172 research outputs found

    New Internal Stress Driven on-Chip Micromachines for Extracting Mechanical Properties of Thin Films

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    A new concept of micromachines has been developed for measuring the mechanical properties of thin metallic films. The actuator is a beam undergoing large internal stresses built up during the deposition process. Al thin films are deposited partly on the actuator beam and on the substrate. By etching the structure, the actuator contracts and pulls the Al film. Full stress strain curves can be generated by designing a set of micromachines with various actuator lengths. In the present study, the displacements have been measured by scanning electronic microscopy. The stress is derived from simple continuum mechanics relationships. The tensile properties of Al films of various thicknesses have been tested. A marked increase of the strength with decreasing film thickness is observed.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    A New Model for Void Coalescence by Internal Necking

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    A micromechanical model for predicting the strain increment required to bring a damaged material element from the onset of void coalescence up to final fracture is developed based on simple kinematics arguments. This strain increment controls the unloading slope and the energy dissipated during the final step of material failure. Proper prediction of the final drop of the load carrying capacity is an important ingredient of any ductile fracture model, especially at high stress triaxiality. The model has been motivated and verified by comparison to a large set of finite element void cell calculations.

    Dislocation structures and the role of grain boundaries in cyclically deformed Ni micropillars

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    Transmission electron microscopy and finite element-based dislocation simulations were combined to study the development of dislocation microstructures after cyclic deformation of single crystal and bicrystal Ni micropillars oriented for multi-slip. A direct correlation between large accumulation of plastic strain and the presence of dislocation cell walls in the single crystal micropillars was observed, while the presence of the grain boundary hampered the formation of wall-like structures in agreement with a smaller accumulated plastic strain. Automated crystallographic orientation and nanostrain mapping using transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of lattice heterogeneities associated to the cell walls including long range elastic strain fields. By combining the nanostrain mapping with an inverse modelling approach, information about dislocation density, line orientation and Burgers vector direction was derived, which is not accessible otherwise in such dense dislocation structures. Simulations showed that the image forces associated with the grain boundary in this specific bicrystal configuration have only a minor influence on dislocation behavior. Thus, the reduced occurrence of “mature” cell walls in the bicrystal can be attributed to the available volume, which is too small to accommodate cell structures

    Modelling of Short-Term Interactions Between Concrete Support and the Excavated Damage Zone Around Galleries Drilled in Callovo–Oxfordian Claystone

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    peer reviewedProduction of energy from nuclear power plants generates high-level radioactive nuclear waste, harmful during dozens of thousand years. Deep geological disposal of nuclear waste represents the most reliable solutions for its safe isolation. Confinement of radioactive wastes relies on the multi-barrier concept in which isolation is provided by a series of engineered (canister, backfill) and natural (host rock) barriers. Few underground research laboratories have been built all over the world to test and validate storage solutions. The underground drilling process of disposal drifts may generate cracks, fractures/strain localisation in shear bands within the rock surrounding the gallery especially in argillaceous rocks. These degradations affect the hydro-mechanical properties of the material, such as permeability, e.g. creating a preferential flow path for radionuclide migration. Hydraulic conductivity increase within this zone must remain limited to preserve the natural barrier. In addition galleries are currently reinforced by different types of concrete supports such as shotcrete and/or prefab elements. Their purpose is twofold: avoiding partial collapse of the tunnel during drilling operations and limiting convergence of the surrounding rock. Properties of both concrete and rock mass are time dependent, due to shotcrete hydration and hydromechanical couplings within the host rock. By the use of a hydro-mechanical coupled Finite Element Code with a Second Gradient regularization, this paper aims at investigating and predicting support and rock interactions (convergence, stress field). The effect of shotcrete hydration evolution, spraying time and use of compressible wedges is studied in order to determine their relative influence

    Higher education in Indonesia: Contemporary challenges in governance, access, and quality

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    This chapter presents the development of Indonesian higher education since its origins to current challenges in the fields of governance, autonomy, access, equity, quality, and internationalization. Indonesia has a massive and diversified tertiary education, including experiments in community colleges and online programs. The higher educational system remains mainly centralized, with the exception of some reforms towards financial autonomy. Insufficient public funding hinders the capacity to provide adequate teaching, research, and facilities among other aspects. The consequential rise in student fees contributes to an overrepresentation of students from Java, urban centers, and higher social classes

    Perfusion-decellularization of human ear grafts enables ECM-based scaffolds for auricular vascularized composite tissue engineering

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    Introduction: Human ear reconstruction is recognized as the emblematic enterprise in tissue engineering. Up to now, it has failed to reach human applications requiring appropriate tissue complexity along with an accessible vascular tree. We hereby propose a new method to process human auricles in order to provide a poorly immunogenic, complex and vascularized ear graft scaffold. Methods: 12 human ears with their vascular pedicles were procured. Perfusion-decellularization was applied using a SDS/polar solvent protocol. Cell and antigen removal was examined by histology and DNA was quantified. Preservation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) was assessed by conventional and 3D-histology, proteins and cytokines quantifications. Biocompatibility was assessed by implantation in rats for up to 60 days. Adipose-derived stem cells seeding was conducted on scaffold samples and with human aortic endothelial cells whole graft seeding in a perfusion-bioreactor. Results: Histology confirmed cell and antigen clearance. DNA reduction was 97.3%. ECM structure and composition were preserved. Implanted scaffolds were tolerated in vivo, with acceptable inflammation, remodeling, and anti-donor antibody formation. Seeding experiments demonstrated cell engraftment and viability. Conclusions: Vascularized and complex auricular scaffolds can be obtained from human source to provide a platform for further functional auricular tissue engineered constructs, hence providing an ideal road to the vascularized composite tissue engineering approach

    Dissecting the determinants of depressive disorders outcome: an in depth analysis of two clinical cases

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    Clinicians face everyday the complexity of depression. Available pharmacotherapies and psychotherapies improve patients suffering in a large part of subjects, however up to half of patients do not respond to treatment. Clinicians may forecast to a good extent if a given patient will respond or not, based on a number of data and sensations that emerge from face to face assessment. Conversely, clinical predictors of non response emerging from literature are largely unsatisfactory. Here we try to fill this gap, suggesting a comprehensive assessment of patients that may overcome the limitation of standardized assessments and detecting the factors that plausibly contribute to so marked differences in depressive disorders outcome. For this aim we present and discuss two clinical cases. Mr. A was an industrial manager who came to psychiatric evaluation with a severe depressive episode. His employment was demanding and the depressive episode undermined his capacity to manage it. Based on standardized assessment, Mr. A condition appeared severe and potentially dramatic. Mrs. B was a housewife who came to psychiatric evaluation with a moderate depressive episode. Literature predictors would suggest Mrs. B state as associated with a more favourable outcome. However the clinician impression was not converging with the standardized assessment and in fact the outcome will reverse the prediction based on the initial formal standard evaluation. Although the present report is based on two clinical cases and no generalizability is possible, a more detailed analysis of personality, temperament, defense mechanisms, self esteem, intelligence and social adjustment may allow to formalize the clinical impressions used by clinicians for biologic and pharmacologic studies

    A constitutive model for elastoplastic solids containing primary and secondary voids

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    International audienceIn many ductile metallic alloys, the damage process controlled by the growth and coalescence of primary voids nucleated on particles with a size varying typically between 1 and 100 ”m, is affected by the growth of much smaller secondary voids nucleated on inclusions with a size varying typically between 0.1 and 3 ”m. The goal of this work is first to quantify the potential effect of the growth of these secondary voids on the coalescence of primary voids using finite element (FE) unit cell calculations and second to formulate a new constitutive model incorporating this effect. The nucleation and growth of secondary voids do essentially not affect the growth of the primary voids but mainly accelerate the void coalescence process. The drop of the ductility caused by the presence of secondary voids increases if the nucleation strain decreases and/or if their volume fraction increases and/or if the primary voids are flat. A strong coupling is indeed observed between the shape of the primary voids and the growth of the second population enhancing the anisotropy of the ductility induced by void shape effects. The new micromechanics-based coalescence condition for internal necking introduces the softening induced by secondary voids growing in the ligament between two primary voids. The FE cell calculations were used to guide and assess the development of this model. The use of the coalescence condition relies on a closed-form model for estimating the evolution of the secondary voids in the vicinity of a primary cavity. This coalescence criterion is connected to an extended Gurson model for the first population including the effect of the void aspect ratio. With respect to classical models for single void population, this new constitutive model improves the predictive potential of damage constitutive models devoted to ductile metal while requiring only two new parameters, i.e. the initial porosity of second population and a void nucleation stress, without any additional adjustmen
