302 research outputs found

    Subduction and accumulation of lawsonite eclogite and garnet blueschist in eastern Australia

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    Lawsonite eclogite and garnet blueschist occur as metre‐scale blocks within serpentinite mĂ©lange in the southern New England Orogen (SNEO) in eastern Australia. These high‐P fragments are the products of early Palaeozoic subduction of the palaeo‐Pacific plate beneath East Gondwana. Lu–Hf, Sm–Nd, and U–Pb geochronological data from Port Macquarie show that eclogite mineral assemblages formed between c. 500 and 470 Ma ago and became mixed together within a serpentinite‐filled subduction channel. Age data and P–T modelling indicate lawsonite eclogite formed at ~2.7 GPa and 590°C at c. 490 Ma, whereas peak garnet in blueschist formed at ~2.0 GPa and 550°C at c. 470 Ma. The post‐peak evolution of lawsonite eclogite was associated with the preservation of pristine lawsonite‐bearing assemblages and the formation of glaucophane. By contrast, the garnet blueschist was derived from a precursor garnet–omphacite assemblage. The geochronological data from these different aged high‐P assemblages indicate the high‐P rocks were formed during subduction on the margin of cratonic Australia during the Cambro‐Ordovician. The rocks however now reside in the Devonian–Carboniferous southern SNEO, which forms the youngest and most outboard of the eastern Gondwanan Australian orogenic belts. Geodynamic modelling suggests that over the time‐scales that subduction products accumulated, the high‐P rocks migrated large distances (~>1,000 km) during slab retreat. Consequently, high‐P rocks that are trapped in subduction channels may also migrate large distances prior to exhumation, potentially becoming incorporated into younger orogenic belts whose evolution is not directly related to the formation of the exhumed high‐P rocks.RenĂ©e Tamblyn, Martin Hand, David Kelsey, Robert Anczkiewicz, David Oc

    Syntactic discriminative language model rerankers for statistical machine translation

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    This article describes a method that successfully exploits syntactic features for n-best translation candidate reranking using perceptrons. We motivate the utility of syntax by demonstrating the superior performance of parsers over n-gram language models in differentiating between Statistical Machine Translation output and human translations. Our approach uses discriminative language modelling to rerank the n-best translations generated by a statistical machine translation system. The performance is evaluated for Arabic-to-English translation using NIST’s MT-Eval benchmarks. While deep features extracted from parse trees do not consistently help, we show how features extracted from a shallow Part-of-Speech annotation layer outperform a competitive baseline and a state-of-the-art comparative reranking approach, leading to significant BLEU improvements on three different test sets

    Resubduction of lawsonite eclogite within a serpentinite-filled subduction channel

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    Translating burial and exhumation histories from the petrological and geochronological record of high-pressure assemblages in subduction channels is key to understanding subduction channel processes. Convective return flow, either serpentinite or sediment hosted, has been suggested as a potential mechanism to retrieve rocks from significant depths and exhume them. Numerical modelling predicts that during convective flow, subducted material can be cycled within a serpentinite-filled subduction channel. Geochronological and petrological evidences for such cycling during subduction are preserved in lawsonite eclogite from serpentinite melange in the Southern New England Orogen, eastern Australia. Ar–Ar, Rb–Sr phengite and U–Pb titanite geochronology, supported by phase equilibrium forward modelling and mineral zoning, suggest Cambro–Ordovician eclogite underwent two stages of burial separated by a stage of partial exhumation. The initial subduction of the eclogite at ca. 490 Ma formed porphyroblastic prograde-zoned garnet and lawsonite at approximate P–T conditions of at least 2.9 GPa and 600 °C. Partial exhumation to at least 2.0 GPa and 500 °C is recorded by garnet dissolution. Reburial of the eclogite resulted in growth of new Mg-rich garnet rims, growth of new prograde-zoned phengite and recrystallization of titanite at P–T conditions of approximately 2.7 GPa and 590 °C. U–Pb titanite, and Ar–Ar and Rb–Sr phengite ages constrain the timing of reburial to ca. 450 Ma. This was followed by a second exhumation event at approximately 1.9 GPa and 520 °C. These conditions fall along a cold approximate geotherm of 230 °C/GPa. The inferred changes in pressure suggest the lawsonite eclogite underwent depth cycling within the subduction channel. Geochronological data indicate that partial exhumation and reburial occurred over ca. 50 M y., providing some estimation on the timescales of material convective cycling in the subduction channel.R. Tamblyn, M. Hand, L. Morrissey, T. Zack, G. Phillips, D. Oc

    Cross-lingual C*ST*RD: English access to Hindi information

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    We present C*ST*RD, a cross-language information delivery system that supports cross-language information retrieval, information space visualization and navigation, machine translation, and text summarization of single documents and clusters of documents. C*ST*RD was assembled and trained within 1 month, in the context of DARPA’s Surprise Language Exercise, that selected as source a heretofore unstudied language, Hindi. Given the brief time, we could not create deep Hindi capabilities for all the modules, but instead experimented with combining shallow Hindi capabilities, or even English-only modules, into one integrated system. Various possible configurations, with different tradeoffs in processing speed and ease of use, enable the rapid deployment of C*ST*RD to new languages under various conditions

    Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection

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    Cross-language plagiarism detection deals with the automatic identification and extraction of plagiarism in a multilingual setting. In this setting, a suspicious document is given, and the task is to retrieve all sections from the document that originate from a large, multilingual document collection. Our contributions in this field are as follows: (1) a comprehensive retrieval process for cross-language plagiarism detection is introduced, highlighting the differences to monolingual plagiarism detection, (2) state-of-the-art solutions for two important subtasks are reviewed, (3) retrieval models for the assessment of cross-language similarity are surveyed, and, (4) the three models CL-CNG, CL-ESA and CL-ASA are compared. Our evaluation is of realistic scale: it relies on 120,000 test documents which are selected from the corpora JRC-Acquis and Wikipedia, so that for each test document highly similar documents are available in all of the six languages English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Polish. The models are employed in a series of ranking tasks, and more than 100 million similarities are computed with each model. The results of our evaluation indicate that CL-CNG, despite its simple approach, is the best choice to rank and compare texts across languages if they are syntactically related. CL-ESA almost matches the performance of CL-CNG, but on arbitrary pairs of languages. CL-ASA works best on "exact" translations but does not generalize well.This work was partially supported by the TEXT-ENTERPRISE 2.0 TIN2009-13391-C04-03 project and the CONACyT-Mexico 192021 grant.Potthast, M.; BarrĂłn Cedeño, LA.; Stein, B.; Rosso, P. (2011). Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection. Language Resources and Evaluation. 45(1):45-62. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-009-9114-zS4562451Ballesteros, L. A. (2001). Resolving ambiguity for cross-language information retrieval: A dictionary approach. PhD thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, Bruce Croft.BarrĂłn-Cedeño, A., Rosso, P., Pinto, D., & Juan A. (2008). On cross-lingual plagiarism analysis using a statistical model. In S. Benno, S. Efstathios, & K. Moshe (Eds.), ECAI 2008 workshop on uncovering plagiarism, authorship, and social software misuse (PAN 08) (pp. 9–13). Patras, Greece.Baum, L. E. (1972). An inequality and associated maximization technique in statistical estimation of probabilistic functions of a Markov process. Inequalities, 3, 1–8.Berger, A., & Lafferty, J. (1999). Information retrieval as statistical translation. In SIGIR’99: Proceedings of the 22nd annual international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval (vol. 4629, pp. 222–229). 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A systematic comparison of various statistical alignment models. Computational Linguistics, 29(1), 19–51.Pinto, D., Juan, A., & Rosso, P. (2007). Using query-relevant documents pairs for cross-lingual information retrieval. In V. Matousek & P. Mautner (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 630–637). Pilsen, Czech Republic.Pinto, D., Civera, J., BarrĂłn-Cedeño, A., Juan, A., & Rosso, P. (2009). A statistical approach to cross-lingual natural language tasks. Journal of Algorithms, 64(1), 51–60.Potthast, M. (2007). Wikipedia in the pocket-indexing technology for near-duplicate detection and high similarity search. In C. Clarke, N. Fuhr, N. Kando, W. Kraaij, & A. de Vries (Eds.), 30th Annual international ACM SIGIR conference (pp. 909–909). ACM.Potthast, M., Stein, B., & Anderka, M. (2008). A Wikipedia-based multilingual retrieval model. In C. Macdonald, I. Ounis, V. Plachouras, I. Ruthven, & R. W. 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    In face of the current high energy consumption and demand worldwide, a change to a sustainable energy matrix became one of the pillars for global sustainability. The use of renewable energy has been one of the most attractive subjects in recent years. Several public policies in this matter have been suggested and there are ongoing efforts toward their implementation. The United Nations (UN) proposed what is called the 2030 Agenda, which considers 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to be achieved by the year 2030. In support of the 2030 Agenda, research on the production of fuels from clean and sustainable sources is being conducted by the scientific community around the world. Fossil fuels are finite and also a major source of environmental pollutants, therefore the choice of using renewable sources of energy tends to be an increasingly growing and attractive alternative. Hydrogen is a fuel with a high heating value and is known as the most abundant gaseous element and simplest in chemical structure. The scientific community researching fuel cells has given much attention to the generation and storage of hydrogen. Besides the electrolytic hydrogen production and the reforming of fossil fuels (e.g., natural gas), hydrogen can be generated by metallic means, for example, by oxidation of aluminum in an alkaline solution. The use of recyclable metals, such as aluminum in this study, is an option for sustainable hydrogen generation processes. Nevertheless, like any chemical reaction, part of the products generated are waste, and some are even harmful to the environment, which makes the production of sustainable fuels unfeasible in case of not finding an appropriate technological industrial destination for such waste. The herein study comprises the investigation of the industrial and technological applications of the products of the hydrogen generation reaction from aluminum. Mastering the chemical reaction parameters of that reaction is paramount for the optimal design of a hydrogen generation system. The disposal of the waste is relevant since it makes the energy supply chain complete and sustainable

    Design, development and field evaluation of a Spanish into sign language translation system

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    This paper describes the design, development and field evaluation of a machine translation system from Spanish to Spanish Sign Language (LSE: Lengua de Signos Española). The developed system focuses on helping Deaf people when they want to renew their Driver’s License. The system is made up of a speech recognizer (for decoding the spoken utterance into a word sequence), a natural language translator (for converting a word sequence into a sequence of signs belonging to the sign language), and a 3D avatar animation module (for playing back the signs). For the natural language translator, three technological approaches have been implemented and evaluated: an example-based strategy, a rule-based translation method and a statistical translator. For the final version, the implemented language translator combines all the alternatives into a hierarchical structure. This paper includes a detailed description of the field evaluation. This evaluation was carried out in the Local Traffic Office in Toledo involving real government employees and Deaf people. The evaluation includes objective measurements from the system and subjective information from questionnaires. The paper details the main problems found and a discussion on how to solve them (some of them specific for LSE)

    The warm ionized medium in spiral galaxies

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    This article reviews observations and models of the diffuse ionized gas that permeates the disk and halo of our Galaxy and others. It was inspired by a series of invited talks presented during an afternoon scientific session of the 65th birthday celebration for Professor Carl Heiles held at Arecibo Observatory in August 2004. This review is in recognition of Carl's long standing interest in and advocacy for studies of the ionized as well as the neutral components of the interstellar medium.Comment: 29 pages, 19 figures; accepted by Reviews of Modern Physic
