2,676 research outputs found

    Authorial Intent of Typological Writing in Judges

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    Judges is often deemed one of the darkest and most disordered eras in Israelite history. Despite the diverse and disturbing narratives, this book captures the covenantal patterns of God through the typological patterns intentionally recorded by the author. This dissertation asserts that the final form of Judges demonstrates literary connections through the land covenants, chiastic structuring, textual seams, and the microlevel narratives which underscore a typological intention by the author. Examining the book of Judges through a typological perspective allows the character of God to be understood through the seemingly incongruent narratives

    Metformin: a tool to better understand T cell mediated protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    2020 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.To view the abstract, please see the full text of the document

    Suppression of small scale dynamo action by an imposed magnetic field

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    Non-helical hydromagnetic turbulence with an externally imposed magnetic field is investigated using direct numerical simulations. It is shown that the imposed magnetic field lowers the spectral magnetic energy in the inertial range. This is explained by a suppression of the small scale dynamo. At large scales, however, the spectral magnetic energy increases with increasing imposed field strength for moderately strong fields, and decreases only slightly for even stronger fields. The presence of Alfven waves is explicitly confirmed by monitoring the evolution of magnetic field and velocity at one point. The frequency omega agrees with vA k1, where vA is the Alfven speed and k1 is the smallest wavenumber in the box.Comment: Final version (7 pages

    Survival, Reproductive Success, and Spread of Introduced Rio Grande Turkeys in Northeast Iowa

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    Thirty-nine Rio Grande wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) from Texas were introduced in the Yellow River State Forest, Allamakee County, Iowa, in the winter of 1960-61. The population was studied in three northeastern Iowa counties from June, 1966, through September, 1967; concentrated field studies were centered in and near the Paint Creek Unit of the forest. Adult turkeys appeared to tolerate the northeastern Iowa climate well, but poults may not be so tolerant. Although reproduction has occurred each year since the introduction, poult survival seemingly has been sporadic, possibly because of differences in weather conditions during the rearing seasons. Records indicate production was favorable for 1961, 1965, and 1967 compared with 1962, 1963, 1964, and 1966 when it seemed to be less so. The turkey population appeared to be rather stable by the end of the study but probably never has exceeded 100. Nevertheless, each year there has been a progressive extension of the turkeys\u27 known range. Sighting records have shown that the main inhabited turkey range was composed of 71 square miles in 1961, 100 in 1962, 108 in 1963, 139 in 1964, 149 in 1965, 316 in 1966, and 343 in 1966-67. Verified sightings have been made across the Mississippi River in Wisconsin and up to 41 miles from the release area in Iowa

    Winter Movement and Home Range of White-Tailed Deer at Pilot Knob State Park, Iowa

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    Home ranges of nine radio-equipped white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were determined during the winters of 1969-70 through 1971-72. For does and female fawns, the winter ranges varied from 145 to 307 acres, the major (longest) axes from 1.00 to 1.19 miles, and minimum daily movement from 0.78 to 1.00 mile. Home range sizes of adult does were more consistent than those of female fawns or bucks, varying from 198 to 215 acres. Their major (longest) axes ranged from 1.00 to 1.12 miles and minimum daily movement varied from 0.78 to 0.88 mile. Bucks exhibited the greatest variation in movement, with home ranges varying from 49 to 504 acres, major axes from 0.62 to 1.90 miles, and minimum daily movement, from 0.50 to 1.25 miles. Most major axes of movement led from the southeastern comer of the park, where deer bedded during daylight hours, to the croplands north of the western half of the park, where deer fed during nocturnal hours. The park provides one of few large stands of timber in a 4-county area. This timber serves as permanent cover and is used by deer for bedding during daylight. The park also serves as a refuge for deer which are highly vulnerable to hunting in the intensively farmed regions of Iowa

    Skylab imagery: Application to reservoir management in New England

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    The author has identified the following significant results. S190B imagery is superior to the LANDSAT imagery for land use mapping and is as useful for level 1 and 2 land use mapping as the RB-57/RC8 high altitude imagery. Detailed land use mapping at levels 3 and finer from satellite imagery requires better resolution. For evaluating factors that are required to determine volume runoff potentials in a watershed, the S190B imagery was found to be as useful as the RB-57/RC8 high altitude aircraft imagery

    Focused Crossed Andreev Reflection

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    We consider non-local transport in a system with one superconducting and two normal metal terminals. Electron focusing by weak perpendicular magnetic fields is shown to tune the ratio between crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) and electron transfer (ET) in the non-local current response. Additionally, electron focusing facilitates non-local signals between normal metal contacts where the separation is as large as the mean free path rather than being limited by the coherence length of the superconductor. CAR and ET can be selectively enhanced by modulating the magnetic field

    C-AGG, T-AGG, M-AGG: A model for building collaborative actions and common understanding on agricultural GHG mitigation

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    Inertial range scaling in numerical turbulence with hyperviscosity

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    Numerical turbulence with hyperviscosity is studied and compared with direct simulations using ordinary viscosity and data from wind tunnel experiments. It is shown that the inertial range scaling is similar in all three cases. Furthermore, the bottleneck effect is approximately equally broad (about one order of magnitude) in these cases and only its height is increased in the hyperviscous case--presumably as a consequence of the steeper decent of the spectrum in the hyperviscous subrange. The mean normalized dissipation rate is found to be in agreement with both wind tunnel experiments and direct simulations. The structure function exponents agree with the She-Leveque model. Decaying turbulence with hyperviscosity still gives the usual t^{-1.25} decay law for the kinetic energy, and also the bottleneck effect is still present and about equally strong.Comment: Final version (7 pages

    Samarbeid om tiltak ved bekymring for elever i skolen

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    Source at http://www.fpkf.no/tidsskrift/. Alle lærere som jobber i skolen opplever fra tid til annen bekymring for elever som av en eller annen grunn ikke greier å tilpasse seg klassen på en hensiktsmessig måte, eller som ikke utvikler seg i den retning en forventer. Det kan være flere forhold som kan bekymre en lærer. Utgangspunktet kan være at eleven tilkjennegir små og ganske diffuse signaler i form av tiltagende utagering eller at eleven framstår som mer innesluttet og engstelig enn vanlig. Mer spesifikt kan eleven framstå ukonsentrert eller framføre klager som vondt i hodet og lignende. At noe er bekymringsverdig kan også vise seg i form av fysiske tegn som blåmerker og sår. Blir eleven spurt hva dette skyldes, gis det ofte ulike forklaringer på hva årsaken er. Slike diffuse signaler kan føre til bekymring hos en lærer siden det kan være vanskelig å få tak i hva det er som forårsaker signalene. Det blir derfor viktig å undersøke årsaken til bekymringen. En lærer skal ikke være alene om bekymringer rundt elever, og det er derfor viktig at skolen som system har en handlingsplan for hvordan en skal håndtere slike bekymringer