1,761 research outputs found

    Boundary regularity for the Poisson equation in reifenberg-flat domains

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    This paper is devoted to the investigation of the boundary regularity for the Poisson equation {{cc} -\Delta u = f & \text{in} \Omega u= 0 & \text{on} \partial \Omega where ff belongs to some Lp(Ω)L^p(\Omega) and Ω\Omega is a Reifenberg-flat domain of Rn.\mathbb R^n. More precisely, we prove that given an exponent α(0,1)\alpha\in (0,1), there exists an ε>0\varepsilon>0 such that the solution uu to the previous system is locally H\"older continuous provided that Ω\Omega is (ε,r0)(\varepsilon,r_0)-Reifenberg-flat. The proof is based on Alt-Caffarelli-Friedman's monotonicity formula and Morrey-Campanato theorem

    Diagnosis of flood events in Brisbane (Australia) using a flood index based on daily effective precipitation

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    Like drought, flood events are extremely detrimental to the community [1, 2]. In the State of Queensland (Australia) the 2010–2011 Summer period saw a very significant flooding that appeared to be exacerbated by La Nina, with damages of magnitudes similar to previous flood in 1974 and mid-1950s [3]. Therefore, a plethora of flood events in this region raises serious questions about how best to address the vulnerability and costs [4]. Several studies documented particularly vulnerable geographic setting of the capital city, Brisbane. To name a few, the worst event was in January 1974 and next in 2010, which flooded most dwellings around Brisbane River catchment, severely in Toowoomba and the Lockyer Creek catchment (where 23 people had drowned). Insurers received some 56,200 claims with payouts totaling $2.55 billion, due to estimated inundations of 18,000 properties. Crucial to any flood mitigation and adaptation is the prediction of events with a good real-time monitoring system. The system should detect precisely the onset dates and corresponding water-intensive properties. A flood event is dependent on how abundant the water resources due to heavy rain are and how the water is dissipated over time. Hence a scientific method for detecting floods should be based on remaining effective precipitation on daily basis, due to heavy rain over a period of time. In this paper we applied an obje400+-ctive flood diagnostic method following an earlier pioneer study [6]. The Flood Index (FI) used in this research was initially developed by [6] based on the concept of daily Effective Precipitation (EP) proposed by [7] using the Available Water Resources Index (AWRI), and later used by [8] for analysis of water abundant seasons. The daily FI was applied to the flood region of Brisbane, the state capital of Queensland, Australia (27°30' S, 153°1' E). In order to compute the FI, the pre-processed daily rainfall data was acquired from Australian Bureau of Meteorology (http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/data-services/). Data for the period 1915–2012 were analysed. Since the FI was a standardized value comparing daily water resources for any Julian date to the yearly maximum values over climatological period, it detected flood starting date (for FI > 0) and represented adequately anomalously high precipitation that potentially triggered flood situation. The severity, intensity and durations were analysed by running sum approach of [9] over identified flood periods between onset and termination dates. Our results demonstrated good skill of the daily Flood Index for objective diagnosis and monitoring of flood events based on water intensive properties. The method allowed for the detection of the event, and quantified its properties for comparison of various events. The method was novel for quantifying floods and appears quite promising for forecasting flood events using time-series approaches

    Modeling nitrous acid and its impact on ozone and hydroxyl radical during the Texas Air Quality Study 2006

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    Nitrous acid (HONO) mixing ratios for the Houston metropolitan area were simulated with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model for an episode during the Texas Air Quality Study (TexAQS) II in August/September 2006 and compared to in-situ MC/IC (mist-chamber/ion chromatograph) and long path DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) measurements at three different altitude ranges. Several HONO sources were accounted for in simulations, such as gas phase formation, direct emissions, nitrogen dioxide (NO<sub>2</sub>) hydrolysis, photo-induced formation from excited NO<sub>2</sub> and photo-induced conversion of NO<sub>2</sub> into HONO on surfaces covered with organic materials. Compared to the gas-phase HONO formation there was about a tenfold increase in HONO mixing ratios when additional HONO sources were taken into account, which improved the correlation between modeled and measured values. Concentrations of HONO simulated with only gas phase chemistry did not change with altitude, while measured HONO concentrations decrease with height. A trend of decreasing HONO concentration with altitude was well captured with CMAQ predicted concentrations when heterogeneous chemistry and photolytic sources of HONO were taken into account. Heterogeneous HONO production mainly accelerated morning ozone formation, albeit slightly. Also HONO formation from excited NO<sub>2</sub> only slightly affected HONO and ozone (O<sub>3</sub>) concentrations. Photo-induced conversion of NO<sub>2</sub> into HONO on surfaces covered with organic materials turned out to be a strong source of daytime HONO. Since HONO immediately photo-dissociates during daytime its ambient mixing ratios were only marginally altered (up to 0.5 ppbv), but significant increase in the hydroxyl radical (OH) and ozone concentration was obtained. In contrast to heterogeneous HONO formation that mainly accelerated morning ozone formation, inclusion of photo-induced surface chemistry influenced ozone throughout the day

    Multi-level Access in Searchable Symmetric Encryption

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    Remote storage delivers a cost effective solution for data storage. If data is of a sensitive nature, it should be encrypted prior to outsourcing to ensure confidentiality; however, searching then becomes challenging. Searchable encryption is a well-studied solution to this problem. Many schemes only consider the scenario where users can search over the entirety of the encrypted data. In practice, sensitive data is likely to be classified according to an access control policy and different users should have different access rights. It is unlikely that all users have unrestricted access to the entire data set. Current schemes that consider multi-level access to searchable encryption are predominantly based on asymmetric primitives. We investigate symmetric solutions to multi-level access in searchable encryption where users have different access privileges to portions of the encrypted data and are not permitted to search over, or learn information about, data for which they are not authorised

    A Dimensão Pública da Política de Assistência Social em um Abrigo para Pop-rua em Serra/es: Experiência de Apostar COM.

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    Este trabalho foi realizado em um Abrigo Noturno de Serra/ES, que compõe os serviços da Proteção Social Especial de Alta Complexidade da Assistência Social, na modalidade de Acolhimento Institucional para pernoite, acolhendo a população adulta em situação de rua. O objetivo foi conhecer a dimensão pública da política de assistência social, isto é, perseguir exatamente aquilo que uma dada política de governo favorece de encontros, conexões, vinculações que produzam movimentos de transformação, de constituição de um corpo mais articulado com uma rede entendida como em movimento. Partindo da concepção de corpo como interface entre sujeito e mundo, propõe-se que sua aquisição na constituição de um corpus analítico se daria de forma progressiva por meio da disponibilidade para o desconhecido e da sensibilidade àquilo de que é feito o mundo. Desse modo, foi realizada uma investigação, compreendida como PesquisarCom a população em situação de rua, utilizando como instrumentos-dispositivos a entrevista e o diário de campo a partir da vivência institucional no serviço. As narrativas constituídas nos encontros com quatro participantes-companheiros foram trazidas como experiências a serem compartilhadas em localidades e situações específicas de uma rede, importando cada encontro, cada conexão, cada meio . Assim, se aposta na intensificação da experimentação e das alianças, considerando que por meio delas produzem-se questionamentos que podem forjar uma assistência social pública, isto é, vivenciada nas lutas cotidianas em que a ação com o outro faz resistirmos às forças que impedem os movimentos de liberdade dos processos de diferenciação próprios da vida. Palavras-chaves: Assistência Social; População em Situação de Rua; Política Pública; Experiência; PesquisarCom

    The TAOS Project: Statistical Analysis of Multi-Telescope Time Series Data

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    The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey (TAOS) monitors fields of up to ~1000 stars at 5 Hz simultaneously with four small telescopes to detect occultation events from small (~1 km) Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). The survey presents a number of challenges, in particular the fact that the occultation events we are searching for are extremely rare and are typically manifested as slight flux drops for only one or two consecutive time series measurements. We have developed a statistical analysis technique to search the multi-telescope data set for simultaneous flux drops which provides a robust false positive rejection and calculation of event significance. In this paper, we describe in detail this statistical technique and its application to the TAOS data set.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to PAS