1,857 research outputs found

    T. S. Eliot’s “Burnt Norton”: Past, Present, and Future

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    Critical interpretations of “Burnt Norton” have varied widely over the nearly 80 years since its first publication. While many early scholars saw it as an abstract meditation on philosophy, the revelation in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s of the relationship of Eliot and Emily Hale changed to some extent the way in which it is read, with more of a personal view, at least in its inspiration. Indeed, I suggest that “Burnt Norton” and specifically the rose garden passage presents the two figures in the poem at a moment fraught with the possibility of rekindling their earlier romance. Our knowledge of the subsequent poems and of the failure of the further development of their relationship greatly colors our reading of the poem, preventing us from seeing the tension and suspense of this experience as it balances between the attraction of human love and that of a demanding spiritual commitment

    The Brutal Truth about Police Brutality

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    Police brutality is a very timely issue as a new case has seemed to pop up every couple of weeks or so; however, police brutality is not a recent phenomenon, but for some reason, it is getting a lot of media attention today. This is perhaps due to the pattern that is occurring in these instances: black victims and white cops. In order to prevent police brutality from happening, several steps must be made to improve the way that police officers act and think in certain situations. First, it is important to teach officers how to properly handle the mentally ill. Different people need to be approached in different ways, especially those who are mentally ill or could be considered as such. Officers need to be patient, calm, and rational when encountering those who have a mental illness. Officers need to learn how to follow procedures, more specifically, when conducting raids. There needs to be tighter restrictions when obtaining no-knock warrants and the officers involved must have accurate intel. The body camera is a program that needs to be instilled in all departments across the country not only for the safety of the suspects and civilians but for the officers who wear them as well. Getting to the root of the problem, race needs to be addressed. The racial demographics of a particular department should correspond to the demographics of its city. This can help reduce the number of police brutality cases brought before police departments throughout the nation

    Marketing Gullah: Identity, Cultural Politics, and Tourism

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    This thesis represents an ethnographic study of the current situation of the South Carolina Gullah. Research was conducted during the summer of 1998 and 1999, in the Sea Island communities of Mt. Pleasant and St. Helena Island, to determine the ways in which local grassroots organizations are combating increased tourism, resort and retirement development, and the commoditization of their cultural heritage as a boost to state revenue. The sweetgrass basket weavers of Mt. Pleasant are situated within this struggle as the living legacy to their Gullah ancestry. Their insight is particularly enlightening concerning the current predicament of native Sea Islanders with respect to land ownership, the devastation of development, and the ways in which the traditional craft they have preserved is now being co-opted by others for economic benefit. Along with Mt. Pleasant, St. Helena Island is waging a war against the further destruction of Sea Island communities. The local inhabitants, under umbrella groups such as the Gullah/ Geechee Sea Island Coalition, are becoming influential on a local, national, and international level. Their involvement has prompted public policy which will ensure that their community be recognized as an area of cultural significance and, therefore, in need of preservation. Within the preservation effort these communities are experiencing internal conflict over whose ideas will serve to direct the future. This type of contestation also exists concerning the images which will serve to define Gullah culture. What does it mean to be Gullah in the twenty-first century? How will Gullah culture be impacted by increased tourism and resort development? How can the shared experiences of remaining Sea Island communities bring about cultural survival and accurate cultural representation? These are the paramount issues being addressed in this contemporary study of Gullah culture

    Brexit: A Harbinger of Change for The European Union

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    Receipt, Property tax, 25 January 1859

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    Brain-Related Chronic Pain Disorder Treatment Method and Apparatus

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    A method for treating brain-related chronic pain disorders in human subjects includes assessing the brain function of a subject suffering from chronic pain, diagnosing a chronic pain-related abnormal brain condition, and mitigating the abnormal brain activity by applying an electrical stimulation signal to tissues corresponding to at least one area of abnormal brain activity

    Resolution studies of cosmic-ray tracks in a TPC with GEM readout

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    A large volume TPC is a leading candidate for the central tracking detector at a future high energy linear collider. To improve the resolution a new readout based on micro-pattern gas detectors is being developed. Measurements of the spatial resolution of cosmic-ray tracks in a GEM TPC are presented. We find that the resolution suffers if the readout pads are too wide with respect to the charge distribution at the readout plane due to insufficient charge sharing. For narrow pads of 2 x 6 mm**2 we measure a resolution of 100 micometer at short drift distances in the absence of an axial magnetic field. The dependence of the spatial resolution as a function of drift distance allows the determination of the underlying electron statistics. Our results show that the present technique uses about half the statistical power available from the number of primary electrons. The track angle effect is observed as expected.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, version as published in Nucl. Inst. Met

    Evidence for a Time-Invariant Phase Variable in Human Ankle Control

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    Human locomotion is a rhythmic task in which patterns of muscle activity are modulated by state-dependent feedback to accommodate perturbations. Two popular theories have been proposed for the underlying embodiment of phase in the human pattern generator: a time-dependent internal representation or a time-invariant feedback representation (i.e., reflex mechanisms). In either case the neuromuscular system must update or represent the phase of locomotor patterns based on the system state, which can include measurements of hundreds of variables. However, a much simpler representation of phase has emerged in recent designs for legged robots, which control joint patterns as functions of a single monotonic mechanical variable, termed a phase variable. We propose that human joint patterns may similarly depend on a physical phase variable, specifically the heel-to-toe movement of the Center of Pressure under the foot. We found that when the ankle is unexpectedly rotated to a position it would have encountered later in the step, the Center of Pressure also shifts forward to the corresponding later position, and the remaining portion of the gait pattern ensues. This phase shift suggests that the progression of the stance ankle is controlled by a biomechanical phase variable, motivating future investigations of phase variables in human locomotor control.United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA grant W81XWH-09-2-0020)National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) (NIH award number F31NS074687)Burroughs Wellcome Fund (Career Award at the Scientific Interface

    Measurement of electron screening in muonic lead

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    Energies of the transitions between high-lying (n≄6) states of muonic lead were accurately determined. The results are interpreted as a ∌2% test of the electron screening. The agreement between experiment and theory is good if it is assumed that the refilling of the electron K shell is fast. The present results furthermore severely restrict possible ionization of the electron L shell
