431 research outputs found

    Reproductive capacity of the red cusk-eel genypterus chilensis (Guichenot, 1848) in captivity

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    IndexaciĂłn: Scopus.This work was supported by the FONDEF Project D06I 1024 “Development of technologies for the production of red cusk-eel fingerlings (Genypterus chilensis)”.Genypterus chilensis is a marine fish of high gastronomic demand, whose capture has declined in recent years due to overfishing. In the development of the farming technology, high mortalities were obtained during egg incubation. The objective of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of fecundity and eggs viability of G. chilensis in captivity. The spawns of G. chilensis were analyzed over a period of 2 years and 3 months. The total fecundity was estimated by counting the masses and eggs produced monthly throughout the period. The results confirm that G. chilensis is a partial spawner, since a female may more than two masses of eggs per day, due to a large amount of mass spawned per season (621 average). The total production of masses of the Farming Centre during the period was 2,290; of these, only 7% (166) corresponding to 15,330,517 eggs were incubated. Because of its high fecundity, G. chilensis produces numerous masses of eggs, of which only a small percentage reaches incubation, as well as it occurs in other marine fish. © 2018, Escuela de Ciencias del Mar. All rights reserved.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-560X201800020048

    Dichotomy in the Dynamical Status of Massive Cores in Orion

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    To study the evolution of high mass cores, we have searched for evidence of collapse motions in a large sample of starless cores in the Orion molecular cloud. We used the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory telescope to obtain spectra of the optically thin (\H13CO+) and optically thick (\HCO+) high density tracer molecules in 27 cores with masses >> 1 \Ms. The red- and blue-asymmetries seen in the line profiles of the optically thick line with respect to the optically thin line indicate that 2/3 of these cores are not static. We detect evidence for infall (inward motions) in 9 cores and outward motions for 10 cores, suggesting a dichotomy in the kinematic state of the non-static cores in this sample. Our results provide an important observational constraint on the fraction of collapsing (inward motions) versus non-collapsing (re-expanding) cores for comparison with model simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 2 Figures. To appear in ApJ(Letters

    Transcriptome Profiling of the Hippocampal Seizure Network Implicates a Role for Wnt Signaling during Epileptogenesis in a Mouse Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) is a life-threatening condition characterized by recurrent hippocampal seizures. mTLE can develop after exposure to risk factors such as febrile seizure, trauma, and infection. Within the latent period between exposure and onset of epilepsy, pathological remodeling events occur that contribute to epileptogenesis. The molecular mechanisms responsible are currently unclear. We used the mouse intrahippocampal kainite model of mTLE to investigate transcriptional dysregulation in the ipsilateral and contralateral dentate gyrus (DG), representing the epileptogenic zone (EZ) and peri-ictal zone (PIZ). DG were analyzed after 3, 7, and 14 days by RNA sequencing. In both the EZ and PIZ, transcriptional dysregulation was dynamic over the epileptogenic period with early expression of genes representing cell signaling, migration, and proliferation. Canonical Wnt signaling was upregulated in the EZ and PIZ at 3 days. Expression of inflammatory genes differed between the EZ and PIZ, with early expression after 3 days in the PIZ and delayed expression after 7–14 days in the EZ. This suggests that critical gene changes occur early in the hippocampal seizure network and that Wnt signaling may play a role within the latent epileptogenic period. These findings may help to identify novel therapeutic targets that could prevent epileptogenesis

    The Role of Gas in the Merging of Massive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei. I. Black Hole Merging in a Spherical Gas Cloud

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    Using high-resolution SPH numerical simulations, we investigate the effects of gas on the inspiral and merger of a massive black hole binary. This study is motivated by both observational and theoretical work that indicate the presence of large amounts of gas in the central regions of merging galaxies. N-body simulations have shown that the coalescence of a massive black hole binary eventually stalls in a stellar background. However, our simulations suggest that the massive black hole binary will finally merge if it is embedded in a gaseous background. Here we present results in which the gas is assumed to be initially spherical with a relatively smooth distribution. In the early evolution of the binary, the separation dimishes due to the gravitational drag exerted by the background gas. In the later stages, when the binary dominates the gravitational potential in its vicinity, the medium responds by forming an ellipsoidal density enhancement whose axis lags behind the binary axis, and this offset produces a torque on the binary that causes continuing loss of angular momentum and is able to reduce the binary separation to distances where gravitational radiation is efficient. Assuming typical parameters from observations of Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies, we predict that a black hole binary will merge within 10710^{7}yrs; therefore these results imply that in a merger of gas-rich galaxies, any massive central black holes will coalescence soon after the galaxies merge. Our work thus supports scenarios of massive black hole evolution and growth where hierarchical merging plays an important role. The final coalescence of the black holes leads to gravitational radiation emission that would be detectable up to high redshift by LISA. We show that similar physical effects are important for the formation of close binary stars.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    The open cluster NGC 6520 and the nearby dark molecular cloud Barnard 86

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    Wide field BVI photometry and 12^{12}CO(1→\to0) observations are presen ted in the region of the open cluster NGC 6520 and the dark molecular cloud Barnard~86. From the analysis of the optical data we find that the cluster is rather compact, with a radius of 1.0±\pm0.5 arcmin, smaller than previous estimates. The cluster age is 150±\pm50 Myr and the reddening EB−V_{B-V}=0.42±\pm0.10. The distance from the Sun is estimated to be 1900±\pm100 pc, and it is larger than previous estimates. We finally derive basic properties of the dark nebula Barnard 86 on the assumption that it lies at the same distance of the cluster.Comment: 21 pages, 8 eps figures (a few degraded in resolution), accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Inner Structure of Protostellar Collapse Candidate B335 Derived from Millimeter-Wave Interferometry

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    We present a study of the density structure of the protostellar collapse candidate B335 using continuum observations from the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer made at wavelengths of 1.2mm and 3.0mm. We analyze these data, which probe spatial scales from 5000 AU to 500 AU, directly in the visibility domain by comparison to synthetic observations constructed from models that assume different physical conditions. This approach allows for much more stringent constraints to be derived from the data than from analysis of images. A single radial power law in density provides a good description of the data, with best fit power law index p=1.65+/-0.05. Through simulations, we quantify the sensitivity of this result to various model uncertainties, including assumptions of temperature distribution, outer boundary, dust opacity spectral index, and an unresolved central component. The largest uncertainty comes from the unknown presence of a centralized point source. A point source with 1.2mm flux of F=12+/-7 mJy reduces the density index to p=1.47+/-0.07. The remaining sources of systematic uncertainty, the most important of which is the temperature distribution, likely contribute a total uncertainty of < 0.2. We therefore find strong evidence that the power law index of the density distribution within 5000 AU is significantly less than the value at larger radii, close to 2.0 from previous studies of dust emission and extinction. These results conform well to the generic paradigm of isolated, low-mass star formation which predicts a power law density index close to p=1.5 for an inner region of gravitational free fall onto the protostar.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal; 27 pages, 3 figure

    Massive Clumps in the NGC 6334 Star Forming Region

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    We report observations of dust continuum emission at 1.2 mm toward the star forming region NGC 6334 made with the SEST SIMBA bolometer array. The observations cover an area of ∌2\sim 2 square degrees with approximately uniform noise. We detected 181 clumps spanning almost three orders of magnitude in mass (3\Msun−6×103-6\times10^3 \Msun) and with sizes in the range 0.1--1.0 pc. We find that the clump mass function dN/dlog⁥MdN/d\log M is well fit with a power law of the mass with exponent -0.6 (or equivalently dN/dM∝M−1.6dN/dM \propto M^{-1.6}). The derived exponent is similar to those obtained from molecular line emission surveys and is significantly different from that of the stellar initial mass function. We investigated changes in the mass spectrum by changing the assumptions on the temperature distribution of the clumps and on the contribution of free-free emission to the 1.2 mm emission, and found little changes on the exponent. The Cumulative Mass Distribution Function is also analyzed giving consistent results in a mass range excluding the high-mass end where a power-law fit is no longer valid. The masses and sizes of the clumps observed in NGC 6334 indicate that they are not direct progenitors of stars and that the process of fragmentation determines the distribution of masses later on or occurs at smaller spatial scales. The spatial distribution of the clumps in NGC 6334 reveals clustering which is strikingly similar to that exhibited by young stars in other star forming regions. A power law fit to the surface density of companions gives Σ∝ξ−0.62\Sigma\propto \theta^{-0.62}.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa
