7,343 research outputs found

    Taking the C out of CVMFS

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    The Cern Virtual Machine File System is most well known as a distribution mechanism for the WLCG VOs@@ experiment software; as a result, almost all the existing expertise is in installing clients mount the central Cern repositories. We report the results of an initial experiment in using the cvmfs server packages to provide Glasgow-based repository aimed at software provisioning for small UK-local VOs. In general, although the documentation is sparse, server configuration is reasonably easy, with some experimentation. We discuss the advantages of local CVMFS repositories for sites, with some examples from our test VOs, vo.optics.ac.uk and neiss.org.uk

    Perturbative 2-body Parent Hamiltonians for Projected Entangled Pair States

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    We construct parent Hamiltonians involving only local 2-body interactions for a broad class of Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS). Making use of perturbation gadget techniques, we define a perturbative Hamiltonian acting on the virtual PEPS space with a finite order low energy effective Hamiltonian that is a gapped, frustration-free parent Hamiltonian for an encoded version of a desired PEPS. For topologically ordered PEPS, the ground space of the low energy effective Hamiltonian is shown to be in the same phase as the desired state to all orders of perturbation theory. An encoded parent Hamiltonian for the double semion string net ground state is explicitly constructed as a concrete example.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, v2 published versio

    Supporting security-oriented, collaborative nanoCMOS electronics research

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    Grid technologies support collaborative e-Research typified by multiple institutions and resources seamlessly shared to tackle common research problems. The rules for collaboration and resource sharing are commonly achieved through establishment and management of virtual organizations (VOs) where policies on access and usage of resources by collaborators are defined and enforced by sites involved in the collaboration. The expression and enforcement of these rules is made through access control systems where roles/privileges are defined and associated with individuals as digitally signed attribute certificates which collaborating sites then use to authorize access to resources. Key to this approach is that the roles are assigned to the right individuals in the VO; the attribute certificates are only presented to the appropriate resources in the VO; it is transparent to the end user researchers, and finally that it is manageable for resource providers and administrators in the collaboration. In this paper, we present a security model and implementation improving the overall usability and security of resources used in Grid-based e-Research collaborations through exploitation of the Internet2 Shibboleth technology. This is explored in the context of a major new security focused project at the National e-Science Centre (NeSC) at the University of Glasgow in the nanoCMOS electronics domain

    Influence of convective transport on tropospheric ozone and its precursors in a chemistry-climate model

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    The impact of convection on tropospheric O<sub>3</sub> and its precursors has been examined in a coupled chemistry-climate model. There are two ways that convection affects O<sub>3</sub>. First, convection affects O<sub>3</sub> by vertical mixing of O<sub>3</sub> itself. Convection lifts lower tropospheric air to regions where the O<sub>3</sub> lifetime is longer, whilst mass-balance subsidence mixes O<sub>3</sub>-rich upper tropospheric (UT) air downwards to regions where the O<sub>3</sub> lifetime is shorter. This tends to decrease UT O<sub>3</sub> and the overall tropospheric column of O<sub>3</sub>. Secondly, convection affects O<sub>3</sub> by vertical mixing of O<sub>3</sub> precursors. This affects O<sub>3</sub> chemical production and destruction. Convection transports isoprene and its degradation products to the UT where they interact with lightning NO<sub>x</sub> to produce PAN, at the expense of NO<sub>x</sub>. In our model, we find that convection reduces UT NO<sub>x</sub> through this mechanism; convective down-mixing also flattens our imposed profile of lightning emissions, further reducing UT NO<sub>x</sub>. Over tropical land, which has large lightning NO<sub>x</sub> emissions in the UT, we find convective lofting of NO<sub>x</sub> from surface sources appears relatively unimportant. Despite UT NO<sub>x</sub> decreases, UT O<sub>3</sub> production increases as a result of UT HO<sub>x</sub> increases driven by isoprene oxidation chemistry. However, UT O<sub>3</sub> tends to decrease, as the effect of convective overturning of O<sub>3</sub> itself dominates over changes in O<sub>3</sub> chemistry. Convective transport also reduces UT O<sub>3</sub> in the mid-latitudes resulting in a 13% decrease in the global tropospheric O<sub>3</sub> burden. These results contrast with an earlier study that uses a model of similar chemical complexity. Differences in convection schemes as well as chemistry schemes &ndash; in particular isoprene-driven changes are the most likely causes of such discrepancies. Further modelling studies are needed to constrain this uncertainty range

    Toric codes and quantum doubles from two-body Hamiltonians

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    We present here a procedure to obtain the Hamiltonians of the toric code and Kitaev quantum double models as the low-energy limits of entirely two-body Hamiltonians. Our construction makes use of a new type of perturbation gadget based on error-detecting subsystem codes. The procedure is motivated by a projected entangled pair states (PEPS) description of the target models, and reproduces the target models' behavior using only couplings that are natural in terms of the original Hamiltonians. This allows our construction to capture the symmetries of the target models

    Semantically enhancing multimedia lifelog events

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    Lifelogging is the digital recording of our everyday behaviour in order to identify human activities and build applications that support daily life. Lifelogs represent a unique form of personal multimedia content in that they are temporal, synchronised, multi-modal and composed of multiple media. Analysing lifelogs with a view to supporting content-based access, presents many challenges. These include the integration of heterogeneous input streams from different sensors, structuring a lifelog into events, representing events, and interpreting and understanding lifelogs. In this paper we demonstrate the potential of semantic web technologies for analysing lifelogs by automatically augmenting descriptions of lifelog events. We report on experiments and demonstrate how our re- sults yield rich descriptions of multi-modal, multimedia lifelog content, opening up even greater possibilities for managing and using lifelogs

    Federated authentication and authorisation for e-science

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    The Grid and Web service community are defining a range of standards for a complete solution for security. The National e-Science Centre (NeSC) at the University of Glasgow is investigating how the various pre-integration components work together in a variety of e-Science projects. The EPSRC-funded nanoCMOS project aims to allow electronics designers and manufacturers to use e-Science technologies and expertise to solve problems of device variability and its impact on system design. To support the security requirements of nanoCMOS, two NeSC projects (VPMan and OMII-SP) are providing tools to allow easy configuration of security infrastructures, exploiting previous successful projects using Shibboleth and PERMIS. This paper presents the model in which these tools interoperate to provide secure and simple access to Grid resources for non-technical users

    Distribution and incidence of viruses in Irish seed potato crops

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    peer-reviewedVirus diseases are of key importance in potato production and in particular for the production of disease-free potato seed. However, there is little known about the frequency and distribution of potato virus diseases in Ireland. Despite a large number of samples being tested each year, the data has never been collated either within or across years. Information from all known potato virus testing carried out in the years 2006–2012 by the Department of Agriculture Food and Marine was collated to give an indication of the distribution and incidence of potato virus in Ireland. It was found that there was significant variation between regions, varieties, years and seed classes. A definition of daily weather data suitable for aphid flight was developed, which accounted for a significant proportion of the variation in virus incidence between years. This use of weather data to predict virus risk could be developed to form the basis of an integrated pest management approach for aphid control in Irish potato crops