1,964 research outputs found

    Earthquake-induced landslide-susceptibility mapping using an artificial neural network

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    The purpose of this study was to apply and verify landslide-susceptibility analysis techniques using an artificial neural network and a Geographic Information System (GIS) applied to Baguio City, Philippines. The 16 July 1990 earthquake-induced landslides were studied. Landslide locations were identified from interpretation of aerial photographs and field survey, and a spatial database was constructed from topographic maps, geology, land cover and terrain mapping units. Factors that influence landslide occurrence, such as slope, aspect, curvature and distance from drainage were calculated from the topographic database. Lithology and distance from faults were derived from the geology database. Land cover was identified from the topographic database. Terrain map units were interpreted from aerial photographs. These factors were used with an artificial neural network to analyze landslide susceptibility. Each factor weight was determined by a back-propagation exercise. Landslide-susceptibility indices were calculated using the back-propagation weights, and susceptibility maps were constructed from GIS data. The susceptibility map was compared with known landslide locations and verified. The demonstrated prediction accuracy was 93.20%

    Controle genético da resistência a murcha-de-fusário em feijoeiro comum.

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    Os objetivos do trabalho foram avaliar o controle genético da reação ao agente causal da murcha-de-fusário, a partir dos cruzamentos Milionário 1732 x Macanudo e FT Tarumã x Macanudo, e estimar parâmetros genéticos que permitam selecionar famílias resistentes à doença

    NATDATA: integrando dados de recursos naturais dos biomas brasileiros.

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    RESUMO: A agricultura nacional exige a intensificação das áreas plantadas aliada à manutenção dos recursos naturais dos biomas brasileiros. Respostas rápidas a questões envolvendo temas como solo, recursos hídricos, biodiversidade e clima nesse caso são essenciais. O Brasil dispõe de um grande acervo de dados sobre estes temas, distribuídos em várias instituições de pesquisa. A heterogeneidade de padrões aliada a essa distribuição dificulta o seu uso combinado. Este trabalho apresenta uma iniciativa que vem sendo desenvolvida pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, que tem como principal objetivo integrar dados de recursos naturais dos diferentes biomas brasileiros, fornecendo aos usuários um ambiente que permita a consulta rápida e integrada a estes dados.SBIAgro 2011

    X-ray follow-ups of XSSJ12270-4859: a low-mass X-ray binary with gamma ray FERMI-LAT association

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    XSSJ1227.0-4859 is a peculiar, hard X-ray source recently positionally associated to the Fermi-LAT source 1FGLJ1227.9-4852/2FGLJ1227.7-4853. Multi-wavelength observations have added information on this source, indicating a low-luminosity low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB), but its nature is still unclear. To progress in our understanding, we present new X-ray data from a monitoring campaign performed in 2011 with the XMM-Newton, RXTE, and Swift satellites and combine them with new gamma-ray data from the Fermi and AGILE satellites. We complement the study with simultaneous near-UV photometry from XMM-Newton and with previous UV/optical and near-IR data. The X-ray history of XSSJ1227.0-4859 over 7yr shows a persistent and rather stable low-luminosity (~6x10^33 d_{1\,kpc}^2 erg/s) source, with flares and dips being peculiar and permanent characteristics. The associated Fermi-LAT source 2FGLJ1227.7-4853 is also stable over an overlapping period of 4.7\,yr. Searches for X-ray fast pulsations down to msec give upper limits to pulse fractional amplitudes of 15-25% that do not rule out a fast spinning pulsar. The combined UV/optical/near-IR spectrum reveals a hot component at ~13\,kK and a cool one at ~4.6\,kK. The latter would suggest a late-type K2-K5 companion star, a distance range of1.4--3.6kpc and an orbital period of 7--9 h. A near-UV variability (>6\,h) also suggests a longer orbital period than previously estimated. The analysis shows that the X-ray and UV/optical/near-IR emissions are more compatible with an accretion-powered compact object than with a rotational powered pulsar. The X-ray to UV bolometric luminosity ratio could be consistent with a binary hosting a neutron star, but the uncertainties in the radio data may also allow an LMXB black hole with a compact jet. In this case it would be the first associated with a high-energy gamma-ray source.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, 1 table; Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Main Journa

    PET/MRI in prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Aim: In recent years, the clinical availability of scanners for integrated positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has enabled the practical potential of multimodal, combined metabolic-receptor, anatomical, and functional imaging to be explored. The present systematic review and meta-analysis summarize the diagnostic information provided by PET/MRI in patients with prostate cancer (PCa). Materials and methods: A literature search was conducted in three different databases. The terms used were \u201ccholine\u201d or \u201cprostate-specific membrane antigen - PSMA\u201d AND \u201cprostate cancer\u201d or \u201cprostate\u201d AND \u201cPET/MRI\u201d or \u201cPET MRI\u201d or \u201cPET-MRI\u201d or \u201cpositron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging.\u201d All relevant records identified were combined, and the full texts were retrieved. Reports were excluded if (1) they did not consider hybrid PET/MRI; or (2) the sample size was < 10 patients; or (3) the raw data were not enough to enable the completion of a 2 7 2 contingency table. Results: Fifty articles were eligible for systematic review, and 23 for meta-analysis. The pooled data concerned 2104 patients. Initial disease staging was the main indication for PET/MRI in 24 studies. Radiolabeled PSMA was the tracer most frequently used. In primary tumors, the pooled sensitivity for the patient-based analysis was 94.9%. At restaging, the pooled detection rate was 80.9% and was higher for radiolabeled PSMA than for choline (81.8% and 77.3%, respectively). Conclusions: PET/MRI proved highly sensitive in detecting primary PCa, with a high detection rate for recurrent disease, particularly when radiolabeled PSMA was used

    Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) gene promoter variant and increased susceptibility to early development of hypertension in humans.

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    Previous evidence supports a role of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) as a candidate gene for hypertension. We characterized an ANP gene promoter variant, which has been associated with lower peptide levels, in a sample of young male subjects from Southern Italy (n=395, mean age=35.2+/-2 years) followed up for 28 years. In this cohort, the ANP gene variant was associated with early blood pressure increase and predisposition to develop hypertension

    External and intrinsic anchoring in nematic liquid crystals: A Monte Carlo study

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    We present a Monte Carlo study of external surface anchoring in nematic cells with partially disordered solid substrates, as well as of intrinsic anchoring at free nematic interfaces. The simulations are based on the simple hexagonal lattice model with a spatially anisotropic intermolecular potential. We estimate the corresponding extrapolation length bb by imposing an elastic deformation in a hybrid cell-like nematic sample. Our estimates for bb increase with increasing surface disorder and are essentially temperature--independent. Experimental values of bb are approached only when both the coupling of nematic molecules with the substrate and the anisotropy of nematic--nematic interactions are weak.Comment: Revisions primarily in section I