8,863 research outputs found

    Relationships between synoptic-scale transport and interannual variability of inorganic cations in surface snow at Summit, Greenland: 1992-1996

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    To fully utilize the long-term chemical records retrieved from central Greenland ice cores, specific relationships between atmospheric circulation and the variability of chemical species in the records need to be better understood. This research examines associations between the variability of surface snow inorganic cation chemistry at Summit, Greenland (collected during 1992–1996 summer field seasons) and changes in air mass transport pathways and source regions, as well as variations in aerosol source strength. Transport patterns and source regions are determined through 10-day isentropic backward air mass trajectories during a 1 month (late May to late June) common season over the 5 years. Changes in the extent of exposed continental surfaces in source regions are evaluated to estimate aerosol-associated calcium and magnesium ion source strength, while forest fire activity in the circumpolar north is investigated to estimate aerosol ammonium ion source strength. During the 1995 common season, 3 times more calcium and magnesium accumulated in the snowpack than the other study years. Also, an increasing trend of ammonium concentration was noted throughout the 5 years. Anomalous transport pathways and velocities were observed during 1995, which likely contributed to the high levels of calcium and magnesium. Increased forest fire activity in North America was concurrent with increased levels of ammonium and potassium, except for 1996, when ion levels were above average and forest fire activity was below average. Because of the ubiquitous nature of soluble ions, we conclude that it is very difficult to establish a quantitative link between the ion content of snow and firn at Summit and changes in aerosol source regions and source strength

    Increased Mach Number Capability for the NASA Glenn 10x10 Supersonic Wind Tunnel

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    Computational simulations and wind tunnel testing were conducted to explore the operation of the Abe Silverstein Supersonic Wind Tunnel at the NASA Glenn Research Center at test section Mach numbers above the current limit of Mach 3.5. An increased Mach number would enhance the capability for testing of supersonic and hypersonic propulsion systems. The focus of the explorations was on understanding the flow within the second throat of the tunnel, which is downstream of the test section and is where the supersonic flow decelerates to subsonic flow. Methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) were applied to provide details of the shock boundary layer structure and to estimate losses in total pressure. The CFD simulations indicated that the tunnel could be operated up to Mach 4.0 if the minimum width of the second throat was made smaller than that used for previous operation of the tunnel. Wind tunnel testing was able to confirm such operation of the tunnel at Mach 3.6 and 3.7 before a hydraulic failure caused a stop to the testing. CFD simulations performed after the wind tunnel testing showed good agreement with test data consisting of static pressures along the ceiling of the second throat. The CFD analyses showed increased shockwave boundary layer interactions, which was also observed as increased unsteadiness of dynamic pressures collected in the wind tunnel testing

    Modeling of Fixed-Exit Porous Bleed Systems

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    A model has been developed to simulate a fixed-exit porous bleed system for supersonic inlets. The fixed-exit model allows the amount of bleed flow to vary according to local flow conditions and fixed-exit characteristics of the bleed system. This variation is important for the control of shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions within the inlet. The model computes the bleed plenum static pressure rather than requiring its specification. The model was implemented in the Wind-US computational fluid dynamics code. The model was then verified and validated against experimental data for bleed on a flat plate with and without an impinging oblique shock and for bleed in a Mach 3.0 axisymmetric, mixed-compression inlet. The model was able to accurately correlate the plenum pressures with bleed rates and simulate the effect of the bleed on the downstream boundary layer. Further, the model provided a realistic simulation of the initiation of inlet unstart. The results provide the most in-depth examination to date of bleed models for use in the simulation of supersonic inlets. The results also highlight the limitations of the models and aspects that require further research

    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation of Hypersonic Turbine-Based Combined-Cycle (TBCC) Inlet Mode Transition

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    Methods of computational fluid dynamics were applied to simulate the aerodynamics within the turbine flowpath of a turbine-based combined-cycle propulsion system during inlet mode transition at Mach 4. Inlet mode transition involved the rotation of a splitter cowl to close the turbine flowpath to allow the full operation of a parallel dual-mode ramjet/scramjet flowpath. Steady-state simulations were performed at splitter cowl positions of 0deg, -2deg, -4deg, and -5.7deg, at which the turbine flowpath was closed half way. The simulations satisfied one objective of providing a greater understanding of the flow during inlet mode transition. Comparisons of the simulation results with wind-tunnel test data addressed another objective of assessing the applicability of the simulation methods for simulating inlet mode transition. The simulations showed that inlet mode transition could occur in a stable manner and that accurate modeling of the interactions among the shock waves, boundary layers, and porous bleed regions was critical for evaluating the inlet static and total pressures, bleed flow rates, and bleed plenum pressures. The simulations compared well with some of the wind-tunnel data, but uncertainties in both the windtunnel data and simulations prevented a formal evaluation of the accuracy of the simulation methods

    A priori probability that a qubit-qutrit pair is separable

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    We extend to arbitrarily coupled pairs of qubits (two-state quantum systems) and qutrits (three-state quantum systems) our earlier study (quant-ph/0207181), which was concerned with the simplest instance of entangled quantum systems, pairs of qubits. As in that analysis -- again on the basis of numerical (quasi-Monte Carlo) integration results, but now in a still higher-dimensional space (35-d vs. 15-d) -- we examine a conjecture that the Bures/SD (statistical distinguishability) probability that arbitrarily paired qubits and qutrits are separable (unentangled) has a simple exact value, u/(v Pi^3)= >.00124706, where u = 2^20 3^3 5 7 and v = 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 (the product of consecutive primes). This is considerably less than the conjectured value of the Bures/SD probability, 8/(11 Pi^2) = 0736881, in the qubit-qubit case. Both of these conjectures, in turn, rely upon ones to the effect that the SD volumes of separable states assume certain remarkable forms, involving "primorial" numbers. We also estimate the SD area of the boundary of separable qubit-qutrit states, and provide preliminary calculations of the Bures/SD probability of separability in the general qubit-qubit-qubit and qutrit-qutrit cases.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, LaTeX, we utilize recent exact computations of Sommers and Zyczkowski (quant-ph/0304041) of "the Bures volume of mixed quantum states" to refine our conjecture

    Homogenization induced by chaotic mixing and diffusion in an oscillatory chemical reaction

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    A model for an imperfectly mixed batch reactor with the chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid (CDIMA) reaction, with the mixing being modelled by chaotic advection, is considered. The reactor is assumed to be operating in oscillatory mode and the way in which an initial spatial perturbation becomes homogenized is examined. When the kinetics are such that the only stable homogeneous state is oscillatory then the perturbation is always entrained into these oscillations. The rate at which this occurs is relatively insensitive to the chemical effects, measured by the Damkohler number, and is comparable to the rate of homogenization of a passive contaminant. When both steady and oscillatory states are stable, spatially homogeneous states, two possibilities can occur. For the smaller Damkohler numbers, a localized perturbation at the steady state is homogenized within the background oscillations. For larger Damkohler numbers, regions of both oscillatory and steady behavior can co-exist for relatively long times before the system collapses to having the steady state everywhere. An interpretation of this behavior is provided by the one-dimensional Lagrangian filament model, which is analyzed in detail

    Lateral Separation of Macromolecules and Polyelectrolytes in Microlithographic Arrays

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    A new approach to separation of a variety of microscopic and mesoscopic objects in dilute solution is presented. The approach takes advantage of unique properties of a specially designed separation device (sieve), which can be readily built using already developed microlithographic techniques. Due to the broken reflection symmetry in its design, the direction of motion of an object in the sieve varies as a function of its self-diffusion constant, causing separation transverse to its direction of motion. This gives the device some significant and unique advantages over existing fractionation methods based on centrifugation and electrophoresis.Comment: 4 pages with 3 eps figures, needs RevTeX 3.0 and epsf, also available in postscript form http://cmtw.harvard.edu/~deniz

    From presence to consciousness through virtual reality

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    Immersive virtual environments can break the deep, everyday connection between where our senses tell us we are and where we are actually located and whom we are with. The concept of 'presence' refers to the phenomenon of behaving and feeling as if we are in the virtual world created by computer displays. In this article, we argue that presence is worthy of study by neuroscientists, and that it might aid the study of perception and consciousness

    Fundamental Behavior of Electric Field Enhancements in the Gaps Between Closely Spaced Nanostructures

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    We demonstrate that the electric field enhancement that occurs in a gap between two closely spaced nanostructures, such as metallic nanoparticles, is the result of a transverse electromagnetic waveguide mode. We derive an explicit semianalytic equation for the enhancement as a function of gap size, which we show has a universal qualitative behavior in that it applies irrespective of the material or geometry of the nanostructures and even in the presence of surface plasmons. Examples of perfect electrically conducting and Ag thin-wire antennas and a dimer of Ag spheres are presented and discussed.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figure

    Pressure formulas for liquid metals and plasmas based on the density-functional theory

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    At first, pressure formulas for the electrons under the external potential produced by fixed nuclei are derived both in the surface integral and volume integral forms concerning an arbitrary volume chosen in the system; the surface integral form is described by a pressure tensor consisting of a sum of the kinetic and exchange-correlation parts in the density-functional theory, and the volume integral form represents the virial theorem with subtraction of the nuclear virial. Secondly on the basis of these formulas, the thermodynamical pressure of liquid metals and plasmas is represented in the forms of the surface integral and the volume integral including the nuclear contribution. From these results, we obtain a virial pressure formula for liquid metals, which is more accurate and simpler than the standard representation. From the view point of our formulation, some comments are made on pressure formulas derived previously and on a definition of pressure widely used.Comment: 18 pages, no figur