18,785 research outputs found

    Phase Transitions in Lyotropic Nematic Gels

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    In this paper, we discuss the equilibrium phases and collapse transitions of a lyotropic nematic gel immersed in an isotropic solvent. A nematic gel consists of a cross-linked polymer network with rod-like molecules embedded in it. Upon decreasing the quality of the solvent, we find that a lyotropic nematic gel undergoes a discontinuous volume change accompanied by an isotropic-nematic transition. We also present phase diagrams that these systems may exhibit. In particular, we show that coexistence of two isotropic phases, of two nematic phases, or of an isotropic and a nematic phase can occur.Comment: 13 pages Revtex, 10 figures, submitted to EPJ

    The relation between gas density and velocity power spectra in galaxy clusters: high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations and the role of conduction

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    Exploring the ICM power spectrum can help us to probe the physics of galaxy clusters. Using high-resolution 3D plasma simulations, we study the statistics of the velocity field and its relation with the thermodynamic perturbations. The normalization of the ICM spectrum (density, entropy, or pressure) is linearly tied to the level of large-scale motions, which excite both gravity and sound waves due to stratification. For low 3D Mach number M~0.25, gravity waves mainly drive entropy perturbations, traced by preferentially tangential turbulence. For M>0.5, sound waves start to significantly contribute, passing the leading role to compressive pressure fluctuations, associated with isotropic (or slightly radial) turbulence. Density and temperature fluctuations are then characterized by the dominant process: isobaric (low M), adiabatic (high M), or isothermal (strong conduction). Most clusters reside in the intermediate regime, showing a mixture of gravity and sound waves, hence drifting towards isotropic velocities. Remarkably, regardless of the regime, the variance of density perturbations is comparable to the 1D Mach number. This linear relation allows to easily convert between gas motions and ICM perturbations, which can be exploited by Chandra, XMM data and by the forthcoming Astro-H. At intermediate and small scales (10-100 kpc), the turbulent velocities develop a Kolmogorov cascade. The thermodynamic perturbations act as effective tracers of the velocity field, broadly consistent with the Kolmogorov-Obukhov-Corrsin advection theory. Thermal conduction acts to damp the gas fluctuations, washing out the filamentary structures and steepening the spectrum, while leaving unaltered the velocity cascade. The ratio of the velocity and density spectrum thus inverts the downtrend shown by the non-diffusive models, allowing to probe the presence of significant conductivity in the ICM.Comment: Accepted by A&A; 15 pages, 10 figures; added insights and references - thank you for the positive feedbac

    Internal Gravity Waves Modulate the Apparent Misalignment of Exoplanets around Hot Stars

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    We propose that the observed misalignment between extra-solar planets and their hot host stars can be explained by angular momentum transport within the host star. Observations have shown that this misalignment is preferentially around hot stars, which have convective cores and extended radiative envelopes. This situation is amenable to substantial angular momentum transport by internal gravity waves (IGW) generated at the convective-radiative interface. Here we present numerical simulations of this process and show that IGW can modulate the surface rotation of the star. With these two- dimensional simulations we show that IGW could explain the retrograde orbits observed in systems such as HAT-P-6 and HAT-P-7, however, extension to high obliquity objects will await future three- dimensional simulations. We note that these results also imply that individual massive stars should show temporal variations in their v sini measurements.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Combining Thesaurus Knowledge and Probabilistic Topic Models

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    In this paper we present the approach of introducing thesaurus knowledge into probabilistic topic models. The main idea of the approach is based on the assumption that the frequencies of semantically related words and phrases, which are met in the same texts, should be enhanced: this action leads to their larger contribution into topics found in these texts. We have conducted experiments with several thesauri and found that for improving topic models, it is useful to utilize domain-specific knowledge. If a general thesaurus, such as WordNet, is used, the thesaurus-based improvement of topic models can be achieved with excluding hyponymy relations in combined topic models.Comment: Accepted to AIST-2017 conference (http://aistconf.ru/). The final publication will be available at link.springer.co

    Quantifying properties of ICM inhomogeneities

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    We present a new method to identify and characterize the structure of the intracluster medium (ICM) in simulated galaxy clusters. The method uses the median of gas properties, such as density and pressure, which we show to be very robust to the presence of gas inhomogeneities. In particular, we show that the radial profiles of median gas properties are smooth and do not exhibit fluctuations at locations of massive clumps in contrast to mean and mode properties. It is shown that distribution of gas properties in a given radial shell can be well described by a log-normal PDF and a tail. The former corresponds to a nearly hydrostatic bulk component, accounting for ~99% of the volume, while the tail corresponds to high density inhomogeneities. We show that this results in a simple and robust separation of the diffuse and clumpy components of the ICM. The FWHM of the density distribution grows with radius and varies from ~0.15 dex in cluster centre to ~0.5 dex at 2r_500 in relaxed clusters. The small scatter in the width between relaxed clusters suggests that the degree of inhomogeneity is a robust characteristic of the ICM. It broadly agrees with the amplitude of density perturbations in the Coma cluster. We discuss the origin of ICM density variations in spherical shells and show that less than 20% of the width can be attributed to the triaxiality of the cluster gravitational potential. As a link to X-ray observations of real clusters we evaluated the ICM clumping factor with and without high density inhomogeneities. We argue that these two cases represent upper and lower limits on the departure of the observed X-ray emissivity from the median value. We find that the typical value of the clumping factor in the bulk component of relaxed clusters varies from ~1.1-1.2 at r_500 up to ~1.3-1.4 at r_200, in broad agreement with recent observations.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure, accepted to MNRA

    On the Canonical Reduction of Spherically Symmetric Gravity

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    In a thorough paper Kuchar has examined the canonical reduction of the most general action functional describing the geometrodynamics of the maximally extended Schwarzschild geometry. This reduction yields the true degrees of freedom for (vacuum) spherically symmetric general relativity. The essential technical ingredient in Kuchar's analysis is a canonical transformation to a certain chart on the gravitational phase space which features the Schwarzschild mass parameter MSM_{S}, expressed in terms of what are essentially Arnowitt-Deser-Misner variables, as a canonical coordinate. In this paper we discuss the geometric interpretation of Kuchar's canonical transformation in terms of the theory of quasilocal energy-momentum in general relativity given by Brown and York. We find Kuchar's transformation to be a ``sphere-dependent boost to the rest frame," where the ``rest frame'' is defined by vanishing quasilocal momentum. Furthermore, our formalism is general enough to cover the case of (vacuum) two-dimensional dilaton gravity. Therefore, besides reviewing Kucha\v{r}'s original work for Schwarzschild black holes from the framework of hyperbolic geometry, we present new results concerning the canonical reduction of Witten-black-hole geometrodynamics.Comment: Revtex, 35 pages, no figure

    Entanglement and the nonlinear elastic behavior of forests of coiled carbon nanotubes

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    Helical or coiled nanostructures have been object of intense experimental and theoretical studies due to their special electronic and mechanical properties. Recently, it was experimentally reported that the dynamical response of foamlike forest of coiled carbon nanotubes under mechanical impact exhibits a nonlinear, non-Hertzian behavior, with no trace of plastic deformation. The physical origin of this unusual behavior is not yet fully understood. In this work, based on analytical models, we show that the entanglement among neighboring coils in the superior part of the forest surface must be taken into account for a full description of the strongly nonlinear behavior of the impact response of a drop-ball onto a forest of coiled carbon nanotubes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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