2,313 research outputs found

    Thrips domiciles protect larvae from desiccation in an arid environment

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    Desiccation is a particular risk for small animals in arid environments. In response, many organisms “construct niches,” favorable microenvironments where they spend part or all of their life cycle. Some maintain such environments for their offspring via parental care. Insect eggs are often protected from desiccation by parentally derived gels, casings, or cocoons, but active parental protection of offspring from desiccation has never been demonstrated. Most free-living thrips (Thysanoptera) alleviate water loss via thigmotaxis (crevice seeking). In arid Australia, Acacia thrips (Phlaeothripidae) construct many kinds of niche. Some thrips induce galls; others, like Dunatothrips aneurae, live and breed within “domiciles” made from loosely glued phyllodes. The function of domiciles is unknown; like other constructed niches, they may 1) create favorable microenvironments, 2) facilitate feeding, 3) protect from enemies, or a combination. To test the first 2 alternatives experimentally, field-collected domiciles were destroyed or left intact. Seven-day survival of feeding and nonfeeding larval stages was monitored at high (70–80%) or low (8–10%, approximately ambient) humidity. Regardless of humidity, most individuals survived in intact domiciles, whereas for destroyed domiciles, survival depended on humidity, suggesting parents construct and maintain domiciles to prevent offspring desiccating. Feeding and nonfeeding larvae had similar survival patterns, suggesting the domicile’s role is not nutritional. Outside domiciles, survival at “high” humidity was intermediate, suggesting very high humidity requirements, or energetic costs of wandering outside domiciles. D. aneurae commonly cofound domiciles; cofoundresses may benefit both from shared nestbuilding costs, and from “deferred byproduct mutualism,” that is, backup parental care in case of mortality

    Further nomenclature and chemical notes on Pseudocyphellaria in New Zealand

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    Nomenclatural notes on the following taxa are provided: Pseudocyphellaria billardierii, P. carpoloma, P. faveolata, P. rufovirescens and P. subvariabilis. Detailed chemical profiles are given for all described species of Pseudocyphellaria in New Zealand. Pseudocyphellaria ardesiaca, P. degelii, P. durietzii, P. fimbriata, P. fimbriatoides, P. gretae, P. knightii, P. maculata and P. sericeofulva spp. nov. are described for the first time

    Individual addressing and state readout of trapped ions utilizing rf- micromotion

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    A new scheme for the individual addressing of ions in a trap is described that does not rely on light beams tightly focused onto only one ion. The scheme utilizes ion micromotion that may be induced in a linear trap by dc offset potentials. Thus coupling an individual ion to the globally applied light fields corresponds to a mere switching of voltages on a suitable set of compensation electrodes. The proposed scheme is especially suitable for miniaturized rf (Paul) traps with typical dimensions of about 20-40 microns.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Does a Carbonatite Deposit Influence Its Surrounding Ecosystem?

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    Carbonatites are unusual alkaline rocks with diverse compositions. Although previous work has characterized the effects these rocks have on soils and plants, little is known about their impacts on local ecosystems. Using a deposit within the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence forest in northern Ontario, Canada, we investigated the effect of a carbonatite on soil chemistry and on the structure of plant and soil microbial communities. This was done using a vegetation survey conducted above and around the deposit, with corresponding soil samples collected for determining soil nutrient composition and for assessing microbial community structure using 16S/ITS Illumina Mi-Seq sequencing. In some soils above the deposit a soil chemical signature of the carbonatite was found, with the most important effect being an increase in soil pH compared with the non-deposit soils. Both plants and microorganisms responded to the altered soil chemistry: the plant communities present in carbonatite-impacted soils were dominated by ruderal species, and although differences in microbial communities across the surveyed areas were not obvious, the abundances of specific bacteria and fungi were reduced in response to the carbonatite. Overall, the deposit seems to have created microenvironments of relatively basic soil in an otherwise acidic forest soil. This study demonstrates for the first time how carbonatites can alter ecosystems in situ

    High angular resolution mm- and submm-observations of dense molecular gas in M82

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    Researchers observed CO(7-6), CO(3-2), HCN(3-2) and HCO+(3-2) line emission toward the starburst nucleus of M82 and have obtained an upper limit to H13CN(3-2). These are the first observations of the CO(7-6), HCN(3-2) and HCO+(3-2) lines in any extragalactic source. Researchers took the CO(7-6) spectrum in January 1988 at the Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) with the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics/Univ. of California, Berkeley 800 GHz Heterodyne Receiver. In March 1989 researchers used the Institute for Radio Astronomy in the Millimeter range (IRAM) 30 m telescope to observe the CO(3-2) line with the new MPE 350 GHz Superconductor Insulator Superconductor (SIS) receiver and the HCN(3-2) and HCO+(3-2) lines with the (IRAM) 230 GHz SIS receiver (beam 12" FWHM, Blundell et al. 1988). The observational parameters are summarized

    Predictions of the dynamic response of piled foundations in a multi-layered half-space due to inertial and railway induced loadings

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    In this paper, the dynamic pile-soil-pile interaction (PSPI) in a multi-layered half-space is investigated for the prediction of the response of piled foundations due to railway vibrations. Two methods of modelling piled foundations in a multi-layered half-space are presented. The first is an efficient semi-analytical model that calculates the Green’s functions of the multi-layered half-space soil using the thin layer and the dynamic stiffness matrix methods. The second is a fully-coupled model that utilises the boundary element (BE) method to simulate the soil, where the Green’s functions are calculated using the ElastoDynamics Toolbox (EDT). The paper aims to investigate the accuracy and the efficiency of the semi-analytical model by comparing the predictions of the two methods. A set of comparisons is performed, including the driving point response of a single pile and the interaction between two piles. The comparisons reveal that, at most frequencies, the semi-analytical model can predict the driving point response and the dynamic interaction with acceptable accuracy and computational efficiency. The model is then used for predicting the response of a pile-group due to the vibration field generated by a railway in varying distance from the piles. The vibration field generated by the railway is modelled as the superposition of the response due to harmonic loadings generated at the wheel-rail interface and the vibration response is examined at different points on the free surface away from the piles. The comparisons highlight the efficiency and accuracy of the semi-analytical model and illustrate its practical application

    Effects of supplementation of limit-fed growing diets with either soybean meal or nonenzymatically browned soybean meal on steer performance

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    Seventy two individually fed Angus × Hereford steers (642 lb) were used to evaluate the effects of supplementing limit-fed, growing diets with either soybean meal (SBM) or nonenzymatically browned soybean meal (NSBM). Eight steers were allotted to a control diet composed of 39.1% high-moisture corn, 42% cottonseed hulls, 10.4% ground corn, 5% cane molasses 2.25% urea, and 1.5% vitamins and minerals (dry basis). The remaining steers were allotted to diets that derived 100, 80, 60, or 40% of their supplemental protein from SBM or 60, 45, 30, or 15% of their supplemental protein from NSBN. The balance of supplemental protein came from urea. All diets were formulated to contain 13.0% crude protein (dry basis). Steers were fed once daily for 80 days at 2.25% of BW. Average daily gain and efficiency did not differ (P>.05) between sources (ADG=1.932 + .103 × (% CP from SBM) + .097 × (% CP from NSBM); gain:feed=.140 + .0058 × (% CP from SBM) + .0051 × (% CP from NSBM)). The lack of response to NBSBM supplementation above that for SBM suggests that either degradable intake protein was limiting in the basal diet or a large proportion of the amino acids in the NSBM were unavailable due to overprocessing

    Alpha-stat acid-base regulation during cardiopulmonary bypass improves neuropsychologic outcome in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting

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    AbstractNeuropsychologic impairment in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass may be associated with cerebral blood flow changes arising from different management protocols for carbon dioxide tension during bypass. Seventy patients having coronary artery bypass grafting were randomized to either pH-stat or alpha-stat acid-base management during cardiopulmonary bypass with a membrane oxygenator. In each patient, cerebral blood flow (xenon 133 clearance), middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (transcranial Doppler sonography), and cerebral oxygen metabolism (cerebral metabolic rate and cerebral extraction ratio) were measured during four phases of the operation: before bypass, during bypass (at hypothermia and at normothermia), and after bypass. A battery of neuropsychologic tests were also conducted before and 6 weeks after the operation. During hypothermic (28º C) bypass, cerebral blood flow was significantly (p < 0.001) greater in the pH-stat group (41 ml•100 gm -1 •min -1 ; 95% confidence interval 39 to 43 ml•100 gm -1 •min -1 ) than in the alpha-stat group (24 ml•100 gm -1 •min -1 ; confidence interval 22 to 26 ml•100 gm -1 •min -1 ) at constant pressure and flow. Arterial carbon dioxide tensions were 41 mm Hg (40 to 41 mm Hg) and 26 mm Hg (25 to 27 mm Hg), respectively; pH was 7.36 (7.34 to 7.38) and 7.53 (7.51 to 7.55), respectively. Middle cerebral artery flow velocity was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced in the alpha-stat group to 87% (77% to 96%) of the prebypass value, whereas it was significantly (p < 0.05) increased (152%; 141% to 162%) in the pH-stat group. Cerebral extraction ratio for oxygen demonstrated relative cerebral hyperemia during hypothermic (28º C) bypass in both the pH-stat and alpha-stat groups (0.12 [0.11 to 0.14] and 0.25 [0.22 to 0.28], respectively); however, hyperemia was significantly more pronounced in the pH-stat group, indicating greater disruption in cerebral autoregulation. Neuropsychologic impairment criteria of deterioration in results of three or more tests revealed that a significantly (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.02) higher proportion of patients in the pH-stat group fared poorly than in the alpha-stat group at 6 weeks (17/35, 48.6% [32% to 65.1%], and 7/35, 20% [6.7% to 33.2.2%], respectively). In conclusion, patients receiving alpha-stat management had less disruption of cerebral autoregulation during cardiopulmonary bypass, accompanied by a reduced incidence of postoperative cerebral dysfunction. (J THORAC CARDIOVASC SURG 1996;111:1267-79

    Glacial Aerodynamic Roughness Estimates:Uncertainty, Sensitivity, and Precision in Field Measurements

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    Calculation of the sensible and latent heat (turbulent) fluxes is required in order to close the surface energy budget of glaciers and model glacial melt. The aerodynamic roughness length, z0, is a key parameter in the bulk approach to calculating sensible heat flux; yet, z0 is commonly considered simply as a tuning parameter or generalized between surfaces and over time. Spatially and temporally distributed observations of z0 over ice are rare. Both direct (from wind towers and sonic anemometers) and indirect (from microtopographic surveys) measurements of z0 are subject to sensitivities and uncertainties that are often unstated or overlooked. In this study, we present a quantitative evaluation of aerodynamic profile-based and microtopographic methods and their effect on z0 using data collected from Storglaciären and Sydöstra Kaskasatjäkkaglaciären, Tarfala Valley, Arctic Sweden. Aggressive data filters discard most of the wind tower data but still produce realistic z0 values of 1.9 mm and 2 mm. Despite uncertainty introduced by scale and resolution dependence, microtopographic methods produced estimates of z0 comparable to wind tower values and those found on similar surfaces. We conclude that (1) in the absence of direct turbulent flux measurements from sonic anemometers, the profile and microtopographic methods provide realistic z0 values, (2) both 2D and 3D microtopographic methods are dependent on scale, resolution, and the chosen detrending method, and (3) careful calibration of these parameters could enable glacier-wide investigations of z0 from remotely sensed data, including those increasingly available from satellite platforms