391 research outputs found

    Impact des techniques de conservation des eaux et des sols sur le rendement du sorgho au centre-nord du Burkina Faso

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    Face à la dégradation de leurs espaces vitaux, les populations du Burkina Faso en général, de la région de Dem en particulier, ont pris conscience de la nécessité d’enrayer ce fléau. Elles ont, seules ou avec l’appui des moyens techniques et financiers de l’État, des projets et des ONG, entrepris des travaux de conservation des eaux et des sols ainsi que d’agroforesterie. Après plus de deux décennies de pratiques, le paysage agraire de la région de Dem est aménagé en partie suivant différentes techniques : cordons pierreux, cordons d’Andropogon gayanus, paillage et zaï. Au cours de la campagne agricole 2002, des mesures ont été effectuées sur la croissance et le rendement du sorgho en fonction du type d’aménagement pratiqué. Tous les champs ont été choisis sur des topographies de bas glacis. Les résultats obtenus permettent d’affirmer que les techniques de conservation des eaux et des sols pratiquées dans la région de Dem sont bénéfiques pour les cultures et pour les communautés rurales. Les rendements de sorgho les meilleurs sont obtenus avec la pratique du zaï (1,730 t/ha), parce que cette technique allie fertilisation du sol par apport de compost ou de fumier et meilleure conservation de l’humidité après chaque pluie. Même le paillage qui, parmi les différentes techniques appliquées, donne les résultats les plus bas (0,77 t/ha), offre des rendements six fois supérieurs à ceux des parcelles sans aménagement (0,12 t/ha). L’impact positif des techniques de conservation des eaux et des sols sur le rendement du sorgho laisse entrevoir des possibilités d’accroissement de la production agricole, pour peu que les populations soient sensibilisées et que ces techniques soient améliorées pour une large diffusion auprès des paysans exploitant les mêmes types de sols, sous le même climat.Works of conservation of water and grounds and sorghum output in the Northern Center of Burkina Faso Face to the degradation of their vital spaces, the populations of Burkina Faso in general, area of Dem in particular became aware of the need for damming up the plague. They have, only or with the support of techniques of the State, the projects and ONG, undertaken work of conservation of water and grounds as well as the agroforestery. After more than two decades of practices, the agrarian landscape of the area of Dem still presents non made-up sectors; those arranged are it by various techniques: stony cords, cords of Andropogon gayanus, mulching, zaï. During the crop year 2002, measurements were taken on the growth and the output of the sorghum according to installations carried out. All the fields were selected on bottom glacis. The results obtained make it possible to affirm that the techniques of conservation of water and the grounds practised in the area of Dem are beneficial for the cultures and leaving for the populations. Indeed, the outputs are better with the practice of the zaï (1,730 t/ha), because this technique combines fertilization of the ground by contribution of compost or manure and conservation of moisture for one longer period after each rain. Even the mulching which, among the various techniques applied, gives the results low (0,77 t/ha), offers outputs six times higher than those of the pieces without installation (0,12 t/ha) on bottom glacis. The positive impact of the techniques of conservation of water and the grounds on the output of the sorghum shows the possibility to increase in the agricultural production, for little that the populations are sensitised and that these techniques are improved for a broad diffusion near the peasants exploiting the same types of grounds and under the same climate

    Active Inferants: An Active Inference Framework for Ant Colony Behavior

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    In this paper, we introduce an active inference model of ant colony foraging behavior, and implement the model in a series of in silico experiments. Active inference is a multiscale approach to behavioral modeling that is being applied across settings in theoretical biology and ethology. The ant colony is a classic case system in the function of distributed systems in terms of stigmergic decision-making and information sharing. Here we specify and simulate a Markov decision process (MDP) model for ant colony foraging. We investigate a well-known paradigm from laboratory ant colony behavioral experiments, the alternating T-maze paradigm, to illustrate the ability of the model to recover basic colony phenomena such as trail formation after food location discovery. We conclude by outlining how the active inference ant colony foraging behavioral model can be extended and situated within a nested multiscale framework and systems approaches to biology more generally

    A terra é de vocês e a saúde também! Compreendendo a efetivação do direito ao território e à saúde entre os Puyanawa

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Curso de Graduação em Ciências Sociais com Bacharelado em Antropologia, 2016.O objetivo principal deste trabalho é fazer um levantamento acerca da história dos índios Puyanawa, que vivem nas aldeias Barão e Ipiranga, na Terra Indígena Puyanawa, no município de Mâncio Lima, Estado do Acre. O trabalho consiste na visão e na perspectiva de um indígena desta etnia ao fazer um estudo antropológico sobre seu povo. Tem como foco principal, analisar o direito a terra e a saúde, e as lutas que esses indígenas tiveram para ter a terra demarcada e uma saúde estável e de mais qualidade. Os serviços relacionados à saúde que foram implementados dentro da terra indígena. Busca compreender a visão dos Puyanawa em relação às políticas de Estado para efetivação do direito ao território e a saúde. Busca também compreender um pouco sobre o contexto de vida dos Puyanawa: as práticas médicas Puyanawa, os rituais xamânicos, os profissionais de saúde não indígena, os profissionais de saúde Puyanawa, além dos serviços de saúde oferecidos pelo Governo brasileiro.The main objective of this study is to survey about the history of Puyanawa Indians who live in the villages Baron and Ipiranga, the Indigenous Land Puyanawa in the municipality of Mancio Lima, Acre. The work consists in the vision and perspective of an indigenous ethnic group of this to make an anthropological study of his people. Its main focus, analyze the right to land and health, and the struggles that these Indians had to be demarcated land and a stable health and higher quality. The health-related services that were implemented within the indigenous land, seeks to understand the vision of Puyanawa in relation to state policies for realization of the right to territory and health. It also seeks to understand a little about the context of life Puyanawa: medical practices Puyanawa, shamanic rituals, non-indigenous health professionals, health professionals Puyanawa, in addition to health services offered by the Brazilian government

    A vida da minha mãe, da etnia Puyanawa : um estudo de caso da Casai de Mâncio Lima

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Estudos Avançados e Multidisciplinares, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direitos Humanos e Cidadania, 2018.Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os procedimentos terapêuticos vivenciados por minha mãe, que é uma indígena da etnia Puyanawa, e seu atendimento na Casa de Saúde Indígena (Casai) de Mâncio Lima. A análise é a constatação de um reflexo desde o período do cativeiro que deixou enormes sequelas que se alastram até os dias de hoje, e minha mãe é uma refém dessas amargas lembranças, porque sofre cotidianamente com as várias enfermidades que surgiram nesse período, entre elas a desconhecida esquizofrenia. Minha mãe tem se esforçado duramente pela sobrevivência, recorreu e recorre às nossas práticas médicas tradicionais, mas as medicinas tradicionais não estão mais sanando as enfermidades desconhecidas, por isso, ela necessariamente precisa recorrer ao atendimento da saúde estatal que foi desenvolvida para os povos indígenas, o Subsistema de Saúde Índígena. Assim, a análise descrita aqui é o caminho percorrido por minha mãe desde quando ela sai da aldeia e recorre ao Subsistema de Saúde Indígena, mais precisamente à Casa de Saúde Indígena de Mâncio Lima, localizada no Estado do Acre, no estremo oeste do território brasileiro.This work aims to analyze the therapeutic procedures experienced by my mother who is a Puyanawa indigenous woman and her attendance at the House of Indigenous Health (CASAI) in Mâncio Lima. The analysis is a realization of a reflection from the period of captivity that left enormous sequels that spread to the present day and my mother is a hostage of these bitter memories, because she suffers daily with the various diseases that arose in this period, among them the unknown schizophrenia. My mother has been struggling for survival, resorted to and recruited our traditional medical practices, but traditional medicines are no longer healing the unknown diseases, so she must necessarily resort to the state health care that was developed for indigenous peoples, the Indigenous Health Subsystem. Thus, the analysis described here is the path my mother has taken since she leaves the village and uses the Indigenous Health Subsystem, more precisely the Indigenous Health House in Mâncio Lima, located in the state of the Acre, in the extreme west of the Brazilian territory

    Connaissance des OGMs et canaux d’information des acteurs au Burkina Faso

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    Pour subvenir aux besoins d’une population en croissance, les scientifiques proposent toujours de nouvelles technologies de production. Ces technologies ne sont pas toujours acceptées pour des raisons défendues par les groupes d’acteurs en présence. A la recherche de solutions pour améliorer la productivité agricole, les autorités du Burkina Faso se sont tournées vers l’utilisation des organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM). L’étude vise à appréhender la connaissance des OGM et les principaux canaux d’information au Burkina Faso. Pour la réalisation de cette étude, une enquête a été conduite auprès de 272 personnes réparties dans 16 communes de trois provinces du Burkina Faso. L’étude a montré que sans discrimination du niveau d’instruction ou du genre, les acteurs ont une certaine connaissance des OGM. Les principaux canaux d’information sont le réseau d’encadrement des sociétés cotonnières (42%) et Internet (34%). Les réseaux d’encadrement sont effectifs dans la diffusion de l’information technologique. Dans la présente étude, il ressort que les technologies de communication sont efficaces pour une diffusion plus large.Mots clés : Burkina Faso ; OGM ; canaux d’information; niveau d’instruction


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    Resumo: Alagoas é considerado o Estado brasileiro mais violento segundo pesquisas divulgadas pela ONU. E dentre os municípios com maior índice de violência do Estado, União dos Palmares figura com destaque. O município foi sede do Quilombo dos Palmares, reconhecido como símbolo de resistência e liberdade. A derrocada do Quilombo no século XVII deu condições para o surgimento da cidade. No ano de 2012 o município recebeu o programa Juventude Viva – Programa do Governo Federal destinado às cidades que possuem alto índice de violência contra jovens. Tendo essa história de violência como referência, questiona-se qual o princípio dessa violência incrustada no conformismo da população e na denúncia da mídia impressa, que aponta União dos Palmares como lugar inóspito a se viver. Palavras-chave: Violência; naturalização; União dos Palmares.Abstract: Alagoas is considered the most violent Brazilian state according to research published by the United Nations, and among the municipalities with the highest state violence index, União dos Palmares figures prominently. The city hosted the Palmares, recognized as a symbol of strength and freedom. The collapse of Quilombo in the seventeenth century gave conditions for the emergence of the city. In 2012, the city received the Youth Alive program - Federal Government Programme for the cities that have a high rate of violence against young people. With this history of violence as a reference, which questioned the principle that violence embedded in the conformism of the population and in the print media complaint, pointing União dos Palmares as inhospitable place to live.Keywords: Violence; naturalization; União dos Palmares

    A relação entre Caio Prado Júnior e Celso Furtado

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    Este texto esclarece algumas das contribuições fundamentais de Caio Prado Júnior e Celso Furtado à interpretação do desenvolvimento brasileiro, indicando sua importância nas nossas escolas tão viciadas na leitura de materiais secundários e livros-texto

    Accessibility to the drinking water sources in Burkina Faso: the case study of Toessin and Bonogo villages

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    In Africa, accessibility to drinking water is major problem for rural population. This study analyzes accessibility to the drinking water source in two villages in Burkina Faso. Data were obtained from household’s surveys. In total, 221 households have been surveyed. Data analysis method is based on water accessibility of World Health Organization & United Nations Children Fund (2017) and Howard & Bartram (2003) approach. Results show that in Toessin village, more than half of the households have improved service or intermediate access to wells, whereas a small percentage have access to boreholes. Slightly over half of the households have a low service or a minimal access for the same quantities of water and sources. No household falls under the limited service state or does not have access to wells, whereas small number of the families do not have access to boreholes. In the Bonogo village, nearly one third of households have improved service or intermediate access to boreholes and a very small number of household have intermediate access to wells. The majority of the Bonogo household’s access to boreholes fall under the basic service or a minimal access category, whereas accessibility to wells under the same category constitute slightly over half of the household. However, only a very small number of household in Bonogo have a limited service or do not have access at boreholes and wells. Overall, in terms of accessibility to drinking water sources, the majority of households in Toessin falls under the improved service or intermediate/minimal access for wells, whilst in Bonogo, most households fall under the basic service or minimal access to boreholes. It is necessary to dig new boreholes in Toessin in order to improve access to the drinking water

    Desenvolvimento, distribuição e emprego ou o mercado de trabalho brasileiro à luz de Raúl Prebisch

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    O texto examina o problema do emprego na atualidade brasileira levando em consideração dados recentes do mercado do trabalho e a visão de um autor como Raúl Prebisch sobre emprego, distribuição de renda e desenvolvimento na América Latina. Esclarecemos que a heterogeneidade estrutural do mercado de trabalho latino-americano impede que o tema do “pleno emprego” seja analisado nos mesmos moldes do que ocorre nos EUA ou na Europa. Assim, há alguns segmentos ou ramos de atividade onde podem faltar trabalhadores especializados (em algumas regiões mais dinâmicas), ao passo que existe um imenso “exército industrial de reserva” na forma de desempregados, trabalhadores informais de baixa renda e até trabalhadores sem remuneração