561 research outputs found

    Nonexistence of marginally trapped surfaces and geons in 2+1 gravity

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    We use existence results for Jang's equation and marginally outer trapped surfaces (MOTSs) in 2+1 gravity to obtain nonexistence of geons in 2+1 gravity. In particular, our results show that any 2+1 initial data set, which obeys the dominant energy condition with cosmological constant \Lambda \geq 0 and which satisfies a mild asymptotic condition, must have trivial topology. Moreover, any data set obeying these conditions cannot contain a MOTS. The asymptotic condition involves a cutoff at a finite boundary at which a null mean convexity condition is assumed to hold; this null mean convexity condition is satisfied by all the standard asymptotic boundary conditions. The results presented here strengthen various aspects of previous related results in the literature. These results not only have implications for classical 2+1 gravity but also apply to quantum 2+1 gravity when formulated using Witten's solution space quantization.Comment: v3: Elements from the original two proofs of the main result have been combined to give a single proof, thereby circumventing an issue with the second proof associated with potential blow-ups of solutions to Jang's equation. To appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    The AdS/CFT Correspondence Conjecture and Topological Censorship

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    In gr-qc/9902061 it was shown that (n+1)-dimensional asymptotically anti-de-Sitter spacetimes obeying natural causality conditions exhibit topological censorship. We use this fact in this paper to derive in arbitrary dimension relations between the topology of the timelike boundary-at-infinity, \scri, and that of the spacetime interior to this boundary. We prove as a simple corollary of topological censorship that any asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetime with a disconnected boundary-at-infinity necessarily contains black hole horizons which screen the boundary components from each other. This corollary may be viewed as a Lorentzian analog of the Witten and Yau result hep-th/9910245, but is independent of the scalar curvature of \scri. Furthermore, the topology of V', the Cauchy surface (as defined for asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetime with boundary-at-infinity) for regions exterior to event horizons, is constrained by that of \scri. In this paper, we prove a generalization of the homology results in gr-qc/9902061 in arbitrary dimension, that H_{n-1}(V;Z)=Z^k where V is the closure of V' and k is the number of boundaries Σi\Sigma_i interior to Σ0\Sigma_0. As a consequence, V does not contain any wormholes or other compact, non-simply connected topological structures. Finally, for the case of n=2, we show that these constraints and the onto homomorphism of the fundamental groups from which they follow are sufficient to limit the topology of interior of V to either B^2 or I×S1I\times S^1.Comment: Revtex, 20 page

    Quantum Geons and Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    Physical considerations strongly indicate that spacetime at Planck scales is noncommutative. A popular model for such a spacetime is the Moyal plane. The Poincar\`e group algebra acts on it with a Drinfel'd-twisted coproduct. But the latter is not appropriate for more complicated spacetimes such as those containing the Friedman-Sorkin (topological) geons. They have rich diffeomorphism groups and in particular mapping class groups, so that the statistics groups for N identical geons is strikingly different from the permutation group SNS_N. We generalise the Drinfel'd twist to (essentially) generic groups including to finite and discrete ones and use it to modify the commutative spacetime algebras of geons as well to noncommutative algebras. The latter support twisted actions of diffeos of geon spacetimes and associated twisted statistics. The notion of covariant fields for geons is formulated and their twisted versions are constructed from their untwisted versions. Non-associative spacetime algebras arise naturally in our analysis. Physical consequences, such as the violation of Pauli principle, seem to be the outcomes of such nonassociativity. The richness of the statistics groups of identical geons comes from the nontrivial fundamental groups of their spatial slices. As discussed long ago, extended objects like rings and D-branes also have similar rich fundamental groups. This work is recalled and its relevance to the present quantum geon context is pointed out.Comment: 41 page

    Enhanced Magnetic Anisotropy of Mn12-acetate

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    Thin films of the Single Molecule Magnet (Mn12-acetate) have been fabricated on a Si-substrate by the Dip-and-Dry method, a simple and robust technique. Atomic force microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy characterizations reveal that homogeneous, thin films of a few molecular layers with smoothness at the molecular level are deposited. Significant changes in magnetic properties of Mn12-acetate exposed to the same solvent were observed in zero-field-cooled and field-cooled magnetization, as well as ac-susceptibility measurements. The blocking temperature was found to increase to TB > 10 K at low magnetic fields, indicating an enhanced magnetic anisotropy.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Charge Form Factor and Cluster Structure of 6^6Li Nucleus

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    The charge form factor of 6{}^6Li nucleus is considered on the basis of its cluster structure. The charge density of 6{}^6Li is presented as a superposition of two terms. One of them is a folded density and the second one is a sum of 4{}^4He and the deuteron densities. Using the available experimental data for 4{}^4He and deuteron charge form factors, a good agreement of the calculations within the suggested scheme is obtained with the experimental data for the charge form factor of 6{}^6Li, including those in the region of large transferred momenta.Comment: 12 pages 5 figure

    Fork pausing allows centromere DNA loop formation and kinetochore assembly

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    De novo kinetochore assembly, but not template-directed assembly, is dependent on COMA, the kinetochore complex engaged in cohesin recruitment. The slowing of replication fork progression by treatment with phleomycin (PHL), hydroxyurea, or deletion of the replication fork protection protein Csm3 can activate de novo kinetochore assembly in COMA mutants. Centromere DNA looping at the site of de novo kinetochore assembly can be detected shortly after exposure to PHL. Using simulations to explore the thermodynamics of DNA loops, we propose that loop formation is disfavored during bidirectional replication fork migration. One function of replication fork stalling upon encounters with DNA damage or other blockades may be to allow time for thermal fluctuations of the DNA chain to explore numerous configurations. Biasing thermodynamics provides a mechanism to facilitate macromolecular assembly, DNA repair, and other nucleic acid transactions at the replication fork. These loop configurations are essential for sister centromere separation and kinetochore assembly in the absence of the COMA complex

    Missing values: sparse inverse covariance estimation and an extension to sparse regression

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    We propose an l1-regularized likelihood method for estimating the inverse covariance matrix in the high-dimensional multivariate normal model in presence of missing data. Our method is based on the assumption that the data are missing at random (MAR) which entails also the completely missing at random case. The implementation of the method is non-trivial as the observed negative log-likelihood generally is a complicated and non-convex function. We propose an efficient EM algorithm for optimization with provable numerical convergence properties. Furthermore, we extend the methodology to handle missing values in a sparse regression context. We demonstrate both methods on simulated and real data.Comment: The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Jacobi-like bar mode instability of relativistic rotating bodies

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    We perform some numerical study of the secular triaxial instability of rigidly rotating homogeneous fluid bodies in general relativity. In the Newtonian limit, this instability arises at the bifurcation point between the Maclaurin and Jacobi sequences. It can be driven in astrophysical systems by viscous dissipation. We locate the onset of instability along several constant baryon mass sequences of uniformly rotating axisymmetric bodies for compaction parameter M/R=00.275M/R = 0-0.275. We find that general relativity weakens the Jacobi like bar mode instability, but the stabilizing effect is not very strong. According to our analysis the critical value of the ratio of the kinetic energy to the absolute value of the gravitational potential energy (T/W)crit(T/|W|)_{\rm crit} for compaction parameter as high as 0.275 is only 30% higher than the Newtonian value. The critical value of the eccentricity depends very weakly on the degree of relativity and for M/R=0.275M/R=0.275 is only 2% larger than the Newtonian value at the onset for the secular bar mode instability. We compare our numerical results with recent analytical investigations based on the post-Newtonian expansion.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Tensor-scalar gravity and binary-pulsar experiments

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    Some recently discovered nonperturbative strong-field effects in tensor-scalar theories of gravitation are interpreted as a scalar analog of ferromagnetism: "spontaneous scalarization". This phenomenon leads to very significant deviations from general relativity in conditions involving strong gravitational fields, notably binary-pulsar experiments. Contrary to solar-system experiments, these deviations do not necessarily vanish when the weak-field scalar coupling tends to zero. We compute the scalar "form factors" measuring these deviations, and notably a parameter entering the pulsar timing observable gamma through scalar-field-induced variations of the inertia moment of the pulsar. An exploratory investigation of the confrontation between tensor-scalar theories and binary-pulsar experiments shows that nonperturbative scalar field effects are already very tightly constrained by published data on three binary-pulsar systems. We contrast the probing power of pulsar experiments with that of solar-system ones by plotting the regions they exclude in a generic two-dimensional plane of tensor-scalar theories.Comment: 35 pages, REVTeX 3.0, uses epsf.tex to include 9 Postscript figure

    Microscopic description of d-wave superconductivity by Van Hove nesting in the Hubbard model

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    We devise a computational approach to the Hubbard model that captures the strong coupling dynamics arising when the Fermi level is at a Van Hove singularity in the density of states. We rely on an approximate degeneracy among the many-body states accounting for the main instabilities of the system (antiferromagnetism, d-wave superconductivity). The Fermi line turns out to be deformed in a manner consistent with the pinning of the Fermi level to the Van Hove singularity. For a doping rate δ0.2\delta \sim 0.2, the ground state is characterized by d-wave symmetry, quasiparticles gapped only at the saddle-points of the band, and a large peak at zero momentum in the d-wave pairing correlations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Postscript figure