10 research outputs found

    Critical Discourse Analysis: Definition, Approaches, Relation to Pragmatics, Critique, and Trends

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    This chapter introduces the transdisciplinary research movement of critical discourse analysis (CDA) beginning with its definition and recent examples of CDA work. In addition, approaches to CDA such as the dialectical relational (Fairclough), sociocognitive (van Dijk), discourse historical (Wodak), social actors (van Leeuwen), and the Foucauldian dispositive analysis (Jager and Maier) are outlined, as well as the complex relation of CDA to pragmatics. Next, the chapter provides a brief mention of the extensive critique of CDA, the creation of critical discourse studies (CDS), and new trends in CDA, including positive discourse analysis (PDA), CDA with multimodality, CDA and cognitive linguistics, critical applied linguistics, and other areas (rhetoric, education, anthropology/ethnography, sociolinguistics, culture, feminism/gender, and corpus studies). It ends with new directions aiming towards social action for social justice

    Discursive Psychology and Peace Psychology

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    This chapter provides an introduction to the volume, and maps out some of the core conceptual and analytic principles of discursive psychology, whilst noting some of the debates and disagreements within the field, as well as providing an orientation to some of the foundational concerns of peace psychology. An initial sketch of the possibilities for a discursive peace psychology is set out through a brief illustrative analysis of an extract from a televised political debate concerning the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The chapter concludes by providing brief summary overviews of the remaining chapters in the book