248 research outputs found

    Monitors that Learn from Failures: Pairing STL and Genetic Programming

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    In several domains, systems generate continuous streams of data during their execution, including meaningful telemetry information, that can be used to perform tasks like preemptive failure detection. Deep learning models have been exploited for these tasks with increasing success, but they hardly provide guarantees over their execution, a problem which is exacerbated by their lack of interpretability. In many critical contexts, formal methods, which ensure the correct behaviour of a system, are thus necessary. However, specifying in advance all the relevant properties and building a complete model of the system against which to check them is often out of reach in real-world scenarios. To overcome these limitations, we design a framework that resorts to monitoring, a lightweight runtime verification technique that does not require an explicit model specification, and pairs it with machine learning. Its goal is to automatically derive relevant properties, related to a bad behaviour of the considered system, encoded by means of formulas of Signal Temporal Logic (STL). Results based on experiments performed on well-known benchmark datasets show that the proposed framework is able to effectively anticipate critical system behaviours in an online setting, providing human-interpretable results

    Ophthalmoplegia due to Miller Fisher syndrome in a patient with myasthenia gravis

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    Here, we describe a 79-year-old man, admitted to our unit for worsening diplopia and fatigue, started a few weeks after an episode of bronchitis and flu vaccination. Past medical history includes myasthenia gravis (MG), well-controlled by Pyridostigmine, Azathioprine, and Prednisone. During the first days, the patient developed progressive ocular movement abnormalities up to complete external ophthalmoplegia, severe limb and gait ataxia, and mild dysarthria. Deep tendon reflexes were absent in lower limbs. Since not all the symptoms were explainable with the previous diagnosis of myasthenia gravis, other etiologies were investigated. Brain MRI and cerebrospinal fluid analysis were normal. Electromyography showed a pattern of predominantly sensory multiple radiculoneuritis. Suspecting Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS), the patient was treated with plasmapheresis with subsequent clinical improvement. Antibodies against GQ1b turned out to be positive. MFS is an immune-mediated neuropathy presenting with ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia. Even if only a few cases of MFS overlapping with MG have been described so far, the coexistence of two different autoimmune disorders can occur. It is always important to evaluate possible differential diagnosis even in case of known compatible diseases, especially when some clinical features seem atypical

    Treatment of primary shoulder stiffness: Results of a survey on surgeon practice patterns in Italy

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    Objectives Shoulder stiffness is a condition of restricted glenohumeral range of motion (ROM), which can arise spontaneously or as consequence of a known cause. Several treatment options are available and currently no consensus has been obtained on which treatment algorithm represents the best choice for the patient. The aim of this study was to investigate surgeon practice patterns in Italy regarding treatment of primary shoulder stiffness. Methods A literature review was performed to identify randomized controlled trials reporting results of shoulder stiffness treatment. The following controversial or critical points in the treatment of primary shoulder stiffness were identified: modalities of physical therapy; indication for oral corticosteroid; indication and frequency for injective corticosteroid; technique and site of injection; and indication, timing, and technique for surgery. A survey composed by 14 questions was created and adminis-trated to the members of a national association specialized in orthopaedics and sports traumatology (SIGASCOT at the time of survey completion, recently renamed SIA-GASCOT after the fusion of the societies SIGASCOT and SIA). Results A total of 204 completed questionnaires were collected. Physical therapy was recommended by 98% of the interviewed. The use of oral corticosteroids was considered by 51%, and injections of corticosteroids by 72%. The posterior injection approach was the one preferred and a number of three was considered the upper limit for repeated injections. Injective therapy with local anesthetics and hyaluronic acid was considered by more than 20% of the interviewed. Thirty percent of the interviewed did not treat shoulder stiffness surgically. Conclusion Several approaches to shoulder stiffness have been proposed and high-level evidence is available to analyze and discuss their results. Several controversial points emerged both from a literature review and from this national survey. Treatment of shoulder stiffness should be tailored to the patient’s clinical situation and the stage of its pathology and should aim at pain reduction, ROM restoration, functional regain, and shortening of symptoms duration, with conservative therapy remaining the mainstay of treatment

    Safety Implications of Mandated Truck Speed Limiters on Freeways

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    ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of a study funded by Transport Canada to investigate the safety implications of mandated truck speed limiters. The study adopted a microscopic simulation approach that was applied to a number of maximum speed control strategies including 105km/h. The sensitivity of safety performance with respect to changes in geometric and traffic scenarios was investigated. The study found that truck speed limiters produced positive safety gains for different assumed volumes and percentage trucks and different compliance levels. Under certain conditions such as high volumes and high percentage of trucks, speed limiters produced a reduction in safety

    Arthroscopic treatment of an unusual distal clavicle ostheochondroma causing rotator cuff impingement: Case report and literature review

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    Chronic shoulder impingement is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain. Intrinsic, extrinsic and secondary factors play a role in this syndrome; however the etiology of the pathology is still under debate. In rare cases, it can be caused by tumors, such as an osteochondroma. In the present study, a 49-year-old patient presented with shoulder pain for 6 months. Initially he underwent conservative treatment, without relief of symptoms. X-rays and MRI were then performed and showed the presence of an exostotic formation on the undersurface of the lateral third of the clavicle. The formation was arthroscopically removed. Histologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of osteochondroma. After surgery, the patient resumed fully activities with no symptoms within 3 months. At 1 year follow up, there are still no clinical or radiological signs of recurrence. This is, to our knowledge, the first case where an arthroscopic approach was used to remove an ostochondroma of the distal third of the clavicle

    A carbohydrate-binding protein, B-GRANULE CONTENT 1, influences starch granule size distribution in a dose-dependent manner in polyploid wheat

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    In Triticeae endosperm (e.g. wheat and barley), starch granules have a bimodal size distribution (with A- and B-type granules) whereas in other grasses the endosperm contains starch granules with a unimodal size distribution. Here, we identify the gene, BGC1 (B-GRANULE CONTENT 1), responsible for B-type starch granule content in Aegilops and wheat. Orthologues of this gene are known to influence starch synthesis in diploids such as rice, Arabidopsis, and barley. However, using polyploid Triticeae species, we uncovered a more complex biological role for BGC1 in starch granule initiation: BGC1 represses the initiation of A-granules in early grain development but promotes the initiation of B-granules in mid grain development. We provide evidence that the influence of BGC1 on starch synthesis is dose dependent and show that three very different starch phenotypes are conditioned by the gene dose of BGC1 in polyploid wheat: normal bimodal starch granule morphology; A-granules with few or no B-granules; or polymorphous starch with few normal A- or B-granules. We conclude from this work that BGC1 participates in controlling B-type starch granule initiation in Triticeae endosperm and that its precise effect on granule size and number varies with gene dose and stage of development

    Nusinersen treatment and cerebrospinal fluid neurofilaments : An explorative study on Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 3 patients

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    The antisense oligonucleotide Nusinersen has been recently licensed to treat spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Since SMA type 3 is characterized by variable phenotype and milder progression, biomarkers of early treatment response are urgently needed. We investigated the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentration of neurofilaments in SMA type 3 patients treated with Nusinersen as a potential biomarker of treatment efficacy. The concentration of phosphorylated neurofilaments heavy chain (pNfH) and light chain (NfL) in the CSF of SMA type 3 patients was evaluated before and after six months since the first Nusinersen administration, performed with commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits. Clinical evaluation of SMA patients was performed with standardized motor function scales. Baseline neurofilament levels in patients were comparable to controls, but significantly decreased after six months of treatment, while motor functions were only marginally ameliorated. No significant correlation was observed between the change in motor functions and that of neurofilaments over time. The reduction of neurofilament levels suggests a possible early biochemical effect of treatment on axonal degeneration, which may precede changes in motor performance. Our study mandates further investigations to assess neurofilaments as a marker of treatment response

    Genetic mapping of loci for resistance to stem rust in a tetraploid wheat collection

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    Stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), is a major biotic constraint to wheat production worldwide. Disease resistant cultivars are a sustainable means for the efficient control of this disease. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring resistance to stem rust at the seedling stage, an association mapping panel consisting of 230 tetraploid wheat accessions were evaluated for reaction to five Pgt races under greenhouse conditions. A high level of phenotypic variation was observed in the panel in response to all of the races, allowing for genome-wide association mapping of resistance QTLs in wild, landrace, and cultivated tetraploid wheats. Twenty-two resistance QTLs were identified, which were characterized by at least two marker-trait associations. Most of the identified resistance loci were coincident with previously identified rust resistance genes/QTLs; however, six regions detected on chromosomes 1B, 5A, 5B, 6B, and 7B may be novel. Availability of the reference genome sequence of wild emmer wheat accession Zavitan facilitated the search for candidate resistance genes in the regions where QTLs were identified, and many of them were annotated as NOD (nucleotide binding oligomerization domain)-like receptor (NLR) genes or genes related to broad spectrum resistance
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