195 research outputs found

    The structural properties of sexual fantasies for sexual offenders : a preliminary model

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    While the phenomenon of sexual fantasy has been researched extensively, little contemporary inquiry has investigated the structural properties of sexual fantasy within the context of sexual offending. In this study, a qualitative analysis was used to develop a descriptive model of the phenomena of sexual fantasy during the offence process. Twenty-four adult males convicted of sexual offences provided detailed retrospective descriptions of their thoughts, emotions and behaviours—before, during and after their offences. A data-driven approach to model development, known as Grounded Theory, was undertaken to analyse the interview transcripts. A model was developed to elucidate the structural properties of sexual fantasy in the process of sexual offending, as well as the physiological and psychological variables associated with it. The Sexual Fantasy Structural Properties Model (SFSPM) comprises eight categories that describe various properties of sexual fantasy across the offence process. These categories are: origin, context, trigger, perceptual modality, clarity, motion, intensity and emotion. The strengths of the SFSPM are discussed and its clinical implications are reviewed. Finally, the limitations of the study are presented and future research directions discussed

    ML-based Real-Time Control at the Edge: An Approach Using hls4ml

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    This study focuses on implementing a real-time control system for a particle accelerator facility that performs high energy physics experiments. A critical operating parameter in this facility is beam loss, which is the fraction of particles deviating from the accelerated proton beam into a cascade of secondary particles. Accelerators employ a large number of sensors to monitor beam loss. The data from these sensors is monitored by human operators who predict the relative contribution of different sub-systems to the beam loss. Using this information, they engage control interventions. In this paper, we present a controller to track this phenomenon in real-time using edge-Machine Learning (ML) and support control with low latency and high accuracy. We implemented this system on an Intel Arria 10 SoC. Optimizations at the algorithm, high-level synthesis, and interface levels to improve latency and resource usage are presented. Our design implements a neural network, which can predict the main source of beam loss (between two possible causes) at speeds up to 575 frames per second (fps) (average latency of 1.74 ms). The practical deployed system is required to operate at 320 fps, with a 3ms latency requirement, which has been met by our design successfully

    Hypermethioninaemia due to methionine adenosyltransferase I/III (MAT I/III) deficiency: diagnosis in an expanded neonatal screening programme

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    The Expanded Newborn Screening Program (MS/MS) in the region of Galicia (NW Spain) was initiated in 2000 and includes the measurement of methionine levels in dried blood spots. Between June 2000 and June 2007, 140 818 newborns were analysed, and six cases of persistent hypermethioninaemia were detected: one homocystinuria due to cystathionine β-synthase (CβS) deficiency, and five methionine adenosyltransferase I/III (MAT I/III) deficiencies. The five cases of MAT I/III deficiency represent an incidence of 1/28 163 newborns. In these five patients, methionine levels in dried blood spots ranged from 50 to 147 μmol/L. At confirmation of the persistence of the hypermethioninaemia in a subsequent plasma sample, plasma methionine concentrations were moderately elevated in 4 of the 5 patients (mean 256 μmol/L), while total homocysteine (tHcy) was normal; the remaining patient showed plasma methionine of 573 μmol/L and tHcy of 22.8 μmol/L. All five patients were heterozygous for the same dominant mutation, R264H in the MAT1A gene. With a diet not exceeding recommended protein requirements for their age, all patients maintained methionine levels below 300 μmol/L. Currently, with a mean of 2.5 years since diagnosis, the patients are asymptomatic and show developmental quotients within the normal range. Our results show a rather high frequency of hypermethioninaemia due to MAT I/III deficiency in the Galician neonatal population, indicating a need for further studies to evaluate the impact of persistent isolated hypermethioninaemia in neonatal screening programmes

    An ultra-deep sequencing strategy to detect sub-clonal TP53 mutations in presentation chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases using multiple polymerases

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is the most common clonal B-cell disorder characterized by clonal diversity, a relapsing and remitting course, and in its aggressive forms remains largely incurable. Current front-line regimes include agents such as fludarabine, which act primarily via the DNA damage response pathway. Key to this is the transcription factor p53. Mutations in the TP53 gene, altering p53 functionality, are associated with genetic instability, and are present in aggressive CLL. Furthermore, the emergence of clonal TP53 mutations in relapsed CLL, refractory to DNA-damaging therapy, suggests that accurate detection of sub-clonal TP53 mutations prior to and during treatment may be indicative of early relapse. In this study, we describe a novel deep sequencing workflow using multiple polymerases to generate sequencing libraries (MuPol-Seq), facilitating accurate detection of TP53 mutations at a frequency as low as 0.3%, in presentation CLL cases tested. As these mutations were mostly clustered within the regions of TP53 encoding DNA-binding domains, essential for DNA contact and structural architecture, they are likely to be of prognostic relevance in disease progression. The workflow described here has the potential to be implemented routinely to identify rare mutations across a range of diseases

    The R403Q Myosin Mutation Implicated in Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Causes Disorder at the Actomyosin Interface

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    Mutations in virtually all of the proteins comprising the cardiac muscle sarcomere have been implicated in causing Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (FHC). Mutations in the beta-myosin heavy chain (MHC) remain among the most common causes of FHC, with the widely studied R403Q mutation resulting in an especially severe clinical prognosis. In vitro functional studies of cardiac myosin containing the R403Q mutation have revealed significant changes in enzymatic and mechanical properties compared to wild-type myosin. It has been proposed that these molecular changes must trigger events that ultimately lead to the clinical phenotype.Here we examine the structural consequences of the R403Q mutation in a recombinant smooth muscle myosin subfragment (S1), whose kinetic features have much in common with slow beta-MHC. We obtained three-dimensional reconstructions of wild-type and R403Q smooth muscle S1 bound to actin filaments in the presence (ADP) and absence (apo) of nucleotide by electron cryomicroscopy and image analysis. We observed that the mutant S1 was attached to actin at highly variable angles compared to wild-type reconstructions, suggesting a severe disruption of the actin-myosin interaction at the interface.These results provide structural evidence that disarray at the molecular level may be linked to the histopathological myocyte disarray characteristic of the diseased state

    De-Novo Assembly and Analysis of the Heterozygous Triploid Genome of the Wine Spoilage Yeast Dekkera bruxellensis AWRI1499

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    Despite its industrial importance, the yeast species Dekkera (Brettanomyces) bruxellensis has remained poorly understood at the genetic level. In this study we describe whole genome sequencing and analysis for a prevalent wine spoilage strain, AWRI1499. The 12.7 Mb assembly, consisting of 324 contigs in 99 scaffolds (super-contigs) at 26-fold coverage, exhibits a relatively high density of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Haplotype sampling for 1.2% of open reading frames suggested that the D. bruxellensis AWRI1499 genome is comprised of a moderately heterozygous diploid genome, in combination with a divergent haploid genome. Gene content analysis revealed enrichment in membrane proteins, particularly transporters, along with oxidoreductase enzymes. Availability of this assembly and annotation provides a resource for further investigation of genomic organization in this species, and functional characterization of genes that may confer important phenotypic traits

    Studies on the production of branched-chain alcohols in engineered Ralstonia eutropha

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    Wild-type Ralstonia eutropha H16 produces polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) as an intracellular carbon storage material during nutrient stress in the presence of excess carbon. In this study, the excess carbon was redirected in engineered strains from PHB storage to the production of isobutanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol (branched-chain higher alcohols). These branched-chain higher alcohols can directly substitute for fossil-based fuels and be employed within the current infrastructure. Various mutant strains of R. eutropha with isobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase activity, in combination with the overexpression of plasmid-borne, native branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis pathway genes and the overexpression of heterologous ketoisovalerate decarboxylase gene, were employed for the biosynthesis of isobutanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol. Production of these branched-chain alcohols was initiated during nitrogen or phosphorus limitation in the engineered R. eutropha. One mutant strain not only produced over 180 mg/L branched-chain alcohols in flask culture, but also was significantly more tolerant of isobutanol toxicity than wild-type R. eutropha. After the elimination of genes encoding three potential carbon sinks (ilvE, bkdAB, and aceE), the production titer improved to 270 mg/L isobutanol and 40 mg/L 3-methyl-1-butanol. Semicontinuous flask cultivation was utilized to minimize the toxicity caused by isobutanol while supplying cells with sufficient nutrients. Under this semicontinuous flask cultivation, the R. eutropha mutant grew and produced more than 14 g/L branched-chain alcohols over the duration of 50 days. These results demonstrate that R. eutropha carbon flux can be redirected from PHB to branched-chain alcohols and that engineered R. eutropha can be cultivated over prolonged periods of time for product biosynthesis.United States. Dept. of EnergyUnited States. Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energ

    Expression variability of co-regulated genes differentiates Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains

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    Background: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker’s yeast) is found in diverse ecological niches and is characterized by high adaptive potential under challenging environments. In spite of recent advances on the study of yeast genome diversity, little is known about the underlying gene expression plasticity. In order to shed new light onto this biological question, we have compared transcriptome profiles of five environmental isolates, clinical and laboratorial strains at different time points of fermentation in synthetic must medium, during exponential and stationary growth phases. Results: Our data unveiled diversity in both intensity and timing of gene expression. Genes involved in glucose metabolism and in the stress response elicited during fermentation were among the most variable. This gene expression diversity increased at the onset of stationary phase (diauxic shift). Environmental isolates showed lower average transcript abundance of genes involved in the stress response, assimilation of nitrogen and vitamins, and sulphur metabolism, than other strains. Nitrogen metabolism genes showed significant variation in expression among the environmental isolates. Conclusions: Wild type yeast strains respond differentially to the stress imposed by nutrient depletion, ethanol accumulation and cell density increase, during fermentation of glucose in synthetic must medium. Our results support previous data showing that gene expression variability is a source of phenotypic diversity among closely related organisms.Fundação para a Ciência e TecnologiaThe authors wish to thank Adega Cooperativa da Bairrada, Cantanhede, Portugal, for providing the commercial strains