2,615 research outputs found

    Neutrino degeneracy and cosmological nucleosynthesis, revisited

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    A reexamination of the effects of non-zero degeneracies on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis is made. As previously noted, non-trivial alterations of the standard model conclusions can be induced only if excess lepton numbers L sub i, comparable to photon number densities eta sub tau, are assumed (where eta sub tau is approx. 3 times 10(exp 9) eta sub b). Furthermore, the required lepton number densities (L sub i eta sub tau) must be different for upsilon sub e than for upsilon sub mu and epsilon sub tau. It is shown that this loophole in the standard model of nucleosynthesis is robust and will not vanish as abundance and reaction rate determinations improve. However, it is also argued that theoretically (L sub e) approx. (L sub mu) approx. (L sub tau) approx. eta sub b is much less than eta sub tau which would preclude this loophole in standard unified models

    Simultaneous BeppoSAX and Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of 4U1812-12

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    4U1812-12 is a faint persistent and weakly variable neutron star X-ray binary. It was observed by BeppoSAX between April 20th and 21st, 2000 in a hard spectral state with a bolometric luminosity of ~2x10^36 ergs/s. Its broad band energy spectrum is characterized by the presence of a hard X-ray tail extending above ~100 keV. It can be represented as the sum of a dominant hard Comptonized component (electron temperature of ~36 keV and optical depth ~3) and a weak soft component. The latter component which can be fitted with a blackbody of about 0.6 keV and equivalent radius of ~2 km is likely to originate from the neutron star surface. We also report on the first measurement of the power density spectrum of the source rapid X-ray variability, as recorded during a simultaneous snapshot observation performed by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. As expected for a neutron star system in such hard spectral state, its power density spectrum is characterized by the presence of a ~0.7 Hz low frequency quasi-periodic oscillation together with three broad noise components, one of which extends above ~200 Hz.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A Bayesian Estimate of the Primordial Helium Abundance

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    We introduce a new statistical method to estimate the primordial helium abundance, Y_p from observed abundances in a sample of galaxies which have experienced stellar helium enrichment. Rather than using linear regression on metal abundance we construct a likelihood function using a Bayesian prior, where the key assumption is that the true helium abundance must always exceed the primordial value. Using a sample of measurements compiled from the literature we find estimates of Y_p between 0.221 and 0.236, depending on the specific subsample and prior adopted, consistent with previous estimates either from a linear extrapolation of the helium abundance with respect to metallicity, or from the helium abundance of the lowest metallicity HII region, I Zw 18. We also find an upper limit which is insensitive to the specific subsample or prior, and estimate a model-independent bound Y_p < 0.243 at 95% confidence, favoring a low cosmic baryon density and a high primordial deuterium abundance. The main uncertainty is not the model of stellar enrichment but possible common systematic biases in the estimate of Y in each individual HII region.Comment: 14 pages, latex, 3 ps figure

    Interpreting the High Frequency QPO Power Spectra of Accreting Black Holes

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    In the context of a relativistic hot spot model, we investigate different physical mechanisms to explain the behavior of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) from accreting black holes. The locations and amplitudes of the QPO peaks are determined by the ray-tracing calculations presented in Schnittman & Bertschinger (2004a): the black hole mass and angular momentum give the geodesic coordinate frequencies, while the disk inclination and the hot spot size, shape, and overbrightness give the amplitudes of the different peaks. In this paper additional features are added to the existing model to explain the broadening of the QPO peaks as well as the damping of higher frequency harmonics in the power spectrum. We present a number of analytic results that closely agree with more detailed numerical calculations. Four primary pieces are developed: the addition of multiple hot spots with random phases, a finite width in the distribution of geodesic orbits, Poisson sampling of the detected photons, and the scattering of photons from the hot spot through a corona of hot electrons around the black hole. Finally, the complete model is used to fit the observed power spectra of both type A and type B QPOs seen in XTE J1550-564, giving confidence limits on each of the model parameters.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Decay of the Inflaton in No-scale Supergravity

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    We study the decay of the inflaton in no-scale supergravity and show that decay due to the gravitational interactions through supergravity effects is highly suppressed relative to the case in minimal supergravity or models with a generic Kahler potential. We also show that decay to gravitinos is suppressed. We demonstrate that decay and sufficient reheating are possible with the introduction of a non-trivial gauge kinetic term. This channel may be dominant in no-scale supergravity, yet yields a re-heating temperature which is low enough to avoid the gravitino problem while high enough for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and baryogenesis.Comment: Added the footnote in the conclusion section which discusses the constrains on the explicit inflaton couplings to the matter fields via non-renormalizable operators. To appear in JCA

    The role of elasticity in simulating long-term tectonic extension

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    Author Posting. © Oxford University Press, 2016. This article is posted here by permission of Oxford University Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Journal International 205 (2016): 728-743, doi:10.1093/gji/ggw044.While elasticity is a defining characteristic of the Earth's lithosphere, it is often ignored in numerical models of long-term tectonic processes in favour of a simpler viscoplastic description. Here we assess the consequences of this assumption on a well-studied geodynamic problem: the growth of normal faults at an extensional plate boundary. We conduct 2-D numerical simulations of extension in elastoplastic and viscoplastic layers using a finite difference, particle-in-cell numerical approach. Our models simulate a range of faulted layer thicknesses and extension rates, allowing us to quantify the role of elasticity on three key observables: fault-induced topography, fault rotation, and fault life span. In agreement with earlier studies, simulations carried out in elastoplastic layers produce rate-independent lithospheric flexure accompanied by rapid fault rotation and an inverse relationship between fault life span and faulted layer thickness. By contrast, models carried out with a viscoplastic lithosphere produce results that may qualitatively resemble the elastoplastic case, but depend strongly on the product of extension rate and layer viscosity U × ηL. When this product is high, fault growth initially generates little deformation of the footwall and hanging wall blocks, resulting in unrealistic, rigid block-offset in topography across the fault. This configuration progressively transitions into a regime where topographic decay associated with flexure is fully accommodated within the numerical domain. In addition, high U × ηL favours the sequential growth of multiple short-offset faults as opposed to a large-offset detachment. We interpret these results by comparing them to an analytical model for the fault-induced flexure of a thin viscous plate. The key to understanding the viscoplastic model results lies in the rate-dependence of the flexural wavelength of a viscous plate, and the strain rate dependence of the force increase associated with footwall and hanging wall bending. This behaviour produces unrealistic deformation patterns that can hinder the geological relevance of long-term rifting models that assume a viscoplastic rheology.This work was supported by NSF grants OCE-11-54238 (JAO, MDB), EAR-10-10432 (MDB) and OCE-11-55098 (GI), as well as a WHOI Deep Exploration Institute grant and start-up support from the University of Idaho (EM)

    Isochronal annealing effects on local structure, crystalline fraction, and undamaged region size of radiation damage in Ga-stabilized δ\delta-Pu

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    The effects on the local structure due to self-irradiation damage of Ga stabilized δ\delta-Pu stored at cryogenic temperatures have been examined using extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) experiments. Extensive damage, seen as a loss of local order, was evident after 72 days of storage below 15 K. The effect was observed from both the Pu and Ga sites, although less pronounced around Ga. Isochronal annealing was performed on this sample to study the annealing processes that occur between cryogenic and room temperature storage conditions, where damage is mostly reversed. Damage fractions at various points along the annealing curve have been determined using an amplitude-ratio method, standard EXAFS fitting, and a spherical crystallite model, and provide information complementary to previous electrical resistivity- and susceptibility-based isochronal annealing studies. The use of a spherical crystallite model accounts for the changes in EXAFS spectra using just two parameters, namely, the crystalline fraction and the particle radius. Together, these results are discussed in terms of changes to the local structure around Ga and Pu throughout the annealing process and highlight the unusual role of Ga in the behavior of the lowest temperature anneals.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    CP-odd Phase Correlations and Electric Dipole Moments

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    We revisit the constraints imposed by electric dipole moments (EDMs) of nucleons and heavy atoms on new CP-violating sources within supersymmetric theories. We point out that certain two-loop renormalization group corrections induce significant mixing between the basis-invariant CP-odd phases. In the framework of the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model (CMSSM), the CP-odd invariant related to the soft trilinear A-phase at the GUT scale, theta_A, induces non-trivial and distinct CP-odd phases for the three gaugino masses at the weak scale. The latter give one-loop contributions to EDMs enhanced by tan beta, and can provide the dominant contribution to the electron EDM induced by theta_A. We perform a detailed analysis of the EDM constraints within the CMSSM, exhibiting the reach, in terms of sparticle spectra, which may be obtained assuming generic phases, as well as the limits on the CP-odd phases for some specific parameter points where detailed phenomenological studies are available. We also illustrate how this reach will expand with results from the next generation of experiments which are currently in development.Comment: 31 pages, 21 eps figures; v2: additional remarks on 2-loop threshold corrections and references added; v3: typos corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev.


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    We study the coupled Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations for a complex scalar field with and without a quartic self-interaction in a curvatureless Friedman-Lema\^{\i}\-tre Universe. The equations can be written as a set of four coupled first order non-linear differential equations, for which we establish the phase portrait for the time evolution of the scalar field. To that purpose we find the singular points of the differential equations lying in the finite region and at infinity of the phase space and study the corresponding asymptotic behavior of the solutions. This knowledge is of relevance, since it provides the initial conditions which are needed to solve numerically the differential equations. For some singular points lying at infinity we recover the expected emergence of an inflationary stage.Comment: uuencoded, compressed tarfile containing a 15 pages Latex file and 2 postscipt figures. Accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.
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