49 research outputs found

    Acumulação de capital, restrição externa, hiato tecnológico e mudança estrutural: teoria e experiência brasileira

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    The periods of fast growth in the Brazilian economy from the post-war until the end of the 1970s have been constrained by imbalances in the foreign sector. We propose in this paper a model, based on Kaldor, where capital accumulation, technological gap and long run external constrain are connected. Our hypothesis is that capital accumulation, under certain circumstances, can overcome external constrain if the accumulation effort promotes structural change increasing the importance of sectors technological-intensive. It is expected that the structural change in this direction will contribute to an increase in the income-elasticity of exports and to a decrease in income-elasticity of imports, resulting in the increase in the growth rate of real product compatible with the balance of payments equilibrium in the long run. The last part of the paper shows that the high investment rate observed in the Brazilian economy from the post-war period until the end of the 1970s resulted in the deepening of the import substitution process, what, in our interpretation, contributed to partially increase the long run growth rate of the Brazilian economy compatible with the balance of payment equilibrium.Os períodos de crescimento acelerado da economia brasileira do pós-guerra até a década de 1970 foram constrangidos pela restrição externa. Propomos neste artigo um modelo baseado em Kaldor, em que estabelecemos uma relação entre acumulação de capital, hiato tecnológico e restrição externa ao crescimento de longo prazo para economias periféricas. A hipótese básica do modelo é que a acumulação de capital, sob certas condições, pode contornar a restrição externa ao crescimento dessas economias desde que o esforço de acumulação seja capaz de produzir uma mudança estrutural no sentido de aumentar a participação relativa dos setores mais dinâmicos do ponto de vista tecnológico. Essa mudança estrutural irá resultar em um aumento gradual da elasticidade-renda das exportações e numa redução da elasticidade-renda das importações, aumentando assim a taxa de crescimento do produto real que é compatível com o equilíbrio de longo prazo do balanço de pagamentos. Ilustramos ao final do artigo que a economia brasileira do pós-guerra até os anos 1970 apresentou uma elevada taxa de acumulação de capital, aprofundando o processo de substituição de importações, o que na nossa interpretação contribuiu para parcialmente permitir relaxar a restrição externa ao crescimento de longo prazo

    Acumulação de capital, restrição externa, hiato tecnológico e mudança estrutural: teoria e experiência brasileira

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    Os períodos de crescimento acelerado da economia brasileira do pós-guerra até a década de 1970 foram constrangidos pela restrição externa. Propomos neste artigo um modelo baseado em Kaldor, em que estabelecemos uma relação entre acumulação de capital, hiato tecnológico e restrição externa ao crescimento de longo prazo para economias periféricas. A hipótese básica do modelo é que a acumulação de capital, sob certas condições, pode contornar a restrição externa ao crescimento dessas economias desde que o esforço de acumulação seja capaz de produzir uma mudança estrutural no sentido de aumentar a participação relativa dos setores mais dinâmicos do ponto de vista tecnológico. Essa mudança estrutural irá resultar em um aumento gradual da elasticidade-renda das exportações e numa redução da elasticidade-renda das importações, aumentando assim a taxa de crescimento do produto real que é compatível com o equilíbrio de longo prazo do balanço de pagamentos. Ilustramos ao final do artigo que a economia brasileira do pós-guerra até os anos 1970 apresentou uma elevada taxa de acumulação de capital, aprofundando o processo de substituição de importações, o que na nossa interpretação contribuiu para parcialmente permitir relaxar a restrição externa ao crescimento de longo prazo.The periods of fast growth in the Brazilian economy from the post-war until the end of the 1970s have been constrained by imbalances in the foreign sector. We propose in this paper a model, based on Kaldor, where capital accumulation, technological gap and long run external constrain are connected. Our hypothesis is that capital accumulation, under certain circumstances, can overcome external constrain if the accumulation effort promotes structural change increasing the importance of sectors technological-intensive. It is expected that the structural change in this direction will contribute to an increase in the income-elasticity of exports and to a decrease in income-elasticity of imports, resulting in the increase in the growth rate of real product compatible with the balance of payments equilibrium in the long run. The last part of the paper shows that the high investment rate observed in the Brazilian economy from the post-war period until the end of the 1970s resulted in the deepening of the import substitution process, what, in our interpretation, contributed to partially increase the long run growth rate of the Brazilian economy compatible with the balance of payment equilibrium

    Clinical, cognitive, behavioral and communicative features of Smith-Magenis syndrome

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    TEMA: o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os aspectos clínico, comportamental, cognitivo e comunicativo de indivíduos com o diagnóstico genético da Síndrome Smith-Magenis. PROCEDIMENTOS: participaram dois indivíduos do sexo masculino, de nove e 19 anos. Realizou-se a avaliação genética clínica e laboratorial (teste FISH, utilizando sonda para região 17p11.2). A avaliação psicológica constou da observação comportamental e aplicação da Escala Wechsler de Inteligência. A avaliação Fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio de procedimentos formais e informais e avaliação auditiva periférica. RESULTADOS: a análise genética clínica evidenciou as características fenotípicas da síndrome Smith-Magenis, confirmada pela avaliação laboratorial. A avaliação psicológica evidenciou o fenótipo comportamental peculiar da síndrome Smith-Magenis e comprovou a deficiência intelectual de grau moderado nos dois indivíduos. A avaliação fonoaudiológica mostrou alterações no desempenho linguístico, com alterações nos níveis fonológico, semântico, sintático e pragmático e nas habilidades psicolinguísticas, interferindo nas habilidades comunicativas e de aprendizagem. A avaliação auditiva indicou audição periférica dentro de parâmetros de normalidade. CONCLUSÃO: a avaliação multidisciplinar favoreceu a descrição dos aspectos clínicos, comportamentais, cognitivos que pertencem ao fenótipo comportamental da síndrome Smith-Magenis e permitiu verificar que estes apresentam graves alterações da linguagem oral, das habilidades psicolinguísticas e do processamento das informações visuais e auditivas com reflexos marcantes no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas e processos de aprendizagem.BACKGROUND: this study aimed to describe the clinical, behavioral, cognitive and communicative features of subjects with Smith-Magenis Syndrome genetic diagnosis. PROCEDURES: the subjects were two males, 09 and 19 year old. We performed a clinical and laboratory genetic evaluation (FISH assay using probes for the region 17p11.2). The psychological evaluation consisted of behavioral observation and application of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale. Speech evaluation was performed by means of formal and informal procedures and peripheral hearing evaluation. RESULTS: the clinical genetic analysis showed the phenotypic characteristics of Smith-Magenis syndrome, confirmed by laboratory evaluation. The psychological evaluation revealed the peculiar phenotype behavioral of Smith-Magenis syndrome and confirmed the moderate intellectual disabilities in two subjects. Speech evaluation showed changes in language performance, with changes in phonological, semantic, syntactic and pragmatic levels and psycholinguistic skills, interfering with communication and learning skills. The hearing test showed peripheral hearing within normal parameters. CONCLUSION: the multidisciplinary approach made easier the description of clinical, behavioral, cognitive aspects, belonging to the behavioral phenotype of Smith-Magenis syndrome and showed that these changes have severe oral language alterations in skills and psycholinguistic processing of visual and auditory information with remarkable consequences on the development of communicative skills and learning processes

    Association of kidney disease measures with risk of renal function worsening in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Background: Albuminuria has been classically considered a marker of kidney damage progression in diabetic patients and it is routinely assessed to monitor kidney function. However, the role of a mild GFR reduction on the development of stage 653 CKD has been less explored in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic role of kidney disease measures, namely albuminuria and reduced GFR, on the development of stage 653 CKD in a large cohort of patients affected by T1DM. Methods: A total of 4284 patients affected by T1DM followed-up at 76 diabetes centers participating to the Italian Association of Clinical Diabetologists (Associazione Medici Diabetologi, AMD) initiative constitutes the study population. Urinary albumin excretion (ACR) and estimated GFR (eGFR) were retrieved and analyzed. The incidence of stage 653 CKD (eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) or eGFR reduction > 30% from baseline was evaluated. Results: The mean estimated GFR was 98 \ub1 17 mL/min/1.73m2 and the proportion of patients with albuminuria was 15.3% (n = 654) at baseline. About 8% (n = 337) of patients developed one of the two renal endpoints during the 4-year follow-up period. Age, albuminuria (micro or macro) and baseline eGFR < 90 ml/min/m2 were independent risk factors for stage 653 CKD and renal function worsening. When compared to patients with eGFR > 90 ml/min/1.73m2 and normoalbuminuria, those with albuminuria at baseline had a 1.69 greater risk of reaching stage 3 CKD, while patients with mild eGFR reduction (i.e. eGFR between 90 and 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) show a 3.81 greater risk that rose to 8.24 for those patients with albuminuria and mild eGFR reduction at baseline. Conclusions: Albuminuria and eGFR reduction represent independent risk factors for incident stage 653 CKD in T1DM patients. The simultaneous occurrence of reduced eGFR and albuminuria have a synergistic effect on renal function worsening

    Retention of beta-carotene in biofortified sweet potato chips after processing

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    Consumption of biofortified foods such as sweet potatoes with high content of beta-carotene may reduce deficiency of this micronutrient. The development of biofortified sweet potato chips expands the distribution and offers an alternative to the consumption of this product. The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermal blanching methods (steam and in boiling water) in beta-carotene retention in the production of dehydrated biofortified sweet potato chips with air circulation at 65 degrees C. The raw material, the chips blanched in steam and in boiling water had a content of beta-carotene of 501.86 +/- 53.65, 490.23 +/- 30.00 and 473.91 +/- 11.43 mu g g(-1) (d.b.) respectively. The retention of beta-carotene for steam and boiling water blanching was 97.7 and 94.4% respectively. The blanching conditions followed by drying used in the processing to obtain sweet potato chips were adequate as they resulted in beta-carotene high retention42COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPE