7 research outputs found

    Radiation damage of polypropylene fiber targets in storage rings

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    Thin polypropylene fibers have been used for internal experiments in storage rings as an option for hydrogen targets. The change of the hydrogen content due to the radiation dose applied by the circulating proton beam has been investigated in the range 1 X 10(6)- 2 x 10(8) Gy at beam momenta of 1.5-3 GeV/c by comparing the elastic pp-scattering yield to that from inelastic p-carbon reactions. It is found that the loss of hydrogen as a function of applied dose receives contributions from a fast and a slow component. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Ferramenta de autoria multimídia para ensino de língua estrangeira em ambiente multiagente Multimedia authorship tool for the teaching of foreign languages in a multi-agent environment

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    A comunicação é essencial nas atividades do mundo globalizado, onde conhecimento e tecnologia são a chave do progresso. Dominar outros idiomas nesse cenário é vital para a sustentação das pessoas no exercício de suas atividades. O sistema de ensino de línguas estrangeiras no Brasil, tanto nas escolas públicas quanto em parte das escolas particulares, não oferece condições para que as pessoas adquiram conhecimentos sólidos de língua estrangeira, conforme suas potencialidades e disponibilidades de tempo, sem prejuízo de outras atividades que exerçam no seu cotidiano. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma ferramenta de autoria multimídia para ensino de língua estrangeira, disponível continuamente na Internet, que possa ser acessada de qualquer local e a qualquer momento. A ferramenta será construída baseada em arquitetura multiagente, constituindo um ambiente compartilhado semelhante à cooperação entre pessoas, cumprindo eficazmente a tarefa de ensino. Os idiomas, inicialmente inglês e francês, constarão de três módulos: básico, intermediário e avançado. Após ser disponibilizada na Web, a ferramenta será validada com base na crítica dos usuários por cerca de seis a doze meses e será avaliada periodicamente pelos gestores do programa. A ferramenta propiciará o acesso ao aprendizado eficaz de idiomas estrangeiros a quaisquer interessados, de acordo com suas potencialidades, seus interesses e tempo disponível.<br>Communication is essential in the activities of a globalized world in which knowledge and technology are the keys to progress. In this scenario, having command of other languages is a vital support for people in their activities. The system for teaching foreign languages in Brazil, both in public schools and in part of the private institutions, fails to offer the basic conditions for people to acquire solid knowledge of a foreign language, according to their potential and time availability, and without affecting the other activities they develop in their daily lives. The objective of the present paper is to introduce a multimedia authorship tool for the teaching of a foreign language, which is continually available on the Internet and therefore accessible from any place at any time. The toll will be built based on a multi-agent architecture constituting a shared environment similar to people's cooperation, fulfilling effectively the task of teaching. The languages, initially English and French, will comprise three modules: basic, intermediate and advanced. After being available on the Web, the tool will be validated by user criticism during a period from six to twelve months, and will be periodically assessed by the managers of the program. The tool will afford access to effective learning of foreign languages to anyone interested, according to their potentiality, interests, and time available

    Radiation damage and electron microscopy of organic polymers

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