333 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic biorezonance stimulation in the treatment of postoperative intestinal failure

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    Catedra de Chirurgie nr.2, USMF ”N.Testemițanu”, Clinica 2 Chirurgie «C.Țîbîrnă», SCM “Sf. Treime”, Chişinău, Moldova, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Insuficiența intestinală postoperatorie prezintă una din complicațiile obscure cu evoluție deosebit de gravă şi pericol major de insuficiență poliorganică. Astfel se impune restabilirea cît mai timpurie a funcțiilor intestinale la bolnavul operat. Scopul: studierea eficacității terapeutice a electromagnetobiorezonanței la bolnavii cu sindromul insuficienței intestinale postoperatorii. Material şi metode: Lotul de bază a inclus 39 bolnavi, bărbați -20, femei -19, cu vîrstă de la 18 până la 79 ani cu peritonite postoperatorii de diversă geneză. Lotul martor a fost format din 28 bolnavi cu peritonite fără aplicarea electromagneto-biorezonanței postoperatorii, similar după vîrstă şi sex. Intervenții chirurgicale sau efectuat pentru: apendicită destructivă – 12, ulcer gastro-duodenal perforat – 7, ileus aderențial intestinal acut – 5, colecistită acută calculoasă destructivă- 8, pancreonecroză- 7. Funcțiile motorie şi evacuatorie au fost monitorizate prin înregistrarea elecrtogastroenterogramei. Rezultate: În lotul de bază am consemnat o revigorare mai rapidă a funcțiilor motorii şi evacuării intestinale şi gastrice, comparativ cu lotul de control. Peristaltismul intestinal în lotul martor s-a apreciat în mediu peste 32±4 ore postoperatorii. La bolnavii lotului de bază acest termen a constituit în mediu 20,9±3 ore, diferență semnificativă. Am consemnat o anumită consecutivitate în restabilirea activității bioelectrice a tractului digestiv: inițial segmentul jejunal (a 3 zi postoperatorie ), apoi ileonul şi a stomacului (4-5 zi postoperatorii). Concluzii: Utilizarea electromagneto-biorezonanței în perioada postoperatorie la bolnavii cu patologie abdominală chirurgicală complicată cu peritonită accelerează procesele de restabilire a funcției motor-evacuatorii a tractului gastro-intestinal şi pot fi obiectivizate prin datele electrogastroenterografiei.Postoperative intestinal insufficiency represents one of the obscure complications, with the severe evolution, evolving serious danger of poliorganic insufficiency. This requires restoration of bowel function earlier at the operated patient. The aim: To study the therapeutic efficacy of the electromagnetic-biorezonance in patients with postoperative intestinal failure syndrome. Material and methods: Lot base including 39 patients, men -20, women-19 aged from 18 to 79 years with postoperative peritonitis of various geneses was studied. Control group consisted of 28 patients with peritonitis without applying electromagnetic- biorezonance postoperative therapy, similar by age and sex. Surgical interventions were performed for: destructive appendicitis - 12, peptic ulcer perforation - 7, acute intestinal ileus adhesive - 5, acute cholecystitis calculated destructive-8, pancreonecrosis-7. Motoric and evacuatoric functions were monitored by elecrtogastroenterogram recording. Results: In the base group we observed a faster revival of basic motoric function of intestinal and gastric evacuation, comparing with the control group. Peristaltics in the control group was appreciated on average over 32 ± 4 hours in the postoperative period. At patients from the based lot this time was on average 20.9 ± 3 hours, significant difference. We determined some consecutivety in restoring of bioelectrical activity of the digestive tract: initial jejunal segment (after three days postoperative), after ileum and stomach (4-5 days postoperative). Conclusions: Using the electromagnetic-biorezonance therapy in postoperative period at patients with abdominal surgical pathology, complicated by peritonitis accelerates the process of gastrointestinal tract motoric function restoring, and can be objectified by dates of electrogastroenterography

    Developing Central Nervous System and Vulnerability to Platinum Compounds

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    Comparative studies on the effects of the platinum complexes in use or in clinical trials are carried out in order to discover differences in the neurotoxic potential and the reversibility of neurotoxicity. In this paper, we summarized the current literature on neurotoxicity and chemoresistance of cisplatin (cisPt) and discussed our recent efforts on the interference of cisPt and a new platinum compound [Pt(O,O′-acac)(γ-acac)(DMS)] (PtAcacDMS), with high specific reactivity with sulphur ligands instead of nucleobases as cisPt, on some crucial events of rat postnatal cerebellum development. The acute effects of drug treatments on cell proliferation and death in the external granular layer and granule cell migration and the late effects on the dendrite growth of Purkinje cells were evaluated. Together with the demonstrated antineoplastic effectiveness in vitro, compared with cisPt, data suggest a lower neurotoxicity of PtAcacDMS, in spite of its presence in the brain that involves considerations on the blood brain barrier permeability

    Screening strategies for the diagnosis of asymptomatic Leishmania infection in dialysis patients as a model for kidney transplant candidates

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    Despite being considered a tropical disease, visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by L. infantum is also endemic in the Mediterranean Europe and represents an increasing cause of morbidity and mortality in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. VL occurring in kidney transplant recipients is a severe event, often worsening the renal damage and leading to poor outcome. It is believed that most of VL cases in transplant recipients are caused by reactivation of a pre-existent, dormant leishmanial infection induced by the immunosuppressive drugs. Nevertheless, the prevalence of asymptomatic Leishmania infection in candidates to kidney transplant residing in or visiting endemic areas is unknown. As L. infantum is highly circulating in northeastern Italy, we aimed to examine the occurrence of this parasitic infection in 119 dialysis patients living in the mentioned area, 71 of whom were potential candidates to kidney transplant. By employing a combination of sensitive serological and molecular methods, we observed a prevalence of 15.9% asymptomatic Leishmania infection in the study cohort. This finding emphasizes the need of further evaluating potential screening strategies for Leishmania infection in solid organ transplant candidates residing in or visiting endemic areas

    Dynamical Systems Gradient method for solving nonlinear equations with monotone operators

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    A version of the Dynamical Systems Gradient Method for solving ill-posed nonlinear monotone operator equations is studied in this paper. A discrepancy principle is proposed and justified. A numerical experiment was carried out with the new stopping rule. Numerical experiments show that the proposed stopping rule is efficient. Equations with monotone operators are of interest in many applications.Comment: 2 figure

    Synthesis and characterization of UV-curable nanocellulose/ZnO/AlN acrylic flexible films: thermal, dynamic mechanical and piezoelectric response

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    This work is aimed at fabricating nanocomposites based on zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures and nanocellulose dispersed in a UV-cured acrylic matrix (EC) for application as functional coatings for self-powered applications. Morphological, thermal, and dynamic mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were characterized by X-Ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry. The piezoelectric behavior was evaluated in terms of root mean square (RMS) open circuit voltage, at different accelerations applied to cantilever beams. The generated voltage was correlated with ZnO nanostructures morphology, aluminum nitride film integration on the beam and proof mass insertion at the tip. Nitride layer increased the RMS voltage from 1 to 2.4 mV up to 3.9 mV (using ZnO nanoflowers). As confirmed by XRD analyses, the incorporation of ZnO nanostructures into the acrylic matrix favored an ordered structural arrangement of the deposited AlN layer, hence improving the piezoelectric response of the resulting nanocomposites. With proof mass insertion, the output voltage was further increased, reaching 4.5 mV for the AlN-coated system containing ZnO nanoflowers

    In Silico Identification of a β2-Adrenoceptor Allosteric Site That Selectively Augments Canonical β2AR-Gs Signaling and Function

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    Activation of β2-adrenoceptors (β2ARs) causes airway smooth muscle (ASM) relaxation and bronchodilation, and β2AR agonists (β-agonists) are front-line treatments for asthma and other obstructive lung diseases. However, the therapeutic efficacy of β-agonists is limited by agonist-induced β2AR desensitization and noncanonical β2AR signaling involving β-arrestin that is shown to promote asthma pathophysiology. Accordingly, we undertook the identification of an allosteric site on β2AR that could modulate the activity of β-agonists to overcome these limitations. We employed the site identification by ligand competitive saturation (SILCS) computational method to comprehensively map the entire 3D structure of in silico-generated β2AR intermediate conformations and identified a putative allosteric binding site. Subsequent database screening using SILCS identified drug-like molecules with the potential to bind to the site. Experimental assays in HEK293 cells (expressing recombinant wild-type human β2AR) and human ASM cells (expressing endogenous β2AR) identified positive and negative allosteric modulators (PAMs and NAMs) of β2AR as assessed by regulation of β-agonist-stimulation of cyclic AMP generation. PAMs/NAMs had no effect on β-agonist-induced recruitment of β-arrestin to β2AR- or β-agonist-induced loss of cell surface expression in HEK293 cells expressing β2AR. Mutagenesis analysis of β2AR confirmed the SILCS identified site based on mutants of amino acids R131, Y219, and F282. Finally, functional studies revealed augmentation of β-agonist-induced relaxation of contracted human ASM cells and bronchodilation of contracted airways. These findings identify a allosteric binding site on the β2AR, whose activation selectively augments β-agonist-induced Gs signaling, and increases relaxation of ASM cells, the principal therapeutic effect of β-agonists

    Postmortem CT pulmonary findings in SARS-CoV-2-positive cases: correlation with lung histopathological findings and autopsy results

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    Introduction/purpose Postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) is a valuable tool for analyzing the death of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between PMCT lung findings in autopsy cadavers positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection and the severity of COVID-19 lung disease by histopathological analysis.Materials and methods We reviewed chest PMCT findings, paying particular attention to the lung parenchyma, in 8 autopsy cases positive for SARS-CoV-2. Correlations between chest PMCT and histopathological findings were assessed. Clinical conditions and comorbidities were also recorded and discussed. The primary cause of death was finally considered.Results In 6/8 cases, pulmonary PMCT findings were massive consolidation (4/8) and bilateral diffuse mixed densities with a crazy-paving pattern (2/8). These cases showed severe pulmonary signs of COVID-19 at histopathological analysis. In the remaining 2/8 cases, pulmonary PMCT findings were scant antideclive ground-glass opacities in prevalent gradient densities attributed to hypostasis. In 4/8 cases with massive consolidations, important comorbidities were noted. In 6/8 cases with severe pulmonary histopathological signs of lung COVID-19, autopsy found that the cause of death was cardiorespiratory failure. In the remaining 2/8 cases, histopathological analysis revealed lung alterations due to edema and some signs of SARS-CoV-2 infection; the cause of death was not attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection (Table 1).Discussion and conclusion Chest PMCT findings correlate with the severity of COVID-19 lung disease at histopathology examination. According to our results, there may also be a relationship between cause of death and PMCT findings in COVID-19, which must be critically analyzed considering clinical antemortem data

    In vivo [64Cu]CuCl2 PET imaging reveals activity of Dextran-Catechin on tumor copper homeostasis

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    Given the strong clinical evidence that copper levels are significantly elevated in a wide spectrum of tumors, copper homeostasis is considered as an emerging target for anticancer drug design. Monitoring copper levels in vivo is therefore of paramount importance when assessing the efficacy of copper-targeting drugs. Herein, we investigated the activity of the copper-targeting compound Dextran-Catechin by developing a [64Cu]CuCl2 PET imaging protocol to monitor its effect on copper homeostasis in tumors. Methods: Protein expression of copper transporter 1 (CTR1) in tissue microarrays representing 90 neuroblastoma patient tumors was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Western blotting analysis was used to study the effect of Dextran-Catechin on the expression of CTR1 in neuroblastoma cell lines and in tumors. A preclinical human neuroblastoma xenograft model was used to study anticancer activity of Dextran-Catechin in vivo and its effect on tumor copper homeostasis. PET imaging with [64Cu]CuCl2 was performed in such preclinical neuroblastoma model to monitor alteration of copper levels in tumors during treatment. Results: CTR1 protein was found to be highly expressed in patient neuroblastoma tumors by immunohistochemistry. Treatment of neuroblastoma cell lines with Dextran-Catechin resulted in decreased levels of glutathione and in downregulation of CTR1 expression, which caused a significant decrease of intracellular copper. No changes in CTR1 expression was observed in normal human astrocytes after Dextran-Catechin treatment. In vivo studies and PET imaging analysis using the neuroblastoma preclinical model revealed elevated [64Cu]CuCl2 retention in the tumor mass. Following treatment with Dextran-Catechin, there was a significant reduction in radioactive uptake, as well as reduced tumor growth. Ex vivo analysis of tumors collected from Dextran-Catechin treated mice confirmed the reduced levels of CTR1. Interestingly, copper levels in blood were not affected by treatment, demonstrating potential tumor specificity of Dextran-Catechin activity. Conclusion: Dextran-Catechin mediates its activity by lowering CTR1 and intracellular copper levels in tumors. This finding further reveals a potential therapeutic strategy for targeting copper-dependent cancers and presents a novel PET imaging method to assess patient response to copper-targeting anticancer treatments

    Discerning the ancestry of European Americans in genetic association studies

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    European Americans are often treated as a homogeneous group, but in fact form a structured population due to historical immigration of diverse source populations. Discerning the ancestry of European Americans genotyped in association studies is important in order to prevent false-positive or false-negative associations due to population stratification and to identify genetic variants whose contribution to disease risk differs across European ancestries. Here, we investigate empirical patterns of population structure in European Americans, analyzing 4,198 samples from four genome-wide association studies to show that components roughly corresponding to northwest European, southeast European, and Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry are the main sources of European American population structure. Building on this insight, we constructed a panel of 300 validated markers that are highly informative for distinguishing these ancestries. We demonstrate that this panel of markers can be used to correct for stratification in association studies that do not generate dense genotype data

    Design of a modular Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for archaeological investigations

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    MARTA (MARine Tool for Archaeology) is a modular AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) designed and developed by the University of Florence in the framework of the ARROWS (ARchaeological RObot systems for the World's Seas) FP7 European project. The ARROWS project challenge is to provide the underwater archaeologists with technological tools for cost affordable campaigns: i.e. ARROWS adapts and develops low cost AUV technologies to significantly reduce the cost of archaeological operations, covering the full extent of an archaeological campaign (underwater mapping, diagnosis and cleaning tasks). The tools and methodologies developed within ARROWS comply with the "Annex" of the 2001 UNESCO Convention for the protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH). The system effectiveness and MARTA performance will be demonstrated in two scenarios, different as regards the environment and the historical context, the Mediterranean Sea (Egadi Islands) and the Baltic Sea