615 research outputs found

    Mandibles of mastodonsaurid temnospondyls from the Upper Permian-Lower Triassic of Uruguay

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    Partially preserved temnospondyl mandibles from the Late Permian–Early Triassic Buena Vista Formation of Uruguay are referred to the basal stereospondyl taxon Mastodonsauridae. These represent the earliest known members of this group for South America. In most cases, this assignment was based on the characteristic morphology of the postglenoid (= postarticular) area of the lower jaw together with the presence of a hamate process. Comparisons with basal masto−donsaurids indicate that the Uruguayan specimens are phenetically similar to Gondwanan and Laurasian Early Triassic taxa, such as Watsonisuchus, Wetlugasarus, and Parotosuchus. Nevertherless, they display some characters which have not previously been described in Mesozoic temnospondyls. The Permo−Triassic Uruguayan mastodonsaurids support a Gondwanan origin for the group, an event which probably occurred sometime during the latest Permian.Fil: Piñeiro, Graciela. Departamento de Evolución de Cuencas, Sección Bioestratigrafía y Paleo-ecología, Facultad de Ciencias,; UruguayFil: Marsicano, Claudia Alicia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Damiani, Ross. Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart; Alemani

    Duração da vida da folha e conteúdo de nitrogênio em espécies arbóreas (Croton priscus e Hymenaea courbaril) de floresta semidecídua

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    In comparison to deciduous species, evergreen plants have lower leaf nutrient contents and higher leaf life span, important mechanisms for nutrient economy, allowing the colonization of low fertility soils. Strategies to conserve nitrogen in two semideciduous tropical forest tree species, with different leaf life spans were analyzed. The hypothesis was the fact that the two species would present different nitrogen conservation mechanisms in relation to chemical (total nitrogen, protein, chlorophyll, and proteolytic activity), functional (leaf life span, N-use efficiency, and N-resorption efficiency), morphological (specific leaf mass) leaf characteristics, and total nitrogen in the soil. Hymenaea courbaril L. presented lower nitrogen compounds in leaves, longer leaf life span, higher N-use efficiency, and higher specific leaf mass, while absorbing proportionally less nitrogen from the soil than Croton priscus Croizat. These characteristics can contribute for a better nitrogen economy strategy of H. courbaril. No relationship was found between leaf life span and N resorption efficiency, nor between leaf life span, protease activity and nitrogen mobilization. The electrophoretic profiles of proteolytic enzymes in young leaves of the two species presented more bands with enzymatic activity than other kinds of leaves.Comparadas a espécies decíduas, as sempre-verdes têm menos nutrientes nas folhas, que também são mais longevas. Estes mecanismos são importantes para economia de nutrientes, e permitem a colonização de solos com baixa fertilidade. Foram analisadas estratégias de conservação de nitrogênio em duas espécies de floresta semidecídua, que aparentemente apresentavam longevidades foliares diferentes. Para isto foram comparados mecanismos químicos (concentrações de nitrogênio total, de proteína e clorofila e atividade proteolítica), funcionais (duração de vida das folhas, eficiência do uso de nitrogênio e eficiência de redistribuição de nitrogênio) e morfológico (massa foliar específica) de conservação de nitrogênio nas folhas e a concentração de nitrogênio no solo. Hymenaea courbaril L. apresentou menor concentração de compostos nitrogenados nas folhas, maior longevidade foliar, maior eficiência do uso do nitrogênio e maior massa foliar específica, além de ter retirado proporcionalmente menos nitrogênio do solo do que Croton priscus Croizat. Estas características podem contribuir com uma melhor estratégia de conservação de nitrogênio em H. courbaril. Não foi encontrada relação entre a duração de vida da folha e a eficiência de redistribuição de nitrogênio, ou entre a duração de vida da folha, atividade de proteases e mobilização de nitrogênio. As folhas jovens das duas espécies apresentaram mais bandas com atividades enzimáticas nos perfís eletroforéticos de enzimas proteolíticas

    Caracterización anatómica de las especies Bambusa vulgaris y Dendrocalamus asper provenientes de Oxapampa (Perú)

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Industrias ForestalesLa finalidad del presente trabajo fue determinar y describir los diferentes elementos anatómicos que presentan los culmos de Bambusa vulgaris y Dendrocalamus asper; así como analizar y comparar su variación longitudinal en tres niveles (basal, media y apical) de las dos especies, con muestras provenientes de cinco individuos; colectadas en la Comunidad Nativa de Puerto Pascuala, distrito de Puerto Bermúdez, provincia de Paseo. La descripción de las características generales y macroscópicas de las muestras se realizó en muestras secas al aire. La descripción microscópica se realizó en base a lo descrito por la Norma de procedimientos en estudios de anatomía de Madera: I Angiospermae, II Gimnospermae del IBAMA (1991) y a la Lista de características microscópicas IAWA (1989). Los culmos recolectados presentaron una altura promedio de 24,40 m. para Bambusa vulgaris y 24,60 m para Dendrocalamus asper, el diámetro de los culmos disminuye desde la base hacia el ápice al igual que el espesor de pared del culmo. Transversalmente se distinguen diversos tejidos, entre los que destaca el área fibrovascular, en donde se observa el tejido parenquimático, los haces vasculares y las fibra. El tejido parenquimático es de color crema y visible a simple vista, es el tejido constituyente sobre el cual se insertan los demás elementos anatómicos. SU: distribución varía transversalmente; siendo escaso en la parte exterior de culmo y más abundante en la pared interna. Los haces vasculares son fácilmente diferenciados del tejido parenquimático debido a su color oscuro y forma característica; su concentración varía transversalmente dentro del culmo, siendo abundantes, pequeños y alargados en la parte externa, y grandes, ovalados y menos abundantes hacia el interior del culmo. Según la clasificación de Grosser y Liesse (1971), los haces V vasculares presentes en Bambusa vulgaris y Dendrocalamus asper son de tipo III y tipo IV variando en su distribución según la altura del culmo. Longitudinalmente se observa que el tejido parenquimático presenta alternancia de células cortas y largas, de paredes delgadas y con presencia de punteaduras simples dispuestas en forma alterna. Las fibras constituyen el tejido de soporte del culmo y se agrupan en haces formando paquetes insertos en el tejido parenquimático. Se caracterizan por ser delgadas, largas y ahusadas en ambos extremos; su longitud varía entre 3 219 y 4 111 J.Lm en Bambusa vulgaris y entre 4 071 y 4 377 J.LID en Dendrocalamus asper. Además se observó que el espesor de pared de las fibras disminuye conforme se incrementa en la altura del culmo. Los vasos se encuentran uno a continuación de otro formando el tejido conductivo y envuelto en paquetes de fibras, presentando punteaduras simples y alternas. El análisis cualitativo en los tres niveles del culmo, indicó que no existen diferencias en los elementos estructurales que conforman el culmo entre las especies en estudio; Además, cuantitativamente se han encontrado ligeras diferencias entre las especies estudiadas, de modo que en Bambusa vulgaris y Dendrocalamus asper se observa que los valores de longitud de fibras, espesor de pared y el diámetro disminuyen desde la sección basal hacia la apical del culmo. Sin embargo, a excepción de la longitud de fibra en Bambusa vulgaris los análisis realizados demuestran que no existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las variables en estudio con los diversos tratamientos.Tesi

    Mosquito/microbiota interactions: from complex relationships to biotechnological perspectives.

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    To date around 3500 different species of mosquito have been described, several tens of which are vectors of pathogens of remarkable interest in public health. Mosquitoes are present all around the world showing a great ability to adapt to very different types of habitats where they play relevant ecological roles. It is very likely that components of the mosquito microbiota have given the mosquito a great capacity to adapt to different environments. Current advances in understanding the mosquito-microbiota relationships may have a great impact in a better understanding of some traits of mosquito biology and in the development of innovative mosquito-borne disease-control strategies aimed to reduce mosquito vectorial capacity and/or inhibiting pathogen transmission

    Seedling Establishment of Tall Fescue Exposed to Long-Term Starvation Stress

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    In germinating seeds under unfavorable environmental conditions, the mobilization of stores in the cotyledons is delayed, which may result in a different modulation of carbohydrates balance and a decrease in seedling vigor. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) caryopses grown at 4˚C in the dark for an extended period in complete absence of nutrients, showed an unexpected ability to survive. Seedlings grown at 4˚C for 210 days were morphologically identical to seedlings grown at 23˚C for 21 days. After 400 days, seedlings grown at 4˚C were able to differentiate plastids to chloroplast in just few days once transferred to the light and 23˚C. Tall fescue exposed to prolonged period at 4˚C showed marked anatomical changes: cell wall thickening, undifferentiated plastids, more root hairs and less xylem lignification. Physiological modifications were also observed, in particular related to sugar content, GA and ABA levels and amylolytic enzymes pattern. The phytohormones profiles exhibited at 4 and 23˚C were comparable when normalized to the respective physiological states. Both the onset and the completion of germination were linked to GA and ABA levels, as well as to the ratio between these two hormones. All plants showed a sharp decline in carbohydrate content, with a consequent onset of gradual sugar starvation. This explained the slowed then full arrest in growth under both treatment regimes. The analysis of amylolytic activity showed that Ca2+ played a central role in the stabilization of several isoforms. Overall, convergence of starvation and hormone signals meet in crosstalk to regulate germination, growth and development in tall fescue

    Nouvelles Routes de la soie et migrations

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    Dix ans après le discours de Xi Jinping en septembre 2013 à Astana, qui a officialisé le projet géopolitique et géoéconomique chinois des Nouvelles routes de la soie, ce dossier de la revue Hommes & Migrations confronte ce projet aux migrations chinoises. Après « Chinois de France » paru en 2005 et « Migrations chinoises et générations » en 2016, les articles de ce numéro abordent sous différents angles le « tournant chinois » du siècle. En effet, dans un contexte mondial qui peine à se défi..

    Molecular Diagnosis of Malaria Infection: A Survey in a Hospital in Central Italy

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    Malaria is a dramatic disease caused by the protozoan parasites Plasmodium. The diagnosis is mainly based on microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDT). Molecular approaches based on PCR techniques may be an alternative tool particularly favourable in regions with declining prevalence. This work aimed to assess pros and cons of molecular diagnosis of malaria in a district of Central Italy were several tens of imported malaria cases are diagnosed every year. Thirty-three blood samples were analysed by microscopy, RDT and molecular techniques to monitor the relative efficiency in malaria diagnosis. Molecular analysis and microscopy diagnosed 32 out of 33 samples as positive for malaria, while RDT only 29. More differences concerned the diagnosis of mixed infections. Our findings remark the importance of the molecular approach in supporting and improving malaria diagnosis. In the cases here presented, the molecular analysis was particularly useful to unveil parasites presence in infections not detectable by blood smear analysis and to additionally solve real and/or presumed mixed infections


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    Summary: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic disorder characterized by a relapsing-remitting course, which alternates between active and quiescent states, ultimately impairing a patients quality of life. The two main types of IBD are Crohn's disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC). In physiological conditions the gut is costantly exposed to various antigens, commensal microflora and pathogens and the inflammatory response is finely balanced. It is thought that a vast number of environmental risk factors may be implicated in the development of IBD, including smoking factors, dietary factors, psycological stress, use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and oral contraceptives, appendicectomy, breastfeeding, as well as infections. Nutritional support, as a primary therapy, has a crucial role in the management of patients with IBD. The gut microbiota is clearly manipulated by dietary components such as n-3 polyunsatured fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) and coniugated linoleic acid (CLA) which favorably reduce endotoxin load via shifts in the composition and metabolic activity of the microbial community. in particular, the beneficial effect of n-3 PUFAs and fermentable fiber, during the remission/quiescent phase of both CD and UC is Highlighted. In fact, PUFAs are associated with a less grade of inflammation since they are metabolized to 3-series prostagliandins and thromboxanes and 5-series leukotrienes and, in addition, exert antiinflammatory effects when compared with their n-6 PUFA counterparts. In similar action to dietary n-3 PUFA, coniugated linoleic acid (CLA) have been reported to ameliorate intestinal inflammation in animal models of IBD. Currently, is still unclear the role of the fibers in helping the remission of the disease. Data about the consumption of fiber are controversial. On one hand, dietary fibers can act as effective prebiotics by altering the intestinal microbial composition and promoting the growth of beneficial bacterial communities within the large intestine. On the other hand, fibers can promote diarrhea, pain and gas aggravating the clinical sate. Cocnclusion: We suggest that the consumption of fermentable fibers may have a good impact on patient's health

    De novo genome assembly of the invasive mosquito species Aedes japonicus and Aedes koreicus

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    Background: Recently, two invasive Aedes mosquito species, Ae. japonicus and Ae. koreicus, are circulating in several European countries posing potential health risks to humans and animals. Vector control is the main option to prevent mosquito-borne diseases, and an accurate genome sequence of these mosquitoes is essential to better understand their biology and to develop efective control strategies. Methods A de novo genome assembly of Ae. japonicus (Ajap1) and Ae. koreicus (Akor1) has been produced based on a hybrid approach that combines Oxford Nanopore long-read and Illumina short-read data. Their quality was ascertained using various metrics. Masking of repetitive elements, gene prediction and functional annotation was performed. Results Sequence analysis revealed a very high presence of repetitive DNA and, among others, thermal adaptation genes and insecticide-resistance genes. Through the RNA-seq analysis of larvae and adults of Ae. koreicus and Ae. japonicus exposed to diferent temperatures, we also identifed genes showing a diferential temperature-dependent activation. Conclusions The assembly of Akor1 and Ajap1 genomes constitutes the frst updated collective knowledge of the genomes of both mosquito species, providing the possibility of understanding key mechanisms of their biol ogy such as the ability to adapt to harsh climates and to develop insecticide-resistance mechanisms

    Genetic Diversity, Latency and Co-Infections

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    Alphaherpesviruses are highly prevalent in equine populations and co- infections with more than one of these viruses’ strains frequently diagnosed. Lytic replication and latency with subsequent reactivation, along with new episodes of disease, can be influenced by genetic diversity generated by spontaneous mutation and recombination. Latency enhances virus survival by providing an epidemiological strategy for long-term maintenance of divergent strains in animal populations. The alphaherpesviruses equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) and 9 (EHV-9) have recently been shown to cross species barriers, including a recombinant EHV-1 observed in fatal infections of a polar bear and Asian rhinoceros. Little is known about the latency and genetic diversity of EHV-1 and EHV-9, especially among zoo and wild equids. Here, we report evidence of limited genetic diversity in EHV-9 in zebras, whereas there is substantial genetic variability in EHV-1. We demonstrate that zebras can be lytically and latently infected with both viruses concurrently. Such a co- occurrence of infection in zebras suggests that even relatively slow-evolving viruses such as equine herpesviruses have the potential to diversify rapidly by recombination. This has potential consequences for the diagnosis of these viruses and their management in wild and captive equid populations. View Full- Tex