1,007 research outputs found

    On the extrapolation to ITER of discharges in present tokamaks

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    An expression for the extrapolated fusion gain G = Pfusion /5 Pheat (Pfusion being the total fusion power and Pheat the total heating power) of ITER in terms of the confinement improvement factor (H) and the normalised beta (betaN) is derived in this paper. It is shown that an increase in normalised beta can be expected to have a negative or neutral influence on G depending on the chosen confinement scaling law. Figures of merit like H betaN / q95^2 should be used with care, since large values of this quantity do not guarantee high values of G, and might not be attainable with the heating power installed on ITER.Comment: 6 Pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Nuclear Fusion on the 29th of November 200

    Spin diffusion at finite electric and magnetic fields

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    Spin transport properties at finite electric and magnetic fields are studied by using the generalized semiclassical Boltzmann equation. It is found that the spin diffusion equation for non-equilibrium spin density and spin currents involves a number of length scales that explicitly depend on the electric and magnetic fields. The set of macroscopic equations can be used to address a broad range of the spin transport problems in magnetic multilayers as well as in semiconductor heterostructure. A specific example of spin injection into semiconductors at arbitrary electric and magnetic fields is illustrated

    Interfaces with a single growth inhomogeneity and anchored boundaries

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    The dynamics of a one dimensional growth model involving attachment and detachment of particles is studied in the presence of a localized growth inhomogeneity along with anchored boundary conditions. At large times, the latter enforce an equilibrium stationary regime which allows for an exact calculation of roughening exponents. The stochastic evolution is related to a spin Hamiltonian whose spectrum gap embodies the dynamic scaling exponent of late stages. For vanishing gaps the interface can exhibit a slow morphological transition followed by a change of scaling regimes which are studied numerically. Instead, a faceting dynamics arises for gapful situations.Comment: REVTeX, 11 pages, 9 Postscript figure

    Congested Traffic States in Empirical Observations and Microscopic Simulations

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    We present data from several German freeways showing different kinds of congested traffic forming near road inhomogeneities, specifically lane closings, intersections, or uphill gradients. The states are localized or extended, homogeneous or oscillating. Combined states are observed as well, like the coexistence of moving localized clusters and clusters pinned at road inhomogeneities, or regions of oscillating congested traffic upstream of nearly homogeneous congested traffic. The experimental findings are consistent with a recently proposed theoretical phase diagram for traffic near on-ramps [D. Helbing, A. Hennecke, and M. Treiber, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 82}, 4360 (1999)]. We simulate these situations with a novel continuous microscopic single-lane model, the ``intelligent driver model'' (IDM), using the empirical boundary conditions. All observations, including the coexistence of states, are qualitatively reproduced by describing inhomogeneities with local variations of one model parameter. We show that the results of the microscopic model can be understood by formulating the theoretical phase diagram for bottlenecks in a more general way. In particular, a local drop of the road capacity induced by parameter variations has practically the same effect as an on-ramp.Comment: Now published in Phys. Rev. E. Minor changes suggested by a referee are incorporated; full bibliographic info added. For related work see http://www.mtreiber.de/ and http://www.helbing.org

    Radiation-induced oscillatory magnetoresistance as a sensitive probe of the zero-field spin splitting in high mobility GaAs/AlGaAs devices

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    We suggest an approach for characterizing the zero-field spin splitting of high mobility two-dimensional electron systems, when beats are not readily observable in the Shubnikov-de Haas effect. The zero-field spin splitting and the effective magnetic field seen in the reference frame of the electron is evaluated from a quantitative study of beats observed in radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 color figure

    Weak antiferromagnetism due to Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Ba3_3Cu2_2O4_4Cl2_2

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    The antiferromagnetic insulating cuprate Ba3_3Cu2_2O4_4Cl2_2 contains folded CuO2_2 chains with four magnetic copper ions (S=1/2S=1/2) per unit cell. An underlying multiorbital Hubbard model is formulated and the superexchange theory is developed to derive an effective spin Hamiltonian for this cuprate. The resulting spin Hamiltonian involves a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya term and a more weak symmetric anisotropic exchange term besides the isotropic exchange interaction. The corresponding Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vectors of each magnetic Cu-Cu bond in the chain reveal a well defined spatial order. Both, the superexchange theory and the complementary group theoretical consideration, lead to the same conclusion on the character of this order. The analysis of the ground-state magnetic properties of the derived model leads to the prediction of an additional noncollinear modulation of the antiferromagnetic structure. This weak antiferromagnetism is restricted to one of the Cu sublattices.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, 4 figure

    Magnetic Interactions and Transport in (Ga,Cr)As

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    The magnetic, transport, and structural properties of (Ga,Cr)As are reported. Zincblende Ga1x_{1-x}Crx_{x}As was grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). At low concentrations, x\sim0.1, the materials exhibit unusual magnetic properties associated with the random magnetism of the alloy. At low temperatures the magnetization M(B) increases rapidly with increasing field due to the alignment of ferromagnetic units (polarons or clusters) having large dipole moments of order 10-102^2μB\mu_B. A standard model of superparamagnetism is inadequate for describing both the field and temperature dependence of the magnetization M(B,T). In order to explain M(B) at low temperatures we employ a distributed magnetic moment (DMM) model in which polarons or clusters of ions have a distribution of moments. It is also found that the magnetic susceptibility increases for decreasing temperature but saturates below T=4 K. The inverse susceptibility follows a linear-T Curie-Weiss law and extrapolates to a magnetic transition temperature θ\theta=10 K. In magnetotransport measurements, a room temperature resistivity of ρ\rho=0.1 Ω\Omegacm and a hole concentration of 1020\sim10^{20} cm3^{-3} are found, indicating that Cr can also act as a acceptor similar to Mn. The resistivity increases rapidly for decreasing temperature below room temperature, and becomes strongly insulating at low temperatures. The conductivity follows exp[-(T1_1/T)1/2^{1/2}] over a large range of conductivity, possible evidence of tunneling between polarons or clusters.Comment: To appear in PRB 15 Mar 200

    Non-linear response of a Kondo system: Perturbation approach to the time dependent Anderson impurity model

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    Nonlinear tunneling current through a quantum dot (an Anderson impurity system) subject to both constant and alternating electric fields is studied in the Kondo regime. A systematic diagram technique is developed for perturbation study of the current in physical systems out of equilibrium governed by time - dependent Hamiltonians of the Anderson and the Kondo models. The ensuing calculations prove to be too complicated for the Anderson model, and hence, a mapping on an effective Kondo problem is called for. This is achieved by constructing a time - dependent version of the Schrieffer - Wolff transformation. Perturbation expansion of the current is then carried out up to third order in the Kondo coupling J yielding a set of remarkably simple analytical expressions for the current. The zero - bias anomaly of the direct current differential conductance is shown to be suppressed by the alternating field while side peaks develop at finite source - drain voltage. Both the direct component and the first harmonics of the time - dependent response are equally enhanced due to the Kondo effect, while amplitudes of higher harmonics are shown to be relatively small. A zero alternating bias anomaly is found in the alternating current differential conductance, that is, it peaks around zero alternating bias. This peak is suppressed by the constant bias. No side peaks show up in the differential alternating - conductance but their counterpart is found in the derivative of the alternating current with respect to the direct bias. The results pertaining to nonlinear response are shown to be valid also below the Kondo temperature.Comment: 55 latex pages 11 ps figure

    Magnetoresistance and spin-transfer torque in magnetic tunnel junctions

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    We comment on both recent progress and lingering puzzles related to research on magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs). MTJs are already being used in applications such as magnetic-field sensors in the read heads of disk drives, and they may also be the first device geometry in which spin-torque effects are applied to manipulate magnetic dynamics, in order to make nonvolatile magnetic random access memory. However, there remain many unanswered questions about such basic properties as the magnetoresistance of MTJs, how their properties change as a function of tunnel-barrier thickness and applied bias, and what are the magnitude and direction of the spin-transfer-torque vector induced by a tunnel current.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to a collection of "Current Perspectives" articles on spin transfer torque now available in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material

    Far-Ultraviolet and Far-Infrared Bivariate Luminosity Function of Galaxies: Complex Relation between Stellar and Dust Emission

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    Far-ultraviolet (FUV) and far-infrared (FIR) luminosity functions (LFs) of galaxies show a strong evolution from z=0z = 0 to z=1z = 1, but the FIR LF evolves much stronger than the FUV one. The FUV is dominantly radiated from newly formed short-lived OB stars, while the FIR is emitted by dust grains heated by the FUV radiation field. It is known that dust is always associated with star formation activity. Thus, both FUV and FIR are tightly related to the star formation in galaxies, but in a very complicated manner. In order to disentangle the relation between FUV and FIR emissions, we estimate the UV-IR bivariate LF (BLF) of galaxies with {\sl GALEX} and {\sl AKARI} All-Sky Survey datasets. Recently we invented a new mathematical method to construct the BLF with given marginals and prescribed correlation coefficient. This method makes use of a tool from mathematical statistics, so called "copula". The copula enables us to construct a bivariate distribution function from given marginal distributions with prescribed correlation and/or dependence structure. With this new formulation and FUV and FIR univariate LFs, we analyze various FUV and FIR data with {\sl GALEX}, {\sl Spitzer}, and {\sl AKARI} to estimate the UV-IR BLF. The obtained BLFs naturally explain the nonlinear complicated relation between FUV and FIR emission from star-forming galaxies. Though the faint-end of the BLF was not well constrained for high-zz samples, the estimated linear correlation coefficient ρ\rho was found to be very high, and is remarkably stable with redshifts (from 0.95 at z=0z = 0 to 0.85 at z=1.0z = 1.0). This implies the evolution of the UV-IR BLF is mainly due to the different evolution of the univariate LFs, and may not be controlled by the dependence structure.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Earth, Planets and Space, in pres