7,393 research outputs found

    Dimensionality of the spatio-temporal entanglement of PDC photon pairs

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    In this work the Schmidt number of the two-photon state generated by parametric-down conversion (PDC) is evaluated in the framework of a fully spatio-temporal model for PDC. A comparison with the results obtained in either purely spatial or purely temporal models shows that the degree of entanglement of the PDC state cannot be trivially reduced to the product of the Schmidt numbers obtained in models with lower dimensionality, unless the detected bandwidth is very narrow. This result is a consequence of the non-factorability of the state in the spatial and temporal degrees of freedoms of twin photons. In the limit of a broad pump beam, we provide a geometrical interpretation of the Schmidt number, as the ratio between the volume of the phase matching region and of a correlation volume.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Asset Prices and Monetary Policy: A New View of the Cost Channel

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    Should the central bank act to prevent "excessive" asset price dynamics or should it wait until the boom spontaneously turns into a crash and intervene afterwards to attenuate the fallout on the real economy? The standard "three equation" New Keynesian framework is inadequate to analyse this issue for the very simple reason that asset prices are not explicitly included in the model. There are two straightforward ways to take into account asset price dynamics in this framework. First of all, the objective function of the central bank - usually defined in terms of inflation and the output gap - could be "augmented" to take into account asset price inflation. Second, expected asset price inflation can affect the IS curve through a wealth effect. In this paper we follow a different route. In our model in fact, the expected asset price dynamics will be eventually incorporated into the NK Phillips curve. This is due to the assumption of a cost channel for monetary policy which is activated whenever monetary policy affects asset prices and dividends. In fact they determine the cost of external finance in the simple "equity only" financing model we consider, abstracting for simplicity from internal funds and the credit market.

    Heterogeneity and Aggregation in a Financial Accelerator Model

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    In this paper we present a macroeconomic model in which changes in the variance (and higher moments of the distribution) of firm's financial conditions - i.e. "distributive shocks" - are bound to play a crucial role in the determination of output fluctuations. Firms differ by degree of financial robustness, which affects (optimal) investment in a bankruptcy risk context (à la Greenwald-Stiglitz). As to households, for the sake of simplicity, we assume that they are homogeneous in every respect so that we can adopt the representative agent hypothesis. We can explore the properties of the macro-dynamic model either via the study of the two-dimensional map defining the laws of motion of the average equity ratio and of the variance of the distribution or via simulations in a multiagent framework.

    Positronium signature in organic liquid scintillators for neutrino experiments

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    Electron anti-neutrinos are commonly detected in liquid scintillator experiments via inverse beta decay, by looking at the coincidence between the reaction products, neutron and positron. Prior to positron annihilation, an electron-positron pair may form an orthopositronium (o-Ps) state, with a mean life of a few ns. Even if the o-Ps decay is speeded up by spin flip or pick off effects, it may introduce distortions in the photon emission time distribution, crucial for position reconstruction and pulse shape discrimination algorithms in anti-neutrino experiments. Reversing the problem, the o-Ps induced time distortion represents a new signature for tagging anti-neutrinos in liquid scintillator. In this paper, we report the results of measurements of the o-Ps formation probability and lifetime, for the most used solvents for organic liquid scintillators in neutrino physics (pseudocumene, linear alkyl benzene, phenylxylylethane, and dodecane). We characterize also a mixture of pseudocumene +1.5 g/l of 2,5-diphenyloxazole, a fluor acting as wavelength shifter. In the second part of the paper, we demonstrate that the o-Ps induced distortion of the scintillation photon emission time distributions represent an optimal signature for tagging positrons on an event by event basis, potentially enhancing the anti-neutrino detection.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    RF performance measurement of the DSS-14 70-meter antenna at C-band/L-band

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    The calibration of the 70-meter antenna at C-band (5.01 GHz) and L-band (1.668 GHz) is described. This calibration comes after a modification to an existing L-band feed to include the C-band frequencies. The test technique employs noise-adding radiometers and associated equipment running simultaneously at both frequencies. The test procedure is described including block diagrams, and results are presented for efficiency, system temperature, and pointing

    Coherent imaging of a pure phase object with classical incoherent light

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    By using the ghost imaging technique, we experimentally demonstrate the reconstruction of the diffraction pattern of a {\em pure phase} object by using the classical correlation of incoherent thermal light split on a beam splitter. The results once again underline that entanglement is not a necessary feature of ghost imaging. The light we use is spatially highly incoherent with respect to the object (2μ\approx 2 \mum speckle size) and is produced by a pseudo-thermal source relying on the principle of near-field scattering. We show that in these conditions no information on the phase object can be retrieved by only measuring the light that passed through it, neither in a direct measurement nor in a Hanbury Brown-Twiss (HBT) scheme. In general, we show a remarkable complementarity between ghost imaging and the HBT scheme when dealing with a phase object.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. Published in Physical Review A. Replaced version fixes some problems with Figs. 1, 4 and 1

    "Credit Cycle" in an OLG Economy with Money and Bequest

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    In the late '90s Kiyotaki and Moore (KM) put forward a new framework (Kiyotaki and Moore,1997) to explore the Financial Accelerator hypothesis. The original model was framed in an Infinitely Lived Agent context (ILA-KM economy). As in KM we develop a dynamic model in which the durable asset ("land") is not only an input but also collateralizable wealth to secure lenders from the risk of borrowers' default. In this paper, however, we model an OLG-KM economy whose novel feature is the role of money as a store of value and of bequest as a vehicle of resources to be "invested" in landholding. The dynamics generated by the model are complex. Not only cyclical patterns are routinely generated but the periodicity and amplitude are irregular. A route to chaotic dynamics is open.