197 research outputs found

    \epsilon-regularity for systems involving non-local, antisymmetric operators

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    We prove an epsilon-regularity theorem for critical and super-critical systems with a non-local antisymmetric operator on the right-hand side. These systems contain as special cases, Euler-Lagrange equations of conformally invariant variational functionals as Rivi\`ere treated them, and also Euler-Lagrange equations of fractional harmonic maps introduced by Da Lio-Rivi\`ere. In particular, the arguments presented here give new and uniform proofs of the regularity results by Rivi\`ere, Rivi\`ere-Struwe, Da-Lio-Rivi\`ere, and also the integrability results by Sharp-Topping and Sharp, not discriminating between the classical local, and the non-local situations

    Regional and local land subsidence at the Venice coastland by TerraSAR-X PSI

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    Abstract. Land subsidence occurred at the Venice coastland over the 2008–2011 period has been investigated by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) using a stack of 90 TerraSAR-X stripmap images with a 3 m resolution and a 11-day revisiting time. The regular X-band SAR acquisitions over more than three years coupled with the very-high image resolution has significantly improved the monitoring of ground displacements at regional and local scales, e.g., the entire lagoon, especially the historical palaces, the MoSE large structures under construction at the lagoon inlets to disconnect the lagoon from the Adriatic Sea during high tides, and single small structures scattered within the lagoon environments. Our results show that subsidence is characterized by a certain variability at the regional scale with superimposed important local displacements. The movements range from a gentle uplift to subsidence rates of up to 35 mm yr−1. For instance, settlements of 30–35 mm yr−1 have been detected at the three lagoon inlets in correspondence of the MoSE works, and local sinking bowls up to 10 mm yr−1 connected with the construction of new large buildings or restoration works have been measured in the Venice and Chioggia historical centers. Focusing on the city of Venice, the mean subsidence of 1.1 ± 1.0 mm yr−1 confirms the general stability of the historical center

    Interpreta??o dos Ciclos de Forma??o Humana na constru??o de pr?ticas educativas de emancipa??o dos sujeitos sem terras em ?reas de disputa da Reforma Agr?ria

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    Este trabajo tiene por finalidad la interpretaci?n de los Ciclos de Formaci?n Humana y la posterior incorporaci?n de los Complejos de Ense?anza en la construcci?n de una nueva forma escolar, que pasa por la reorganizaci?n del curr?culo, de la gesti?n y de los tiempos educativos en las Escuelas Itinerantes del estado de Paran?. Estas escuelas est?n insertas en espacios del Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra (MST), es expresi?n de la lucha por la tierra antag?nica al capitalismo agrario y trae en sus principios y pedagog?a la educaci?n como formadora de las m?ltiples dimensiones del ser humano. Los resultados de las conquistas en el plano de la educaci?n del campo, tales como las pol?ticas p?blicas del Programa Nacional de Educaci?n en la Reforma Agraria (PRONERA) y m?s recientemente el Programa Nacional de Educaci?n del Campo (PRONACAMPO), se busc? comprender a partir de la formaci?n continuada de los educadores de estas escuelas en el Programa de la Escuela de la Tierra (acci?n del PRONACAMPO) las dimensiones pol?ticas y de acci?n de la educaci?n del campo. ?C?mo el programa se inserta en la lucha por cambio en la forma escolar? En los tiempos? En las formas de organizarla? Y como 7 8 este Programa tiene potenciando los trabajos en los complejos de estudio en las Escuelas itinerantes, por medio de la socializaci?n, reflexi?n / acci?n de las pr?cticas de ense?anza. Se percibe que el MST se ha buscado potenciar, por medio de una nueva organizaci?n escolar, experiencias que puedan desarrollar en los educandos la conciencia de clase e insertarlos en la lucha de clase que se vive en el campo. De este modo, en el primer cap?tulo se hace un rescate hist?rico de la lucha por la educaci?n, el debate y la constituci?n de las escuelas de campamento y posteriores Escuelas Itinerantes en los campamentos del MST, se esbozaron los avances en las conquistas de pol?ticas p?blicas, en la percepci?n de campo y en los cambios de la forma escolar, desde la experiencia desarrollada en la Escuela Itinerante Herederos del Saber. En el segundo cap?tulo, se busc? comprender los procesos de formaci?n continuada como perfeccionamiento en la formaci?n del profesional de educaci?n que act?a en el campo, y en especial en ?reas de disputa por la reforma agraria (Escuela Itinerante). De esta forma, se coloca el proyecto de educaci?n de los Ciclos de Formaci?n Humana con Complejos de Ense?anza, como espacio de posibilidades de experiencias de los ni?os, adolescentes y j?venes del campo se acerquen a la lucha de su clase y, por lo tanto, potencian espacios para la conciencia mientras que clase trabajadora. En el tercer cap?tulo busco tejer algunas consideraciones del proceso, donde la educaci?n asume un papel m?s complejo que s?lo la escolarizaci?n, as?, si pones las escuelas del campo la posibilidad de pensar la formaci?n en las m?ltiples dimensiones del ser humano plenamente desarrollado, eso me remiti? luego la relaci?n escuela y comunidad ampliando el c?rculo cerrado del aula, con proyecciones de experiencias m?s elevadas de organizaci?n colectiva de transformaci?n de la realidad.Este trabalho tem por finalidade a interpreta??o dos Ciclos de Forma??o Humana e a posterior incorpora??o dos Complexos de Ensino na constru??o de uma nova forma escolar, que passa pela reorganiza??o do curr?culo, da gest?o e dos tempos educativos nas Escolas Itinerantes do estado do Paran?. Estas escolas est?o inseridas em espa?os do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), ? express?o da luta pela terra antag?nica ao capitalismo agr?rio e traz em seus princ?pios e pedagogia a educa??o como formadora das m?ltiplas dimens?es do ser humano. S?o tamb?m resultados das conquistas no plano da educa??o do campo, tais como as pol?ticas p?blicas do Programa Nacional de Educa??o na Reforma Agr?ria (PRONERA) e mais recentemente o Programa Nacional de Educa??o do Campo (PRONACAMPO), buscou-se compreender a partir da forma??o continuada dos educadores destas escolas no Programa da Escola da Terra (a??o do PRONACAMPO) as dimens?es pol?ticas e de a??o da educa??o do campo. Como o programa se insere na luta por mudan?a na forma escolar? Nos tempos? Nas formas de organiz?-la? E como este Programa tem potencializando os trabalhos nos complexos de estudo nas Escolas itinerantes, por meio da socializa??o, 6 7 reflex?o/a??o das pr?ticas de ensino. Percebe-se que o MST tem se buscado potencializar, por meio de uma nova organiza??o escolar, experi?ncias que possam desenvolver nos educandos a consci?ncia de classe e, inserir-los na luta de classe que se vive no campo. Deste modo, no primeiro cap?tulo faz-se um resgate hist?rico da luta por educa??o, o debate e constitui??o das escolas de acampamento e posterior Escolas Itinerantes nos acampamentos do MST, elencou-se os avan?os nas conquistas de pol?ticas p?blicas, na percep??o de campo e nas mudan?as da forma escolar, desde a experi?ncia desenvolvida na Escola Itinerante Herdeiros do Saber. J? no segundo cap?tulo, buscou-se compreender os processos de forma??o continuada como aperfei?oamento na forma??o do profissional de educa??o que atua no campo, e em especial em ?reas de disputa pela reforma agr?ria (Escola Itinerante). Desta forma, coloca-se o projeto de educa??o dos Ciclos de Forma??o Humana com Complexos de Ensino, como espa?o de possibilidades de experi?ncias das crian?as, adolescentes e jovens do campo se aproximarem da luta da sua classe e, portanto, potencializa espa?os para consci?ncia enquanto classe trabalhadora. No terceiro capitulo busco tecer algumas considera??es do processo, onde a educa??o assume papel mais complexo que apenas a escolariza??o, assim, se p?es as escolas do campo a possibilidade de pensar a forma??o nas m?ltiplas dimens?es do ser humano plenamente desenvolvido., isso me remeteu logo a rela??o escola e comunidade ampliando o circulo fechado da sala de aula, com proje??es de experi?ncias mais elevadas de organiza??o coletiva de transforma??o da realidade

    Compensa??o de supress?o de mata atl?ntica em Minas Gerais : uma an?lise do potencial do uso de cotas de reserva ambiental balizados por crit?rios territoriais.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Engenharia Ambiental. N?cleo de Pesquisas e P?s-Gradua??o em Recursos H?dricos, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Os crescentes problemas ambientais do mundo est?o impulsionando o surgimento de solu??es pol?ticas que v?o muito al?m dos regulamentos tradicionais de comando e controle. Os formuladores de pol?ticas t?m percebido cada vez mais o valor dos arranjos h?bridos e de pol?ticas mistas para lidar com problemas ambientais complicados. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal explorar os m?ritos da cria??o de um mercado de Cotas de Reserva Ambiental (CRA) no bioma da Mata Atl?ntica do Estado de Minas Gerais, por meio da identifica??o e avalia??o do d?ficit potencial e o excedente de Reservas Legais (RL) na por??o de Mata Atl?ntica do estado de Minas Gerais, da avalia??o de quais por??es dessas ?reas da RL devem ser priorizadas com o objetivo de otimizar os ganhos de conserva??o florestal, para finalmente entender as poss?veis sobreposi??es do mercado de CRA com o programa de compensa??o da Mata Atl?ntica, que j? est? em andamento. Foram estimados os d?ficits e excedentes de RL das propriedades inseridas na mata atl?ntica do estado com base dos dados do Cadastro Ambiental Rural. Posteriormente foi proposto um modelo, com o uso da t?cnica Analytic Hierarchy Process, para gera??o de um mapa de ??reas mais aptas para conserva??o?, com base nos remanescentes de vegeta??o nativa excedentes ?s reservas legais nas propriedades da ?rea de estudo. Por fim levantou-se as compensa??es florestais por supress?o de Mata Atl?ntica executadas no estado, com base nos pareceres obtidos junto ao Instituto Estadual de Florestas, onde procedeu-se a espacializa??o geogr?fica destas. Os resultados indicam uma raz?o de oferta/demanda de 2,76, com 781 mil ha de ?reas dispon?veis para negocia??o num mercado de CRAs. Ao se analisar as compensa??es executadas, percebe-se que o estado vem exigindo uma compensa??o m?dia de 2:1, onde at? ent?o foram suprimidas cerca de 4 mil ha, com consequente compensa??o na ordem de 8 mil ha. Observando os volumes de ?reas negociadas por meio de compensa??o florestal, e as ?reas potenciais para cotas de reserva ambiental, imagina-se uma sobreposi??o diminuta entre os instrumentos. Ao cruzar as compensa??es com o mapa de ?reas mais aptas, notou-se que apenas 44 compensa??es se sobrepunham. Os resultados real?aram o potencial do uso destes excedentes para fins de compensa??o florestal, e alertam para a necessidade do poder p?blico definir crit?rios para aloca??o tanto das compensa??es florestais, bem como das compensa??es de reserva legal, por meio das cotas de reserva ambiental.The growing environmental problems of the world are boosting the emergence of political solutions that go far beyond the traditional command and control regulations. Policymakers have increasingly perceived the value of hybrid arrangements and mixed policies to deal with complicated environmental problems. In this context, the main objective of this work was to explore the merits of the creation of a Market of Environmental Reserves Quota in the Atlantic Forest a biome of the State of Minas Gerais, by identifying and evaluating the potential deficit and the surplus of legal reserve in the portion of Atlantic Forest in the state of Minas Gerais, of the evaluation of which portions of these areas of the legal reserve should be prioritized in order to optimize forest conservation gains, in order to finally understand the possible overlays of the market of environmental reserve quotas with the Atlantic forest Compensating program, which is already under way. The deficits and surpluses of legal reserve of the properties inserted in the Atlantic forest of the state were estimated, based on data from the Rural Environmental Registry (whose acronym is CAR). Later, a model was proposed, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, to generate a map of "areas more suitable for conservation", based on the remnants of native vegetation surplus to legal reserves in the properties of the study area. Finally, the Forest Compensations for suppression of Atlantic forest executed in the state were obtained, based on the reports obtained from the State Forestry Institute (whose acronym is IEF), where the geographical spatialization of these was carried out. The results indicate a supply/demand ratio of 2.76, with 781 thousand ha of areas available for trading in a market for environmental reserve quotas. When analyzing the forest compensations carried out, it is noticed that the state has been demanding an average compensation of 2: 1, where up to that time some 4 thousand ha have been suppressed, with consequent compensation in the order of 8 thousand ha. By looking at the volumes of areas negotiated through forest compensating, and the potential areas for environmental reserve quotas, one imagines a small overlap between the instruments. Crossing offsets with the map of the most suitable areas, it was noted that only 44 offsets overlapped. The results highlighted the potential of the use of these surpluses for forest compeensating purposes and warn of the need for public authorities to define criteria for allocating both forest compensation and legal reserve compensation through environmental reserve quotas

    Detec??o Autom?tica e Din?mica de Estilos de Aprendizagem em Sistemas Adaptativos e Inteligentes utilizando Dynamic Scripting

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    ?rea de concentra??o: Educa??o e Tecnologias aplicadas em Institui??es Educacionais.Uma das formas de se gerar conte?do adaptado ao estudante passa, primeiro, pela detec??o dos Estilos de Aprendizagem (EA). A teoria dos EA presume que cada aluno tem caracter?sticas pr?prias que o distingue dos demais. A partir dos EA, o Sistema Adaptativo e Inteligente para Educa??o (SAIE) de Dor?a foi idealizado. Seu trabalho objetiva apresentar uma solu??o estoc?stica para provimento de adaptatividade e customiza??o de Sistemas Educacionais por meio da modelagem probabil?stica dos EA. Em s?ntese, seu SAIE visa modelar o estudante, coletando e atualizando seus dados, de forma a descobrir seu EA. Com este fim, o sistema, durante suas itera??es, submete o aluno a avalia??es e, caso as notas sejam insatisfat?rias, o sistema realiza a atualiza??o do modelo do estudante (ME) por meio do Aprendizado por Refor?o (AR). Contudo, AR ? considerada uma t?cnica lenta de aprendizado que demanda muito tempo para ajustar o elemento a ser otimizado. Por sua vez, a t?cnica Dynamic Scripting (DS), uma varia??o da t?cnica de AR, apresenta alta velocidade de converg?ncia, mesmo em ambientes din?micos. DS ? popularmente utilizada na IA de Jogos e consiste em um conjunto de Regras sobre um dom?nio, estruturadas por uma condi??o e uma a??o. Sua forma de aprendizagem atrela um peso a cada regra, o qual determina a qualidade da regra, frente ? sua condi??o, e uma probabilidade da mesma ser aplicada. A condi??o de uma regra ? a representa??o de uma situa??o poss?vel no sistema, e sua a??o ? a interven??o gerada no sistema durante a sua aplica??o. Este trabalho prop?e o aperfei?oamento do SAIE citado, utilizando uma adapta??o do DS, com os objetivos de acelerar a converg?ncia do sistema, reduzir os Problemas de Aprendizagem (PA) e aumentar a nota do estudante. Adicionalmente, devido a caracter?stica din?mica do DS, este trabalho realiza experimentos em situa??es em que o EA Real (EAr) dos alunos variam ao longo do processo de ensino/aprendizagem. A pesquisa parte da elabora??o das regras e implementa??o da estrutura do DS, avan?ando para a substitui??o do m?dulo de AR pelo DS no SAIE de Dor?a. Realizaram-se 30 testes para cada uma das 16 Combina??es de EA (CEA), 16*30 testes para cada uma das 4 abordagens: Dor?a-Est?tico, Dor?a-Din?mico, DS-Est?tico e DS-Din?mico. Nos testes din?micos, modificou-se o EAr a cada 150 intera??es, de forma que ap?s 300 intera??es, o sistema deve convergir para uma CEA oposta ? inicial. Resultados preliminares, em compara??o ? abordagem da literatura, apresentaram uma redu??o m?dia nos PA de 35.8% para os testes din?micos e de 54.1% para os testes est?ticos. Quando o EA Probabil?stico (EAp) inicial ? exatamente igual ao EAr, verificou-se que a abordagem proposta apresentou em m?dia 6 erros na atualiza??o do ME, enquanto a abordagem da literatura apresentou, em m?dia, 23 erros. Verificou-se, portanto, que, preliminarmente, a proposta obteve resultados promissores.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017.One of the ways to generate the content adapted to the student passes, first, by the detection of Learning Styles (LS). The LS theory assumes that every time you have distances. From the LS, the Adaptive and Intelligent System for Education (AISE) of Dor?a was idealized. His work aims to present a stochastic solution for the provision of adaptability and customization of Educational Systems through the probabilistic modeling of LS. In summary, your AISE visa model, offering and updating your data, in order to discover your LS. To this end, the system, during its iterations, submits the student to the evaluation and, in case of notes and dissatisfactions, the system performs an updating of the student model (ME) through Reinforcement Learning (RL). However, RL is a slow learning technique that requires a lot of time to adjust the element to be optimized. In turn, a Dynamic Scripting (DS) technique, a variation of the RL technique, presents a high speed of convergence, even in dynamic environments. DS is popularly used in Artificial Intelligence of Games and consists of a set of Rules on a domain, structured by a condition and an action. Its form of learning brings a weight to each rule, which determines a quality of the rule, in front of its condition, and a probability of the same company. The condition of a rule is a representation of a good situation, and its action is an intervention generated without system during its application. This work proposes the improvement of the SAIE mentioned, the use of an adaptation of the DS, with the objectives of accelerating the convergence of the system, reduce the Learning Problems (PA) and increase student grade. In addition, due to the dynamic nature of the DS, this work performs tasks in situations in which students? real LS (LSr) vary throughout the teaching / learning process. A research of elaboration of the rules and implementation of the structure of the DS, advancing to the substitution of the RL module by the DS without AISE of Dor?a. A total of 30 tests were performed for each of the 16 AE combinations (CEA), 16 * 30 testicles for each of the 4 approaches: Dorca-Static, Dynamic Doric, DS-Static and DS-Dynamic. In the dynamic tests, the LSr was modified every 150 interactions, so that after 300 interactions, the system must converge to a CEA opposite to the initial one. Preliminary results, in literature comparison, presented a mean reduction in BP of 35.8 % for dynamic tests and 54.1 % for static tests. When the initial Probabilistic LS (LSp) is exactly the same as the LSr, it was verified that the proposed approach presented on average 6 errors in the updating of the ME, while a literature approach presented, on average, 23 errors. It was therefore found that a proposal had obtained promising results in the first place

    The value function of an asymptotic exit-time optimal control problem

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    We consider a class of exit--time control problems for nonlinear systems with a nonnegative vanishing Lagrangian. In general, the associated PDE may have multiple solutions, and known regularity and stability properties do not hold. In this paper we obtain such properties and a uniqueness result under some explicit sufficient conditions. We briefly investigate also the infinite horizon problem

    Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between independent III-V on silicon waveguide integrated lasers

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    The versatility of silicon photonic integrated circuits has led to a widespread usage of this platform for quantum information based applications, including Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). However, the integration of simple high repetition rate photon sources is yet to be achieved. The use of weak-coherent pulses (WCPs) could represent a viable solution. For example, Measurement Device Independent QKD (MDI-QKD) envisions the use of WCPs to distill a secret key immune to detector side channel attacks at large distances. Thus, the integration of III-V lasers on silicon waveguides is an interesting prospect for quantum photonics. Here, we report the experimental observation of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with 46\pm 2% visibility between WCPs generated by two independent III-V on silicon waveguide integrated lasers. This quantum interference effect is at the heart of many applications, including MDI-QKD. Our work represents a substantial first step towards an implementation of MDI-QKD fully integrated in silicon, and could be beneficial for other applications such as standard QKD and novel quantum communication protocols.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Environmental isotopes applied to the evaluation and quantification of evaporation processes in wetlands: a case study in the Ajó Coastal Plain wetland, Argentina

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    In the Ajó coastal plain, which occurs in the south of the Samborombón Bay, Argentina, certain sectors of the wetland are influenced by the tidal flow, whereas others are not. In the tidally restricted Ajó wetlands, the evapotranspiration process is one of the most important components of the water balance due to fact that the flat morphology and low soil permeability make the flow of surface and groundwater difficult. Although evaporation is an important component of evapotranspiration, a quantitative estimation of this process is still lacking or poorly known. In this work, we quantify the evaporation term in the tidally restricted wetlands by applying isotopic modelling and assessing the hydrological response of the wetland by means of other methodologies, such as satellite imaging and level measurements. The results show that during deficit periods, the total evaporation ranges between 10 and 33 % of the local precipitation. In groundwater samples, it fluctuates between 2 and 13 %, whereas in surface water it varies between 8 and 20 %. Analyses of the water budget, satellite images and water level time series provide evidence on how evaporation processes regulate the hydrology of the wetland. The water balance suggests the occurrence of a deficit period, in which the satellite images show a reduction of the waterlogged areas and lakes, and a lowering in surface and groundwater level is recorded.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Measuring random force noise for LISA aboard the LISA Pathfinder mission

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    The LTP (LISA Testflight Package), to be flown aboard the ESA / NASA LISA Pathfinder mission, aims to demonstrate drag-free control for LISA test masses with acceleration noise below 30 fm/s^2/Hz^1/2 from 1-30 mHz. This paper describes the LTP measurement of random, position independent forces acting on the test masses. In addition to putting an overall upper limit for all source of random force noise, LTP will measure the conversion of several key disturbances into acceleration noise and thus allow a more detailed characterization of the drag-free performance to be expected for LISA.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravity with the proceedings of the 2003 Amaldi Meetin

    Analysis of the collection of public revenue municipalities of the state of Santa Catarina.

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    A an?lise da arrecada??o da receita municipal em per?odos de crise econ?mica que perpassa no momento atual exp?e a necessidade de pesquisas que investiguem os principais determinantes da arrecada??o e seus impactos na receita p?blica municipal. Contudo, poucos trabalhados buscam um maior entendimento do comportamento das arrecada??es de receitas no Brasil, em especial, a n?vel municipal para o estado de Santa Catarina. Diante disso, o presente artigo tem o objetivo de analisar o impacto dos principais determinantes da arrecada??o no intervalo de 2012 a 2015, para os munic?pios catarinenses. Os resultados apontaram uma rela??o positiva entre as receitas tribut?rias e transfer?ncias correntes e a popula??o, o n?mero de empresas e o n?mero de v?nculos empregat?cios, a depender do tipo de receita avaliado. Al?m disso, o valor adicionado na agricultura, quando significativo, se mostrou mais impactante nas receitas dos munic?pios de Santa Cataria do que o de outros setores.The analysis of the collection of the municipal revenue in periods of economic crisis that pervades at the present moment exposes the need for research that investigates the main determinants of the collection and its impacts on the municipal public revenue. However, few workers seek a better understanding of the behavior of revenue collections in Brazil, especially at the municipal level for the state of Santa Catarina. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze the impact of the main determinants of collection in the interval between 2012 and 2015 for the municipalities of Santa Catarina. The results showed a positive relation between tax revenues and current transfers and the population, the number of companies and the number of employment bonds, depending on the type of income evaluated. In addition, value added in agriculture, when significant, was more impacting in the revenues of the municipalities of Santa Cataria than in other sectors
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