164 research outputs found

    Quantum effects on Higgs-strahlung events at Linear Colliders within the general 2HDM

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    The associated production of neutral Higgs bosons with the Z gauge boson is investigated in the context of the future linear colliders, such as the ILC and CLIC, within the general two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM). We compute the corresponding production cross-sections at one-loop, in full consistency with the available theoretical and phenomenological constraints. We find that the wave-function renormalization corrections to the external Higgs fields are the dominant source of the quantum effects, which turn out to be large and negative, and located predominantly in the region around \tan\beta=1 and moderate values of the parameter \lambda_5 (being \lambda_5 < 0). This behavior can be ultimately traced back to the enhancement potential of the triple Higgs boson self-couplings, a trademark feature of the 2HDM with no counterpart in the Higgs sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. The predicted Higgs-strahlung rates comfortably reach a few tens of femtobarn, which means barely 10^3 - 10^4 events per 500 inverse femtobarn of integrated luminosity. Due to their great complementarity, we argue that the combined analysis of the Higgs-strahlung events and the previously computed one-loop Higgs-pair production processes could be instrumental to probe the structure of the Higgs sector at future linac facilities.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, 9 Figures, 2 Tables. Extended discussion, references added, matches published version in Phys. Rev.

    One-loop Higgs boson production at the Linear Collider within the general two-Higgs-doublet model: e+e− versus γγ

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    present an updated overview on the phenomenology of one-loop Higgs boson production at Linear Colliders within the general Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM). First we report on the Higgs boson pair production, and associated Higgs-Z boson production, at O(α3ew) from e+e− collisions. These channels furnish cross-sections in the range of 10–100 fb for √s = 0.5TeV and exhibit potentially large radiative corrections (|δr| ∼ 50%), whose origin can be traced back to the genuine enhancement capabilities of the triple Higgs boson self-interactions. Next we consider the loop-induced production of a single Higgs boson from direct γγ scattering. We single out sizable departures from the expected γγ → h rates in the Standard Model, which are again correlated to trademark dynamical features of the 2HDM—namely the balance of the non-standard Higgs/gauge, Higgs/fermion and Higgs self-interactions, which leads to sizable (destructive) interference effects. This pattern of quantum effects is unmatched in the MSSM, and could hence provide distinctive footprints of non-supersymmetric Higgs boson physics. Both calculations are revisited within a common, brought-to-date framework and include, in particular, the most stringent bounds from unitarity and flavor physics

    Prevalencia de las complicaciones del tratamiento antiparkinsoniano: Revisión sistemática y estimación de proyecciones

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    Introducción. El desarrollo de la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) presenta diferentes complicaciones derivadas de la propia enfermedad, pero también de su tratamiento. La aparición de efectos adversos con el uso de antiparkinsonianos es común y su manejo es complicado, por lo que se hace necesario determinar el impacto epidemiológico de estos problemas relacionados con los medicamentos antiparkinsonianos. Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia de los efectos adversos del tratamiento de los síntomas motores de la EP y su posible impacto a largo plazo. Pacientes y métodos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática en bases de datos biomédicas desde el año 2004; se seleccionaron los estudios más relevantes y se identificaron las frecuencias de los efectos adversos más comunes. Se proyectaron los datos obtenidos para estimar su impacto a largo plazo. Resultados. Se identificaron 218 estudios, de los cuales 24 fueron seleccionados para la revisión. Se obtuvieron datos para 20 tipos de complicaciones del tratamiento antiparkinsoniano, entre las que se encuentran problemas cardiíacos, edemas y síntomas neuropsiquiátricos. Conclusión. Las estimaciones realizadas indican que el número de pacientes de EP y, consecuentemente, la prevalencia de los efectos adversos de los tratamientos antiparkinsonianos pueden duplicarse en el año 2050. Palabras clave. Complicaciones. Efectos adversos. Enfermedad de Parkinson. Epidemiologi´a. Revisio´n sistemática. Tratamiento antiparkinsoniano

    Single top-quark production by strong and electroweak supersymmetric flavor-changing interactions at the LHC

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    (Abridged) We report on a complete study of the single top-quark production by direct supersymmetric flavor-changing neutral-current (FCNC) processes at the LHC. The total cross section for pp(gg)->t\bar{c}+\bar{t}c is computed at the 1-loop order within the unconstrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The present study extends the results of the supersymmetric strong effects (SUSY-QCD), which were advanced by some of us in a previous work, and includes the computation of the full supersymmetric electroweak corrections (SUSY-EW). Our analysis of pp(gg)->t\bar{c}+\bar{t}c in the MSSM has been performed in correspondence with the stringent low-energy constraints from b->s gamma. In the most favorable scenarios, the SUSY-QCD contribution can give rise to production rates of around 10^5 events per 100 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity. Furthermore, we show that there exist regions of the MSSM parameter space where the SUSY-EW correction becomes sizeable. In the SUSY-EW favored regions, one obtains lower, but still appreciable, event production rates that can reach the 10^3 level for the same range of integrated luminosity. We study also the possible reduction in the maximum event rate obtained from the full MSSM contribution if we additionally include the constraints from B^0_s-\bar{B}^0_s. In view of the fact that the FCNC production of heavy quark pairs of different flavors is extremely suppressed in the SM, the detection of a significant number of these events could lead to evidence of new physics -- of likely supersymmetric origin.Comment: LaTex, 35 pages, typos corrected. Version accepted in JHE

    The Origin of Antibunching in Resonance Fluorescence

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    Epitaxial quantum dots have emerged as one of the best single-photon sources, not only for applications in photonic quantum technologies but also for testing fundamental properties of quantum optics. One intriguing observation in this area is the scattering of photons with subnatural linewidth from a two-level system under resonant continuous wave excitation. In particular, an open question is whether these subnatural linewidth photons exhibit simultaneously antibunching as an evidence of single-photon emission. Here, we demonstrate that this simultaneous observation of subnatural linewidth and antibunching is not possible with simple resonant excitation. First, we independently confirm single-photon character and subnatural linewidth by demonstrating antibunching in a Hanbury Brown and Twiss type setup and using high-resolution spectroscopy, respectively. However, when filtering the coherently scattered photons with filter bandwidths on the order of the homogeneous linewidth of the excited state of the two-level system, the antibunching dip vanishes in the correlation measurement. Our experimental work is consistent with recent theoretical findings, that explain antibunching from photon-interferences between the coherent scattering and a weak incoherent signal in a skewed squeezed state.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Origin of antibunching in resonance fluorescence

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    Resonance fluorescence has played a major role in quantum optics with predictions and later experimental confirmation of nonclassical features of its emitted light such as antibunching or squeezing. In the Rayleigh regime where most of the light originates from the scattering of photons with subnatural linewidth, antibunching would appear to coexist with sharp spectral lines. Here, we demonstrate that this simultaneous observation of subnatural linewidth and antibunching is not possible with simple resonant excitation. Using an epitaxial quantum dot for the two-level system, we independently confirm the single-photon character and subnatural linewidth by demonstrating antibunching in a Hanbury Brown and Twiss type setup and using high-resolution spectroscopy, respectively. However, when filtering the coherently scattered photons with filter bandwidths on the order of the homogeneous linewidth of the excited state of the two-level system, the antibunching dip vanishes in the correlation measurement. Our observation is explained by antibunching originating from photon-interferences between the coherent scattering and a weak incoherent signal in a skewed squeezed state. This prefigures schemes to achieve simultaneous subnatural linewidth and antibunched emissio

    Experimental analysis of direct thermal methane cracking

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    The analysis of the viability of Hydrogen production without CO2 emissions is one of the most challenging activities that have been initiated for a sustainable energy supply. As one of the tracks to fulfil such objective, direct methane cracking has been analysed experimentally to assess the scientific viability and reaction characterization in a broad temperature range, from 875 to 1700 ?C. The effect of temperature, sweeping/carrier gas fraction proposed in some concepts, methane flow rate, residence time, and tube material and porosity has been analysed. The aggregation of carbon black particles to the reaction tube is the main technological show-stopper that has been identified

    Does zero temperature decide on the nature of the electroweak phase transition?

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    Taking on a new perspective of the electroweak phase transition, we investigate in detail the role played by the depth of the electroweak minimum (“vacuum energy difference”). We find a strong correlation between the vacuum energy difference and the strength of the phase transition. This correlation only breaks down if a negative eigen-value develops upon thermal corrections in the squared scalar mass matrix in the broken vacuum before the critical temperature. As a result the scalar fields slide across field space toward the symmetric vacuum, often causing a significantly weakened phase transition. Phenomenological constraints are found to strongly disfavour such sliding scalar scenarios. For several popular models, we suggest numerical bounds that guarantee a strong first order electroweak phase transition. The zero temperature phenomenology can then be studied in these parameter regions without the need for any finite temperature calculations. For almost all non-supersymmetric models with phenomenologically viable parameter points, we find a strong phase transition is guaranteed if the vacuum energy difference is greater than −8.8 × 107 GeV4. For the GNMSSM, we guarantee a strong phase transition for phenomenologically viable parameter points if the vacuum energy difference is greater than −6.9×107 GeV4. Alternatively, we capture more of the parameter space exhibiting a strong phase transition if we impose a simultaneous bound on the vacuum energy difference and the singlet mass

    Mutational spectrum of GNAL, THAP1 and TOR1A genes in isolated dystonia: study in a population from Spain and systematic literature review

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    [Objective] We aimed to investigate the prevalence of TOR1A, GNAL and THAP1 variants as the cause of dystonia in a cohort of Spanish patients with isolated dystonia and in the literature.[Methods] A population of 2028 subjects (including 1053 patients with different subtypes of isolated dystonia and 975 healthy controls) from southern and central Spain was included. The genes TOR1A, THAP1 and GNAL were screened using a combination of high-resolution melting analysis and direct DNA resequencing. In addition, an extensive literature search to identify original articles (published before 10 August 2020) reporting mutations in TOR1A, THAP1 or GNAL associated to dystonia was performed.[Results] Pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in TOR1A, THAP1 and GNAL were identified in 0.48%, 0.57% and 0.29% of our patients, respectively. Five patients carried the variation p.Glu303del in TOR1A. A very rare variant in GNAL (p.Ser238Asn) was found as a putative risk factor for dystonia. In the literature, variations in TOR1A, THAP1 and GNAL accounted for about 6%, 1.8% and 1.1% of published dystonia patients, respectively.[Conclusions] There is a different genetic contribution to dystonia of these three genes in our patients (about 1.3% of patients) and in the literature (about 3.6% of patients), probably due the high proportion of adult-onset cases in our cohort. As regards age at onset, site of dystonia onset, and final distribution, in our population there is a clear differentiation between DYT-TOR1A and DYT-GNAL, with DYT-THAP1 likely to be an intermediate phenotype.This work was supported by the Carlos III Health Institute-European Regional Development Fund (ISCIII-FEDER) [PI14/01823, PI16/01575, PI18/01898, PI19/01576], the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Economics, Innovation, Science and Employment [CVI-02526, CTS-7685], the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health and Welfare [PI-0741-2010, PI-0471-2013, PE-0210-2018, PI-0459-2018, PE-0186-2019], and the Alicia Koplowitz and Mutua Madrileña Foundations. Pilar Gómez-Garre was supported by the "Miguel Servet" program [MSII14/00018] (from ISCIII-FEDER) and “Nicolás Monardes” program [C-0048-2017] (from the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health). Silvia Jesús was supported by the "Juan Rodés" program [B-0007-2019] and Daniel Macías-García by the “Río Hortega” program [CM18/00142] (both from ISCIII-FEDER). María Teresa Periñán was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education [FPU16/05061]. Cristina Tejera was supported by VPPI-US from the University of Seville.Peer reviewe