91 research outputs found

    A Microbe Associated with Sleep Revealed by a Novel Systems Genetic Analysis of the Microbiome in Collaborative Cross Mice.

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    The microbiome influences health and disease through complex networks of host genetics, genomics, microbes, and environment. Identifying the mechanisms of these interactions has remained challenging. Systems genetics in laboratory mice (Mus musculus) enables data-driven discovery of biological network components and mechanisms of host-microbial interactions underlying disease phenotypes. To examine the interplay among the whole host genome, transcriptome, and microbiome, we mapped QTL and correlated the abundance of cecal messenger RNA, luminal microflora, physiology, and behavior in a highly diverse Collaborative Cross breeding population. One such relationship, regulated by a variant on chromosome 7, was the association of Odoribacter (Bacteroidales) abundance and sleep phenotypes. In a test of this association in the BKS.Cg-Dock7m +/+ Leprdb/J mouse model of obesity and diabetes, known to have abnormal sleep and colonization by Odoribacter, treatment with antibiotics altered sleep in a genotype-dependent fashion. The many other relationships extracted from this study can be used to interrogate other diseases, microbes, and mechanisms

    Turning Males On: Activation of Male Courtship Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster

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    The innate sexual behaviors of Drosophila melanogaster males are an attractive system for elucidating how complex behavior patterns are generated. The potential for male sexual behavior in D. melanogaster is specified by the fruitless (fru) and doublesex (dsx) sex regulatory genes. We used the temperature-sensitive activator dTRPA1 to probe the roles of fruM- and dsx-expressing neurons in male courtship behaviors. Almost all steps of courtship, from courtship song to ejaculation, can be induced at very high levels through activation of either all fruM or all dsx neurons in solitary males. Detailed characterizations reveal different roles for fruM and dsx in male courtship. Surprisingly, the system for mate discrimination still works well when all dsx neurons are activated, but is impaired when all fruM neurons are activated. Most strikingly, we provide evidence for a fruM-independent courtship pathway that is primarily vision dependent

    ppk23-Dependent Chemosensory Functions Contribute to Courtship Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Insects utilize diverse families of ion channels to respond to environmental cues and control mating, feeding, and the response to threats. Although degenerin/epithelial sodium channels (DEG/ENaC) represent one of the largest families of ion channels in Drosophila melanogaster, the physiological functions of these proteins are still poorly understood. We found that the DEG/ENaC channel ppk23 is expressed in a subpopulation of sexually dimorphic gustatory-like chemosensory bristles that are distinct from those expressing feeding-related gustatory receptors. Disrupting ppk23 or inhibiting activity of ppk23-expressing neurons did not alter gustatory responses. Instead, blocking ppk23-positive neurons or mutating the ppk23 gene delayed the initiation and reduced the intensity of male courtship. Furthermore, mutations in ppk23 altered the behavioral response of males to the female-specific aphrodisiac pheromone 7(Z), 11(Z)-Heptacosadiene. Together, these data indicate that ppk23 and the cells expressing it play an important role in the peripheral sensory system that determines sexual behavior in Drosophila

    Sirtuin Deacetylases as Therapeutic Targets in the Nervous System

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    Partial blindness to submicron topography in NF1 haploinsufficient cultured fibroblasts indicates a new function of neurofibromin in regulation of mechanosensoric

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    Cells sense physical properties of their extracellular environment and translate them into biochemical signals. In this study, cell responses to surfaces with submicron topographies were investigated in cultured human NF1 haploinsufficient fibroblasts. Age-matched fibroblasts from 8 patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1(+/−)) and 9 controls (NF1(+/+)) were cultured on surfaces with grooves of 200 nm height and lateral distance of 2 μm. As cellular response indicator, the mean cell orientation along microstructured grooves was systematically examined. The tested NF1 haploinsufficient fibroblasts were significantly less affected by the topography than those from healthy donors. Incubation of the NF1(+/−) fibroblasts with the farnesyltransferase inhibitor FTI-277 and other inhibitors of the neurofibromin pathway ameliorates significantly the cell orientation. These data indicate that NF1 haploinsufficiency results in an altered response to specific surface topography in fibroblasts. We suggest a new function of neurofibromin in the sensoric mechanism to topographies and a partial mechanosensoric blindness by NF1 haploinsufficiency

    Aberrant Single Exon Skipping is not Altered by Age in Exons of NF1, RABAC1, AATF or PCGF2 in Human Blood Cells and Fibroblasts

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    In human pre-mRNA splicing, infrequent errors occur resulting in erroneous splice products as shown in a genome-wide approach. One characteristic subgroup consists of products lacking one cassette exon. The noise in the splicing process, represented by those misspliced products, can be increased by cold shock treatment or by inhibiting the nonsense mediated decay. Here, we investigated whether the splicing noise frequency increases with age in vivo in peripheral bloods cells or in vitro in cultured and aged fibroblasts from healthy donors. Splicing noise frequency was measured for four erroneously skipped NF1 exons and one exon of RABAC1, AATF and PCGF2 by RT-qPCR. Measurements were validated in cultured fibroblasts treated with cold shock or puromycin. Intragenic but not interpersonal differences were detected in splicing noise frequencies in vivo in peripheral blood cells of 11 healthy donors (15 y–85 y) and in in vitro senescent fibroblasts from three further donors. No correlation to the age of the donors was found in the splicing noise frequencies. Our data demonstrates that splicing error frequencies are not altered by age in peripheral blood cells or in vitro aged fibroblasts in the tested exons of the four investigated genes, indicating a high importance of correct splicing in these proliferating aged cells