95 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the article is to study the principles of managing staff working time to reduce costs and increase efficiency, optimize labor processes, manage and predict the workload of staff, and implement methods and tools to improve efficiency. The article describes the main prerequisites for the implementation of the Workforce Management system (WFM), which is a methodology for planning employees’ working hours, which is a component of the personnel management concept. As a metric for evaluating the effect of using WFM systems, the planned or actual number of employees` hours per month is used – a comparison of the planned schedules before and after using the system is made. The effect of implementing WFM is as follows: increased staff efficiency, improved service level, revenue growth as a result of lower costs and more competent traffic coverage, increased staff involvement and saving management time

    A doublet of cosmic-ray events with primary energies >10^20 eV

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    The Telescope Array Collaboration has observed a cosmic-ray event with estimated primary energy of 1.38*10^20 eV whose arrival direction coincides (see arxiv:1205.5984), given the angular resolution of 1.5 deg, with that of an event with estimated primary energy of 1.23*10^20 eV observed by the Pierre Auger Observatory. The total number of events with energies >10^20 eV published by both experiments is six. I estimate the statistical significance of the doublet, which is rather weak, and point out that the arrival directions of events in the doublet coincide with the Galactic X-ray source Aql X-1.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to JETP Letters; v.2: a misprint correcte

    Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray production in the polar cap regions of black hole magnetospheres

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    We develop a model of ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) production via acceleration in a rotation-induced electric field in vacuum gaps in the magnetospheres of supermassive black holes (BH). We show that if the poloidal magnetic field near the BH horizon is misaligned with the BH rotation axis, charged particles, which initially spiral into the BH hole along the equatorial plane, penetrate into the regions above the BH "polar caps" and are ejected with high energies to infinity. We show that in such a model acceleration of protons near a BH of typical mass 3e8 solar masses is possible only if the magnetic field is almost aligned with the BH rotation axis. We find that the power of anisotropic electromagnetic emission from an UHECR source near a supermassive BH should be at least 10-100 times larger then UHECR power of the source. This implies that if the number of UHECR sources within the 100 Mpc sphere is ~100, the power of electromagnetic emission which accompanies proton acceleration in each source, 10424310^{42-43} erg/s, is comparable to the typical luminosities of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the local Universe. We also explore the acceleration of heavy nuclei, for which the constraints on the electromagnetic luminosity and on the alignment of magnetic field in the gap are relaxed

    Comparative study of the pharmacological effects of Venarus Plus, Venarus, and Detralex on L-NAME-induced endothelial dysfunction, venous tone and platelet aggregation

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    In the present study we compared the pharmacological activity of Venarus Plus, Venarus and Detralex 1000 mg on the reversion of endothelial dysfunction (ED), and on the effect on venous tone, vascular permeability, and platelet aggregation. We used 150 Wistar male rats, weighing 180-220 g, and 80 adult albino rabbits weighing 2800 - 3200

    "Head-to-head" and "tail-to-tail" 180-degree domain walls in an isolated ferroelectric

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    "Head-to-head" and "tail-to-tail" 180-degree domain-walls in a finite isolated ferroelectric sample are theoretically studied using Landau theory. The full set of equations, suitable for numerical calculations is developed. The explicit expressions for the polarization profile across the walls are derived for several limiting cases and wall-widths are estimated. It is shown analytically that different regimes of screening and different dependences for width of charged domain walls on the temperature and parameters of the system are possible, depending on spontaneous polarization and concentration of carriers in the material. It is shown that the half-width of charged domain walls in typical perovskites is about the nonlinear Thomas-Fermi screening-length and about one order of magnitude larger than the half-width of neutral domain-walls. The formation energies of "head-to-head" walls under different regimes of screening are obtained, neglecting the poling ability of the surface. It is shown that either "head-to-head" or "tail-to-tail" configuration can be energetically favorable in comparison with the monodomain state of the ferroelectric if the poling ability of the surface is large enough. If this is not the case, the existence of charged domain walls in bulk ferroelectrics is merely a result of the domain-growth kinetics. Size-effect corresponding to the competition between state with charged domain wall, single domain state, multidomain state, and the state with the zero polarization is considered. The results obtained for the case of an isolated ferroelectric sample were compared with the results for an electroded sample. It was shown that charged domain wall in electroded sample can be either metastable or stable, depends on the work function difference between electrodes and ferroelectric and the poling ability of the electrode/ferroelectric interface.Comment: 47 pages, 10 figure

    Определение рациональных компоновочных решений для аппарата воздушного охлаждения масла систем смазки компрессорных установок с использованием методов физического и численного моделирования

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    The objective of the present work was to study heat and hydraulic parameters of an air cooling apparatus of oil (ACAO), whose geometry of its flow-through part is changed to decrease hydraulic losses in its air conduit and to increase the cooling efficiency of oil. Using numerical simulation methods of heat transfer, we have developed and tested the computational techniques applied in a wide class of heat exchange apparatuses, including those consisting of the sections of finned flat tubes manufactured by extrusion with subsequent deforming cutting. We have proposed to make a finned part of a heat-exchange surface in the form of porous inserts. This has allowed us to reduce numerical simulation equipment requirements and to decrease computational time. Predicted results well agree with experimental data; their analysis shows that the calculated value of thermal performance of the oil cooler due to the revealed construction drawbacks of the air conduit is by 19 % less than that of the designed one. Based on the results of the numerical simulation studies, a number of recommendations have been made how to improve the layout inside the air cooling apparatus for oil in order to enhance its thermal performance and aerodynamic quality. In particular, we have proposed to mount new fan blades to enhance its performance; to change the construction of the air outlet valve by taking away a baffle that partially overshadows the exit area of the bottom fan; to modify the shape of the bottom collector of the oil cooler in order to make a uniform velocity profile at the entrance of cooling sections. Connecting in series heat exchange sections may be a perspective engineering decision. The outcomes of all proposed engineering decisions can be assessed by numerical simulation methods that will allow us not to design expensive equipment.С помощью методов численного моделирования исследованы тепло- и гидравлические параметры аппаратов воздушного охлаждения масла (АВОМ) при изменении геометрии проточной части для снижения аэродинамического сопротивления воздушного тракта АВОМ и повышения эффективности охлаждения масла. Для этого на основе методов численного моделирования конвективного теплообмена разработана и апробирована методика расчетов, применимая к широкому классу теплообменных аппаратов, в том числе состоящих из секций оребренных плоских труб, полученных методом экструзии с последующей обработкой методом деформирующего резания. Отличительной особенностью методики является представление оребренной части теплопередающей поверхности в виде пористых вставок. Разработанная методика позволяет уменьшить требования к оборудованию для численного моделирования и снизить время расчетов. Результаты численного моделирования хорошо согласуются с результатами эксперимента; их анализ показывает, что тепловая мощность маслоохладителя вследствие выявленных конструктивных недостатков воздушного тракта АВОМ на 19 % меньше проектного значения. На основе численных исследований выработан ряд рекомендаций по дальнейшему совершенствованию компоновочных решений для аппарата воздушного охлаждения масла с целью повышения его тепловой эффективности и аэродинамического совершенства. В частности, предложено установить новые лопатки вентиляторов для повышения их производительности; изменить конструкцию выходного воздушного клапана (жалюзи), исключив перегородку, частично затеняющую проходное сечение нижнего вентилятора; изменить форму нижнего коллектора маслоохладителя с целью обеспечения равномерного профиля скорости на входе в охлаждающие секции. Перспективным техническим решением, приводящим к увеличению общей производительности маслоохладителя, может быть последовательная схема подключения теплообменных секций. Эффективность всех предложенных технических решений может быть оценена с помощью методов численного моделирования, без создания дорогостоящей пилотной установки

    The ART-XC telescope on board the SRG observatory

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    ART-XC (Astronomical Roentgen Telescope - X-ray Concentrator) is the hard X-ray instrument with grazing incidence imaging optics on board the Spektr-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) observatory. The SRG observatory is the flagship astrophysical mission of the Russian Federal Space Program, which was successively launched into orbit around the second Lagrangian point (L2) of the Earth-Sun system with a Proton rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome on 13 July 2019. The ART-XC telescope will provide the first ever true imaging all-sky survey performed with grazing incidence optics in the 4-30 keV energy band and will obtain the deepest and sharpest map of the sky in the energy range of 4-12 keV. Observations performed during the early calibration and performance verification phase as well as during the on-going all-sky survey that started on 12 Dec. 2019 have demonstrated that the in-flight characteristics of the ART-XC telescope are very close to expectations based on the results of ground calibrations. Upon completion of its 4-year all-sky survey, ART-XC is expected to detect ~5000 sources (~3000 active galactic nuclei, including heavily obscured ones, several hundred clusters of galaxies, ~1000 cataclysmic variables and other Galactic sources), and to provide a high-quality map of the Galactic background emission in the 4-12 keV energy band. ART-XC is also well suited for discovering transient X-ray sources. In this paper, we describe the telescope, results of its ground calibrations, major aspects of the mission, the in-flight performance of ART-XC and first scientific results.Comment: 19 pages, 30 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Field induced single ion magnet based on a quasi octahedral Co ii complex with mixed sulfur oxygen coordination environment

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    Synthesis and characterization of structure and magnetic properties of the quasi octahedral complex pipH2 [Co TDA 2] 2H2O I , pipH22 piperazine dication, TDA2 amp; 8722; thiodiacetic anion are described. X ray diffraction studies reveal the first coordination sphere of the Co II ion, consisting of two chelating tridentate TDA ligands with a mixed sulfur oxygen strongly elongated octahedral coordination environment. SQUID magnetometry, frequency domain Fourier transform FD FT THz EPR spectroscopy, and high level ab initio SA CASSCF NEVPT2 quantum chemical calculations reveal a strong easy plane type magnetic anisotropy D amp; 8776; 54 cm amp; 8722;1 of complex I. The complex shows field induced slow relaxation of magnetization at an applied DC field of 1000 O

    The eROSITA X-ray telescope on SRG

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    eROSITA (extended ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array) is the primary instrument on the Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) mission, which was successfully launched on July 13, 2019, from the Baikonour cosmodrome. After the commissioning of the instrument and a subsequent calibration and performance verification phase, eROSITA started a survey of the entire sky on December 13, 2019. By the end of 2023, eight complete scans of the celestial sphere will have been performed, each lasting six months. At the end of this program, the eROSITA all-sky survey in the soft X-ray band (0.2-2.3 keV) will be about 25 times more sensitive than the ROSAT All-Sky Survey, while in the hard band (2.3-8 keV) it will provide the first ever true imaging survey of the sky. The eROSITA design driving science is the detection of large samples of galaxy clusters up to redshifts z > 1 in order to study the large-scale structure of the universe and test cosmological models including Dark Energy. In addition, eROSITA is expected to yield a sample of a few million AGNs, including obscured objects, revolutionizing our view of the evolution of supermassive black holes. The survey will also provide new insights into a wide range of astrophysical phenomena, including X-ray binaries, active stars, and diffuse emission within the Galaxy. Results from early observations, some of which are presented here, confirm that the performance of the instrument is able to fulfil its scientific promise. With this paper, we aim to give a concise description of the instrument, its performance as measured on ground, its operation in space, and also the first results from in-orbit measurements