208 research outputs found

    Assessment of extreme hydrological conditions in the Bothnian Bay, Baltic Sea, and the impact of the nuclear power plant “Hanhikivi-1” on the local thermal regime

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    The results of the study aimed to assess the influence of future nuclear power plant “Hanhikivi-1” upon the local thermal conditions in the Bothnian Bay in the Baltic Sea are presented. A number of experiments with different numerical models were also carried out in order to estimate the extreme hydro-meteorological conditions in the area of the construction. The numerical experiments were fulfilled both with analytically specified external forcing and with real external forcing for 2 years: a cold year (2010) and a warm year (2014). The study has shown that the extreme values of sea level and water temperature and the characteristics of wind waves and sea ice in the vicinity of the future nuclear power plant can be significant and sometimes catastrophic. Permanent release of heat into the marine environment from an operating nuclear power plant will lead to a strong increase in temperature and the disappearance of ice cover within a 2 km vicinity of the station. These effects should be taken into account when assessing local climate changes in the future

    Modeling of Sediment Transport in Bothnian Bay in the Vicinity of the Nuclear Power Plant ‘Hanhikivi-1’ Construction Site

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    The intensity of sediment resuspension and sedimentation in the eastern part of the Bothnian Bay near the Hanhikivi cape, where the nuclear power plant ‘Hanhikivi-1’ will be constructed, has been assessed for the ïŹrst time by means of numerical modeling under the realistic external forcing that occurred in 2014. A brief description of a coupled modeling system used in the study is given. The results of local resuspension intensity and sediment accumulation rates for one-year model run are presented. It has been determined that the main areas of sediment accumulation are located along the northern coast oïŹ€ the Hanhikivi peninsula and in the shallow region situated to the north-east oïŹ€ the cape. Sedimentation rates in the navigation channel have also been estimated. Model results obtained for 2014 suggest that sedimentation in the seaward part of the channel is absent, while sediment accumulation intensity is about 10 cm/year in the middle part of the channel and 70 cm/year in the coastal part. A temporal variability of the sedimentation rates during the year has been emphasized

    Impact of horizontal resolution on monsoon precipitation for CORDEX-South Asia: A regional earth system model assessment

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    For the ïŹrst time for CORDEX-South Asia, a high-resolution regional earth system model (ROM) is adopted to assess the impact of horizontal resolution (0.22◩ and 0.11◩) in simulating the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) and the underlying spatiotemporal variability. ROM at both resolutions bears a close resemblance to observations in simulating the mean precipitation climatology compared to other regional climate models (RCMs) participated in CORDEX- South Asia. ROM shows substantial improvement relative to the ensemble mean of the RCMs included in CORDEX-South Asia. While comparing both simulations with observations, some sys-tematic wet and dry bias over Central India (CI) and Northern Western Ghats is noticed. In general, the wet/dry bias over India is mainly associated with the overestimation/underestimation of the large-scale/convective component. Increasing horizontal resolution from 0.22◩ to 0.11◩ signiïŹcantly adds value in simulating the JJAS mean precipitation by reducing the wet bias over western central India (WCI) and southern peninsular India and dry bias over eastern CI. The reduction in wet/dry bias is mainly associated with suppression/enhancement of the large scale/convective precipitation. This improvement in mean precipitation is partially due to the improved representation of the propagation of mesoscale systems such as boreal summer intraseasonal oscilla-tion (eastward and northward). Despite the above improvements, the wet precipitation bias, particularly over WCI, persists. The weaker Findlater Jet associated with weaker land-ocean thermal contrast caused by the warm sea surface temperature (SST) bias over the western Arabian Sea (AS) suggests that AS moisture transport does not contribute to the wet bias over India. The wet bias is possibly associated with favourable atmospheric conditions (atmospheric instability)

    Indian Ocean marine biogeochemical variability and its feedback on simulated South Asia climate

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    We investigate the effect of variable marine biogeochemical light absorption on Indian Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) and how this affects the South Asian climate. In twin experiments with a regional Earth system model, we found that the average SST is lower over most of the domain when variable marine biogeochemical light absorption is taken into account, compared to the reference experiment with a constant light attenuation coefficient equal to 0.06 m−1. The most significant deviations (more than 1 ∘C) in SST are observed in the monsoon season. A considerable cooling of subsurface layers occurs, and the thermocline shifts upward in the experiment with the activated biogeochemical impact. Also, the phytoplankton primary production becomes higher, especially during periods of winter and summer phytoplankton blooms. The effect of altered SST variability on climate was investigated by coupling the ocean models to a regional atmosphere model. We find the largest effects on the amount of precipitation, particularly during the monsoon season. In the Arabian Sea, the reduction of the transport of humidity across the Equator leads to a reduction of the large-scale precipitation in the eastern part of the basin, reinforcing the reduction of the convective precipitation. In the Bay of Bengal, it increases the large-scale precipitation, countering convective precipitation decline. Thus, the key impacts of including the full biogeochemical coupling with corresponding light attenuation, which in turn depends on variable chlorophyll a concentration, include the enhanced phytoplankton primary production, a shallower thermocline, and decreased SST and water temperature in subsurface layers, with cascading effects upon the model ocean physics which further translates into altered atmosphere dynamics

    Deep mixed ocean volume in the Labrador Sea in HighResMIP models

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    Simulations from seven global coupled climate models performed at high and standard resolution as part of the high resolution model intercomparison project (HighResMIP) are analyzed to study deep ocean mixing in the Labrador Sea and the impact of increased horizontal resolution. The representation of convection varies strongly among models. Compared to observations from ARGO-floats and the EN4 data set, most models substantially overestimate deep convection in the Labrador Sea. In four out of five models, all four using the NEMO-ocean model, increasing the ocean resolution from 1° to 1/4° leads to increased deep mixing in the Labrador Sea. Increasing the atmospheric resolution has a smaller effect than increasing the ocean resolution. Simulated convection in the Labrador Sea is mainly governed by the release of heat from the ocean to the atmosphere and by the vertical stratification of the water masses in the Labrador Sea in late autumn. Models with stronger sub-polar gyre circulation have generally higher surface salinity in the Labrador Sea and a deeper convection. While the high-resolution models show more realistic ocean stratification in the Labrador Sea than the standard resolution models, they generally overestimate the convection. The results indicate that the representation of sub-grid scale mixing processes might be imperfect in the models and contribute to the biases in deep convection. Since in more than half of the models, the Labrador Sea convection is important for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), this raises questions about the future behavior of the AMOC in the models

    A conceptual model for action and design research

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    Organizational research has a pattern of special characteristics which make a clear distinction from other research paradigms. When using these approaches – based on Action and Design – the Interpretivist, Constructivist, and Participatory perspectives dominate. They have already proven to have strong foundations, which turn these paradigmatic approaches into effective ways for getting knowledge, doing things, and promoting change within organizational settings. It combines the traditional scientific, engineering, and organization development approaches, depicting how an organization can, simultaneously, solve multidimensional problems and produce actionable knowledge, effective change and useful artifacts. It has been developed using a Design Science Research approach, tested in a major organizational change program (Henriques, 2015; Henriques & ONeill, 2014), and successfully used to teach research methods essentials to Master and DBA students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of model resolution on Arctic sea ice and North Atlantic Ocean heat transport

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    Arctic sea-ice area and volume have substantially decreased since the beginning of the satellite era. Concurrently, the pole-ward heat transport from the North Atlantic Ocean into the Arctic has increased, partly contributing to the loss of sea ice. Increasing the horizontal resolution of general circulation models (GCMs) improves their ability to represent the complex interplay of processes at high latitudes. Here, we investigate the impact of model resolution on Arctic sea ice and Atlantic Ocean heat transport (OHT) by using five different state-of-the-art coupled GCMs (12 model configurations in total) that include dynamic representations of the ocean, atmosphere and sea ice. The models participate in the High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP) of the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). Model results over the period 1950–2014 are compared to different observational datasets. In the models studied, a finer ocean resolution drives lower Arctic sea-ice area and volume and generally enhances Atlantic OHT. The representation of ocean surface characteristics, such as sea-surface temperature (SST) and velocity, is greatly improved by using a finer ocean reso-lution. This study highlights a clear anticorrelation at interannual time scales between Arctic sea ice (area and volume) and Atlantic OHT north of 60 ◩N in the models studied. However, the strength of this relationship is not systematically impacted by model resolution. The higher the latitude to compute OHT, the stronger the relationship between sea-ice area/volume and OHT. Sea ice in the Barents/Kara and Greenland–Iceland–Norwegian (GIN) Seas is more strongly connected to Atlantic OHT than other Arctic seas
