5,598 research outputs found

    Gravitational Slingshot of Young Massive Stars in Orion

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    The Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) is the nearest region of massive star formation and thus a crucial testing ground for theoretical models. Of particular interest amongst the ONC's ~1000 members are: \theta^1 Ori C, the most massive binary in the cluster with stars of masses 38 and 9 MSun (Kraus et al. 2009); the Becklin-Neugebauer (BN) object, a 30 km/s runaway star of ~8 MSun (Tan 2004); and the Kleinmann-Low (KL) nebula protostar, a highly-obscured, ~15 MSun object still accreting gas while also driving a powerful, apparently "explosive" outflow (Allen & Burton 1993). The unusual behavior of BN and KL is much debated: How did BN acquire its high velocity? How is this related to massive star formation in the KL nebula? Here we report the results of a systematic survey using ~ 10^7 numerical experiments of gravitational interactions of the \theta^1C and BN stars. We show that dynamical ejection of BN from this triple system at its observed velocity leaves behind a binary with total energy and eccentricity matching those observed for \theta^1C. Five other observed properties of \theta^C are also consistent with it having ejected BN and altogether we estimate there is only a <~ 10^{-5} probability that \theta^1C has these properties by chance. We conclude that BN was dynamically ejected from the \theta^1C system about 4,500 years ago. BN has then plowed through the KL massive-star-forming core within the last 1,000 years causing its recently-enhanced accretion and outflow activity.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted to Ap

    Exchange Traded Funds: replicação física e sintética em mercados emergentes

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    Mestrado em Análise FinanceiraA presente dissertação pretende evidenciar o comportamento de 16 Exchange Traded Funds, físicos e sintéticos, cotados na Europa, aplicados à classe dos mercados emergentes, tendo como benchmark o índice MSCI Emerging Markets. O período em análise compreende 7 anos, de 2015 a 2021, tendo sido dividido em dois subperíodos de forma a captar o impacto da crise causada pela pandemia da COVID-19. Com recurso a medidas como os rácios de Sharpe, Treynor e Sortino, a medida de Jensen e o cálculo do tracking error, os resultados permitem aferir que os ETFs apresentam um desempenho reduzido e que a sua precisão de replicação face ao índice de referência é fraca, condição que se agrava durante a pandemia. Comparando o tipo de exposição física com o tipo de exposição sintética, determina-se que esta acarreta mais risco, mas consegue normalmente obter um desempenho superior. Através da análise aos determinantes do tracking error, com base no modelo de dados em painel de efeitos fixos, conclui-se que das variáveis selecionadas, apenas a idade do fundo e o risco são estatisticamente significativas para qualquer nível de significância e apresentam uma relação positiva com a variável dependente, e o coeficiente beta da variável dummy COVID indica uma associação negativa entre esta e o tracking error. Este tipo de investimento não constitui uma mais-valia para os investidores, mas aquando da aquisição destes ativos é imprescindível uma análise ao método de replicação dos mesmos.This dissertation aims to demonstrate the behavior of 16 equity Exchange Traded Funds, physical and synthetic, traded on European exchanges that track the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. The period analyzed comprises 7 years, from 2015 to 2021, having been divided into two subperiods in order to capture the impact of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Using measures such as Sharpe, Treynor and Sortino ratios, Jensen’s alpha and the tracking error calculation, the results allow us to verify that ETFs have a weak performance and that the ETFs accuracy in replicating their benchmark is low, especially during the pandemic crisis. When comparing a physical exposure to a synthetic one it is determined that the latter carries more risk but usually achieves superior performances. When analyzing the tracking error determinants, based on panel data fixed effects model, we conclude that from the selected variables, only fund’s age and risk are statistically significant for any level of significance and show a positive relation with the dependent variable, and the beta coefficient for the dummy variable COVID indicates a negative association between this variable and the tracking error. This kind of investment does not bring added value for investors but when acquiring these assets, an analysis of their replication method is essential.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is oropharyngoesophageal scintigraphy the method of choice for assessing dysphagia in systemic sclerosis? A single center experience

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    Objectives: To evaluate the performance of oropharyngoesophageal scintigraphy (OPES) in the assessment of dysphagia in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc), and to compare OPES results with those of barium esophagogram. Methods: Adult SSc patients who underwent OPES for the assessment of dysphagia were enrolled. OPES was performed with both liquid and semisolid boluses and provided information regarding oropharyngeal transit time, esophageal transit time (ETT), oropharyngeal retention index (OPRI), esophageal retention index (ERI), and site of bolus retention. Barium esophagogram results were also collected. Results: Fifty-seven SSc patients (87.7% female, mean age 57.7&nbsp;years) with dysphagia were enrolled. OPES identified at least one alteration in each patient and findings were generally worse for the semisolid bolus. Esophageal motility was widely impaired with 89.5% of patients with an increased semisolid ERI, and middle-lower esophagus was the most frequent site of bolus retention. However, oropharyngeal impairment was highlighted by widespread increased OPRI, especially in anti-topoisomerase I positivity. Older patients and with longer disease duration presented slower semisolid ETT (p = 0.029 and p = 0.002, respectively). Eleven patients with dysphagia had a negative barium esophagogram: all of them presented some alterations in OPES parameters. Conclusion: OPES revealed a marked SSc esophageal impairment, in terms of both slowed transit time and increased bolus retention, but also shed light on oropharyngeal swallowing alterations. OPES showed high sensitivity, being able to detect swallowing alterations in dysphagic patients with negative barium esophagogram. Therefore, the use of OPES for the assessment of SSc-related dysphagia in clinical practice should be promoted

    La formación continua del profesorado de educación física escolar en tiemposde distancia social

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    O artigo debate a formação continuada de professores de Educação Física. O objetivo é analisar os efeitos da realização de cursos de extensão para professores de Educação Física em tempos de distanciamento social, ocasionado pela pandemia de Covid-19. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que se debruçou a analisar materiais oriundos de dois cursos de extensão, promovidos pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, nos anos de 2020 e 2021. O curso foi realizado pelo Youtube e pela plataforma Moodle. Foram analisados os comentários dos participantes nos chats do canal Youtube e textos produzidos como tarefa final do curso, publicados na forma de e-books. Nota-se que os professores expressam reflexões sobre sua prática na ocasião dos debates e procuram constituir seu fazer pedagógico a partir dos temas debatidos no curso. Destaca-se a importância de ofertar formação docente de qualidade e de aproximar a universidade da escola.The article discusses the training of Physical Education teachers. The objective is to analyze the effects of conducting open courses for Physical Education teachers in times of social distance, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a qualitative researchthat analyzed materials from two extension courses, promoted by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in 2020 and 2021. The course was conducted by Youtube and the Moodle platform. Comments from participants on the Youtube channel and texts produced as the final task of the course, published as e-books, were analyzed. We understand that teachers reflect on their practice during the debates and seek to conduct their pedagogical work based on the topics discussed in the course. We emphasize the importance of providing quality training for teachers and bringing university and school closer together.El artículo analiza la formación continua de los profesores de Educación Física. El objetivo es analizar los efectos de la realización de cursos de extensión para docentes de Educación Física en tiempos de distanciamiento social, provocados por la pandemia Covid-19. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa que analizó materiales de dos cursos de extensión, promovidos por la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, en 2020 y 2021. El curso fue realizado por Youtube y la plataforma Moodle. Se analizaron los comentarios de los participantes en el canal de Youtube y los textos producidos como tarea final del curso, publicados en forma de libros electrónicos. Se observa que los docentes expresan reflexiones sobre su práctica durante los debates y buscan construir su trabajo pedagógico en base a los temas tratados en el curso. Se destaca la importancia de ofrecer una formación docente de calidad y acercar la universidad a la escuela

    Docencia en Educación Física Inclusiva: agotamientos vividos en el contexto de la educación remota brasileña

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    O ano de 2020 ficou marcado pela pandemia do Covid-19, fato que impactou os diferentes modos de vida. O distanciamento social foi um dos modos de conter a pandemia, ocasionando a cessão das aulas presenciais no Brasil, migrando para o modelo de ensino remoto. Nessa realidade, este estudo, que considera o ensino remoto dentro do contexto social, político e econômico brasileiro, teve como objetivo problematizar a docência de professores de Educação Física escolar no contexto das aulas remotas no Brasil, focando no trabalho com alunos considerados de inclusão. Um estudo exploratório qualitativo, que realizou entrevistas com professores de Educação Física. Foram 116 entrevistas, realizadas através de questionário elaborado na plataforma Google. A análise seguiu o aporte das pesquisas pós-estruturalistas de pensar a Educação, apoiada nos conceitos de governamentalidade e de docência. A partir da análise são trazidos dois pontos para discussão: as práticas trabalhadas na Educação Física com alunos de inclusão no ensino remoto e a ideia de crise na docência em uma Educação Física inclusiva. Com isso, argumenta-se que a falta do contato com os alunos na escola e as desigualdades do contexto social e econômico brasileiros podem ocasionar práticas de exclusão e contribuir para um esgotamento docente.The year 2020 was marked by the pandemic of Covid-19, a fact that impacted on different aspects of life. The social distancing was one of the ways to contain the pandemic, causing the cessation of face-to-face classes in Brazil, migrating to a remote teaching model. In this reality, this study, which considers remote teaching within the Brazilian social, political, and economic context, aimed to problematize the teaching of Physical Education in the context of remote classes in Brazil, focusing on the work with those considered students of inclusion. It is a qualitative exploratory study, in which interviews with Physical Education teachers were conducted. 116 interviews were carried out through a questionnaire elaborated on the Google platform. The analysis followed the contribution of post-structuralist researches to think about Education, supported by the concepts of governamentality and teaching. From the analysis, two points are brought up for discussion: the practices worked in Physical Education with students of inclusion in remote education, and the idea of teaching crisis in inclusive Physical Education. thus, it is argued that the lack of contact with students at school and the inequalities in the Brazilian social and economic context can lead to exclusionary practices and contribute to teaching burnout.El año 2020 estuvo marcado por la pandemia Covid-19, hecho que impactó diferentes formas de vida. El distanciamiento social fue una de las formas de contener la pandemia, provocando el cese de las clases presenciales en Brasil, migrando al modelo de enseñanza remota. En esta realidad, este estudio, que considera la enseñanza remota en el contexto social, político y económico brasileño, tuvo como objetivo problematizar la enseñanza remota de los docentes de Educación Física en Brasil, centrándose en el trabajo con estudiantes considerados de inclusión. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio cualitativo, que entrevistó a profesores de Educación Física. Fueron 116 entrevistas, realizadas mediante el envío de un cuestionario elaborado en la plataforma de Google. El análisis siguió la contribución de la investigación postestructuralista en Educación, apoyada en los conceptos de gubernamentalidad y enseñanza. A partir del análisis, se plantean dos puntos para la discusión: las prácticas trabajadas en Educación Física con estudiantes de inclusión en educación remota y la idea de crisis en la enseñanza en una Educación Física inclusiva. Así, se argumenta que la falta de contacto con los estudiantes en la escuela y las desigualdades del contexto social y económico brasileño pueden conducir a prácticas excluyentes y contribuir al agotamiento docente.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació


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    O acontecimento das aulas remotas, a partir da sindemia de Covid-19, instaurada noc enário brasileiro desde 2020, que já soma mais de 600.000 vítimas em nosso País, impactoud istintos modos de ver, realizar e compreender a docência. A Educação Física foi um dosc omponentes curriculares que, imerso nesse cenário, sofreu efeitos relacionados aos sujeitose scolares, às instituições e às docências