1,020 research outputs found

    Min-oscillations in Escherichia coli induced by interactions of membrane-bound proteins

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    During division it is of primary importance for a cell to correctly determine the site of cleavage. The bacterium Escherichia coli divides in the center, producing two daughter cells of equal size. Selection of the center as the correct division site is in part achieved by the Min-proteins. They oscillate between the two cell poles and thereby prevent division at these locations. Here, a phenomenological description for these oscillations is presented, where lateral interactions between proteins on the cell membrane play a key role. Solutions to the dynamic equations are compared to experimental findings. In particular, the temporal period of the oscillations is measured as a function of the cell length and found to be compatible with the theoretical prediction.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Physical Biolog

    Pension Provision of “Special Types of Service” in System of State Apparatus of Russian Empire

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    The issue of the history of pension provision for “special types of service” in the Russian Empire is considered in the article. The provision of pensions for these categories of civil servants is seen as an important part of the government’s policy to stabilize the state apparatus. Attention is paid to the rules for assigning pensions to employees of departments: mining, communications, forestry, customs, court, educational and scientific. The results of a comparative analysis of pensions of these categories of employees with pensions of civil (and in some cases military) employees under the Pension Regulations of 1827 are presented. The privileged position of employees of “special types of services” in relation to other civil and military employees is shown. The question is raised about the history and causes of this privileged position. The novelty of the study is in the fact that for the first time the history of pension provision for special categories of civil servants is considered in a comprehensive manner. It has been proven that the privileged position of these categories of employees was a way to recruit for service in industries that required special qualifications or were distinguished by difficult conditions

    Expenditures on Pensions and Benefits in State Budget of Russian Empire in 19th to Early 20th Century

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    The article deals with the issue of the place of expenditures for the payment of pensions and benefits in the structure of public expenditures of the Russian Empire. It is shown that the amount of expenditures on pensions in absolute terms constantly increased (from 1741 to 1913 by more than 13 times). Since the amount of pensions paid, determined by the Pension statute of 1827, remained unchanged until 1917, this growth was determined by a constant increase in the number of pension recipients. This increase was due to an increase in the number of civil servants. At the same time, the share of expenditures on pensions and benefits in the expenditure part of the budget of the Russian Empire (“ordinary expenses”) fluctuated, reaching a maximum (5.1%) in 1871 and a minimum (2.3%) in 1903-1904. These fluctuations were determined by changes in the amount of the expenditure part of the empire’s budget, which increased noticeably by the beginning of the 20th century. On the whole, expenditures on pension provision accounted for a significant part of budget expenditures, exceeding such significant expenditure items as, for example, the expenditures of the Ministry of Public Education or the Ministry of State Property (Ministry of Agriculture and State Property, Main Directorate of Land Management and Agriculture), although they were inferior to the expenditures of the Military Department. The insufficiency of the size of pensions, due to their invariability, was combined with the burdensomeness of pension expenditures for the state, but a radical reform of the pension system did not take place

    Dynamic compartmentalization of bacteria: accurate division in E. coli

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    Positioning of the midcell division plane within the bacterium E. coli is controlled by the min system of proteins: MinC, MinD and MinE. These proteins coherently oscillate from end to end of the bacterium. We present a reaction--diffusion model describing the diffusion of min proteins along the bacterium and their transfer between the cytoplasmic membrane and cytoplasm. Our model spontaneously generates protein oscillations in good agreement with experiments. We explore the oscillation stability, frequency and wavelength as a function of protein concentration and bacterial length.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Latex2e, Revtex

    Mechanisms of Cadmium Mobility and Accumulation in Indian Mustard

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    Detection of gravity modes in the massive binary V380 Cyg from Kepler spacebased photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy

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    We report the discovery of low-amplitude gravity-mode oscillations in the massive binary star V380 Cyg, from 180 d of Kepler custom-aperture space photometry and 5 months of high-resolution high signal-to-noise spectroscopy. The new data are of unprecedented quality and allowed to improve the orbital and fundamental parameters for this binary. The orbital solution was subtracted from the photometric data and led to the detection of periodic intrinsic variability with frequencies of which some are multiples of the orbital frequency and others are not. Spectral disentangling allowed the detection of line-profile variability in the primary. With our discovery of intrinsic variability interpreted as gravity mode oscillations, V380 Cyg becomes an important laboratory for future seismic tuning of the near-core physics in massive B-type stars.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    A person-centered approach to understanding negative reinforcement drinking among first year college students [post-print]

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    The current study used a person-centered approach (i.e. latent profile analysis) to identify distinct types of college student drinkers based on the predictions of motivational, social learning, and stress and coping theories of maladaptive drinking. A large sample (N = 844; 53% female) of first-year undergraduates from two institutions, public and private, who reported consuming one or more drinks in the last three months completed measures of depressive and anxiety symptoms, positive alcohol-outcome expectancies, negative life events, social support, drinking motives, drinking level and drinking-related problems. Latent profile analysis revealed a small subgroup of individuals (n = 81, 9%) who conformed to the anticipated high-risk profile; specifically, this group demonstrated high levels of negative affect, coping motives, drinks per week, and drinking-related problems. However, additional groups emerged that showed patterns inconsistent with the proposed vulnerability profile (e.g., high negative affect, positive expectancies, and negative life events, but relatively low drinking levels). Findings from our person-centered approach showing the presence of groups both consistent and inconsistent with the predictions of motivational, social learning, and stress and coping theories highlight the need to identify and target certain college students for prevention and intervention of negative affect-related drinking

    Mass ratio from Doppler beaming and R{\o}mer delay versus ellipsoidal modulation in the Kepler data of KOI-74

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    We present a light curve analysis and radial velocity study of KOI-74, an eclipsing A star + white dwarf binary with a 5.2 day orbit. Aside from new spectroscopy covering the orbit of the system, we used 212 days of publicly available Kepler observations and present the first complete light curve fitting to these data, modelling the eclipses and transits, ellipsoidal modulation, reflection, and Doppler beaming. Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations are used to determine the system parameters and uncertainty estimates. Our results are in agreement with earlier studies, except that we find an inclination of 87.0 \pm 0.4\degree, which is significantly lower than the previously published value. We find that the mass ratio derived from the radial velocity amplitude (q=0.104 \pm 0.004) disagrees with that derived from the ellipsoidal modulation (q=0.052 \pm 0.004} assuming corotation). This was found before, but with our smaller inclination, the discrepancy is even larger than previously reported. Accounting for the rapid rotation of the A-star is found to increase the discrepancy even further by lowering the mass ratio to q=0.047 \pm 0.004. These results indicate that one has to be extremely careful in using the amplitude of an ellipsoidal modulation signal in a close binary to determine the mass ratio, when a proof of corotation is not firmly established. The radial velocities that can be inferred from the detected Doppler beaming in the light curve are found to be in agreement with our spectroscopic radial velocity determination. We also report the first measurement of R{\o}mer delay in a light curve of a compact binary. This delay amounts to -56 \pm 17 s and is consistent with the mass ratio derived from the radial velocity amplitude. The firm establishment of this mass ratio at q=0.104 \pm 0.004 leaves little doubt that the companion of KOI-74 is a low mass white dwarf.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Relativistic Effects in the Electromagnetic Current at GeV Energies

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    We employ a recent approach to the non-relativistic reduction of the electromagnetic current operator in calculations of electronuclear reactions. In contrast to the traditional scheme, where approximations are made for the transferred momentum, transferred energy and initial momentum of the struck nucleon in obtaining an on-shell inspired form for the current, we treat the problem exactly for the transferred energy and transferred momentum. We calculate response functions for the reaction 2H(e,ep)n^2H(e,e'p)n at CEBAF (TJNAF) energies and find large relativistic corrections. We also show that in Plane Wave Impulse Approximation, it is always possible to use the full operator, and we present a comparison of such a limiting case with the results incorporating relativistic effects to the first order in the initial momentum of the struck nucleon.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures, Revte

    fMRI Response During Figural Memory Task Performance in College Drinkers [pre-print]

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    Rationale: 18-25-year-olds show the highest rates of alcohol use disorders (AUD) and heavy drinking, which may have critical neurocognitive implications. Regions subserving memory may be particularly susceptible to alcohol-related impairments. Objective: We used blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the neural correlates of visual encoding and recognition among heavy drinking college students. We predicted that heavy drinkers would show worse memory performance and increased frontal/parietal activation and decreased hippocampal response during encoding. Methods: Participants were 23 heavy drinkers and 33 demographically matched light drinkers, ages 18-20, characterized using quantity/frequency of drinking and AUD diagnosis. Participants performed a figural encoding and recognition task during fMRI. BOLD response during encoding was modeled based on whether each stimulus was subsequently recognized or forgotten (i.e., correct vs. incorrect encoding). Results: There were no group differences in behavioral performance. Compared to light drinkers, heavy drinkers showed: 1) greater BOLD response during correct encoding in right hippocampus/medial temporal, right dorsolateral prefrontal, left inferior frontal, and bilateral posterior parietal cortices; 2) less left inferior frontal activation and greater bilateral precuneus deactivation during incorrect encoding; and 3) less bilateral insula response during correct recognition (clusters \u3e10,233ul, p Conclusions: This is the first investigation of the neural substrates of figural memory among heavy drinking older adolescents. Heavy drinkers demonstrated compensatory hyperactivation of memory-related areas during correct encoding, greater deactivation of default mode regions during incorrect encoding, and reduced recognition-related response. Results could suggest use of different encoding and recognition strategies among heavy drinkers