152 research outputs found

    Optical biopsy of epithelial cancers by optical coherence tomography

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical technique that measures the backscattering of near-infrared light by tissue. OCT yields in 2D and 3D images at micrometer-scale resolution, thus providing optical biopsies, approaching the resolution of histopathological imaging. The technique has shown to allow in vivo differentiation between benign and malignant epithelial tissue, through qualitative assessment of OCT images, as well as by quantitative evaluation, e.g., functional OCT. This study aims to summarize the principles of OCT and to discuss the current literature on the diagnostic value of OCT in the diagnosis of epithelial (pre)malignant lesions. The authors did a systematic search of the electronic databases PubMed and Embase on OCT in the diagnostic process of (pre)malignant epithelial lesions. OCT is able to differentiate between benign and (pre)malignant lesions of epithelial origin in a wide variety of tissues. In this way, OCT can detect skin cancers, oral, laryngeal, and esophageal cancer as well as genital and bladder cancer. OCT is an innovative technique which enables an optical biopsy of epithelial lesions. The incorporation of OCT in specific tools, like handheld and catheter-based probes, will further improve the implementation of this technology in daily clinical practice

    Epidemiology of atopic dermatitis in adults: Results from an international survey.

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    Background:There are gaps in our knowledge of the prevalence of adult atopicdermatitis (AD).Objective:To estimate the prevalence of AD in adults and by disease severity.Methods:This international, cross-sectional, web-based survey was performed inthe United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, andJapan. Adult members of online respondent panels were sent a questionnaire forAD identification and severity assessment; demographic quotas ensured populationrepresentativeness for each country. A diagnosis of AD required subjects to be posi-tive on the modified UK Working Party/ISAAC criteriaandself-report of ever hav-ing an AD diagnosis by a physician. The proportion of subjects with AD whoreported being treated for their condition was determined and also used to estimateprevalence. Severity scales were Patient-Oriented SCORAD, Patient-OrientatedEczema Measure, and Patient Global Assessment.Results:Among participants by region, the point prevalence of adult AD in the over-all/treated populations was 4.9%/3.9% in the US, 3.5%/2.6% in Canada, 4.4%/3.5% inthe EU, and 2.1%/1.5% in Japan. The prevalence was generally lower for males vsfemales, and decreased with age. Regional variability was observed within countries.Severity varied by scale and region; however, regardless of the scale or region, propor-tion of subjects reporting severe disease was lower than mild or moderate disease.Conclusions:Prevalence of adult AD ranged from 2.1% to 4.9% across countries.Severe AD represented a small proportion of the overall AD population regardlessof measure or region

    Is It Rational to Assume that Infants Imitate Rationally? A Theoretical Analysis and Critique

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    It has been suggested that preverbal infants evaluate the efficiency of others' actions (by applying a principle of rational action) and that they imitate others' actions rationally. The present contribution presents a conceptual analysis of the claim that preverbal infants imitate rationally. It shows that this ability rests on at least three assumptions: that infants are able to perceive others' action capabilities, that infants reason about and conceptually represent their own bodies, and that infants are able to think counterfactually. It is argued that none of these three abilities is in place during infancy. Furthermore, it is shown that the idea of a principle of rational action suffers from two fallacies. As a consequence, is it suggested that it is not rational to assume that infants imitate rationally. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base
