results show that there is a reversal in the results, with the income multiplier presenting greater power of externalities (positive or negative) to the environment, while the employment multiplier generates fewer externalities, due to the main activities that cause impacts multiplication.O estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) tem sido um dos estados que tem registrado taxas decrescimentos, tanto do PIB quanto populacional a partir do ano 2002. Esse crescimento econômico epopulacional gera, por sua vez, constantes preocupações relativas ao meio ambiente, uma vez que,aumentando renda e emprego, a pressão sobre o meio ambiente também tende a crescer gerando,por exemplo, maiores emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho depesquisa foi o de mensurar os multiplicadores de emprego e renda para o MS e associar os resultadosaos setores de emissões de CO2. O método consistiu em utilizar a matriz insumo-produto (MIP) de MSdo ano de 2010 e, a partir de dessa matriz encontrar os multiplicadores de renda e emprego do Estado.A MIP utilizada era de dimensão 32 x 32 (setores), e foi agregada com base nos setores do balançoenergético de MS criando, assim, uma nova matriz 14 x 14 (setores). Os resultados apontam existiruma inversão nos resultados, sendo que o multiplicador de renda se apresenta com maior poder deexternalidades (positivas ou negativas) ao meio ambiente, enquanto que o multiplicador de empregogera menos externalidades, em função das principais atividades que causam impactos demultiplicação

    Intravitreous injection of bevacizumab and C3F8 gas for the treatment of submacular hemorrhage due to age-related macular degeneration: case reports

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    O objetivo desta série de casos foi demonstrar se a aplicação de bevacizumab e gás perfluoropropano (C3F8) intravítreos beneficiariam o deslocamento da hemorragia sub-retiniana dos pacientes com degeneração macular relacionada à idade. Foi realizada uma série retrospectiva de 5 olhos que tinham recebido injeção intravítrea simultânea de bevacizumab e C3F8. Os resultados foram medidos pelo grau de deslocamento de sangue sob a fóvea, pela acuidade visual final e pelas complicações intraoperatórias. Na apresentação inicial, a idade média dos pacientes foi de 72,6 ± 8,9 anos e a duração média dos sintomas foi de 13 ± 9,7 dias. Dos 5 pacientes do estudo, 3 (60%) eram homens e 2 (40%) mulheres. O sucesso do deslocamento da hemorragia submacular foi alcançado em 4 pacientes. A média de acuidade visual pré-operatória foi de 1,12 ± 0,34 logMAR e pós-operatório foi de 0,92 ± 0,4 logMAR. Não foram observados nenhum caso de descolamento da retina, endoftalmite, hemorragia vítrea, uveíte, catarata e hipertensão ocular. A injeção intravítrea bevacizumab e C3F8, juntamente com a posição pronada pode ser uma valiosa opção terapêutica nos olhos com degeneração macular relacionada à idade neovascular e hemorragia sub-retiniana a fim de deslocar o sangue para fora da área foveal.The purpose of this case series is to describe if the intravitreal use of bevacizumab and perfluoropropane gas (C3F8) would be beneficial to the displacement of subretinal hemorrhage in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). A retrospective study of 5 eyes that received concurrent intravitreal injection of bevacizumab and C3F8 was performed. The results were graded according to blood displacement under the fovea, best final visual acuity and intraoperative complications. At the initial presentation, mean age of patients was 72.6 ± 8.9 years-old and duration of symptoms was 13 ± 9.7 days. From the 5 patients, 3 (60%) were male and 2 (40%) female. The success of submacular hemorrhage full displacement was achieved in 4 patients. The mean preoperative visual acuity (VA) was 1.12 ± 0.34 logMAR and the mean postoperative VA was 0.92 ± 0.4 logMAR. No cases of retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, vitreous hemorrhage, uveitis, cataracts and increased intraocular pressure were noted during the follow-up period. Intravitreal bevacizumab and C3F8 injection, associated to prone position can be a valuable therapeutic option for eyes with neovascular age-related macular degeneration and subretinal hemorrhage to the blood displacement out of the foveal area