88 research outputs found

    Anecic earthworms and associated ecosystem services in a ley-arable crop

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    Een vruchtwisseling van gras en maïs zou duurzaam kunnen zijn in termen van nutriëntengebruik, maar het effect op regenwormen is nog onvoldoende bekend. Regenwormen zijn verzameld in permanent akkerland, permanent grasland en grond waarop een vruchtwisseling was toegepast. De hoeveelheid regenwormen was het hoogst in permanent grasland. Na gebruik als akkerland heeft de populatie heeft minstens drie jaar nodig om te herstellen. De populatie anenic wormen waren echter na deze periode nog niet hersteld

    Energy Use and Energy Use Efficiency of Specialised Dairy Farms in Flanders

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    Our highly mechanised agriculture largely depends on ever declining stocks of fossil energy and hence contributes to global warming through the emission of greenhouse gases. Therefore, energy use (efficiency) is an important aspect of eco-efficient and sustainable agricultural production systems. In this study, we estimated direct and indirect energy use on a representative set of specialised dairy farms in Flanders (334 farm datasets in 1989-1990 and 147 farm datasets in 2000-2001) and we calculated their energy use efficiency. We studied the observed evolution between 1989-1990 and 2000-2001

    Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Specialized Dairy Farms in Flanders: Evolution and Future Goals

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    Efficient use of nutrients is one of the major aims of eco-efficient and sustainable agricultural production systems. We determined the nitrogen use efficiency of a representative set of specialised dairy farms in Flanders, between 1989-1990 and 2000-2001 and set achievable eco-efficiency targets for sustainability

    The European Ryegrass Core Collection: A Tool to Improve the Use of Genetic Resources

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    A core collection of 162 populations of ryegrass (Lolium perenne) native to 18 European countries, is being evaluated across Europe in a multi-country trial. Each participating country contributed the lesser of 10% or 25 accessions from its collection of native populations. The accessions are being grown at 18 sites in 17 countries. Quick, cheap protocols were developed for evaluation. Preliminary results are presented for performance during the first winter. Populations of northern origin showed uniformly low winter damage and low winter growth at all evaluation sites. Populations of Mediterranean origin were more affected by the environment used for evaluation, developing higher winter yield at sites with mild winters, lower winter yield where winters were colder, and suffering severe damage at sites with the coldest winters

    Coexistence of genetically modified (GM) and non-GM crops in the European Union. A review

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    Restoring depleted Tunisian drylands with native species: Where should we source the seeds?

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